TNA - Pole Shift?


King Of The Ring
I am a firm believer that wrestling is in dire need of a fresh new product, an alternative to Vince McMahon's PG WWE, something that is different but at the same time sane, fresh and intriguing. You might have to crush a few taboos, maybe piss a few people off, but in the end pro wrestling won't get any better if things stay as they are with both WWE, TNA and even ROH.

As we all know TNA has decided to take the X-Division title and use it to scrape the shit off the floor, shat by the new regime's bright idea to move TNA iMPACT to Monday Nights. That title is dead. It's the equivalent to WWE's Tag Team Championships. There is no division. There is no competition. There are no matches. There is nothing. It's just an item that won't allow Robbie E. to fist pump with both hands.

I don't think there's a TNA Hater or a TNA Lover that didn't like the X-Division matches. Call them spot fiestas, call them whatever you want, they were exciting, entertaining and got a crowd going no matter what. I'd see a pointless but amazing X-Division match between two people who are not in a storyline over The Dudleys any day of the week. Personally, I always thought that the X-Division was a prelude to what wrestling is going to be all about in the next few years. The years of the athlete. Let's face it, pro wrestling is no longer about 7 ft Monsters or Steroid Freaks who can barely move. These guys just don't cut it for us anymore. Some of them are good but ... what can WWE/TNA offer that we haven't seen before?

What? Does WWE think that we've never seen a big guy decimate someone and be dominant? Are they breaking new ground with say .. Sheamus? Hell no. The guy is already stuck in the mid-card. Does TNA think that it's fine to pretend that Matt Morgan is nothing more than a goofy big guy with some mic skills? Guys like that have an expiration date and it's not long until they're stale and stinky. We don't want them in the long run. We want people that can put on great matches even if the storyline sucks. It's better to have a good match and a sucky storyline than a sucky match and a great storyline. Not saying it SHOULD happen, just a theoretical situation. Undertaker vs Kane is a perfect example.

Ever since the beginning of time promoters around the globe always bet on the big guys. The small guys, the highflyers were opening match talent to "get the crowd going". What if the poles shifted? What if TNA decided to make the highflyers their Main Eventers, their top guys, the people on the posters, the people on the talk shows, and all the normal wrestlers took second place. Isn't that a great way of showcasing your TRUE potential, TNA? The X-Division will never be full of old farts. The old farts can't do what the X-Division guys can. These men are as young as one can be. The Indy Scene is full of them. They're right there, just waiting for you to snatch them and make stars out of 'em. You can still have the Hardy's, the Bischoffs, The Hogans, The Double J's, The Anderson's, Angles, etc. The star power is still there, but it's not what the show is ALL about. It's not centered around 60 years olds. The Main Events are between young, lightning quick guys who know what the fuck they're doing in that ring.

Would it be better if a Pay-Per-View was headlined by ... say ... Alex Shelley versus Chris Sabin because of one of these guys' betrayal, or Matt Morgan versus Jeff Hardy?

The current crop of Main Eventers tend to have "meh" matches unless your name is AJ Styles or Kurt Angle. Turning Point is pure evidence of that. If you focus the spotlight on the guys who are by NO means as good as the members of the X-Division, if you focus all the hype and all the attention on men whose chance to pull off a classic are slim to none, then no matter how good the other matches are, no matter how exciting, the people and the viewers are going to go home/switch the channel and the last thing on their minds will be this shitty MAIN EVENT. It's arrogance to call such a match a Main Event. That highlights your PPV? That is what we've been waiting 3 hours for? These two are the best that your company has to offer? God bless

Is it time for the usual Main Eventers to become top mid-carders and do their job while stepping away for the athletic and energetic young wrestlers who always satisfy our needs as wrestling fans?

TNA always wants to be different. Well, at least we want it to be different. We want an alternative to the WWE. As Jim Cornette said, McDonalds are selling the most burgers in the country. They ain't the best, but they're selling the most. If every other joint out there is selling burgers, why would YOU want to sell burgers. Sell chicken.

