TNA Needs to Get Some "Attitude"!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I was watching "Impact" this week, and it had Aces & Eights partying with hot girls. D-Von was receiving a lapdance, the A & 8 leader stuck money down a girl's top, and it showed one girl giving the other a lapdance (HLA).

Later that night, both Velvet Sky and Brooke Hogan came down to the ring, showing a lot of cleavage (thank you!).

It got me thinking. All I ever read about on this site is people bitching and moaning about wanting the "Attitude Era" back. Apparently, people don't watch WWE now, because it is PG. Linda McMahon's Senate campaign has made sure "Attitude" won't be back in WWE for a long time.

TNA likes to copy WWE. They sign up anybody who leaves WWE.

So, why doesn't TNA do what WWE won't, and have their own "Attitude Era"? Cursing, beer-drinking, Bra-& -Panties Matches, controversial storylines etc.

TNA should go for rauch, controversy, and violence. Use blood constantly on PPV, make the Knockouts Division strong by having Bra-&-Panties matches and Knockouts Hardcore Matches. ODB should get the KO title, and act like a female "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Use the cage more, use tables often. I would use this Bully Ray-Hogan tension as the start of things. Bully should become champion, and be a defiant rebel, who does things his own way, while Hogan tries to pull him back into line.

There should be storylines which are very controversial, and haven't been done since the "Attitude Era", or ECW. Have the "Attitude Era" return, and its new home is TNA. TNA should try to beat WWE at its own game.

I think that this is the best way to compete with WWE, who are appealing to PG TV. TNA should be more R-rated TV, and give the wrestling fans things that WWE won't anymore.

Unless Dixie Carter is running for the Senate, there is no reason for TNA to not go down this path. At least they may capture the disillusioned WWE fans, who won't watch WWE anymore, but did when "Attitude" was alive.
I completely agree with everything except one thing. That thing being that Hogan should just be taken off tv. A bit of attitude is great. Half naked girls, ass whoopings, and blood really do help make it less embarassing to be a wrestling fan. The only thing is if they go to "all out" with the edginess and really do start promoting how edgy they are, people will start complaining that they are just doing it to get at WWE.

In my opinion they should use these things, but use them wisely, and only when they can be used to their advantage. For example, the use of blood in the Storm-Roode match at BFG added a very nice touch. However should people start bleeding at every PPV the effect might wear off pretty fast. Bad language is another example. In some particularly intense or emotional promos, the odd bad word could really help add a fire to them. However if wrestlers start throwing out F's and S's and B's all over the place then it might start getting a little cringey.

Overall they must use a little edginess, but not abuse it. Concentrate on good story lines, and good matches and use this attitude to help create them, as opposed to basing you're show on having attitude, and violence, and boobs.
I was watching "Impact" this week, and it had Aces & Eights partying with hot girls. D-Von was receiving a lapdance, the A & 8 leader stuck money down a girl's top, and it showed one girl giving the other a lapdance (HLA).

Later that night, both Velvet Sky and Brooke Hogan came down to the ring, showing a lot of cleavage (thank you!).

It got me thinking. All I ever read about on this site is people bitching and moaning about wanting the "Attitude Era" back. Apparently, people don't watch WWE now, because it is PG. Linda McMahon's Senate campaign has made sure "Attitude" won't be back in WWE for a long time.

TNA likes to copy WWE. They sign up anybody who leaves WWE.

So, why doesn't TNA do what WWE won't, and have their own "Attitude Era"? Cursing, beer-drinking, Bra-& -Panties Matches, controversial storylines etc.

TNA should go for rauch, controversy, and violence. Use blood constantly on PPV, make the Knockouts Division strong by having Bra-&-Panties matches and Knockouts Hardcore Matches. ODB should get the KO title, and act like a female "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Use the cage more, use tables often. I would use this Bully Ray-Hogan tension as the start of things. Bully should become champion, and be a defiant rebel, who does things his own way, while Hogan tries to pull him back into line.

There should be storylines which are very controversial, and haven't been done since the "Attitude Era", or ECW. Have the "Attitude Era" return, and its new home is TNA. TNA should try to beat WWE at its own game.

I think that this is the best way to compete with WWE, who are appealing to PG TV. TNA should be more R-rated TV, and give the wrestling fans things that WWE won't anymore.

Unless Dixie Carter is running for the Senate, there is no reason for TNA to not go down this path. At least they may capture the disillusioned WWE fans, who won't watch WWE anymore, but did when "Attitude" was alive.

1. TNA needs cursing - you must've missed 2010 and 2011 TNA. You were probably taking a piss when Angle went on a curse fiesta on Hogan and threatened he'd call up Vince "right now". Or maybe you should watch more carefully during Pay-Per-Views when either Roode or Aries would squirt out the occasional "fuck" or "shit" on TV. Not to mention that Scott Steiner was on their roster. End of story.

