TNA's Big Men.... Suck

Since when do big men need to be intimidating or dominant? Tomko is just fine as a jobber (which he is, don't get it wrong), and Nash works well considering how old he is, and how bad his knees are. He won't ever work another 5 star match, but he can at least work a feud, and put some people over.

Abyss is never meant to be an amazing athlete. He's a hardcore freak. He likes blood and violence, and there is nothing wrong with that. Raven gets endeared for it, but Abyss gets called shit? Really?

Morgan and Hernandez don't need to be powerhouse guys. I'm a huge fan of both of them. Hernandez is a freak-ish athlete, and Morgan has worked well with everyone they've paired him with. His match with Angle was outstanding.

There's no rule anywhere that says they need to fit the WWE mold to be successful in a non-WWE company.

Nobody said that they did need to be intimidating or dominant. All I said was that all the big men in TNA suck. They aren't good in the ring, they aren't good on the mic, and they just suck in general. None of them really entertain me. I've always thought Morgan was garbage, Tomko serves no purpose at all in TNA, Abyss just keeps getting worse and worse, and Hernandez while solid in the ring can't cut a promo to save his life. That is why the big men in TNA suck.
Matt Morgan- Decent and improving in the ring, had a very good match with Kurt Angle and has great mic skills.

Abyss- Abyss is amazing, I think of him as a young Mick Foley although that comparison is pretty obvious. He takes more hardcore bumps than anyone in TNA and is great in his character. One of TNA's great assets.

Tomko- Great look, but not terribly charismatic and so-so in the ring. He may have potential but I understand where you come from in saying he's boring.

Hernandez - The best in-ring big man in pro wrestling today, he is amazingly agile for his size although below average on the mic. It would be stupid for TNA to not keep him around since he could always work on mic skills and get to a serviceable level.

Kevin Nash - Yep, sucks in the ring but as good as ever in the mic. I'd prefer he take a non wrestling role as a manager or leader of some faction where he seldom has to wrestle.
Not....really. They just don't wrestle the same style as other big men. Look at the tag champions. They're big men. Nash is Nash. Tomko is a waste and Abyss is a monster. They're not bad at all. The WWE big men are jsut really good and are marketed differently. Think of how many times in WWE you've seen the camera panning up at them. It's stuff like that that makes them seem mythical. The division here is hardly bad and it works fine for what it is. They don't suck. They just do a different thing.
you sir have severely under rated hernandez. he carries matches, hes got great energy and flies!!! he.. FLIES!!!

its a burd.. its a plaine.. no its SUPAMEX

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