TNA Splitting Ink Inc. & Generation Me — What Tag Teams Are Left?

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Obviously the teaser is there for Ink Inc. as was seen following their loss at Victory Road where Moore took out his frustrations on Neal, screaming at him that he's not a student anymore, but factor in the potential for Generation Me to split as well, also indicated from their match at Victory Road and what's left in the tag-division but Beer Money, Eric Young & Orlando Jordan, Gunner & Murphy and the Motor City Machineguns (when they return)?

That's hardly depth, and certainly won't bode well for long if some new talent isn't injected there, no?

Thoughts on this? Concerns?
Its definitely a worry IDR. It is far too early for the Motor City Machine Guns to enter ANOTHER feud with Beer Money but TNA have a bit of time to work something out. No doubt the Fourtune Four will be involved in the Lethal Lockdown match so they have about two months to work out a feud with Beer Money.

Im absolutely praying, hoping, wishing that London Brawling come back because with Desmond's awesome mouth and ring skills and the potential of Magnus, thought it could have blossomed into some quality television. As it is, the depth is running a little low.

One thing i hope TNA don't do, is put two singles wrestlers who have totally ZERO chemistry together and make them have a long running feud with Beer Money. It could be quite lackluster and bring the tag division down towards the X Division. (RIP)
What really frustrates me about this is that if TNA doesn't split these two groups (which I hope they don't) then they have the talent on hand to really build up a DEEP tag division.

-Beer Money
-Motor City Machine Guns (who they teased splitting before Shelley got hurt. Ugh)
-Ink Inc
-Generation Me
-Gunner & Murphy
-Jordan & Young

Plus, they're doing nothing with the British Invasion, so if you put Magnus & Williams back together then you have an instant contender for the tag titles since they're former champions.

Not to mention the Brothers Red (Crimson & Amazing Red) are a textbook tag team with the big/little dynamic and an easy backstory (they're supposedly brothers) to plug in there.

That's 8 teams that are actual tag teams, not the WWE-style 'throw two guys together from Nexus and call them a tag team' groups.

TNA needs to focus on the depth from this division because there's so much potential there among the top 6 teams (OJ & EY are comedy, G&M are still raw).

Yet another reason Explosion needs to be on TV in the states: More TV time for these groups. Otherwise, there's more people sitting around backstage doing nothing than there was back in the day in WCW.
Good observation.

I've not seen the whole of Victory Road yet (goes out tonight here in the UK) but I've read the reports and it's either setting Ink Inc up for a heal turn, or more likely, Shannon Moore to turn with Jesse staying face.

TNA boosts a decent tag team division and it doesn't make sense to keep splitting teams up. The split of Team 3D was on the cards due to them calling it a day soon, but Ink Inc are young and popular, and have something a little bit different to your generic team.

We need to see more of Generation Me; they're a great team and have some good moves involving both partners, but such is the apparent weakness of the X Division recently they've mainly been in singles competition.
Obviously the teaser is there for Ink Inc. as was seen following their loss at Victory Road where Moore took out his frustrations on Moore, screaming at him that he's not a student anymore, but factor in the potential for Generation Me to split as well, also indicated from their match at Victory Road and what's left in the tag-division but Beer Money, Eric Young & Orlando Jordan, Gunner & Murphy and the Motor City Machineguns (when they return)?

That's hardly depth, and certainly won't bode well for long if some new talent isn't injected there, no?

Thoughts on this? Concerns?

You mean Neal, right? ;)

I wouldn't jump the gun on it yet. With neither of them. With Ink Inc, it may be a heel turn for both. Given the weaker structure of TNA's tag team division as of late, it seems like the appropriate move. Let's face it. He may have a badass mohawk, but Jesse Neal is billed as a grade A wuss. He has been that way since he debuted. It may get him sympathy for the whole USS Cole thing, but that's it. He ain't a patriot. he doesn't look like one at all.

Generation Me, seems like a small tease than an attempt to split them. Not even in the X Division would these guys survive alone. It just seems like it was a nice trick to spice up the Ultimate X match.

