TNA Orlando, Round 2, Match 4: #9 Scott Hall vs. #24 Greg Valentine

Razor Ramon vs. Valentine

  • The Bad Guy

  • The Hammer

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the TNA Region, inside of the six sided ring, from Orlando, Fl.

#9. Scott Hall


#24. Greg Valentine
Greg Valentine is one of the most overrated wrestlers in history, in my opinion. Everything he ever did bored me to tears. The only match I remember him having that was watchable was his Dog Collar match against Roddy Piper from the first Starrcade. But that's literally it.

Scott Hall, on the other hand, is a legend in my book. Razor Ramon is one of the greatest characters in WWE history, in my opinion. And Hall of course started what became the biggest faction in wrestling history when the nWo was formed due to his move to WCW.

Hall should definitely win this, and it shouldn’t be close. Hall's resume is just too strong to ever think someone like Valentine would ever stand a chance against him.
this match is a match between two of the most celebrated midcarders ever. The difference is, is that Hall dominated the midcard of two promotions, and won a division that had guys like Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart and Chris Benoit fighting in it. Hall would be able to outwit Valentine nd is quick enough to avoid getting put in the hammer lock, which would be enough to go over here. Hall wins.
Yeah it's Hall. He kind of floated from midcard to main event but Hammer, at least in the modern era, is midcard all the way. He would be a great guy for Hall to get a win over to boost his career, but there's no way Hammer gets the win. It would be a ten minute or so match, but it goes to Hall in the end with little if any doubt.
Hall wins. I never liked Hammer. Never saw what was even good about him, and he bored me every time he wrestled. Hall on the other hand I always loved in his prime. He dominated the WWE mid card, and put on a great show doing it. The vote is easy for me I see Scott taking this one.
I've never really been overly fond of either of these two. I'd certainly not think of Hall as a legend. Hall had some great matches in the WWF and won 4 IC titles there, I'll admit that. His rise to the top in WCW had to do more with politics rather than talent. Valentine was never flashy or anything, but he was a reliable midcarder that you could get a good and solid match from. In the WWF, I'd say the same thing about Hall. I certainly respect Valentine's work ethic much more than Hall's but, that's not really what matters.

While I definitely think Scott Hall is overrated in some ways, he'll win this match from the Hammer but it's not going to be a cake walk. He'd give Hall a pretty good match I think, but he doesn't have anything in his arsenal that Hall can't handle. Hall puts him up in the Razor's Edge and puts him down for the count around the 15 minute mark.
Both of these men would come to brawl, but Hall's edge in technical ability (Did I just say that??) would get him the win here. Valentine relies too much on simple punches, kicks, and elbows, while Hall can actually use a few suplexes and rest holds to wear him down. In one of the coolest finishers from my childhood, the Razor's Edge wins this.
I went with Hall, unfortunately. I've never been a fan of this man,a nd never understood why people got behind him. He was a gimmick from an over rated movie, that's pretty mcuh it. Then it was cool to like him because people thought an invasion was happening, yawn.

Valentine isn't much better in terms of character development, but he was loads better in the ring. However, I don't think Valentine's list of accomplishments can touch what Hall managed to do in the ring. Hall has clean wins against guys like Nash and Michaels in their primes, amongst others, I can't say that about Valentine.
Scott Hall wins.

These 2 were good, not great but very good at what they did. On one hand you have Scott Hall who has experince in High Profile TNA matches. ON the other you have Greg Valentine who while good I never really got behind. Say what you want about Scott Hall no showing TNA shows he still has more experince in them than Greg Valentine.
If it's a tie, can we just plain kick both guys out of the tournament. Both guys are little more than mid-card mainstays, and Razor Ramone is only the name he was because of a ladder match and being the third guy in the NWO.

In the ring Greg has the edge technically, but had all the charisma and personality of a wet sponge. The downside is that Hall was pretty much always in the situation of being less technically gifted than his opponent so it's not exactly something new for him.

Razor's Edge picks up the win over Greg Valentine.

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