They are Hardy, Jarrett, Abyss, Hogan and Bischoff; The Immortals

I'm not impressed with the way it turned out. Mind you, I'm not surprised that the revelation of "they" led to Angle getting screwed over, but this whole thing smacks of two pivotal turns in wrestling history: Hogan's heel turn in '96 (Hogan again) and Austin's heel turn in 2001 (Hardy). I know they say duplicate successes wherever you can, but TNA has been about innovation, and I'm not seeing any here. We'll see how it goes.

So now it's a case of which is worse: "They" having a celebration or having to hear Sting's "I told you so" speech?
All im saying is how do you know its gonna be a NWO remake completely? people never know, in the next week or 2 some really big shit could happen that will blow everybody outta there seat.But according to the IWC smart asses, they see the future and know whats going to happen. All im saying is let it play out before you say its the worst.

You're right. It's just that we're so use to seeing regurgitated angles from ten years ago that we automatically expect them. TNA has to give the audience a reason to expect to blown out of their seats. The only way I can see that happening is if John Cena jumps ship, Vince buys TNA, or if the creative team is let go, and replaced with a competent group.
I definitely gotta wait and see how this unfolds on thursday, but either way this was kinda smart on their part cause no one can say they saw it coming and it definitely has people talking.... this thread has filled up crazy fast. 8 pages in only a few hours!?!?!?! when was the last time a tna thread had filled up that fast? This will boost tna's ratings for a week or two, now they just gotta keep hooking people in
That's right, a backup plan. The first mention of THEY came when Abyss turned on Hogan and said he'd be out of power, along with Dixie and maybe Bichoff (I can't remember if he said Bichoff in this promo). Then he took Hogan's ring and shoved it down his throat. Thus, everyone can keep peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining, but that fact alone makes this the single worst booked angle in history. By far.
And everytime someone gets beaten down by a group of heels only to join them a week later is also the worst booked angle in history.

This was supposed to be Heyman.
No it wasn't.

It always was.
It really wasn't.

Heyman would have legitimately tried to seize power and it would have made sense. I actually thought it might happen and TNA had one over on us, but they couldn't get Heyman so they went with HogOff (you know, the two "masterminds" that barely share one brain).
How would it have made sense? How would Heyman have taken over? Him and what army? Also if Hogan and Bischoff are so dumb how come the nWo is bigger than anything Heyman ever did? Heyman wouldn't have worked.

They also added Jarrett, who is absolutely perfect for the angle since he was against Hogan from the beginning since he built the compnay and Hogan didn't have the same vision. So obviously, Jarrett made perfect sense here..........
If you've been following the deception angle it makes perfect sense, now we know why Jarrett went from being against Hogan and Bischoff to suddenly warming up to them immediately after Foley was fired. It also explains why Sting attacked him.

All this to take out a 120 pound lady who didn't have power to begin with because Hogan and Bischoff always made rulings and were in charge anyway.
This event just happened and They haven't had a chance to explain their motiviation, pipe down.

The Jeff heel turn was a bit of a shock, but overall, this a a colossal failure on so many levels. Feel free to debate me all night and forever, but it's true and if you think about it, you all know it.
Jeff's turn was a "bit of a shock"? It was huge, he's been a megaface for years, his only heel run was in the 90's as part of the Brood. On top of that he's the champion now as well. No one saw either of those things coming. And again there hasn't even been time for these guys to explain their motivation and you've already decided it sucks, so douchey.
Nnnnn....nnn... new world order 2010

Anyone else see this? :banghead: Seriously :wtf:

Can TNA think of nothing else? How does this work with Abyss being fired?

I can't wait till Thursday to find out.
I'm not impressed with the way it turned out. Mind you, I'm not surprised that the revelation of "they" led to Angle getting screwed over, but this whole thing smacks of two pivotal turns in wrestling history: Hogan's heel turn in '96 (Hogan again) and Austin's heel turn in 2001 (Hardy). I know they say duplicate successes wherever you can, but TNA has been about innovation, and I'm not seeing any here. We'll see how it goes.