I wouldn't worry. TNA prides itself on having a good tag team division. Not to mention how Beer Money seems to be on it's final rise before splitting into singles competition. I can't see TNA doing that. They are way too proud of the division to drop 2 teams in a row like that.
Well, WCW, except for a few names didnt exactly buff up the tag team division, and that seems to be what bischoffs trying to recreate in TNA, so he might make them all single stars and put them in the x division, he hardly thinks ahead and has tried to completely change the company TNA was, so dont be surprised
When it comes to Ink Inc., it might just be something a heel turn. As to the frustrations between Generation Me, well I guess it's natural to assume that the problems they're experiencing will lead to them breaking up. We've seen this exact formula before after all.

If the idea is to break these teams up, then it's bad news for the tag team scene in TNA. If you take into account that none of the active teams in TNA right now are anywhere near the level of Beer Money, the Tag Team Division is weaker now than it's been in a very long time. If Ink Inc. and GenMe go their seperate ways then....well, in all honesty, it may very well be the first time in many a winter moon that the tag team scene in TNA is as weak, if not weaker, than it is in WWE.
Was saying this in another thread. If theres one thing that TNA categorically beats WWE in, it's their tag team division (you could say knockouts as well I guess but they've begun to get a bit stagnant recently.) So I really don't understand what TNAs doing here. A good tag team division makes TNA worth watching and while Beer Money and MCMGs are brilliant you need other teams for them to face occasionally.

If those two go none of the others really come across as actual threats. I know they're trying to build up Gunner and Murphy but I still don't see it while EY and OJ are a comedy team.

I hope TNA don't go this way. Especially as I don't see any of them doing anything in singles competition. Max and Jeremy have potential I guess but I haven't seen anything of them that suggests they'd be used for anything but X Division matches where they get thrown around a lot. Most of their holy shit moments come from team moves too (that moonsault thing at Victory Road was cool). While Moore and Neal have both been given chances before and never set the heather alight.

Hopefully TNA doesn't go down the WWE route here and split these teams.
It does seem like a problem. Not only is the division thin but, as we saw late last year and early this year, the drop-off from Beer Money and the MCMG is so big that any of the feuds they run with the other teams pale in comparison and don't do much for entertainment. It seems to me that they'd be better off splitting Beer Money and the Guns and making the tag division more of an introductory-level division for guys who can put on good matches but still need to work on their characters.

Roode, Storm, Sabin, and Shelley are four of TNA's best young talents. I think the tag division holds them and TNA back from their full potential as stars. Imagine if we'd seen Roode vs. Pope and Kazarian vs. Shelley at Victory Road instead of the matches we got. Pretty big jump in card quality, I'd say.

But alas, doesn't look like they'll go that route. They were starting to tease friction between Sabin and Shelley before the injury but I doubt they come back to that anytime soon. Hopefully we get the Magnus/Williams or Magnus/Wolfe team and maybe Hernandez and his new buddy (OVW's Matt Barela) to strengthen the depth, otherwise it's going to be a lot of garbage matches and weak feuds between the Beer Money/MCMG rotating title changes.
They really should not split up Gen Me as singles wrestlers i am really not interested in them i dont know why because they are fun to watch but there is just something about them i dont like. sorry for being vague. but i feel they should be a tag team just because the MCMG Vs Gen me matches are very entertaining.

Ink Inc however i do feel they are a great tag team but i like to watch both wrestlers in singles competition. Shannon would be good for X Division in my opinon

We are hearing that TNA are planning on Revamping the X-Division maybe its possible that they could split up these to Tag teams to make more competition in the Xdivision? personally i dont think this would be a good idea as it will only cause the Tag team division to suffer.
I hope this isnt the plan but the talent for the X-Division simply isnt there anymore Most of the Wrestlers i enjoyed watching in X-division matches are either gone or Moved up into the main event card Such as AJ Styles.
I was never too crazy about Moore and Neal, but they are a true tag team. Their looks blend together so well, and they always have some nice displays of team work during their matches. Generation Me annoyed the fuck out of me at first, but they slowly grew on me. I enjoy GenMe's cocky and disrespectful attitudes, and they can have some very exciting and entertaining matches.