What better way to stick it to the man that to garner all of your attention and push The X-Division to the moon, deliver some exciting matches, do the flippy things but also back the matches up with some serious story lines while Vince is having dance offs, sending Bryan fucking Danielson out to the ring with Superman's theme blasting through the PA System, Big Show dressed like Pee Wee Herman having a SKIT with Pee Wee Herman, midget courts, Great Khali's an all that crap? Would you rather see Cena versus Orton AGAIN, or Orton verus someone with Cena somehow in the match in some form, or you'd want to see two young bucks tear the joint to shreds. No PG restrictions, no blood restrictions, do what you can to make these people jizz their pants. Answer's pretty easy.

The X-Division never had any focus as far as writing goes. These guys were only told to tear the roof off the place, and hey -- they did it with smiles on their faces. What would happen to TNA if The Guns developed their characters more, enhanced their mic skills and learned to tell a story, even though they're quite good at it right now? What would happen if James Storm and Robert Roode actually got gimmicks through story lines and interaction with other members of the roster. What if Generation Me got themselves a complete make over, got as much help as they need to brush up their mic skills and became the new Hardy's only so much better in the ring? What if Amazing Red put on a fancy mask, got some cool threads and started whooping ass left and right? Would it kill them? Would anyone mind good wrestling and fine story lines?

What if you were watching WWE, watching yet another stupid skit with a completely random guest host who doesn't have the slightest clue about what wrestling is all about, having all of his books and DVDs and all that shit around the entire fucking set while the Bella twins act like to cheap call girls week in and week out, then you switch the channel and you saw a Motor City Machine Guns versus Beer Money match? Busting their ass, delivering in the ring, delivering the awesome moves yet still telling a story. Would you switch back to WWE?

What I'm asking is this: theoretically, would you like TNA to make the X-Division and the X-Division Championship the main belt and focus of TNA? Would that be radical enough but yet entertaining?
I like the X-Division and it is definitely a breath of fresh air in wrestling. It's been a while since we've seen high flyers be able to dominate in the ring but I don't think it should be the main focus of TNA.

Should they put more emphasis on the division? Yes. They clearly have a better high-flying product than them Stamford boys, but they have others division that kick WWE's ass as well.

The Knockout division is above and beyond what WWE has. It's not just tits and ass bouncing around a ring, but beautiful women who know how to work and make matches entertaining.

Their tag division kills WWE's. It's not a bunch of patchwork tag teams going after pointless belts, each team has a story. From Generation Me to the Motor City Machine Guns, each team has its own personality plus all are talented.

Their World Title picture also has a lot of potential. Matt Morgan, Ken Anderson, D'Angelo Dinero, Samoa Joe, RVD, and Jeff Hardy have made it about more than title. It's about being THE guy for the company. I think they can focus here and be able to turn it around, if they do it right.

I'm not saying smaller wrestlers can't draw, because we know that's not the case, but, they have talent in the upper tier than can help the company if they use them right.
I was watching RAW on repeat and flipped the channel to find a replay of TNA Lockdown 2010. Did not tune back to WWE.

TNA is already doing what you are saying Zion, but WWE has a knack of telling a better, cohesive, fluid story on a general basis. TNA needs a little consistency.
Hmm, I agree with them shitting on the X-division. I was disappointed that Lethal lost the title. It seemed for a while there that they were bringing back a little prestige to it when Lethal finished his hot feud with Flair. Then, TNA threw all that they had at a talentless fuck (again.) I always thought when TNA moved to Monday nights, they could bring back a show on Thursdays, or hell even Saturdays, that was an all X-Division show. That could be their "b" show. It was wishful thinking on my part.

I disagree with you saying that Matt Morgan isn't all that. He's great in the ring. He's no Lesnar, but I would call him a poor man's Lesnar. He can get up and go and looks really powerful in the squared circle. I'm not a fan of his mic skills, though.

TNA is steadily trying to find a balance between being different and refreshing, while connecting to the more conventional audience. I know it's been a year since Hogan enrolled, but it's been a decent one so far.
I think that all TNA fans would agree that the X-division title has been an integral part of TNA. Some might even go on to say that it was what made TNA different from the other promotions and that putting the belt on Robbie E was just pissing on its legacy.

