TNA Legends Championship

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Pre-Show Stalwart
First off, the guys who have said that the TNA Legends championship is a joke. Why? I think it's actually worth something. Look at the guys that have held it: Booker T, AJ Styles, Kevin Nash and Mick Foley. Two brilliant wrestlers and two absolute Legends.

While it is mainly a MEM title, after they're gone (Which I hope isn't soon because I'm really starting to like them) it could become THE stepping stone from the Midcard to the Main Event.

So I ask you:

1: Why does everyone hate the Legends Championship?

2: What should happen to it after the MEM have gone?

3: Who should/will the next champion be?
First off, the guys who have said that the TNA Legends championship is a joke. Why? I think it's actually worth something. Look at the guys that have held it: Booker T, AJ Styles, Kevin Nash and Mick Foley. Two brilliant wrestlers and two absolute Legends.

I believe you are refering to me there.

Booker held it because he made it.It was some gold for his shoulder so it didn't get cold.AJ got it because there was no room in the world title picture.Nash got it just so the mafia would have more gold.And foley got it for whatever reason.That was just idiotic.Also,out of that list,I can only see one brilliant wrestler.

So I ask you:

1: Why does everyone hate the Legends Championship?

because it's used just to make the mafia look more impressive.And it's one of the only mid card titles there is,and they aren't using it to promote the young stars,like they should with a mid card title.Also the name is pretty idiotic.They're kind of cutting down on the target market there.

2: What should happen to it after the MEM have gone?

Hopefully renamed or replaced.Anything else will do.International.Action.American.Hell Impact title would do.

3: Who should/will the next champion be?

In my honest opinion,hopefully it isn't around long enough for there to be one.But If I had to choose,either Joe or hernandez.Joe needs his "push" to continue,while Hernandez needs to kickstart his.
You must have gotton this concept from me with that "TNA the new WCW" thread huh?

I'm still stick'in to my gods on that man. The title isn't a joke, just the company is in. The belt would have my honor in the WWE though, on all brands!

I would predict if the WWE had that title in it's company, that they would put it on now WWE hall of famer Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. And then he would probraly drop it to Chris Jericho in that fued they had after Wrestlemania.

Now that's how the legends title should have came along, in the WWE. They know how to "handle the rock" in that side of the court, TNA doesn't.
I like it, but people are usually critical of anything new. How is the Legends title different from the Million Dollar Championship? DiBiase created a title. What's the real difference between them? They were made to stroke the ego of the MEM, specifically Booker. I don't think it hurts having the belt around, and it hasn't been around long enough to really mean anything. They should definitely hold on to it and it'll not only be a good segue to the main event scene, but it can also be something used to keep the veterans out of the main event scene, by having Nash vs Foley for that title rather than having either in the main event.
first off i do not hate the legends title and think it is a good title for TNA and i agree with LokiCobain that it is able to keep legends such as Foley in the public eye going for titles and i think that's a good thing as it stops them from going for the heavyweight title which i personally believe that AJ will win from Kurt in a few months. I also believe that the next winner will be either Foley/Jarett or AJ.
First off, the guys who have said that the TNA Legends championship is a joke. Why? I think it's actually worth something. Look at the guys that have held it: Booker T, AJ Styles, Kevin Nash and Mick Foley. Two brilliant wrestlers and two absolute Legends.

While it is mainly a MEM title, after they're gone (Which I hope isn't soon because I'm really starting to like them) it could become THE stepping stone from the Midcard to the Main Event.

You say it could be THE stepping stone from midcard to main event. there are three problems with that.

1. the most obvious is the name "TNA Legends" title, if you are a legend you need no help getting into the main event

2. the people who have held the title. none of them are mid carders, maybe not all top championship contenders, but all of them are in the main event.