2. They need more beer-drinking - if you mean literally, say hello to James Storm. Since this dude split with Bobby Roode, beer bottles have been flying around the Impact Barn Zone. If you mean attitude wise, again, watch James Storm. He's your beer drinker type. Or Bully Ray or Kid Kash. When Stone Cold was around he was one of the few "beer drinker" type badasses. That's how it's supposed to be. Otherwise it's overkill.

3. Bra and Panties matches - they don't have those but they really don't need them. Why? It's not 1998, son! The Internet is FULL of porn. All kinds. Naked chicks are literally 3-4 clicks away. There's nothing controversial about showing a woman in her bikini these days. It would be if she was naked with a ***** up her ass and none of it was censored.

4. Controversial Storylines - All I'll say is this: AJ Styles was accused of banging Dixie Carter but they were protecting a pregnan crack ****e who tried to prove that AJ is the father of her crack baby.

Not enough?

Jeff Jarrett and Karen Angle used Kurt Angle's kids as leverage in a storyline. Not too bad, except that Karen Angle is Kurt's ex-wife and them kids you saw were Kurt's ACTUAL children and that was probably the situation in real life - Kurt not seeing them all the time and Jeff being their new 'daddy'.

Fact is, TNA's been controversial and edgy and whatnot for 3 years now. If not more. You had tons of blood with Flair and Abyss around, you have Attitude with Aries, Bully, Storm, Roode and even Daniels. You have sexy, dirty stuff with the women now and then. You have controversial storylines.

In the end, it's done what? Absolutely nothing. And no, not because people are "over" the Attitude Era. They're not. It's because the landscape of modern Television has changed. Back in the 90's you didn't have a lot of cursing, blood and sex on TV. Wrestling did and it was different. THAT'S why it was successful. Not because it was blood and boobs, but because blood and boobs were DIFFERENT.

Showing blood and boobs now will do nothing. I can switch over to Breaking Bad and see all the blood and gore I want. If I'm not satisfied I can watch the Walking Dead and damn near puke with a fucking smile on my face. If I want boobs I can find porn on the Internet or just switch to the Disney channel, plenty of ****es there. Controversy? One of the aforementioned shows should do.

TNA is in a slump not because they're not doing enough "edgy" stuff, but because the scale of their content does not allow them to increase the edginess. Let's fucking face it, no one likes kid shit, PG crap and basically WWE's bullshit. People want edgy, they want new, they want unique and they want shocking. Look at the top shows on TV and you'll know what I mean. Add to that a good dialogue, stories, production and you got yourself a hit TV show in 2012.

Wrestling can't do that. At the end of the day it's a TV show with its own boundaries. If writers had people killed on TV it wouldn't make sense. If they had SUPER edgy storylines it wouldn't make sense because of wrestling's inherent cheesiness. If they had boobs it wouldn't work.

Essentially, wrestling is one-upped in those departments by modern Television and that's a fact. Until wrestling finds a way to produce content that comes close or AT LEAST matches the different qualities of the top shows on TV, both WWE and TNA can forget about getting out of the respectives slumps they are in. People want good Television, regardless of genre. Wrestling is not providing it, thus wrestling is dying.

I see wrestling as this delusional macho dude who walks around pointing at the tattoo on his triceps, saying "fuck" a lot and acting like a rebel. What this fella doesn't realize is that THIS behavior was edgy and rebellious in the 90's and before that. Elvis Presley shaking his hips in the 50's was considered dirty to the point where Ed Sullivan would shoot him only fromt he waist up. What wrestling's trying to do is shake its hips in 2012, think it's rebellious and sexual, while every other musician out there is performing half naked, licking marmallade off some chick's firm tits while they're both on fire.

Yeah, I call bullshit on this. The OP's idea of edgy & controversial content is made up entirely of outdated cliches that haven't been edgy or controversial since about 2000.

In this day and age, wrestlers who swear every other word aren't controversial. Women who run around scantily clad and behaving ****ty isn't considered controversial. Guys who drink beer on television isn't controversial. Bra & Panty matches aren't considered controversial. Why? Well, look at shows like Breaking Bad or Sons of Anarchy or American Horror Story or the Walking Dead. The VAST majority of the Attitude Era content is damn near G rated compared to most of the stuff on those shows.

TNA tried it's own little revival of the Attitude Era a couple of years ago and it resulted in some of the lowest quality programming they've ever had. Remember when Lacey Von Erich did her "strip tease" in the ring? Nobody gave a damn and nobody would give a damn if they tried it today.

The entire landscape of television as a whole has changed a lot in the past 15 years. In the late 90s, you had shows that were doing stuff that hadn't been done before. Shows like NYPD Blue regularly featured nudity and significant swearing, Ally McBeal had a few episodes of women passionately making out, Jerry Springer was the undisputed king of the talk show world, WWE Raw featured all the blood & swearing & bra and panty matches you could want. Today, the content of such shows has become either fairly common place or just not all that interesting.