However Zeven, I do not agree with this idea. The basic requirement for a guy to compete for the X-Division belt is that he should be able to perform high risk moves. Now everyone would agree that high risk moves get a crowd going but it does not require high risk moves to make a good wrestler. So what your idea is stating is that unless a guy can perform high risk manouvers he cannot compete for the main championship of the company. Sorry dude, but thats not a great idea if TNA wants to become a global brand like WWE. Its a unique idea but its something that would work extremely well in an indy and not in a global promotion.
The whole making TNA the X-division capital does sound intriguing. But, I think it would flop, because then the audience would tired from flips and high risk maneuvers all the time.

It would be nice to see TNA do something unique to make them refreshing and different from the WWE. The only problem with that is... They only hire ex-WWE employees that need to break out of the PG shell.

Hell, Their last 4 pay per view cards had main events with guys who use to main event in the WWE. That makes it hard for them to get refreshing and unique.

So, in the long run, yea, the X-division needs to be TNA's intercontinental title. The 2nd big thing in TNA next to Jeff's new Divas championship belt. But, I truly think, recruiting younger guys would better. WWEs got that going on, and in 2 years they are going to have a new and younger roster. I think TNA needs to start getting new talent, and get them quick. Good chance they are cheaper then guys like Nash and the Dudleys, and in my opinion could be a better investment.
I'd like to see this. I only started watching TNA in late 2008 so I never really got a chance to see the old X Division matches unless they were on Youtube. What I have seen, I've been thoroughly impressed with. Would I like to see the X Division be the main focal point of the show. Sure. I'd be interested. I know for sure I'd like to see more emphasis be put on the X Division. I really don't understand how someone like Robbie E. can be featured week in and week out yet someone with more talent like Amazing Red is... well I dunno what he's doing anymore.

I was always under the impression that the X Division was like the WWE's Intercontinental Championship in the sense that it was a midcard belt and used to help elevate the younger talent up the card and potentially into main event status. I guess I was wrong. If the X Division is not meant to be the focal point of the show then I think it should be used in this way. Besides, the TV title is... well I dunno how to feel about that belt but I don't think I like the way it's been used recently. I always thought that belt should be scraped and the X Division title be used as TNA's midcard belt at the very least.
Well, my point was that the X-Division could become TNA's focal point over time. A few years ago the matches were all spots and no story. So far wrestlers are able to tell somewhat of a story with simple moves. What if time was spent on teaching the spot wrestlers how to tell a story THROUGH cool looking spots. That puts a wrestling match in a totally new perspective. Usually single spots are sweet and get a reaction out of the fans but the move had no point aside from hurting your oponent, and the simple questions "why did that happen" and "what's next" are not answered.

I'm just saying -- spot wrestling is an art of its own. A diamond in the rough, and so far noone does it better than TNA and Ring of Honor. If TNA could somehow go on eBay, buy a goddamn brain and realize that the X-Division is the heart of TNA and it COULD be what makes people watch iMPACT and buy PPVs, they could capitalize on the fact that it's usually filled with awesome wrestlers.

A perfect example is Joe/Daniels/AJ. That match told a story through incredible spots. I didn't know the storyline, I didn't know why these guys were wrestling to begin with, I saw the match and I already knew what Daniels was all about without him saying a single word or cutting a promo. Same goes for AJ and Joe. The tag-match series with BM and The Guns did the exact same thing. That's what TNA's all about. Not old farts. Not PG crap. I'm positive that the rest of the guys can do it too, TNA just needs to find a direction. They got the pulse of their creative direction, their promo direction, now they need to find where they want to go with their wrestling.
Well as many people know, paul heyman spoke about the X-divison in TNA asbeing what made the company individual, he spoke like it was their niche. The X-division was as strong as any divison anywhere in any company at the start of the year and now it is less than a shadow of what it was. But that said the tag team divison is now stronger than it was so you have to assume that it wasn't really an interest for the guys taking over, they bviously didn't see the potential it had and still can have. Because in all honestly X-divison champ had a lot of prestige and now it means about as much as the WWE tag team belts.....actually thats a bit unfair. But honestly 1 thing they could do to improve it is simple, more guys in contention.