So now it's a case of which is worse: "They" having a celebration or having to hear Sting's "I told you so" speech?
Wouldnt be much of a speech since really Sting didnt tell us anything just saying deception really doesnt amount to a big reveal, If anything going by the direction of the storyline previous to tonight it was Sting and Nash that had negative plans for TNA, not EB and Hogan.
Bulls has a point on this being a rehash of nWo and how thas all TNA does, however, it's all WWE does, PG is a rehash too... jus from a lot longer ago, I was disappointed no one new came in at all, even if it was one person with the group I would have loved it.... I love TNA but it was a letdown in some respects to me, that being said, ..... I did NOT see that shit coming, so fuckin kudos for that to TNA.... "well kurt or ken is def going to win there is no way in hell they'll.... wait... that'd be a shocker" was literally what I thought to myself when this match started.... disappointed or not, my main thing was I didn't wanna see the shock coming before the PPV .... and I didn't... until the match started I hadn't even THOUGHT they might do that, so lil let down or not, they blew me away to a degree when people know EVERYthing thas going to happen before it does, and uhhh yeah Jeff has been the stalest god damn thing I have seen (cept his match with Angle) in TNA... they injected something into someone I saw free-falling to oblivion

Am I disappointed no one new came in? YES
Am I pissed neither of my boys won? YES
Am I pissed that Hardy is champ apparently with the support of MOST of the power of TNA? YES
Am I surprised at what I saw? YES
did TNA drop the ball? HELL NO (that being said, still woulda liked a new face in there)
Overall was this a good move? uhhhhh fuck it, YES, first time I have been actually surprised in a while, it pissed me off, the fact that it made me feel anything though is why it's GOOD, my g/f hates Hardy and literally dove into bed and went to sleep the second it happened she hated it so much... it's like press... doesn't matter if it's good or bad... long as they talkin/thinkin bout ya ( so a lil disappointed but hey.... I asked for only ONE thing, for the shocker not to be ruined... it wasn't... thank you TNA)
I think "THEY" should have been Dixie Carter, Hardy, Pope, Abyss and someone else they might not have had in TNA at the time. Now that would have been a swerve that would come close to BATB 96".
the reason nWo worked so well back in WCW was because it was new and shocking. at first it seemed like an invasion with Hall(Razor) and then Nash(Diesel) new arrivals from WWE. then throw in Hogan who was always the good guy, it was SHOCKING to see Hogan be involved there.
now TNA is trying something similar, which is not that surprising. the Hardy turn may be surprising, but not overwhelming IMO. even than your matching up Hardy with Hogan/Bischoff(non wrestlers) with Jarrett(does he wrestle all the time?) and Abyss. I think part of what was the downfall of the nWo was they added way too many people. does this group add more? I do hope so, but not many more. if more, who? does this new group have a name? can't use nWo. hope it isn't "they".
I wouldn't mind in the near future seeing something happen where there is someone new, and they kick out Jarrett. kind of like thanks for helping, but we don't need you anymore so they kick his ass! Jarrett is useless IMO. Joe would be perfect. Jarrett walked out on Joe. Joe got beat up by Nash/Sting/Pope? so if Nash/Sting/Pope were right and they are now face, what is Joe? Joe is going to be pissed that Jarrett walked out on him. I much rather see Joe as a heel than Jarrett. THAT would be awesome.

this seems like something that TNA is using to increase ratings. this has already pretty much been done(nWo) and done so well that at the time it made WCW higher rated than WWE.
I have already read numerous web sits that in the last while have been complaining about "former WWE guys" getting pushed in TNA like RVD winning the belt from Styles and then Angle/Anderson/Hardy in the 3 way main event. TNA haters have more to complain about.
If there was any judge as to how well TNA did for themselves tonight, it is how much they have everyone talking. People have been flocking on here all night to see what happend and to weigh in. Great piece of booking...
I really enjoyed this. I hope Hardy is given a character. I always wanted to see him perform a Raven-like gimmick.

As for Hogan and Bichoff, everyone seen this coming, no further comment is needed.

And for the people crying about Jarrett being apart of they, I seen it coming from a mile away, what I didn't see coming was him leaving Joe high and dry. After Joe was kidnapped way back when, I thought he would also be with Them, I feel like Joe is gonna be a huge face.
I really enjoyed this. I hope Hardy is given a character. I always wanted to see him perform a Raven-like gimmick.

As for Hogan and Bichoff, everyone seen this coming, no further comment is needed.

And for the people crying about Jarrett being apart of they, I seen it coming from a mile away, what I didn't see coming was him leaving Joe high and dry. After Joe was kidnapped way back when, I thought he would also be with Them, I feel like Joe is gonna be a huge face.