In this day and age, It's extremely difficult for shows to do things that are legitimately edgy. Frankly, television censors won't allow things to go any further than they already have. And things that generate legitimate controversy, and I mean controversy that creates buzz & debate while making people genuinely uncomfortable, simply isn't wanted on a large scale. Look what happened on Raw a few weeks ago with Paul Heyman & CM Punk made fun of Jerry Lawler the night he returned to Raw after suffering a heart attack a few months back. That segment generated genuine outrage, discomfort and heated debate all over the internet. It was easily the most genuinely controversial wrestling segment on television in years. Dave Meltzer probably shit a solid gold brick and WWE is pretty much guaranteed to win his WON waward for Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic for it.

I personally enjoyed the crap out of it and had no problem with it as Lawler himself had no problem with it and, reportedly, gave his consent to do it several weeks earlier. For a lot of people, they took it on a very personal level for some reason. Some who've lost friends or family members to heart attacks stretched the segment to where they felt like it was an insult to them. "My grandma died of a heart attack. They're making fun of a guy who suffered a heart attack, therefore they're making fun of my dead grandma."

If TNA wants to do something that's legitimately edgy, I've got no problem with that but a lot of outdated crap like we saw during the Attitude Era won't get it done.
I would love this but one problem that would get in the way is Bischoff is not a fan of using blood in matches.
I was watching "Impact" this week, and it had Aces & Eights partying with hot girls. D-Von was receiving a lapdance, the A & 8 leader stuck money down a girl's top, and it showed one girl giving the other a lapdance (HLA).

Later that night, both Velvet Sky and Brooke Hogan came down to the ring, showing a lot of cleavage (thank you!).

It got me thinking. All I ever read about on this site is people bitching and moaning about wanting the "Attitude Era" back. Apparently, people don't watch WWE now, because it is PG. Linda McMahon's Senate campaign has made sure "Attitude" won't be back in WWE for a long time.

TNA likes to copy WWE. They sign up anybody who leaves WWE.

So, why doesn't TNA do what WWE won't, and have their own "Attitude Era"? Cursing, beer-drinking, Bra-& -Panties Matches, controversial storylines etc.

TNA should go for rauch, controversy, and violence. Use blood constantly on PPV, make the Knockouts Division strong by having Bra-&-Panties matches and Knockouts Hardcore Matches. ODB should get the KO title, and act like a female "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Use the cage more, use tables often. I would use this Bully Ray-Hogan tension as the start of things. Bully should become champion, and be a defiant rebel, who does things his own way, while Hogan tries to pull him back into line.

There should be storylines which are very controversial, and haven't been done since the "Attitude Era", or ECW. Have the "Attitude Era" return, and its new home is TNA. TNA should try to beat WWE at its own game.

I think that this is the best way to compete with WWE, who are appealing to PG TV. TNA should be more R-rated TV, and give the wrestling fans things that WWE won't anymore.

Unless Dixie Carter is running for the Senate, there is no reason for TNA to not go down this path. At least they may capture the disillusioned WWE fans, who won't watch WWE anymore, but did when "Attitude" was alive.

While I agree that the Attitude Era was an awesome time in Wrestling, I don't think that we need to try to revive every part of wrestling history. Plus over the course of the last several years TNA has been a little more edgy then the WWE.

1. TNA has used blood for many of years. While they've cut down on it recently that is a good thing to me. The use of blood in every match and week in and week out takes away from the feeling. When it was used in the Storm/Roode BFG Match it gave the feeling that both men truely hated the other and they'd do anything to hurt the other. They could use blood in a match to help get a more ruthless member of the roster over but week in and week out is pointless.

2. It was previously mentioned that TNA doesn't need the constant sex and I agree. While sex in wrestling during the attitude era was awesome I was also around 13 years old and sex in anything was awesome. You're excited over Velvet Sky and Brooke Hogan showing clevage. Dude when Velvet was around before her release she always showed some clevage and some booty. If you're really wanting sex in wrestling and Bra and Panties checkout, WEW Wrestling, MLW Womens wrestling or just browse youtube and you're needs will be met.

3. James Storm reminds me of Stone Cold. Does he need to be exactly like Steve Austin? NO!!!

4. Bully Ray should become Champion and a defiant rebel... WHY???
Bully Ray has done things his own way since he became a singles wrestler. He's been defiant and he's done things on his own watch.

Again why do they need to revive the Attitude Era? TNA needs to be original just like WWE needs to be. TNA needs to consentrate on producing good storylines and growing their fanbase. The blood needs to be used when it matters to give a big match that more special feel. The cage being used all the time is similar to the blood being used all the time it's just Pointless.
Sex all the time again follow the links that I provided or go links provided.
I'm just sitting here reading this and laughing my ass off! TNA needs attitude? What the hell do you think you're watching when you turn on Impact now,Sesame Street?

This thread is just a prime example of a WWE fan who hasn't watched much TNA wanting them do what the WWE isn't and that's to bring back his childhood.TNA has all the attitude it needs without doing what the WWE did.