One thing that the X had was most title defences were aginst at least 2 other guys. Bisch/hogan obviously don't understand this trait and have locked it into 1-on-1 feuds whilst they've been there, which is ok for a T.V. title, or for an x title sometimes, but generally it needs more guys because that is where th action in Total Non-stop action comes from, lots of guys, lots of spots and that is in a phrase the X-divison. So given that, can someone tell em why on earth kazarian, as part of a group trying to establish dominance has not gone after the eblt while he has been fortune, at the very least if it wasn't defended often, we'd still know we had a deserving champ. Matches between himself and lethal would be off the hizzle wizzle. Amazing red can be back on T.V. going for it as well, so right now we'd have at least four guys who could go for it, even that is enough, a step in the right direction.

But coming back to the thread. If you were asking me if that should be the focal point of TNA, nah. You mentionned in your post that you would rather see a great high-flying match than a sub-standard match between two guys who had a story with it. Well that is exactly what the indy's offer really isn't it. The point is that while athletic moves and spots is what makes the crowd hyped, story's is what brings the crowd in the first place, storys are what draws. Hence why ROH is not in the place of TNA right now. Wrestling is all well and good and there isn't enough of it these days thats true, but, (and don't whisper this to anyone) sports entertainment brands like WWE and TNA.....they are about 60% storys and 40% wrestling. TNA can get away with having a show like the one after BFG where there is a lot of good story-telling and no wrestling for the first 75 minutes or so. It cannot, however, get away with doing the reverse.

It is better to think of the X-Divison as the beating heart of TNA, when it is strong, TNA is strong but it is not and can/will never be the draw. That doesn't mean that you can't have two guys like RVD and AJ styles doing moonsaults and 450's for the world title but the world title is stille the reason guys come to TNA, they may have great matches and dabble in the high-flyery but they all want the same thing. And if jeff jarrett had a good idea in the beginning then he may well ahve made the X belt the focus, but it's too late now because the world title has too much prestige.

But one half-breed can be born from this I think. Young guys who can fly around like AJ should be going for the world title more often. It is certainly something WWE doesnt capitilise on, just look at evan bourne. So that is one way TNA could make itself standout-ish from WWE. Instead of seeing angle v joe, lets see kaz vs AJ once in a while, you'd get a great match and a deserving. But as I'm saying this I'm realising that the last three champs have been jeff hardy, RVD and AJ styles all of whom are undoubtedly high-flyers so that transition may be with us.

There is certainly a point in there, but don't push it too hard.
I would go for high midcarder, but main event. That's very high. Right now the best thing TNA has got is its Tag division.

take it this

What if you changed this thread to...

What if TNA made The tag champions their main championship? and What if they changed the rules of tag division to always become tornado tag matches?

That wold be something really different. It would create great matches. They can have LAX back. They can get two more tags and then they can go for ME or high mid cards, then I would accept.

As for X-Division, it was great once upon a time where amazing red used to be an x-division jobber. THese are the glory days for it. AJ styles, chrisopher daniels, samoa joe, Chris sabin, Sonjay dutt, jay lethal, austin arises (skill with charisma), and pete williams (his canadian destroyer was a delight no matter what), and sometimes kaz and ale shelley. These guys made a legit Division that could main event, not the one we are watching now!!
I keep this post simple and short. If you go back when this company first started between 2002 - about somewhere mid 2004 or early 2005. That is what you are talking about. Then you needed to get sponsors and tv deals so what did you have to is go after the big farts that can't do anything to be able get certain deals happen. If TNA told Spike that we were dropping some of the bigger names like Hogan, Ric, Eric*, Nash, and Sting will no longer be with TNA. Spike would pull the plug or find some excuse to keep these guys on TNA roster one way or another.

I loved what TNA was doing when they first came up but now its like a little bit of WCW/WWF ways. Some time its good or its crap.! We can't win as wrestling fans. You have to answer to the sponsorships and spiketv before you can do anything. Now look at TNA just another wrestling show.

I like the idea of using Indy guys but some of them are still green. If you go back to 2002 - about somewhere mid 2004 or early 2005 era. Most of those talents would be helpful right now. Yeah I wouldn't mind occasionally bring in Hardy, RVD, Sabu, Raven, Scott S, Nash, and Sting. Few other on short term deals to help out but then let them go away. Use the young talents until you need to bring those guys back or something.

That's my opinion and TNA does need to change sooner then later. Everything should stay the same just better matches then wasting time talking let the match and few promos to get a storyline over. Unlike WWE talke have the show with less then 4 quick matches. I can't stand that crap/stuff.