I wonder if that was the original plan because the look on Joes face was like he was upset like he was supposed to be apart of it and he was left out. I like this way much better though because now he has a purpose and that is to go after "They" Next PPV looks like this so far....

Jeff Hardy vs RVD
Samoa Joe vs Jeff Jarrett

I think Sting will fight Abyss and we may even see new members of their new group before the PPV.
I just don't like how this is basically the same angle as the NWO with different players. This is the biggest PPV of the year at Daytona beach with pretty much the same players. No one saw Jeff Hardy turning a possibility, but should he be the one who holds the belt with his legal troubles? The guy can barely cut a promo as a face, I don't know what a heel turn would do. This probably pissed a lot of people off, but also gained a ton of publicity too. It will be interesting to see how it plays out on Impact, but there are still a lot of questions left unanswered.
And everytime someone gets beaten down by a group of heels only to join them a week later is also the worst booked angle in history.

Yes, usually it's pretty bad and I will question it every time. In this case though, it wasn't the beatdown we're talking about. It's that Abyss specifically said that THEY would come in and put Hogan and Bischoff out of jobs. Not insinuation, not a small piece like the rest of this story people are putting together now. This was the MAIN thing behind Abyss' heel turn. He found people better than Hogan to believe in and said THEY would drive Hogan and Bischoff out. THEY were Hogan and Bischoff. You have not convinced me that this remotely makes sense and I doubt you can. I doubt anyone can.

No it wasn't.

It really wasn't.

How would it have made sense? How would Heyman have taken over? Him and what army? Also if Hogan and Bischoff are so dumb how come the nWo is bigger than anything Heyman ever did? Heyman wouldn't have worked.

We can agree to disagree about Heyman but I do believe this story would have at least included him. This was the guy TNA wanted when ratings started to tank and they did not get him. If you want to believe it was this story from the beginning, go ahead. I don't think it's the case and I believe Abyss' first promo is reason enough to justify my position. As far as my comment about Hogan and Bischoff, it's sort of a funny thing I say but it's more than I don't respect Bischoff one bit. I have read his book and a lot of others in the business, and I do believe him to be quite overrated as a wrestling brain and as a person in general. Keep in mind this is the man that believes (and said so a couple of months ago) that guys who are already names are the only people that can draw. He also said that Steve Austin would never draw money in wrestling and was one of the first people he fired while in charge. I can go on and on about him, and I believe Hogan is just an ego guy who needs to keep himself in the spotlight. Because of his run in the 80s and because Bischoff stroked his ego in the 90s, Hogan believes that HE is the key to anything in wrestling being successful. This is why his crippled ass came out to the ring and took way too long to set up Jeff turning. It made the whole thing not believable because Angle and Anderson were down too long for what happened to them, but needed to wait for Hogan to be in the ring. Start another thread about Bischoff because I can go on all night about him. He had 1 good idea and has lived off it forever. Hell, this reveal was basically the same as Bash at the Beach 96 so you can see those creative juices flowing!

If you've been following the deception angle it makes perfect sense, now we know why Jarrett went from being against Hogan and Bischoff to suddenly warming up to them immediately after Foley was fired. It also explains why Sting attacked him.

Good point about Jarrett. I don't necessarily remember him warming up to Hulk, but I do remember Foley being fired (and then somehow came back but besides the point). The deception part does make sense. I get that Sting saw that Hogan and Bischoff were bad all along. However, it was played out very, very poorly and anyone who has followed the product can see that. Deception is fine, but it still doesn't explain Abyss' promo, nor does it explain why they had to go with this plan when they had power anyway (remember, Dixie gave Hogan all the power he wanted when he came in. That is true in the storyline and in life). Thus, why did they need to deceive people for so long?

This event just happened and They haven't had a chance to explain their motiviation, pipe down.

I am thoroughly looking forward to the explanation. Not because I believe it will be great (Jeff Hardy will talk so it negates greatness haha), but because I want to see how these "geniuses" will explain all the holes I'm pointing out. My guess is that they ignore them and hope the fans do too. I'm sure some will, but I certainly can't. As a writer myself, I cannot ignore plot holes.

Jeff's turn was a "bit of a shock"? It was huge, he's been a megaface for years, his only heel run was in the 90's as part of the Brood. On top of that he's the champion now as well. No one saw either of those things coming. And again there hasn't even been time for these guys to explain their motivation and you've already decided it sucks, so douchey.