And Zeven Zion TNA is in no slump,Because you don't like it doesn't mean everybody else feels the same. And TNA is expanding on what people normally see on a pro wrestling show, From the reaction camera, Jeff Hardy's inner thoughts, and even the music the used to close the show with. TNA is not your typical Pro Wrestling show. They are taking chances to be like shows like Breaking Bad but the Hardcore Wrestling fans are less receptive to change.So TNA is doing the right thing by sticking to their guns and doing what they want to do and not changing because some don't like it.

And on top of that Pro Wrestling will never be able to move forward and be as dramatic and thought provoking as shows like Breaking Bad because the writers on TV shows aren't blamed for everything a character does. On Breaking Bad if a character makes a poor decision that character stands on his own and the writers aren't mentioned. But if a Pro Wrestler makes a bad decision it's the writers making him look bad. So until fans stop talking about who's writing the shows Pro Wrestling will never take that next step to be compared to other TV shows.

A prime example of that recently is James Storm,He got outsmarted by Bobby Roode and lost the number 1 contendership in a match, Who did the wrestling fans blame the writers not James Storm.Who over the past year has had trouble making decisions because he was too emotional and Bobby Roode took advantage of that. That was great storytelling that got bashed because fans where so quick to blame the writers for what happened and not James Storm's character.
TNA does and has done all the things you're talking about. What do they do that WCW and WWE weren't doing back then?

You want guys swearing? 99% of Mr. Anderson's gimmick is saying "asshole."
Watch the pay per views, especially ones where Scott Steiner was on the roster and the shows back when TNA first started.

Bras and panties? I'm pretty sure Lacey Von Erich has been there. Hell most of Velvet Sky and Angelina Love's gimmick was showing booties and cleavage. I still remember when they had the chicks dancing in cages. They've had midgets beatin' off in trash cans and guys wrestling in penis suits

Drinking? See Cowboy James Storm and ODB. Hell James Storm, ODB, and Eric Young were actually competing for a beer drinking championship at one time. Drinking beer was a large part of him and Robert Roode's gimmick when they were the tag team "beer money."

They've been doing hardcore matches for years with Abyss and all their Monster's ball shows. They also had a hardcore tournament The Hard Ten tournament. Hell they had them using a frickin' christmas tree made of barbed wire on each other on one of their free TV shows around christmas. The blood flows like wine in TNA.

"Controversial" storylines: Karen Angle was using her and Kurt's own kids as leverage against him in a storyline about their real life divorce. AJ was just in a storyline where he was accused of being some crack****e's babydaddy and before that he was accused of slippin' the beef to Dixie Carter.

You want all that, you got it and then some. About the only things I can think of that they haven't done yet are bestiality, necrophilia, and incest.
When will everyone get it through there heads The Attitude Era is never coming back , My god you people need to let it the hell go TNA is not on the same level as WWE and WWE is now geared for family friendly not Girl on Girl Bra and Panties matches those days are long gone.

Stop living in the past because it is NEVER COMING BACK.

The only reason why it worked the first time was WCW and WWF were going head to head for ratings for The Monday Night Wars. I have said it time and time again on different posts I am old school but I grew up watching the product in the 80's and early 90's.

That was the best time for wrestling IMO The AE was just there for a ratings war since there's no more war they WWE or even TNA Should not create it again it's over and done with.
I'm just sitting here reading this and laughing my ass off! TNA needs attitude? What the hell do you think you're watching when you turn on Impact now,Sesame Street?

This thread is just a prime example of a WWE fan who hasn't watched much TNA wanting them do what the WWE isn't and that's to bring back his childhood.TNA has all the attitude it needs without doing what the WWE did.

And Zeven Zion TNA is in no slump,Because you don't like it doesn't mean everybody else feels the same. And TNA is expanding on what people normally see on a pro wrestling show, From the reaction camera, Jeff Hardy's inner thoughts, and even the music the used to close the show with. TNA is not your typical Pro Wrestling show. They are taking chances to be like shows like Breaking Bad but the Hardcore Wrestling fans are less receptive to change.So TNA is doing the right thing by sticking to their guns and doing what they want to do and not changing because some don't like it.

And on top of that Pro Wrestling will never be able to move forward and be as dramatic and thought provoking as shows like Breaking Bad because the writers on TV shows aren't blamed for everything a character does. On Breaking Bad if a character makes a poor decision that character stands on his own and the writers aren't mentioned. But if a Pro Wrestler makes a bad decision it's the writers making him look bad. So until fans stop talking about who's writing the shows Pro Wrestling will never take that next step to be compared to other TV shows.

A prime example of that recently is James Storm,He got outsmarted by Bobby Roode and lost the number 1 contendership in a match, Who did the wrestling fans blame the writers not James Storm.Who over the past year has had trouble making decisions because he was too emotional and Bobby Roode took advantage of that. That was great storytelling that got bashed because fans where so quick to blame the writers for what happened and not James Storm's character.