If both of these teams do split, then TNA's tag team division will continue to sink even further. The Guns are not around, Gunner and Murphy aren't that impressive, and Beer Money will have to lose the gold some day, so who else could be the champions? Young and Jordan? I think this would be a disaster. Sure, throwing the tag team belts on the odd couple team might sound like a fun idea at first, but I'm sure the "wow" factor of Young and Jordan being champions would ware off pretty fast. Santino and Kozlov winning the WWE Tag Team Championships seemed like a fun idea at first, but the entire reign as Champs was extremely underwhelming.
I don't know why they'd split uo GenMe, especially after their good heel turn. I hate Shannon Moore so I'm ok w/ the Ink Inc. split. I think now that Jeff is gone from the heel picture, I'd like to see Matt Hardy take GenMe under his wing in Immortal/Whatever it is now. They have that 90's Hardy Boyz look, all 3 are established heels, and Matt could take his Cold Blood thing further by mentoring them so hey don't make the "mistakes" he says he made. Shannon can turn heel and join his buddy Matt in the group too, and fued with Neal. Plus, why not have Matt step up and go for the TNA title?
I have no idea what TNA are thinking with the splitting up with Generation Me and Ink Inc.

Generation Me were one of the reasons I would watch TNA. I would mark out whenever their theme started playing as I knew I was in for a good tag team match if they were wrestling as a team. Ink Inc were ok too as Shannon Moore and Jesse Neal's looks complimented each other and both teams looked like they belonged together.

They can do whatever they want with Ink Inc but they're just idiots for starting to split up Generation Me. They should have kept them together and if they did, they could have been a massive, massive team in TNA. Big loss for the tag team division.
TNA should not even be thinking of splitting Gen me right now. these guys have a huge future as a tag team, and they are really coming into their own as heels. They also look to similar to split up and gio their own way and their tag team combos are amazing and great to open any impact or ppv to get the fans going.

As for Ink Inc, Before Jeff Hardy blew it, I thought they were going to join him and be his heel bodyguards in Immortal.. as their friendship is well known. But Jeff blew it for them and I guess TNA creative have to try something else with them.. I don't care for either man, so i hope they spilt and then get future endeavoured.

Moore got hired out of a favour to Hardy any way and since Jeff now owes the company one, I guess there is no need to pay Moore..
Moore got hired out of a favour to Hardy any way and since Jeff now owes the company one, I guess there is no need to pay Moore..

Shannon Moore got hired cos he was tearing the house down every night on the Hulksters Australian tour. So i dont see Jeffs problems affecting him in the slightest.

I'm regards to splittin the two teams, I don't see this happening. I think with Ink Inc Shannon is just trying to toughen Neal up and make him more ruthless. Max and Jeremy simply wouldnt make it as singles wrestlers, so that's why i dont see that happening.
They need to keep both these teams together and create or bring in new ones. In recent years the only thing that TNA has had going for it was it was the home of Tag Team wrestling and now they have a more depleated tag scene than the WWE.
Im not sure why everyone is so sure that TNA is splitting up their tag teams they have left. Shelley and Sabin will be back, and noone will remember the dissension that was "teased" between them, especially creative. Doesn't anyone find it a bit telling that Sabin hasn't appeared since Shelley's been injured? I think it's very telling, and it shows that TNA's plans for them are to remain a tag team.

Im going to go with the belief that the Moore/Neal dissension is simply a way to turn both heel. We might see Moore riding Neal for a few weeks, but Neal eventually "getting it" and turning with Moore. As for Generation Me, the most I expect is for them to have a match or something, and hug it out afterwards.

