TNA Brand Extension


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
To start this off. I'm not sure if this is considered a "Book This" thread or not, so if it is then I'm sorry.

Anyways, the title of the thread pretty much sums it up. I watch TNA every week and I actually like it more then WWE at times but my main problem with them is the fact that they simply have too much talent to fit on 1 show... Which brings me to this.

a) Does TNA need a second show? (ie. WWE's Smackdown! is the second show to RAW.)

b) If yes, what should the show be called and when should it be aired?

c) Which title(s) and talent should be put on which show?

Here's my answers:

a) Yes, TNA is in need of a 2nd show because their roster is way too big for 1 show. By having 2 shows, the roster can be split which means more talent get more air time.

b) I would personally take Xplosion and turn it into the 2nd show. Since iMPACT! is on Thursdays, I'd probably have Xplosion on Tuesdays from 8pm-10pm.

c) Here's my rosters.


Titles: TNA World Heavyweight Title, TNA Television Title, TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles.

Brother Devon
Bully Ray
"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero
Douglas Williams
Jeff Hardy
Jeff Jarret
Kurt Angle
Matt Morgan
Mr. Anderson
Orlando Jordan
Rob Terry
Rob Van Dam
Samoa Joe
Stevie Richards
Tommy Dreamer
Christy Hemme
Madison Rayne
Ms. Tessmacher

Show: TNA Xplosion!

Titles: TNA X-Division Title, TNA World Tag Team Titles, TNA Knockouts Title

AJ Styles
Alex Shelley
Amazing Red
Brian Kendrick
Chris Sabin
Desmond Wolfe
Eric Young
James Storm
Jay Lethal
Jeremy Buck
Jesse Neal
Max Buck
Robbie E
Robert Roode
Shannon Moore
Shark Boy
Angelina Love
Mickie James
Velvet Sky


GM of iMPACT!-Eric Bischoff/Hulk Hogan
GM of Xplosion!-Dixie Carter/Ric Flair

Both Shows get Taz and Mike Tenay as commentators, Jeremy Borash as Ring Announcer, So Cal Val as Interviewer, and Don West for whatever he does.

So there ya have it. TNA iMPACT! would be more for the Maineventers/Upper mid-carders and any combo of Knockout Tag Team. TNA Xplosion! would focus on the X-Division, Tag Team Division and the "Mainevent" Knockouts.

Let me know what you guys think. Again, sorry if this belongs in "Book This".
What the fuck?! NO!! That is a stupid idea. Why the hell would TNA need to split their roster in two? As if WWE's own brand extension isn't enough of a moronic idea, now you want it in TNA too? People are always bitching about TNA stealing ideas from WWE. So what do they do? Suggest this idiocy. TNA doesn't need a brand extension for some very simple reasons. First off, they don't even have a second show. Secondly, they haven't bought another company. Thirdly, WWE's is stupid enough. Why mimic it?

Am I missing anything? I probably am, but I'm too frustrated to remember.
WTF? seriously? The last thing this world need is two TNA brands. TNA by itself is bad enough. First off TNA does not have too much TALENT to spread over two shows. They instead have way too many contracted wrestler, very few of which can actually be considered talented. What they need to do is bring in some fresh talent and come up with some fresh angles. They need to do a massive future endeavor spree to free up some roster space. Here is who should be future endeavored. Tommy Dreamer, Chelsea, Shark Boy, Stevie Richards, Doug Williams, Brother Ray, Devon, Daffney, Tessmacher, Kiyoshi, Jessie Neal, Shannon Moore, Samoa Joe, Eric Young, Kaz, and Bryan Kendrick. Jeff Jarrett and Sting should never again be on air either. Im not saying that they are all bad wrestlers, just wrestlers who are not anything special and are expendable. Jeff Hardy should also be fired for being a damn Junkie.

If you fire all those guys and maybe a few others there wont be so many guys in there.
This would fail for many reasons, aside for the fact that TNA don't need a brand extension for nothing else except for the fact that they can't book Impact properly.