I was also thinking what if TNA went this way. WWF Attitude Era + WCW Cruiserweight Division = the ultimate company.!

TNA has the Cruiserweight division cover as long as they bring back stars from the past that once helped build the division. I'm talking about at least the era between 2002 - 2006 which also includes tag teams too. I think if TNA did something in this degree every division would be hot and happening. Lets face it only good thing that WCW did was the Cruiserweight Division plus Tag Team Division and little bit of the Main Event helped. TNA has all of that but not with the talents they are using or trying to use.

WWE Kane vs Undertaker again or TNA AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle again or Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle again or AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe again
WWE John Cena vs Randy Orton or anyone OR TNA MCMG vs Beer Money again
WWE Shameless vs anyone or TNA Jay Lethal vs AJ Styles or Kaz or Amazing Red
As a huge fan of wrestling i could chit chat about how i like this or don't like that all day long. as i said i'm a wrestling fan and damn it i want to see freakin wrestling. When TNA first started out i paid ten bucks a week just to see something different from the f'n crap forced upon us by the big boys on the block with their 30 min. in ring jabber fest just to kick off a show every monday night. I saw something great, something new, something to feel good about seeing. I loved the x-division and TNA just for the simple fact that they gave me what i wanted, some f'n wrestling. now i know that you have to create storylines to create fueds and you have to have promo time with the wrestlers. that's all well and good but I don't want to watch a wrestling show where there is 75% talk and 25% wrestling. This does go back to the x-division, which is the whole point of this rant. I would love for the pole to reverse. Give these guys the time to do what they do and showcase there talents they have. maybe try and not make too much of a spot fest out of the matches. guys like kazarian, aj, amazing red, danials, jo, jay lethal, alex shelley, chris sabin, jessy neal, shannon moore, gen me, you could mix and match any of these guys up in a x-match and get awesome results. please TNA make it happen every week with good storylines less jabber and you will get great matches. oh and not to forget the TNA Knockouts, these girls are the best female wrestlers in the buisness. great looks and can wrestle too. there are my thoughts. thank you
Make the X-Division Championship the main belt and focus of TNA? Absolutely not. I like the X-Division as much as the next guy, but the World Championship needs to remain the focus because the World Champion of any federation is THE top guy there. The best they have needs to be at the top and holding the main belt. Making the X-Division Championship the main belt would be the same argument as keeping the 6 sided ring. People take TNA more seriously without it, and the same can be said about having the World Championship as the main belt. People would take TNA less seriously if the world title was not the main belt, I guarantee it. The only reason it was less important than the X-Division belt in the past was due to TNA not having their own world title back then, they had borrowed the NWA world title. That's not the case anymore.
I think the X division for SURE has to come back. Here's the me, the X division is very similiar to the Luche Libre style of wrestling (minus the masks), and since EB basically took the Luche Libre style mainstream aside from what Heyman did....why can't he even THINK that it's important? I mean, WCW had the LL style before the WWE decided upon Crusierweight division, and apparently, all the black spray on hair has tainted his ability to see what put WCW on the map. Think about it.....when the WCW introduced them to the audience, it was Guerrero :worship: Malenko :worship: Jericho :worship: Benoit :worship:, ---guys who were mainstays on the X Division-type of wrestling. Do I want to see a whole PPV dedicated to the X division? No...of course not...but God forbid, you cram women down our throats (not a bad idea any other time :lmao:), but at least spread the PPV out over several different ideas.
Now, as much as I agree with your points on TNA, your shots at WWE are very misinformed and un-educated. You believe that Sheamus is stuck in mid card when that's probably what he needs right now, and is above all, not stuck in it but improving. You complain about Cena vs Orton again, then go on to suggest Orton face someone with Cena somehow involved in it. Have you even watched an entire Raw show in years? Orton vs. Wade Barrett with Cena as guest referee is scheduled for Survivor Series this year, with an interesting stipulation, and sure as he'll more interesting and original than anything TNA is doing right now. That brings me to my next point, as you again suggest two young bucks tearing apart a ring. I'm sorry, but The Nexus doesn't seem to cross your mind? How about Morrison vs. Sheamus? Wrestling fans these days consist of biased members and/or people that always complain. They were hesitant to accept Sheamus, and some even insulted the WWE for his early push. Now I see someone ranting that he's "stuck" in mid card? Now, I mow this has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but i simply can't take someone seriously that doesn't get their facts right and believes they can criticize.
Ugh. Don't even get me started...haha.