Ok, I'll give you that it's shocking, but it's not huge. Someone was going to turn and it was Hardy. He was the least likely, unless you were in my buddy's living room. We said at 9 o'clock after Jeff's promo:

"you know, Jeff has not been talked about AT ALL with this title match, so knowing wrestling booking, he will win"

"but what about Angle's stipulation?"

"he won't get pinned, so they'll cheat their way out of it."

"ok, but how will Hardy win."

"he'll be in THEY somehow. It won't make sense, but that's what TNA will do."

I know you will not believe me, and I personally don't care if you do. It's irrelevant. It was shocking to most and I give credit for that. Most who don't think the way I do didn't see it coming and that's fine. Even I doubted that it would actually come to fruition, it was actually just a line we threw out there and didn't really believe. The thing is though, Jeff isn't a megastar. He was a popular wrestler in WWE that was booked just poorly enough for wrestling fans to basically knock him down a peg. I guess he's at the top of the TNA foodchain..........if you forget that A.J. Styles who got pinned by Tommy Dreamer, was the PWI top wrestler of the year, but Jeff is not someone I like and I never have. I also think that the WWE machine got the most out of him but he has been nothing in TNA. Maybe this heel turn will help him, but I'm not buying him as anywhere close to as big a cog as Hogan in 1996. Only Angle could have matched that, though that story wouldn't work. Angle would have been a late cog "making a deal with the devil" when he feared his career was in danger. That would have led to him being in THEY but not liking it and eventually having them screw him for a new guy and Angle going full face, which would have been a much better story. Even still, THEY being Hogan and Bischoff doesn't make any sense and you have only made 1 decent point about Jarrett. Until further notice, I'm still not buying it.

I also do not like that you resorted to name-calling in your post. In no way have I ever done that to anyone and I don't expect it in return. We can disagree and have intelligent conversation, but please try and keep it intelligent. I've seen you post and i know you are more than capable. I respect you as a poster, and I hope you respect me. Please don't take that away by resorted to names and childish banter. I know we are better than that.
I have no clue what TNA is doing here. Jeff Hardy was one of their most over faces and he is now a heel. Hulk Hogan is also going back to being a heel which really makes little sense especially considering his health problems. I mean it could make some decent feuds like Hardy vs RVD and Samoa Joe vs Jeff Jarrett but it doesn't really leave much for guys like Sting, Pope, Anderson, and Kevin Nash. This also means that the Fortune vs ECW feud will likely continue which isn't really something many people want to see. The booking of TNA is really making little sense right now.
Is it not obvious that since the "They" angle was a big swerve that him coming out and confronting Hogan and saying I have someone coming in to get rid of you was also a swerve. He never physically touched Eric, Hulk, or Jarrett. The only time Hulk and Abyss had a physical encounter was when Abyss shoved the ring down his throat which also can easily be a swerve to the fans. Unless Abyss at anytime physically hurt Hogan, Bischoff, or Jarrett since the "They" storyline then it all make sense. All these guys tricked the fans with their on screen acting. Of course the night it happens there will be fans who don't give it a chance. Why is everyone saying this is the same old shit. If I remember correctly Bash at the Beach 96 was completely then this. Hardy did all the damage and Hogan just supplied the weapon. There is no other way this works out for TNA.

Not mid carders from WWE or AAA. Could you imagine Shane Helms, Charlie Haas, and Shelton Benjamin coming down to "destroy" Kurt Anlge and Mr. Anderson.

TNA did something tonight that was fresh. Jeff Hardy turning heel. No matter if it is positive or negative feedback TNA did their job tonight because people are talking about TNA. Jeff Hardy and TNA were both the highest rated trending topics on twitter and PWR Show on ESPN had their largest post PPV show on Blog Talk Radio ever and their website, which is on ESPN servers, was shutdown because of the high volume. Keep in mind they have over 2 million people that tune into that show.
How could this be bad at all? First of all it's not like The NWO because there weren't any "invaders/new guys". Everyone's complaining that it's too much like The NWO while complaining that it should have been more like The NWO by bring in new guys. I really don't get that. The NWO's formation did not have an authority figure involved. "They" consist of 3 authority figures, one monster heel, and the top face turned heel. Just turning the top face due to the formation of a faction does not make it The NWO. All of the pieces are different.