Impact needs to be a flawless show before brands need to be introduced and that is a long way off.

Tag teams & AJ Styles on the B brand = huge mistake - the two best things of your product on the second show? A second brand being shown before the main show = another problem & would be like having SD before Raw, so that's not clever.

There are so many problems here, not least that typically of the IWC, (we) are trying to create solutions for problems that dont exist. WWE doesnt need divisions, TNA dont need a brand split.

I wanted to have a go at for you for being stupid and word it like Killjoy did but when I realised who the OP was, I just wasnt surprised.
I don't think they could survive a brand extension, and I think this would look way too much like a WWE copy. I think if they have a second show, it should not be a split roster, but more like the old jobber shows. They take an hour and have some squash matches that let them get a certain wrestler over, then maybe have a main even match where two named roster athletes wrestle. Make it a cross between Reaction and Xplosion, mix in some replays, some new promos, and a couple of matches, and that's really what would serve them best at this point.
Yes they would but they have so much talent that doesnt get airtime so a brand extension can be needed. xplosion cna be made as a second show. however tna need a bigger roster because with most people in the tag team division and main event the legends and x-division is lacking.

They have to much talent an it kills with the story lines which usually go no where. If they have another show that was aired on t.v it could deff help.

I'd keep it unlike smackdown as a show thats the same an would be relivant to the main show.
It would make the fueds an rivallarys more interesting an not get lost in an episode a week later.

I would have to say Tuesday is a good day for it to run. Since they do tapings on tuesday.

It would give the titles way more air time an way more exposure. I offten forget there is knockout tag titles!!! So a second show would give them actual meaning an i can remember the exsist!!!

I would keep IMPACT as the following

AJ Style's
BFP, i'd have these two go back an forth since there current champs. i inculde winter too.
EY, an OJ
Bully Ray, an DEVON

Now Explosion
ABYSS to tear everyone apart
RVD to draw viewers an to fight the roster to get to HARDY
mcmg, have them bounce between shows
BEER MONEY!!!! have them be with abyss an totally take over the show.
RIC FLAIR an KAZ to take the over the X division
Lethal, bounce back between shows
Willams to put the the t.v title on air
Magnus an wolfe. for a tag team
INK INC to build up popularity then move em to main show.
Robbie E an cookie
STING! yes to draw viewers an to be the watcher of the show. an to take out flair
Hernadez maybe join immortal
Keep the annoucers all the same for both shows.

I would try to move champions back an forth unless fueds are taking place.
But i would have Fortuane take over EXPLOSION an create total CHAOS!!

MY OPINION how an what i'd do with a second tna show.
While I don't agree with with the TNA roster being split in two I am not going to shit all over your idea like everyone else has.

I think a good idea instead of a brand split would be for TNA to turn Xplosion into a two hour show, get it a mainstream TV deal in the US and try to focus on enhancing storylines as well as focusing more on the X division titles and the Knockouts divisions. At the moment TNA does not have enough talent to do this though. Although they have a large roster a lot of it is simply not good enough. They should raid ROH and other independants, sign some X division stars and some new Knockouts and go from there.

Your idea would not work but it is as relevant as many of the other threads that get posted here. Just ignore some of the pricks who think just because they have rep power they can shit on you. I say Fuck Them!!
No way. TNA can't even get their main shows ratings to the standard of the WWE "B" show; and that is with all their main stars. Two shows would just damage TNA rather than help it. They are not a company that is successful enough to carry two shows as of yet.
I agree that TNA has more talent than time.