Of all things TNA needs to get to where they want, the X-Divison should be near the top of their list. Main example:

God. That single match was one of the best I've seen in awhile. Daniels, Homicide, Amazing Red, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, AJ Styles, exc. These were the best X-Division stars ever. They got people to watch. They got TNA notoriety. Amazing Red got the truth in my head that you didn't have to be big to be a wrestler. If TNA really worked on the X-Divison, fucked Robbie E up the ass and got rid of him, brought back Daniels and Red, and put the title on someone who could carry the division, TNA would be in a much better place than they are. I know that they have the Main Event and Tag Team areas in a decent spot, but if they just rolled the X-Division into relevancy, I would be dying for Thursday nights like I used to. But, let's just hope it will actually happen...:shrug:
Ugh. Don't even get me started...haha.

Of all things TNA needs to get to where they want, the X-Divison should be near the top of their list. Main example:

God. That single match was one of the best I've seen in awhile. Daniels, Homicide, Amazing Red, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, AJ Styles, exc. These were the best X-Division stars ever. They got people to watch. They got TNA notoriety. Amazing Red got the truth in my head that you didn't have to be big to be a wrestler. If TNA really worked on the X-Divison, fucked Robbie E up the ass and got rid of him, brought back Daniels and Red, and put the title on someone who could carry the division, TNA would be in a much better place than they are. I know that they have the Main Event and Tag Team areas in a decent spot, but if they just rolled the X-Division into relevancy, I would be dying for Thursday nights like I used to. But, let's just hope it will actually happen...:shrug:

And where are they? Last time I checked, every segment involving a X-Division match had less viewers than a Sting vs. Matt Morgan match.

The IWC wants X-Division spots and that's fine. Guess what? the IWC does not appear in ratings, they do not attend house shows or buy the majority of merchandise.

It's a 30% group of people that want something over a 70% majority of people who watch because of the superstars and storylines and normal matches.

How would spot matches with no new moves, nothing to make fans buy it over a 10-20 year period look? No, grappling, technical, brawling, hardcore, just highflying.

Even MMA has different weight classes and styles. Now, this is not directed to the OP's idea which is good but people need to think instead of trying to shit on the company without looking at it with all angles.

Fact is the X-Division had 8 months to draw under the Hogan/Bischoff area and it did not. Robbie E has already gone mainstream for his gimmick. Name one mainstream wrestler that was apart of the X-Division now and then?
I was planning on making a list of all Lightheavyweights, Cruiserweights, and X Divisions wrestlers but that would take way too long to do. The reason I was doing it to show that some of these guys are wrothy to go after the World Title in TNA. It's where the young (youth) go to to compete and a few of them well will never really go any higher but in the X Division. Some may get options to wrestle for the World Title but never really capturing it. Which is fine because as we all know as wrestling fans things have change from the 80's, 90, and 00's. Some of these small guys would never win the big one but a few has already and willing to do whatever it takes to prove people wrong about them. Its not about the size or weight or style of wrestling as oppose to the previous decades. Now a day if you work hard enough and show what you can do you will get that shot. WWE occasionally shows that but it'll be awhile before we see Evan or Kofi actually winning the title the same goes for Amazing Red in TNA. As time keep moving sooner or later they might not saying they will but who knows. I believe they can always compete in any other division that company has the moment though instead of keeping them in one division like WWE used to do on their small talent. TNA now has three other division/titles they have to worry about instead of the normally three. Even then it hard to deal with. If you really look close at their roster they don't have enough talents to go all around as most people think that they do. Saying that their roster is full but its not really. Plus if you exclude some of the talents that you don't want in the company then you are left with very few talents to go around.