3. TNA has not treated it as a midcard title. for the most part imo they have treated it as a small step below or even on the same level as their heavyweight title.
I felt like it was a joke at first but now i except it as a credible title something worth fighting for and i love the idea that TNA will now have Grand Slam Champions
I hate it and it's not because it's something new. For me, the Legends title only really remotely makes sense if you put it onto an older wrestler. In spite of what some might say, AJ Styles isn't a legend yet. It takes more than winning a few titles to be called a legend, you have to have ultimately left your mark in the business. If you were to pass on tomorrow, would they be talking about you 30 years from now. As of right now. Styles doesn't fit that mold.

As I said, to me, it only makes remote sense if it's for an older guy. I don't see the purpose of a geriatric division in TNA and I think it's one reason why the X-Division has really lost what prominence it had. It's nothing more than a cruiserweight division now. As it stands now, TNA has two mid-card straps: one for the small fries and one for the senior citizens. And neither one really worth a damn at this point.
Why do I not like the Legends Championship. Quite honestly it's the name. If it was named anything else and could be held by any wrestler, say Eric Young without me saying "When the hell did he become a legend?" then I would say it is pretty cool. But the name kills it because to actually be worth anything it can only be held by a select group of wrestlers. That really is the only problem I have with the championship.
Why do I not like the Legends Championship. Quite honestly it's the name. If it was named anything else and could be held by any wrestler, say Eric Young without me saying "When the hell did he become a legend?" then I would say it is pretty cool. But the name kills it because to actually be worth anything it can only be held by a select group of wrestlers. That really is the only problem I have with the championship.

My sentiments exactly. I think you even have to really stretch the definition of "legend" to let AJ hold it, which he did. I mean, I'm a HUUUUGE AJ Styles fan, but is he a "legend". Not as I define the term, no.
I personaly like the belt. its a belt that is just starting out. you got to give it time to mean something. TNA really has the chance to make something out of it. give it to some top names a t first to esstablish it. then pass it down to mid card in the next few mounths. and your strap will become a glorious new world of prospect. You will even get over the corny name. cause the belt could be used like the ic title was. name a legend who didnt fight for this belt with honor. even if they didnt get the belt they are still talked about.
Why I hate it? its pretty much because of its name, I mean lets be honest, this title can be won by anyone on the roster and just like what most of the previous posts have said having AJ Styles being the "Legends" champion just kills its concepts, AJ Styles is a great wrestler but the term legend doesn't apply to him yet, and if we complain about AJ being the legends champion what would be our reaction if this title was given guys like Eric Young, Hernandez, Matt Morgan or Brutus Magnus who with all respect to them are no where near that term right now.

A better idea was for TNA to annouce the introduction of a new title named the "TNA International Championship" and make a 20 man battle royal to be won by Booker T where he is given it in the bag he used to win his matches with and he'll unveil it on the debut of iMPACT! in HD, and then treat that title the same way the legends championship is treated right now, this could've elevated the International championship into a credible legit title that is worth fighting for since some of the industry's biggest names fought for it and then it could be used to elevate some of the younger wrestler and it could've had HUGE importance and why not headline some PPVs just lie the IC title in the late 80s and early 90s the time when a wrestler winning the IC title meant something, TNA could've probably treated the International title with the same way.
I dislike the name of the TNA Legends title. The name just doesn't fit what the title is, a mid-card title, its a stepping stone to the main event. It kinda reminds me of the WWF European title. I didn't dislike the title itself because it was a stepping stone from the lower-mid card to the upper-mid card; its just the whole European name didn't fit because only 2 guys from Europe actually held it.(British Bulldog, and William Regal).
1: Why does everyone hate the Legends Championship?
Well for one I hate that the name of the title makes it seem that only a few wrestlers can hold the title and challenge for it. Let’s face it; none of the TNA wrestlers are considered legends except for 5-8 wrestlers. Four of the wrestlers out of those 5-8 are in a tag team. That takes us down to 1-4 wrestlers. Then you have 4 who are in the main event competing for the Heavyweight title. That means that there are only 2 real legends that should hold and challenge for the title. I hope I’m not the only one who thinks that it’s silly that there are only 2 wrestlers who should compete for it.