I wholeheartedy DISAGREE with rhe idea that people need to be released. The bottom of the card guys MOSTLY have pay per performance TALENT wins by being able to sell themselves as TV stars when they book indy gigs. TNA wins because a lot of thoswe guys have "fans" who tune in to see if "my favorite jobber" got used this week.
I also think thata brand extention is a bad idea. Run your "A" stars - the ones people WANT to see twice a week. Use your B+ stars every week on one show or the other... Possibly as jobbers to the stars... Possibly in feuds/angles/storylines that get a chance to develop. Pepper in your comedy acts/jobbers/ fan favs/ shark boys.
Putting yourself in a position where you "cannot" use your best guys is D U M dumb.
I see why you might think its a good idea, but its just not.
Not being mean.
Not spamming.
Not flaming.
I don't like the idea.
But I don't think you are a dicklicker for having an idea.
Too many people here seem obsessed with stealing from the Bolins. Shitstains...
I dont think they need a brand extention what they should do is run a saturday afternoon show like the nwa/wcw did with more of a focus on the x division title and tv titles to get some of the prestiege back for those titles, with an occasional appearence by some of the more well known wrestlers just doing promos leading up to impact. then you could have the mcmgs wrestle some of the lesser tagteams like ink,inc and orlando and young and whoever else they might throw together to give those teams more credit. at the same time tna could use some roster cuts they do have alot of useless talents they give to much time to on impact cut: desmond wolf, winter, samoa joe, sharkboy, gunner/murphy, kendrick, tommy dreamer, chelsea, kiyoshi, the dudleys and go from there they need more emphisis on the lesser titles and they could accomplish that with a saturday show and they definately need to get rid of the womans tag titles they are useless .
While I agree with two shows i don't agree with splitting the roster.

It would be too hard for the Immortal story line to continue if the roster is split up.

But having two shows would allow more time for other story lines. Fro instance. we could see what Pope has up his sleeves or how the knockouts division is shaking out or JJ's MMA challenge if there is more time in the week with two shows.
I think the idea of two shows is good, but I don't think a brand split is a good idea.

As other people said on here, TNA can't even make a flawless impact, much less two independent shows. What they should try is splitting the program up and focusing more of one show on the knockouts and heavyweights and the other program focusing more on tag team wrestling and x division. That way they can have matches that go longer than 3 minutes and really showcase their talent. TNA's biggest problem is they have way too many people for a two hour show and that makes for a huge clusterfuck of a program.
Ill keep my response short.......I like the idea of a 2nd show to give TNA mor room to develope storylines and show case more talent. But NO brand extension. Used the 2nd show like Smakedown was originally.....a 2nd show only. but its funny how were talkin about how TNA has a huge roster and cant show everyone in a 2 hr show....remember when Impact was only an hour? lol.

ps to all the posters who dont like the extension idea and instead of sayin so and sayin what they would do.....under a civilized discussion.....and are bein total jerk and bashin the origin thread poster. get a life! No one in here likes you haters. this is a discusion in here. discuss it. dont hate. if youre so against it dont post. its a shame we gotta remind you guys how much of a jerk off you guys are bein.
Brand extension, no. Second show, absolutely. This would not be a good time to split the TNA roster, but they could use more television time to give them all a chance to get a decent story on TV. Actually, until I read this thread I did not realize just how big TNA's roster had gotten. So the second show could give an ample chance to showcase the knockouts and the X division, and some of the lower mid card guys. But not a brand extension.
Wonderful. So what you want is for TNA to go full-blown WWE and destroy their own company which isn't big enough for branding in the first place by splitting it's roster/performers and restricting how often each are seeing on their flagship show (iMPACT!) for what, exactly — some misguided pattern of brainwashing you're used to because VKM did it to his own pathetic company? Yeah, no thanks.

Oh, and just to echo KJ, it's hilarious to me that so many clamor for TNA to do it's "own" thing (by citing it copies WWE too often), yet I can still sign on here and see ridiculous ideas like this pile of horse shit the OP calls a thread...
Brand extension, no. Another 2 hour show, yes and preferably on a network other than Spike. Going to a second network would give TNA more exposure. TNA has enough talent to fill two more hours of programing a week. I'd like to see a mix of matches made for the second show an some house show matches for a change of scenery. Showcase the X Division. References should be made to storylines, but no changes in the storylines on the second show. This would be incentive to tune into Impact on Spike to see the story progress. Personally, I would love fours hours of TNA a week.