That bolded part? It's as ridiculious as Walt's son not asking "what's for breakfast". Breaking Bad fans will get it.

And do you really think ANYTHING we do or say on the Internet steers the company in ANY direction? Fans have been complaining since the whole thing began. Now we just have an outlet. Even if they use our bullshit opinions for some minor thing, we're still not in the big picture. Should we be? Fuck no.
Half naked girls, ass whoopings, and blood really do help make it less embarassing to be a wrestling fan.

There are plenty of folks who would disasgree with you on this, particularly wrestling fans with young children.

Only about 5 years ago WWE and TNA both featured racy Jerry Springer style storylines and shock TV. Vince was just about to roll out a brother/sister incest angle with the Burchills after wrapping up the Hornswoggle as Vince's son angle. Out of nowhere we got the PG era, because you sell more tickets when the wrestling fans bring their kids along.

If TNA goes "full Attitude" their rating will stay the same. It's out of style, guys. You might enjoy it more, but you'll watch whatever they put out. The crummy product WWE and TNA are currently putting out are attempts to go mainsteam, to break wrestling out into the general pop conciousness again. They're trying to make a show for the people who don't watch wrestling.
That bolded part? It's as ridiculious as Walt's son not asking "what's for breakfast". Breaking Bad fans will get it.

And do you really think ANYTHING we do or say on the Internet steers the company in ANY direction? Fans have been complaining since the whole thing began. Now we just have an outlet. Even if they use our bullshit opinions for some minor thing, we're still not in the big picture. Should we be? Fuck no.

While I'm not a Breaking Bad fan I do get the context the sentence is typed in. I'm not a fan who cares about who's getting ring entrances or who's writing the shows. I'm not saying you do but some fans equate quality with these type of factors , I don't.

TNA is making stars, refreshing the roster, putting on good to great matches and telling good stories and that's all I need to say they are doing fine right now,And Dixie and Hulk Hogan based on recent tweets obviously feels the same.
They sign up anybody who leaves WWE.

I'm getting so sick of reading this that it literally makes me fucking nauseous every goddamn time it pops up in somebodies topic. :banghead:

This is no longer standard practice for Impact.

Let's look at everyone new TNA has used on the main roster this year...

Alex Silva
Christian York
Chavo Guerrero
Joey Ryan
Jesse Godderz
Kenny King
King Mo
Sam Shaw
Taeler Hendrix
Taryn Terrell
Wes Brisco*

Let's look at the names that were used in the Dest-X tourney...

Scorpio Sky
Blk Jeez
Johnny Yuma
Dakota Darsow*
Flip Kendrick

Let's look at guys who have been signed in the last two years or so who still have roster spots...

Austin Aries
Shiima Xion
Robbie E
Gail Kim
Jesse Sorenson

I went to the trouble of bolding the only names on this list that are former WWE talent. Of those names, neither Chavo nor Terell were signed right up after their no-compete clause ended, in fact both went without TNA contracts for a pretty substantial amount of time. Furthermore, one is signed as a referee for only women's matches, and the other made his name prior to joining WWE and his uncle is the spanish play-by-play man for the company and he is a member of one of the world's most prestigious wrestling families and was not signed just to capitolize on his former WWE status. Festus/Gallows/DOC is another guy who had to sit for a while waiting to get a call from TNA.

Gail was the only one who was scooped up quickly following her no-compete expiring, but I would assert that Gail is more synonomous with TNA's product anyway. She had her best runs and matches with TNA and was the original Knockout Champ.

I starred Brisco and Darsow due to the fact that they are former WWE developmental talents. But neither got a serious look from that company, and both only had their developmental deals because they are second generation talent. And, once again, neither was signed automatically right after being released by the WWE, hell, Darsow hasn't been signed at all.

Here's another list...

Chris Masters
John Morrison
Vladimir Kozlov
Fit Finlay
Shad Gaspard
Jacob Novak
Micheal Tarver
Jackson Andrews
Shelton Benjamin

In case you haven't guessed, this is a list(and hardly a complete one) of talent that has left or been realeased by WWE in the last 2-3 years who have never appeared on Impact since leaving that company. I'm sure there are others here who could add lots more names to that list.

So for god's sake, can we please put to bed this idea that TNA still goes out and signs everyone who leaves WWE. It just doesn't happen that way anymore. Please get off it.
TNA has blood, swearing, ect... however I dont think they use it correctly at times but whatever. TNA has had some good angles, kurt angle and jeff jarrett was pretty good for how real it actually was. I think they need to keep up on the good storylines and produce the young talent.

