TNA Winnipeg Round 3, Match 2: #6 Ted DiBiase vs. #11 Scott Steiner

DuiBiase vs. Steiner

  • Ted

  • Scott

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the TNA Region, inside of the six sided ring, from Winnipeg, MB.

#6. The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase


#11. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner
I'm going with DiBiase here. If you consider Steiner's prime to be as Big Poppa Pump, he would be buyable. DiBiase could pay him off to get the win rather easily. If you consider his tagging with Rick period as his best, I think DiBiase pins him on his own there. If you consider Virgil on the outside as a distraction, all it takes is a quick rollup to put down the muscle guy. DiBiase would get beaten up, but he's find a way to win in the end. That's what he was best atl.
It all boils down to ring psychology. Dibiase is as great at ring psychology as they get. He can piss you off so quick, you don't even realize it. Hell, he'd have you eating out of the palm of his hand in madness.

Steiner is known to beat people up, and that won't be enough to put down The Million Dollar Man. Everybody's gotta price, and Dibiase will find Steiner's price. As far as the Million Dollar Dream, there's no getting that around the massive neck of BPP...a roll up's not out of the question though.

Dibiase does what he does...escapes beaten, but victorious.
Steiner is known to beat people up, and that won't be enough to put down The Million Dollar Man.

Beating people up is the name of the game. I haven't seen too many matches when this hasn't happened.

I don't see how ring psychology comes into play if you're kayfabe voting.
Ted DiBiase was a tremendous, tremendous wrestler. I am a very big fan of the guy's work. In fact, my favorite Ric Flair match ever has to be the one he had against DiBiase at the Superdome in New Orleans. That was a fucking bloodfest and a half, and if you haven't had the pleasure of seeing DiBiase's work outside of WWE, I suggest you get to that as soon as possible and grant yourself a treat, because it is truly fantastic.

But as great as DiBiase was, he's no Scott Steiner.

Scott Steiner was in, in my opinion, the greatest tag team in professional wrestling history, and he was the leader of it. He was ultimately what made that team so great. Rick Steiner was cool and a good worker, but Scott made that team what it was. And as a single's competitor... Scott was awesome, too. Even before the Big Poppa Pump days he had some great singles matches under his belt. I remember one in particular against The Giant, when Giant was World Champion. At that point, Big Show seemed unbeatable, but Steiner put up on hell of a fight and I remember thinking to myself how great of a champion this guy would make.

Fast forward to the Big Poppa Pump days, he was the most hated heel in the business at the time, outside of Vince McMahon of course. But the guy had unbelievable amounts of heat. I went to a WCW house show in 2000 and Scott Steiner nearly started a riot. That's the honest to God truth. There was this huge black man in the first row talking shit and had some sort of flag (I forgot exactly what it was), and Steiner took it and ripped it to sheds, and the place went insane. The big guy and his friends tried to jump over the rail and punches were thrown and all that. Security came and it was just nuts; a great, great experience, one I’ll never forget.

But that was Scott Steiner for you, man. The guy just didn't give a fuck and it showed on TV. People absolutely despised him for it and it made for very entertaining television. And the guy was also just hilarious beyond belief. I mean, whether it's intentional or not, Scott Steiner can crack you the fuck up with the shit he does and the shit that comes out of his mouth. The dude was truly one of a kind.

And kayfabe wise? I mean, come on. DiBiase was tough as hell, but Steiner would beat the living hell out of him. Seriously. Even if DiBiase, by some miracle, was able to put the Million Dollar Dream on him, Steiner would undoubtedly get out of it with his strength. And there's no denying that. It doesn't matter if you consider Scott's prime to be while he was apart of the greatest tag team in history, or while he was/is Big Poppa Pump, he defeats Ted DiBiase with ease.
Interesting match-up. Ted Dibiase is one of the best heels to ever enter a ring, but then again he never won the Big One, and Scott Steiner did. Also you have to throw in the fact that this is a TNA ring and if my memory serves me right, Ted has never competed in one while Scotty has enough experience in a TNA Ring.

I'm going to vote for Dibiase because he is an excellent heel and he knows some dirty tactics that will help him out. But like i said this is an interesting match-up and im voting Dibiase.
I'm taking Dibiase. It comes down to which Steiner you think was better, not which is better suited to the opposition. Younger tag-team Steiner was awesome but had you put him together with Dibiase he would have certainly lost. Older Steiner would cause Dibiase more problems but then I don't consider older Steiner the better one.
I have to go with DiBiase on this. If I were to consider Steiner in his prime before he went nuts with the 'roids, then he was primarily just a tag team wrestler and hadn't really done anything to prove himself in singles competition. As Big Poppa Pump, Steiner sacrificed great athletic ability in order to look like a living, breathing comic book character. While he did become much better on the stick, he wasn't a fifth of the in-ring performer he was back when the Steiner Bros. dominated the tag team scene.