Brand extension, no. Another 2 hour show, yes and preferably on a network other than Spike. Going to a second network would give TNA more exposure. TNA has enough talent to fill two more hours of programing a week. I'd like to see a mix of matches made for the second show an some house show matches for a change of scenery. Showcase the X Division. References should be made to storylines, but no changes in the storylines on the second show. This would be incentive to tune into Impact on Spike to see the story progress. Personally, I would love fours hours of TNA a week.


I would love to see Xplosion gain a second hour and be aired in The States, but brand extension wouldn't make much sense to me. Because if you have the World Chammpionship on IMPACT! and not on Xplosion, then what sort of future lies a head of a wrestler on Xplosion, I saw you put AJ on Xplosion and The World Championship on IMPACT! WTF
As everyone else says, a brand extension at this point would be disasterous for TNA. The TNA brand right now in and of itself is simply nowhere near strong enough to split itself with one half working iMPACT! exclusively and the other half working a second show exclusively.

Like others, I do think that TNA needs a second televised wrestling show. However, I don't know how likely of a scenario that'd be at this point. TNA iMPACT! has a hardcore audience of about 1.3-1.4 million viewers and that's all well and good. I might be completely wrong here so I'm just speculating, but I have a feeling that TNA would have trouble selling another 2 hour wrestling show to the honchos at Spike TV at this point. I'd say, and once again I'm just speculating here, that iMPACT! would have to be drawing at least twice it's current average before Spike would seriously consider giving TNA the timeslot and pay them for airing the show. If they went ahead and gave the greenlight for a second show with things as they currently are, and the show drew only what iMPACT! usually did on average at best, then it'd be like Spike paying TNA double for really nothing.
no they don't need another show. the problem why wrestlers arent getting tv time is that half of the show is hogan and flair and guys over 50 talking. another reason why don't add another is iMPACT gets a 1.0 rating and the other show will be the smackdown to the raw.the last reason is that most of the guys that arent on tv arent good enough. so a BIG NO to a brand extension.
I wouldn't split the roster at all. TO make it better I would I extend Impact to 3 hours and make Xplosion like Superstars and let superstars who doesn't get as much tv time on impact wrestle and do simple promos.
To make my answer as simple as possible, I do agree with a TNA Brand Extension. I would format it the way the WWE should have formatted their Brand Extension in 2002. I would “randomly” assign TNA Superstars to Impact (Raw) and Xplosion (Smackdown). I would even have Immortal on Impact with Eric Bischoff as the GM and Fortune on Xplosion with Ric Flair as the GM to show Hogan’s full power. Of course, I would have an annual draft to shuffle things around once a year, maybe right after BFG.

Now, the difference between what happened in the WWE and my TNA idea are ALL of the Champions are free to go to either show. Now imagine the power of Fortune if they were to capture the LegGloVision, X-Division, and Tag Team Titles.
Okay, everyone is right. A TNA brand extension would blow balls, AND not make much sense. But having two shows, isn't that bad of an idea. But I think that perhaps, instead of it being on tv, it would be exclusive to being online. It would be intersting to see if it works or not. Depending on if it does or not, then it could go to TV.
Okay, everyone is right. A TNA brand extension would blow balls, AND not make much sense. But having two shows, isn't that bad of an idea. But I think that perhaps, instead of it being on tv, it would be exclusive to being online. It would be intersting to see if it works or not. Depending on if it does or not, then it could go to TV.

But that's a completely separate topic, man. You'd be hard-pressed to find a member here who wouldn't agree that TNA could benefit from another US-shown television block, because the two hours for iMPACT! plus the third carry-over hour they were using for ReAction simply isn't enough to sustain the depth on the roster, but the topic here was never about that — it was about whether or not brand extension into a separate show was a viable direction for the company to take.
TNA does not need a Brand Extension because that would do more harm than good. What TNA needs to do is find a row to get Xplosion on USA TV to allow them to use their larger roster better and give other talent more time to develop. Brand Extension is needed but a Second Show is.

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