TNA Needs to Promote and they will be fine, I mean I don't hear about tna unless i am watching spike tv and even then it's not that much. I hate to say this but wrestling is kind of dying. Wwe's rating are low and Tna is a baby company who is in a different era. Wrestling just isn't as popular anymore and I think that's why TNA will never really be competition, until something Huge changes wrestling and I don't have a clue as to what.
I have to agree with most of the posters on this topic. The attitude stuff has been done before. In 1998 I didn't have a computer so the only way I could see half naked women was wrestling and baywatch. I have high speed net and access to more free porn than I'll ever need. I don't need to see half naked women on wrestling. I also hate any teases of nudity. You can beautiful people strip poker or a strip tease in the wrong but at the end of the day we all know that velvet sky is not going to get naked on TV. If you're going to have women then they better be able to wrestle.

Everything "attitude" has been done before. There's no where left to push the envelope that isn't uncomfortable and tasteless. Ex. Claire Lynch, Angle vs Jarrett.

And to be honest, No one wants TNA attitude. They want WWF attitude. They want WWE to give them attitude again. No one wants it from anyone else.
As much as I loved the attitude era TNA/IW does not need to be focusing on the past. It should be looking towards the future and other ways to better the product before they try and "compete" with WWE.

TNA/IW doesnt need more attitude it just needs to find the right balance between good story telling and good wrestling matches.
I find some of these responses amazing!

All you IWC idiots have moaned about for years is about how today's wrestling isn't as good because it lacks "Attitude"! You all reminisce about that era, and act like every single thing WWE did back then was pure and utter gold (even Mae Young giving birth to a hand). You all moan about wanting "Stone Cold" back, want him to risk his health so that he can have a match at Wrestlemania, purely for your indulgence.

Now you say that "Attitude" wouldn't work today, because edginess is too common, and every second show does it. But what is the alternative? PG? You shit on that too!

The fact, you people don't know what you want. You pine for an era, yet admit that it is never coming back. You know what- I have been saying this for ten years.

This thread was a trap set by me. I wanted to see what you "sold out" first, your love of the "Attitude Era" or your hatred of TNA.

If wrestling can't be controversial anymore, because you can get that anywhere, then why the f constantly complain about how the WWE is these days? Your statements have just shown that, if "Attitude" did come back in WWE, you still wouldn't watch it, because you can get your "fix" anywhere now.

It is like you used to buy your drugs from one dealer. Now, everyone sells drugs on that corner, so you can get them from any of them. Yet you complain that the dealer you used to use no longer sells the drug anymore.

These posts will hopefully make you realise, once and for all, to shut the hell up about the "Attitude Era", and either accept the current product, or get the hell away from wrestling. You just like to blame wrestling for changing, when the fact is, you changed! You sold out your interest in wrestling, not the other way around. Wrestling will last long after you stop following it, and you will last and do something else in your life, without wrestling. You've probably reached the stage where you are both better off without each other. You won't miss WWE, but guess what, they won't miss you either.

You have been punk'd by me, and I have exposed your hypocrisy, duplicity and shown that you people are the biggest problem with wrestling today. If you were a true wrestling fan, you would want TNA to compete with WWE, and not razz on it all the time.

So, from now on, when one of you losers whines about "Vince doesn't look after us anymore", I can ignore it, and know that when you say that the Attitude Era should come back, you don't really mean it. You just wantto find fault with it, so you have an excuse to walk away from following WWE, without being a sellout.
I'm getting so sick of reading this that it literally makes me fucking nauseous every goddamn time it pops up in somebodies topic. :banghead:

This is no longer standard practice for Impact.

Let's look at everyone new TNA has used on the main roster this year...

Alex Silva
Christian York
Chavo Guerrero
Joey Ryan
Jesse Godderz
Kenny King
King Mo
Sam Shaw
Taeler Hendrix
Taryn Terrell
Wes Brisco*

Let's look at the names that were used in the Dest-X tourney...

Scorpio Sky
Blk Jeez
Johnny Yuma
Dakota Darsow*
Flip Kendrick

Let's look at guys who have been signed in the last two years or so who still have roster spots...

Austin Aries
Shiima Xion
Robbie E
Gail Kim
Jesse Sorenson

I went to the trouble of bolding the only names on this list that are former WWE talent. Of those names, neither Chavo nor Terell were signed right up after their no-compete clause ended, in fact both went without TNA contracts for a pretty substantial amount of time. Furthermore, one is signed as a referee for only women's matches, and the other made his name prior to joining WWE and his uncle is the spanish play-by-play man for the company and he is a member of one of the world's most prestigious wrestling families and was not signed just to capitolize on his former WWE status. Festus/Gallows/DOC is another guy who had to sit for a while waiting to get a call from TNA.

Gail was the only one who was scooped up quickly following her no-compete expiring, but I would assert that Gail is more synonomous with TNA's product anyway. She had her best runs and matches with TNA and was the original Knockout Champ.

I starred Brisco and Darsow due to the fact that they are former WWE developmental talents. But neither got a serious look from that company, and both only had their developmental deals because they are second generation talent. And, once again, neither was signed automatically right after being released by the WWE, hell, Darsow hasn't been signed at all.

