TNA ReAction OR Xplosion?

Which would help TNA out more ReAction OR Xplosion??!!!

  • TNA ReAction

  • TNA Xplosion

  • Both (TNA ReAction and TNA Xplosion)

  • Neither (TNA ReAction or TNA Xplosion)

  • Other (different type of show all together)

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TNA ReAction OR Xplosion??!!!

TNA ReAction

To me at first it was cool and interesting at the time. Yeah, its about behind the scenes and shooting on one of another to get storylines over at times. It gets confusing at times when they jump around to different people and the show almost the same thing thats been said or done before in the segment already. For me personally I think its a waste of time. Most of the stuff is just out their.!!

I think TNA need to scrape this show and do something else like putting Xplosion on anytime on the weekend like WWE used to do it on their small one hiur show. (Sat. 10:00 am - 8:00 pm or Sun. 2:00 pm - 8:00pm) Anywhere during those time slots could work with *:00 being the cut off time.

TNA Xplosion

I still don't understand why TNA hasn't done more for this show. They don't need a recap show like WWE does. Yeah lets face WWE has the money the time and power to do whatever they want. With TNA having another show but only being seen on some markets doesn't make since to me. If TNA is willing to keep going I think the best move is to put Xplosion on a network just like Impact is. This way all their talents can and will be on TV and no need for anyone to be left off. Some may have to do double matches here and their but who hasn't alreay.

TNA has already beaten WWE ECW/Next and Superstars. Which to me is kind of a good thing.! I think their rating isn't as good as Smackdowns but it should be.! I think once they overcome that rating and having Xplosion doing a better job then WWE ECW/Next and Superstars shows. Lets face it SpikeTV should be happy as well. It will take time and years for this to happen thats for sure. Having their two big shows having better ratings then WWE Smackdowns, ECW/Next, and Superstars.

Only then like at least two or more years from now if TNA is still around. Impact is finally making some type of Impact then it would be time to move to Monday Night to go head to head against RAW again or keep working on their ratings until they get up to the 3's before moving. Once Xplosion gets to the rating of beating Smackdown by this time hoping it will have a second hour by then.

This could help benefit TNA instead of some crap shooting behind the scenes stuff that isn't really working if you ask me. They can easily put that stuff while Impact or Xplosion is going on to have better feel of some sort while the show is going on to make people have more interest in the show while its playing.

To me this how the like up should be or at least how many matches for each show for this to work out.


Five to six matches depending on how long matches are going to be going. How many backstage and in ring time will need to take up.

6 Main Event (It should be about Heavyweight Title/Division picture)
5 Match (It should be about Tag Team Title/Division picture)
4 Match (It should be about Knockout Title/Division picture)
3 Match (It should be about TV Title/Division picture)
2 Match (It should be about X Title/Division e picture)
1 Match (about anything or anyone like stable mactch or tag team of some sort or typical jobber match)

These matches can always change depending on who is bring in the most rating during their match or spot. Also this should be focus on champions that are holding titles and the partners they are feuding at the time should be about the show. Occasionally having someone a shot to make a name for them selves. OR Have Impact only about these three division (Heavyweight, Tag Teams, and TV) or maybe take one of those out and add the Knockouts Title/Division in of the places.


For some sports are about to be over or starting up again but in the meant time barely anything is on Saturday or Sunday evening night. Xplosion would fit in fine if they want to do it late or early Saturday morning.

Should be the focus on the young and people that are coming into TNA. OR This can be the show about these three division (Tag Teams, Knockouts, and X) or maybe take one of those out and add the TV Title/Division in of the places.

3 Match (It should be about X Title/Division e picture)
2 Match (It should be about Knockout Title/Division picture)
1 Match (anyone that doesn't have a match or feud going on)

I know its a lot to read and handle but TNA needs a change and spice things up then what they are doing right now.
I agree that TNA needs to use their third hour, whatever you call it, to give their mid-card and more exposure and not running their major angles into the ground. I love the style of Reaction but the content is 90% repetitive and ultimately does nothing to progress storylines. I can skip it and have not missed anything I need to keep up with the stories and be ready for the next show.

If I could have my way, I'd have the two-hour Impact on Tuesday nights and then make Xplosion a one-hour show from 10-11 on Thursday nights. The reason I'd move Impact to Tuesday is that it takes away a major competitor in Thursday night NFL games. There's really no big difference in terms of network programming, so right there you increase your audience potential for a third of the year. It also seems like most major mid-week NBA games are also scheduled for Thursdays, though that's not as big a deal.