So in a nutshell, unless someone knows something I don't, I'm not worried about the tag team division. I think 3D will eventually be back as a tag team, even if it means Devon turning heel alongside Ray. The Guns will be back, and as a team. Whatever dissension there was between Generation Me will likely blow over due to "competitive nature" in wanting to win the X Division Title, rather then a full-blown split. And Moore, I suspect, will truly take Neal under his wing and we'll see another heel tag team in TNA. If Jeff gets straight, we could even see a re-united Hardy Boys challenging Beer Money. I don't know the whole situation, but it could turn ou to be a blessing in disguise for TNA in that the mess at Victory Road may force Jeff out of the main event and have him take a "backseat" into the tag team division, where he had quite a bit of success, if i recall corrrectly. If TNA does one thing better then anyone(except maybe ROH) it's utilize their tag teams. And Im confident they'll get it right here, and maybe be stronger then ever as a result.
Ink Inc. is a joke, I don't care if they get split up. I don't watch their matches. GenMe (The Young Bucks) are one of the top tag teams in the world. Splitting them up shows how out of touch TNA is. With TNA's booking look for Gunner and Murphy to be pushed.
They need to keep both these teams together and create or bring in new ones. In recent years the only thing that TNA has had going for it was it was the home of Tag Team wrestling and now they have a more depleated tag scene than the WWE.

Correct me if I'm wrong (I haven't see any WWE for the last year and half). Have the WWE totally revamped their tag division over the last 18 months if it's now a better division than one consisting of Beer Money, MCMG, Gunner & Murphy, Ink Inc, Gen Me and EY & OJ.
I was wondering if the "break ups" werent just some sort of angle to prove that Beer Money was just the strongest tag team and most put together. More tag teams will be made and come and try to challenge Beer Money but no body will ever come as close and the one team that does will have earned the right to not only win the titles but to over take the new tag team status.

We wouldnt need an Ink Inc or even a GenMe as much as I like GenMe. Because more teams can be created and more teams can be brought in with real and better history. MMG might surive it though and GenMe or InkInc could just be a trick.
Correct me if I'm wrong (I haven't see any WWE for the last year and half). Have the WWE totally revamped their tag division over the last 18 months if it's now a better division than one consisting of Beer Money, MCMG, Gunner & Murphy, Ink Inc, Gen Me and EY & OJ.

Well if they split up Ink Inc and and Gen Me then you will have 3 legit teams (I don't include EY and OJ as a legit team) you can not have that as a deep and meaningful division giving the fact that there is only 1 heel team out of them now yeah you can turn the guns and have them feud with beer money but there are only so many times one team can wrestle another
Well, with Gunner becoming the TV Champ tonight it looks like another tag team might be out of the pack. Why would they put the title on him and not Terry in that match unless he's getting a singles push? I hope this guy's got something, otherwise they're not only wasting a title reign but hurting the tag division at the same time.
I really don't see what good can come from splitting up Gen Me...I'm still convincing myself that won't happen. Ink, Inc. was just starting to get some good reactions as a team, I don't think anyone wants to see them split up and feud. I guess Gunner and Murphy are split up now, too? Doesn't really matter there, they are barely away from being nameless security. Would be nice if they kept some of these teams together, they have more than enough talent in the singles division...getting a split feud isn't going to give them any money in the long term, it will just get people released. If they could focus on the X Division like they said they would, and build on the tag division, they could be a lot of fun to watch again.
dont get why TNA would wanna spilt up Ink Inc or Gen Me both are good teams with good team work dont wanna see either one go away yet TNA had sum of the best tag wrestling not to long ago i hope they forget about splitting up both of these teams and when MCMG return drop the whole them splitting up angle that was starting also maybe bring back London Brawling? :shrug: i also think Team 3-D NEEDS to team up again because on their own their both complete shit TNA splitting them up was a very stupid move IMO and i dont buy Bully Ray as a main eventer at all :disappointed:
Max and Jeremy Buck just had a match on Xplosion. It started with Max trying to get Jeremy to lay down, as he’s the bigger, older, brother and Jeremy should listen to him. But Jeremy said no and they had one of those matches where neither guys looks as though he really wants to hurt the other. Max got a little violent on Jeremy towards the end and picked up the win. I’m still not convinced these two are going to split. Max has taught Jeremy a lesson now and hopefully they can concentrate on working their way back up the ranks in the tag division.

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