We know who are the main focus is on for the World Heavyweight Title picture. [Abyss (37), AJ Styles (32), D’Angelo Dinero (32), Desmond Wolfe (32), Hulk Hogan (57), Jeff Hardy (33), Jeff Jarrett (43), Kevin Nash (51), Kurt Angle (41), Matt Morgan (34), Mick Foley (45), Raven (46), Ric Flair (61), Rhino (35), Rob Van Dam (39), Sabu (45), Samoa Joe (31), Stevie Richards (39), Sting (51), and Tommy Dreamer (39)] To me just in the Heavweight Divion is definatly full. Some of them are use to help get some wrestlers over or go after the second title in line which is the TV title. If you look at the names thats going after the World Title or somewhere near the title picture shouldn't even bother anymore. Well, maybe its okay for some that can actually still compete/wrestle be okay to go after the title but not winning the belt at this stof their career doesn't make sense. I've heard from some wrestlers saying that it doesn't matter if they win the title as long as they go out there every not give them everying in the match win or lose. Now a days promotions are putting title belts on people who doesn't deserve them or too green at the time when they win the title in the first place. We all know how long it took the MCMG to finally win the titles. They've been around the business and earn it unlike a few guys.

It doesn't or make sense for TNA especially give any titles to these guys anymore. [Hulk Hogan (57), Jeff Jarrett (43), Kevin Nash (51), Kurt Angle (41)*, Mick Foley (45), Raven (46), Ric Flair (61), Rob Van Dam (39)*, Sabu (45), Stevie Richards (39)*, Sting (51), and Tommy Dreamer (39)*] Not because of their it just some cann't compete anymore so why bother putting belts on them. We all saw what happen when the Band (nWo) came into TNA and got their hands on the Tag Team Titles. That was a waste of time. Sure if they can still go let them compete but not when the belt simple as that. Kurt on the other hand is really wild card because he can still and talented as well unlike some of these other guys. I wouldn't have that much of problem if he won the title but does he really need to win it anymore. That's the question and point of this response.

Technically it leaves you with at least ten or so wrestlers competing for one title. Some of them should move down go for the TV Title or Tag Team Title. Mix up the title picture here and their instead of the same wrestlers going after each week and month.

Moving onto the TV Title.!

This title should be defended at least every show on Impact. Theirs tons of talents that can compete for this title. [Abyss, AJ Styles, Alex Shelley, Brian Kendrick, Chris Sabin, D’Angelo Dinero, Desmond Wolfe, Douglas Williams, Eric Young, Hernandez, Homicide, Jay Lethal, Jeff Hardy, Kazarian, Matt Morgan, Mr. Anderson, Orlando Jordan, Rhino, Robert Roode, Samoa Joe, Stevie Richards, and Tomko]

In this division some of these are still very young and talented so why not use these guys for this division. While the smaller guys that do the more flash moves worry about the X Division.

Next title is the Tag Team Title.!

Not that many teams in TNA anymore. Besides the following [Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley), Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal), Immortals (Abyss, Jeff Hardy, and Jeff Jarrett), Fortune (AJ Styles & Kazarian), Beer Money Inc. (Robert Roode & James Storm), Generation ME (Max & Jeremy), London Brawling (Desmond Wolfe & Brutus Magnus), and Eric Young & Orlando Jordan. Giving you a total at least eight teams and two of them aren't really teams just more of an ally or stable figure. Puts you down to six teams. Which isn't bad but I would suggest at least bringing in up to two or four more teams. Then this division would be just fine.

Then onto the more title that TNA should really work on is the X Division Title.!

We know they have a few talents but aren't using them like you should. [Alex Shelley, Amazing Red, Brian Kendrick, Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, Kazarian, Kiyoshi, Okada, and Shannon Moore] I didn't list these guys [AJ Styles, D’Angelo Dinero, Desmond Wolfe, Douglas Williams, Eric Young, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam, and Samoa Joe] because they don't need to be move down anymore. TNA can still put these guys facing X Division wrestlers to fill in gaps but not for the titles. They need to be move up on their career. Some of these guys can still compete just like they were going for the X Division Title. This is why TNA might need to hire other wrestlers from different countries or just more people to be able to spread this Division out more then just what they have on hand. It's not working for us anymore.

Final the last title is the Knockout title.