Also, a major reason I'd move Impact to Tuesdays, is that you give people less than 24 hours to come away from RAW before you give them something new to talk about. I don't know how many TNA fans also watch the WWE, but there's something to be said for immediately shifting their focus from the WWE to TNA within a one-day period. Then, two days later, you hopefully get their attention again with Xplosion on Thursdays. Not only could TNA begin to have a bigger hold on the mid-week attention of the wrestling world, but they might even make a small competitive impact on Smackdown's ratings as some fans will be feeling burned out by Friday night.

For the Thursday night Xplosion shows, I'd use them to display mid-carders and really focus on X-Division action. If someone's flipping channels and sees Amazing Red going high risk, they might stop for a second. I doubt they stop at the sight of Bubba Ray backstage bitching about things. Also, use the show to either remind people what they might have missed on the last Impact or take a little time to hype the next week's show.

Finally, Xplosion would also be great opportunity to test run various things like a new announce team or in-ring promos for guys who can't crack Impact just yet. TNA seems to have the ears turned more to the IWC and they'll be able to find out easily what the public's reaction is to things they attempt.
I kind of like that idea of moving Impact to Tuesday night at the same time slot. Well, for at this moment for about 2 to 6 months nothing is really going to be that much NEW tv shows that will be airing at this moment. Having Impact on Tuesday will be good.

Monday - Raw (9 - 11ish)
Tuesday - Impact (9 - 11ish)/Nxt (depending if the show ever comes back on)[10 - 11]
Thursday - Superstar (8 - 9)[recap]/Xplosion (10 - 11ish)
Friday - Smackdown (8 - 10)
Sunday - WWE Recap show (2 am - 3 am)
Sunday - PPV (8 - 11)

That should be enough wrestling for at least week. It will help TNA gain viewers here and their. Heck even mix wrestlers around so Impact and Xplosion will always have different type of Main Event. At least do it for a few weeks to see which division or even talents bring in the most rating during their match. By that time you know how the card should be lie out but of course the PPV Main Event should focus on the World Title no matter what.
smackdown was made for this very reason. to help expose people that werent stone cold, the rock, HHH, and undertaker. reaction is different and i think they should maybe bring that down to about 45 mins and jus give iMPACT 15 extra mins like the way wwe does for raw. Xpolosion could be a second weekly show. for the X division title scene to explode and to build on the major storylines on the show. it would increase viewership TNA if they have three shows that produce awareness.
I like the idea of explosion coming to American television because tna does need more wrestling per week. The wwe has a total of 6 hours per week(8 if you count the raw replay) compared to tna's measly 3 hours(4 if you count the reaction replay).

The problem which Xplosion is that it is a 1 hour show. Nothing gets accomplished in one hour show. look at wwecw and superstars. wwecw had to big a roster for an hour show and superstars has good but meaningless matches because they don't develop story lines for them. Taking mid carders and featuring them on Xplosion and then having them back on impact the next night which is what people are suggesting and actually what is is right now(i watch online) will just yield the same results as superstars.

In order to work Xplosion needs to be two hours. I'm not suggesting a brand extension because that would be bad but rather just another two hour show which could extend Impact and leave room for new story lines with there mid-card talent. Hell just put out 2 Impact's a week:Tuesday and Thursday, who cares if the show has a different name. Spike should pick it up to, what else do they show....does anyone watch anything else on that channel besides UFC and Manswers.
I think Smackdown was made for that very reason. But TNA isnt roster heavy the way they once were, unless you count the KO's or filler like Jordan and Eric Young.

Guys like Samoa Joe would once have made a perfect headliner for the show. But with his contract, and so many others, in TNA unclear, it would be hard to produce quality on the show. It would turn into another Superstars, where obscure wrestlers who can't get on TV go to wrestle.

TNA Reaction is clearly to me the best show. Usually when i watch Raw or Smacxkdown, Im left with a feeling of moros at times because the show ends on such a cliffhanger. Sure, its a great way to bring people back, but how many people remember from week to week? Further, how often do they completely follow up on the previous week in an effective way?

TNA Reaction does exactly that. It allows for the immediate follow up and fallout from the show. It answers alot of the questions a casual viewer may get lost in when it comes to storylines. I like that it gets the "reaction" of the wrestlers, as it makes the storylines seem more real headed into the next week. I think TNA is fine the way that it is with Reaction and removing it from the schedule would be a bad thing for it. Im all for Explosion, if they hold it on a different night, and not at the expense of Reaction, which is a great show.
i say both, but since i live in the US i dont get to see Xplosion but i imagine its TNAs version of WWECW/superstars, keeping people off camera while still keeping them relevant if you kno what i mean so yea

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