Thoughts on Tomasso Ciampa?


King Of The Ring
Just read that Tomasso Ciampa has finally decided to sign a contract with WWE and I for one, am pumped. Watching ROH, Ciampa was literally one of the only guys I would get up for. He's got a great look and his demeanor is perfect for that anti-hero role that everybody seems to love so much. Plus he's only 30 years old and can put on a pretty good match. Although his name won't create massive waves like a Samoa Joe, KENTA, or Prince Devitt did, don't fall asleep on this guy. He's my sleeper pick as somebody who can make a Randy Orton-esque impact in WWE one day.

But enough of my man-crush on Ciampa. For the ones that are familiar with him, how far can you see Ciampa going? Do you expect WWE to have a plan for him right away or will we see him float around for a bit? Basically, do you like the signing?
I agree that he and Gargano looked functioned quite well as a tag team. It's also true that Ciampa isn't one of these names who'll generate huge buzz like Joe, Devitt, Owens and a handful of others. His biggest accomplishment is his run as ROH World Television Champion that began in mid December 2013 and lasted for about 3.5 months. So yeah, he's well known but he's not a mega star among the indies.

He has a pretty good look, he stands out a bit in subtle ways like with the hair, the beard, the bald look or some combination of all that. He has the "indie vibe" about him as he's one of the guys in the 5'10" to 6'0" and 200 to 210 pound range, though I've seen enough of him in that his body seems to go through some changes in definition. He's always in good shape, but I've seen some pics or footage of him in which he looks downright ripped.
I know next to nothing about him, as I never followed ROH, but from what little I've seen on NXT and what I've read, I like him. He is a talented and travelled individual who can function as a solid mid-carder or on a tag team. Whether or not he connects with audiences is a completely different story, but if ring work is his thing, then NXT is the place to be. Lots of guys get over down there on their ability to go in the ring, so he'll fit right in.
I have seen Ciampa wrestle a lot for AAW and he's stolen the show like 4 times this year. I can see him having a Cesaro-like role in WWE. He won't get a main event push but his matches will be one of the best matches of the night.
I have seen Ciampa wrestle a lot for AAW and he's stolen the show like 4 times this year. I can see him having a Cesaro-like role in WWE. He won't get a main event push but his matches will be one of the best matches of the night.

Cesaro came right to mind, just smaller. Maybe work them as a team.

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