Also, I don’t like it because it was brought in to make the Mafia look more dominant since they are legends. It doesn’t make the other talent good because it makes it seem like they shouldn’t deserve to be challenging for the title. If you’re going to make a title then at least make one that doesn’t make it sound like only a few people can and should hold it/compete for it.
2: What should happen to it after the MEM have gone?
I think it should be renamed and the design should be changed. It would serve a better purpose if it’s a title that sound like anyone can challenge for/hold it.
3: Who should/will the next champion be?
I would give it to Matt Morgan. It appears that they are serious about pushing him so holding the title could only help him. He is getting pushed and if he defeats some of the legends for the title it gives him credibility. I don't see how holding the title could hurt him so I would give it to him since in my opinion it would only help build him up as a credible main eventer, which is the direction they seem to be going towards.
Well for one I hate that the name of the title makes it seem that only a few wrestlers can hold the title and challenge for it. Let’s face it; none of the TNA wrestlers are considered legends except for 5-8 wrestlers. Four of the wrestlers out of those 5-8 are in a tag team. That takes us down to 1-4 wrestlers. Then you have 4 who are in the main event competing for the Heavyweight title. That means that there are only 2 real legends that should hold and challenge for the title. I hope I’m not the only one who thinks that it’s silly that there are only 2 wrestlers who should compete for it.
In WWE WHC is accepted as a world title but the title's name sound like it's a title only heavyweights can hold.If only heavyweights can hold how can it be in the same level as WWE title.Don't tell me WWE title is superior just because it has a longer history.WWE book both titles equally.
In WWE WHC is accepted as a world title but the title's name sound like it's a title only heavyweights can hold.If only heavyweights can hold how can it be in the same level as WWE title.Don't tell me WWE title is superior just because it has a longer history.WWE book both titles equally.
There is something wrong with you logic about the WWE’s Heavyweight champion. The heavyweight title makes it sound like only heavyweights can hold it, but a heavyweight is considered to be someone that weighs in at over 200 pounds. There has only been one heavyweight champion that weighted under 200 pounds. So basically anyone in the WWE can hold it because most people weigh over 200 pounds, therefore making them heavyweights.

On the other hand, the Legend title does make it sound like only Legends should challenge for it and hold the title. It was made so that the legends could hold it, and I don’t like it than only a select few can hold it. If you look at the X-Division title, anyone can hold that title. There are no weight limits and it doesn’t sound like only a select few can hold the title. It has been built up as a title that anyone can hold, while the Legends title has not been built up like that. It sounds like only some people can hold it, while the other titles can be held by anybody. The legends title is nothing special so it shouldn’t be a title that only some people should get to hold/challenge for it.
1: Why does everyone hate the Legends Championship?

I don't really hate the Legends Championship, but I can see why some people do. First of all, it's a fake title. Booker just created it and all of a sudden we were supposed to believe it was important and meant something, when really it was just one of Booker T's props. Also, it is pretty uneccesary. TNA already had enough title's for a 2 hour show. By bringing in the Legend's Title they've taken away time from other things such as the X Division.

2: What should happen to it after the MEM have gone?

I think it should be abolished, even before the MEM are gone. It is just superflous and someting extra that TNA doesn't need. However, that isn't what is going to happen. Once TNA is gone it is still going to be treated as a big deal because it's a title. I assume it will be reserved for upper midcarders who have nothing better to do.

3: Who should/will the next champion be?