Here's another list...

Chris Masters
John Morrison
Vladimir Kozlov
Fit Finlay
Shad Gaspard
Jacob Novak
Micheal Tarver
Jackson Andrews
Shelton Benjamin

In case you haven't guessed, this is a list(and hardly a complete one) of talent that has left or been realeased by WWE in the last 2-3 years who have never appeared on Impact since leaving that company. I'm sure there are others here who could add lots more names to that list.

So for god's sake, can we please put to bed this idea that TNA still goes out and signs everyone who leaves WWE. It just doesn't happen that way anymore. Please get off it.


You forgot that TNA also has Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, Christy Hemme, Mickie James, Victoria (Tara), Mr Anderson (Mr Kennedy), The Dudley Boyz, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam and Tazz, just to name a few who are still on TNA's books, but have appeared prominently in WWE.

Also, in the last few years, Ric Flair, Matt Hardy, Christian, Jeff Jarrett, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Ron Killings (R-Truth) and Mick Foley have also been prominent in TNA and also in WWE.

But, thanks for your list anyway. It's amazing though, how much better your argument comes across when you deliberately omit anyone who doesn't fit your argument.

You forgot that TNA also has Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, Christy Hemme, Mickie James, Victoria (Tara), Mr Anderson (Mr Kennedy), The Dudley Boyz, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam and Tazz, just to name a few who are still on TNA's books, but have appeared prominently in WWE.

Also, in the last few years, Ric Flair, Matt Hardy, Christian, Jeff Jarrett, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Ron Killings (R-Truth) and Mick Foley have also been prominent in TNA and also in WWE.

But, thanks for your list anyway. It's amazing though, how much better your argument comes across when you deliberately omit anyone who doesn't fit your argument.

so what, Im pretty sure no one said oh Vince is just taking AWA's rejects, or oh why does he have to take their talent instead of making his own. The whole tna just takes wwe talent thing is complete bullshit

You forgot that TNA also has Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, Christy Hemme, Mickie James, Victoria (Tara), Mr Anderson (Mr Kennedy), The Dudley Boyz, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam and Tazz, just to name a few who are still on TNA's books, but have appeared prominently in WWE.

Also, in the last few years, Ric Flair, Matt Hardy, Christian, Jeff Jarrett, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Ron Killings (R-Truth) and Mick Foley have also been prominent in TNA and also in WWE.

But, thanks for your list anyway. It's amazing though, how much better your argument comes across when you deliberately omit anyone who doesn't fit your argument.

I'm getting so sick of reading this that it literally makes me fucking nauseous every goddamn time it pops up in somebodies topic. :banghead:

This is no longer standard practice for Impact.

Let's look at everyone new TNA has used on the main roster this year...

Let's look at guys who have been signed in the last two years or so who still have roster spots...

In case you haven't guessed, this is a list(and hardly a complete one) of talent that has left or been realeased by WWE in the last 2-3 years who have never appeared on Impact since leaving that company. I'm sure there are others here who could add lots more names to that list.

So for god's sake, can we please put to bed this idea that TNA still goes out and signs everyone who leaves WWE. It just doesn't happen that way anymore. Please get off it.

As you can tell (since you clearly don't possess reading comprehension, I have once again bolded to make it easier for you) I did not purposely omit anyone for the sake of my argument.

I never once denied that TNA used to make a habit of signing former WWE stars, I merely pointing out that they are no longer making this a standard practice. You're idiotic opening post declared brazenly that this is what they do, as in still currently. I pointed out (with facts) where you are wrong.

Now as for the names mentioned...
Hogan was a star before Vince signed him, in AWA and Rocky III. Mickie was in TNA before WWE. The Dudley's, Taz, and RVD were stolen from ECW. Flair was the biggest star in the industry before ever gracing a WWE ring. Double-J was well known before WWE. Booker was a WCW made star. Foley also wrestled for WCW and across the country, and was a legend in Japan before the WWE.

Also signing young(ish) guys who never got a chance to reach their pinnacle in the WWE, like Anderson, or Pope, or Christian and Killings at the time, is smart business.

Signing main eventers who still have mileage and drawing power like RVD, Hardy, and Angle is smart business. As pointed out, Vince has always done the same thing.

You implied that TNA goes out and signs every random released WWE talent, just because they worked for Vince. That, sir, is absolute bullshit. In fact they rarely sign WWE talent at all anymore(as I have backed up with actual research).

Now if say someone like Randy Orton for example was to get caught roiding again and the WWE decided not to again apply a hypocritical double standard in his case and actually release him, I'm sure TNA would make a play for him, as they should with any main eventer who can still draw and go in the ring. That, once again, is just smart business.

But signing all future endeavored low carders, as you implied they do, is not a smart move, and TNA knows it now- which is why they don't do it.

Hopefully that is clear enough for people of your ilk to understand.
I find some of these responses amazing!