This division and just like the World and Tag Team division is pretty fine if you asked me. [Angelina Love, Ayako Hamada, Cookie, Daffney, Hamada, Kat Waters, Madison Rayne, Mickie James, Sarita, Tara, Taylor Wilde, and Velvet Sky] This is plenty of talents for this division at first I was hesitated because they kept letting the Knockouts leave or quit or fired. Having these many talented females are enough for fans to get excited for the title. As long as the drop the tag team title and just concentrate on the single belt then this division will be just fine. Occasionally let some of the Knockout team up or valet or manager some of the male wrestlers until they get another shot at the title or whatever.

The way I stated this post thats the order the matches should be for TNA. Even switch it up with Knockout Division, X Divison, and Tag Team Division to see who goes last. If you need to add another match before the two main ones then so do. While the TV Division and World Division should be later on or at least last. Unless one division is getting more ratings then work that route.

TNA should at least be able to have 5 or 6 matches a week.

1) World Division Match
2) Knockout Division Match or X Divison Match or Tag Team Division Match
3) Knockout Division Match or X Divison Match or Tag Team Division Match
4) TV Division Match
5) Knockout Division Match or X Divison Match or Tag Team Division Match
6) Knockout Division Match or X Divison Match or Tag Team Division Match

You can always switch or have different competitors in different matches. This way you can spice the show up differently each week instead of the same lineup. Because everytime WWE has Divas match close to the end of the show is a joke but for TNA is ok because they got TALENT unlike WWE does.

Sooner or later TNA need to realize that they need to drop TNA ReAction and put Xplosion in its spot or on another day. That way you can get everyone on TV.

I can easily list other wrestlers and teams that can help the X Divison, Tag Team Division, and TV Division. I believe they can make the matches little bit more exciting then what we are seeing why not. I'm with you that TNA does have plenty of wrestlers. Currently TNA aren't using them properly. Every know and then its okay to get other wrestlers to be used here and their especially if they ever brought back the America's or Super X Cup and also the World X Cup.

I won't really make a list of wrestlers because I've done it before and it didn't matter. All I'm saying TNA got the talent if you think about it but aren't using them the right way. Of course they may be injury at this time. Either way TNA needs to do a better job then what they are doing right now. Hogan and Eric needs to realize that as well before its too late.
What I'm asking is this: theoretically, would you like TNA to make the X-Division and the X-Division Championship the main belt and focus of TNA? Would that be radical enough but yet entertaining?

Not in theory or in reality.

The World Heavyweight championship should always be the FOCAL point of the show. It may not always produce the best "match", as you would say, but it has the best storyline development behnind it. The mention of a Shelley/Sabin betrayal would make sense in theory as a good "story", but you're pissing on one division to build another. The tag team division takes a huge hit.

Ive always been a mark for storytelling and psychology in the ring. All the flips, flops, and top rope planchas are exciting and have their place in the product, and a big one. It's a shame what's happened to TNA's X-Division when the title holder's best move is literally his fist pump. But the money matches lie within the storytelling that's done in the ring, and the X-Division/Cruiserweight style of wrestling generally doesn't bring alot of that. They could develop the greatest STORYLINE in the world, but could they actually tell that STORY within the ring? Likely not.

The World Championship should always be ther major focal point of your company. You spit in the face of the history of the title and the people who've held it before by de-emphasizing it and make a "spot fest fiesta" belt, as you so put it, the focus of the show. Im a wrestling fan and a TNA fan but they have as many problems as is, and devaluing your most important belt in favor of another would be piling on the problems.
Make the X-Division Championship the main belt and focus of TNA? Absolutely not. I like the X-Division as much as the next guy, but the World Championship needs to remain the focus because the World Champion of any federation is THE top guy there.

Listen to this man please; he speaks words that make sense.

Putting any belt over the World Championship is idiocy. That would be taking away the prestigue the belt has accumulated in its lifespan, making it practically worthless. People pay to see the top guys face off for the top belt; it's why so many more people care about the Heavyweights compared to the Lightweights.

And besides, the X Division was meant to be a side show since its induction. You're wanting to put that as your main attraction? I can't say that's a smart move. People just tend to care more about the larger than life characters compared to the guys that can jump around a lot.

Now if TNA decided to unify the X and World Title, then maybe you will see your vision come to life a bit. But in the mean time I must ask this:

What's wrong with the World Championship? Nothing. It's the people that TNA put together to face off for this belt that usually is crap.

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