DiBiase's Million Dollar Man was, in my view, the best hell of the second half of the 1980s. All those vinyettes they did with him, as they'd do with Curt Hennig a year or so later, in the WWF made him the most hated guy on the WWF roster before he wrestled his first match as the MDM. DiBiase was also a good worker in the ring, had great timing and a nice devious mind. It won't be a cake walk by any stretch. MDM would be battered and bruised but he took on, held his own with and defeated much better in ring competitors than Scott Steiner.
Hmm. Interesting arguments all around. Given the arguments presented, I'll take Debiase.

And as seems to be the usual here in the tournament, jmt225 seems to always go for EXACTLY the opposite of what I am thinking every time. :p
I'm going for DiBiase here. Steiner is a freak of nature, and can do just about anything in the ring, but DiBiase was no slouch. He'll be able to hang in the match long enough to capitalize on a mistake, and win it with the Million Dollar Dream.

I don't like the argument that he'd buy him off, because that takes all the fun out of the tournament. Virgil on the outside, would be negated by Rick Steiner. My vote is based purely on in-ring performance.
Such a travesty is occuring in here it's not even funny.

DiBiase takes the advantage in mic skills, and that's a maybe, other then that, Scott Steiner owns DiBiase in every single category imaginable.

Scott Steiner is stronger then Ted DiBiase. Scott Steiner is faster then Ted DiBiase, Scotter Steiner is a better mat wrestler then Ted DiBiase, and I daresay Scott Steiner was more charismatic then Ted DiBiase. Add to the fact that Scott Steiner has been a former world Champion while Ted managed to be a Million Dollar Champion, and this one is a cake walk. It's a shame people remember the broken down Scott Steiner as opposed to the young, athletic god that could beat anyone in this business.
I really don't like him, but Scott Steiner should win this one.

Ted DiBiase was great on the mic and we all remember him buying this and that, but who remembers any of his wins. His legitimate wins. I tell you what I remember, and that's Virgil the biggest jobber of all time beating him, he acheived very little in the ring, that was the point of his gimmick, he wasn't very good, so he bought people off.

Steiner on the other hand is a former World Champion. He has in his later career become a solid power wrestler, but earlier on he was one of the most athletic and quick wrestlers. Aside from the fucking ridiculous argument that DiBiase buys the win, there is absolutely nothing he had to go over here.

Who do I think has contributed more to wrestling? DiBiase. Who would actually win a match? Scott Steiner.
This one was damn close for me but...I voted for Steiner, purely based on how good a heel he is/was. You really do feel like he is a piece of shit. Not taking anything away from DiBiase, because he is one of my favourite heels of all time, but the 2 times I've seen Steiner live, he's caused near riots. He even blew his snot into the crowd...

He may be past his prime now but a match with these two would actually go on to suprise people IMO.
Taking all out of ring abilities out of it, I'm still voting for Dibiase. The man was brilliant. He was such a great opportunist that he would pull of wins that he shouldn't have. He was great at wearing down his opponent, and then would use the one thing that he always used to win...his brain. Dibiase was one of the smartest in ring wrestlers ever. He wasn't flashy, but he was effective. If someone takes you down and puts a hold on you, it doesn't matter how big/strong/fast they, are. Dibiase's repertoire was filled with holds that he could use on anybody. And he did. He took down legends like Savage and Warrior, and wore them down completely. Warrior only beat Dibiase because his stupid little "hulk up" rip off, which Steiner doesn't have. Savage only beat Dibiase because of Hogan. Savage was basically out cold before the Hulk saved him. Sorry, but a guy that can almost beat Savage and Warrior should go over Steiner, regardless of which Steiner you pick. Young, athletic Steiner was great, but he would make mental mistakes so smarter wrestlers would beat him. Older, roid freak Steiner is pure power, and again, if Dibiase can be one Million Dollar Dream away from beating The Ultimate Warrior in his prime, then he can surely beat Big Poppa Dump. And don't tell me that Steiner would just break the hold, the Million Dollar Dream was never broken due to strength. A couple of guys got out by grabbing the ropes, but nobody ever powered out of it that I recall. Not even Hogan. Dibiase for the win.

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