All you IWC idiots have moaned about for years is about how today's wrestling isn't as good because it lacks "Attitude"! You all reminisce about that era, and act like every single thing WWE did back then was pure and utter gold (even Mae Young giving birth to a hand). You all moan about wanting "Stone Cold" back, want him to risk his health so that he can have a match at Wrestlemania, purely for your indulgence.

Now you say that "Attitude" wouldn't work today, because edginess is too common, and every second show does it. But what is the alternative? PG? You shit on that too!

The fact, you people don't know what you want. You pine for an era, yet admit that it is never coming back. You know what- I have been saying this for ten years.

This thread was a trap set by me. I wanted to see what you "sold out" first, your love of the "Attitude Era" or your hatred of TNA.

If wrestling can't be controversial anymore, because you can get that anywhere, then why the f constantly complain about how the WWE is these days? Your statements have just shown that, if "Attitude" did come back in WWE, you still wouldn't watch it, because you can get your "fix" anywhere now.

It is like you used to buy your drugs from one dealer. Now, everyone sells drugs on that corner, so you can get them from any of them. Yet you complain that the dealer you used to use no longer sells the drug anymore.

These posts will hopefully make you realise, once and for all, to shut the hell up about the "Attitude Era", and either accept the current product, or get the hell away from wrestling. You just like to blame wrestling for changing, when the fact is, you changed! You sold out your interest in wrestling, not the other way around. Wrestling will last long after you stop following it, and you will last and do something else in your life, without wrestling. You've probably reached the stage where you are both better off without each other. You won't miss WWE, but guess what, they won't miss you either.

You have been punk'd by me, and I have exposed your hypocrisy, duplicity and shown that you people are the biggest problem with wrestling today. If you were a true wrestling fan, you would want TNA to compete with WWE, and not razz on it all the time.

So, from now on, when one of you losers whines about "Vince doesn't look after us anymore", I can ignore it, and know that when you say that the Attitude Era should come back, you don't really mean it. You just wantto find fault with it, so you have an excuse to walk away from following WWE, without being a sellout.

Dude what the hell don't you get? We've all have basically said the same thing,TNA has attitude but it's just done differently more grown up and less cartoony way.

You want a straight rip off, And we're telling you TNA has blood,Sex,Controversial storylines and steel cage matches. They have a whole PPV dictated to the steel cage.

Just because we TNA fans want TNA do their own thing and create their own era and not copy the WWE's doesn't make us idiots you're the idiot. I for one barely even watch the WWE so I really don't care what Vince does,I'm a TNA guy, I have never been a big WWE/WWF guy I was always a NWA ,WCW, WCCW,and Ecw kind of guy so moving on to TNA was a natural choice for me and maybe guys stop watching the WWE because fans finally realised that the attitude era was a flash in the pan or frankly a fraud, The WWE has been around 60 years and the majority of that time they've been PG. Only 4 of those years they had Attitude and they only became attitude out of necessity,because WCW was kicking their ass.

And their whole attitude came from Ecw. So dude spare us !
I don't think they need to revive the Attitude era. That's almost exclusive to the E. They need to come up with something original that will get them somewhere. Now that's what WILL get them somewhere.

The X-division was a boost, fans ENJOY(ED) it. What about now? If anything, the most revolutionary thing they have come up with are those reality-like backstage segments. That's new but hasn't helped them that much. They've attempted that social-media move with giving the fans a voice (polls) and basing more "Impact Wrestling" on twitter like Sting's retirement teaser and with Jeff Hardy's return announcement. But still, it's not given them more fans OR ratings.

People *cough* IWC*cough* accuse TNA of plagiarism. THIS won't help THAT! It will lose/anger the fans. They want something NEW. The Attitude era was new, Hulkamania was new, now...nobody gives a shit about Hulkamania. Don't believe me? TNA would be much more successful now that Hogan is in TNA. Oh, and Hogan isn't exactly in perfect shape OR a "role-model" anymore thanks to recent events.

So, NO. No Attitude, no late 90's WWF OR anything else that has already occurred. The fans want originality. It'll probably work within the likes of Bully Ray, Bobby Roode, Austin Aries, Kaz, Daniels and other names among the roster but IT'S NOT NEW. Any fan will call them a rip-off. A little more edginess is fine but do not make it clear that it's what you are trying to accomplish like when Vince was like, "we got Attitude! or Welcome to the Attitude era!"
I'll tell you what you make an official (new) era and publicize; a new idea.
TNA have been doing Attitude for years, since the Asylum days. It hasn't improved their product basically proving that rating doesn't mean anything if the booking isn't on point.

And all the things that were controversial in the 90s isn't controversial now as many have said before. And if TNA were to get more controversial than what they were in say 2010 or 2011, they wouldn't be on TV.

In this day and age, nothing is new and that goes for Wrestling. The Attitude Era was the last revolution for wrestling. After 30 years I find it hard to think of new ideas for wrestling, that haven't been used before, and aren't too vulgar for TV.

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