I think it both should and will be Nash. There really was no reason for him to lose it in the first place and he should get in back shortly. I'm assuming the MEM will go into BFG holding all of the titles, at least that's what should happen. Nash should get the belt back as soon as possible, Hard Justice at the latest.
Some of you people in here are really narrow minded. A name is a name. The whole purpose of the belt is for it to be a midcard championship and that is it. Saying that Legends only qualify for the Legends Title is as stupid as saying only Europeans were eligible to hold the European title or that only people from the US can hold the US title. Anybody should be able to hold the belt. There's no rules stating that only Legends can hold that title. The word legend is such a broad term, it's stupid how people try to cage it. The Legend's title can be looked at as the title that creates future legends. And let's be honest anybody that holds the belt next to the world title is able to become a legend. So the wrestlezone logic here of some of you posters is quite amusing.
Some of you people in here are really narrow minded. A name is a name. The whole purpose of the belt is for it to be a midcard championship and that is it. Saying that Legends only qualify for the Legends Title is as stupid as saying only Europeans were eligible to hold the European title or that only people from the US can hold the US title. Anybody should be able to hold the belt. There's no rules stating that only Legends can hold that title. The word legend is such a broad term, it's stupid how people try to cage it. The Legend's title can be looked at as the title that creates future legends. And let's be honest anybody that holds the belt next to the world title is able to become a legend. So the wrestlezone logic here of some of you posters is quite amusing.
What makes you think the purpose of the belt is for mid-carders? If it was for mid-carders then why have they been putting the belt on legends (excluding AJ Styles) and not mid-carders? The belt was brought in to make the Mafia look more dominant and impressive since they are the legends in TNA so they got a belt just for them.

Also, who said that only Legends qualify to be the only ones who challenge/hold the belt? Obviously that’s not the case or AJ wouldn’t have held the belt (I like AJ but I can’t call him a legend. If a new fan started watching TNA then they would think that only Legends should challenge for and hold the title. That’s what the name of the belt indicates for them. The same would go for the European Title, if someone new is watching and noticed the Euro title then they would think that only Europeans should challenge/hold the belt because that would be what the name of the belt indicates to them.

Also, how is a title that has absolutely no prestige going to create future legends? Do you know how silly that sounds? And did you really say that the Legends Title is next after the Heavyweight Champion? Are you serious? The Title has absolutely no prestige whatsoever, you’re basically insulting every other title in TNA by saying the legends title is next after their World Title.
SavageTaker said:
What makes you think the purpose of the belt is for mid-carders? If it was for mid-carders then why have they been putting the belt on legends (excluding AJ Styles) and not mid-carders?

To give the belt grounds and to establish it's foundation for the name the same way the European title was first won in Europe by the British Bulldog and the same way the IC tile was first won in South America. It's obvious that TNA is using legends just to upstart the belt.

SavageTaker said:
The belt was brought in to make the Mafia look more dominant and impressive since they are the legends in TNA so they got a belt just for them.

Oh really! I'd like to see sources for that.

SavageTaker said:
Also, who said that only Legends qualify to be the only ones who challenge/hold the belt?

You said that.

SavageTaker said:
Obviously that’s not the case or AJ wouldn’t have held the belt (I like AJ but I can’t call him a legend.

That's my point!!:banghead:

SavageTaker said:
If a new fan started watching TNA then they would think that only Legends should challenge for and hold the title. That’s what the name of the belt indicates for them. The same would go for the European Title, if someone new is watching and noticed the Euro title then they would think that only Europeans should challenge/hold the belt because that would be what the name of the belt indicates to them.

So what?:shrug: Who cares? It's not like their going to change the channel. It's not that big of a deal.

SavageTaker said:
Also, how is a title that has absolutely no prestige going to create future legends? Do you know how silly that sounds? And did you really say that the Legends Title is next after the Heavyweight Champion? Are you serious? The Title has absolutely no prestige whatsoever, you’re basically insulting every other title in TNA by saying the legends title is next after their World Title.

What a silly comment.:lmao: Do you think titles are just born with prestige or something? Prestige is something that is gained as time goes on. How do you expect a belt that's not even a year old to have prestige? Do you think the IC title was prestigious within it's first 8 months?:lmao: Get real here!

The Legends Title was created for the purpose of TNA having a midcard title for their uppermidcard guys to clear up the overstacked world title picture. My whole point is that in 15-20 years from now, TNA can play off of young guys using the Legendz title as a stepping stone to solidify themselves to becoming major players and then moving on to become Legends.
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