For 10 months now, I repeat, 10 months, people have been saying Hardy can't be Champion because of his trial. Well it looks to me like he easily could have been at any point during that time because he's not in jail now is he? Could it get them bad press? No, but I wish it could. Any press is good press and when you're in need of brand awareness. You mean wrestlers take pain pills? You're saying some of them have stockpiles at home since they only spend sporadic time there between road trips? I never would have guessed.

Everyone has also been laughing because Hardy didn't bring his "loyal" fan base with him in terms of ratings. The question is can this heel turn get those fans there? Women love a bad boy even though most of us will never understand it. Will the girls tune in to see their precious Jeff Hardy walk on the darkside? How about the kids? Would seeing Hardy acting like an asshole and aligned with a heel Hulk Hogan make them stop while channel flipping and say "What the gumballs?".

To me bringing in someone new would have been underwhelming. They have this awesome talent roster to take advantage of. I'd rather have one of them running with the main storyline than another new WWEject. I think people would have shit on it either way.

I can't speak for everyone but I'm not 12. I love love love the complexity of this storyline. Ever since the reveal of them I've been running back through the storyline in my head. It all makes sense. Abyss turned on Hogan, but not really, he was turned by Hogan. Abyss got sent out to take the title off of Rob Van Dam who was Hardy's best friend. Or was he? Keep your enemies closer. Bischoff kept trying to stop the Angle/Hardy match to make it a three way dance at BFG. Dixie kept overruling. There's just so much to it. I'll think of more in an hour while I run the past year through my head. Great stuff.

There's so many questions left unanswered. I can't wait for Impact.
The main thing is, everybody was shocked. nobody thought Jeff Hardy was never even involved to begin with. Jeff Hardy wasn't promoted as hard as Angle and Anderson were, they made Jeff the afterthought this is what truly created the shock value. If this ends positively or negatively it doesn't really matter because, TNA did what was right from nearly every standpoint. TNA tonight earned itself a new fan.
ok my thoughts on this are the hogan and eric turning we all saw coming but jeff hardy was a surprise for me but to me this kinda had the feeling like when the rock won his first wwe title at the deadly games survivor series over foley i just hope TNA doesnt mess this up this has alot of potential im also looking forward to how the whole sting thing plays out i got the feel from when this all started that everyone ignored stings warnings but 2 thumbs up to TNA on this one i havent been this interested in TNA since MEM
so lame. after all this hype about THEY, and they take the most obvious route. The moment bischoff came out I knew the rest of the story.
I think they blew it because they weren't coming they were all already there. It wouldn't feel like such a rip of if abyss would of said they're here like the blonde chick in poltergiest and built it up that way making us wonder who they were instead of making it seem like someone new was coming
i agree that the hardy involvement was a suprise but the whole thing just doesnt seem right, hopfully they will reveal more on impact this week, i was very disapointed and im a huge tna fan.

For're a huge TNA fan..shouldn't you be used to being disappointed? TNA has been disappointment after disappointment after disappointment


The Hardy Heel turn is great! Jeff can unleash his darker persona on TNA now.. And by darker persona I mean he can come out all black and speak a lot less and just become a destructive force in the ring. Acting like a legit heel. Bischoff/Hogan behind Hardy could mean Hardy gives TNA's World Title a really lengthy title reign. Full of swerves, screwjobs on the faces that challenge Jeff, but most importantly it does something for TNA that I don't recall WWE really doing that well. Potentially giving Jeff a HUGE HEEL run. I remember a while back in WWE Jeff had a mild turn that epically failed. I do hope TNA can run with this in the right direction and not drop the ball. I just hope for heavens sake we don't have to watch Holly-crippled-Hogan hobbling his a$$ to the ring anymore. Let the man do the heel promos from the back while sitting down or via satellite. But we'll just have to wait and see how this really turns out. But IMO this was a good move. We've had a heel angle, we've had a heel Kennedy. We haven't had a solid Jeff Hardy Heel Run that sticks out in my mind..Yes I know the "New Brood" and as I said with HBK & RVD if I'm not mistaken but hopefully this lasts longer and they really drive Hardy as a heel
Another note, don't people always complain about tna not using the talent they already have? I'm glad they didn't bring in even more new wrestlers, this way they don't have even more guys clustering up the roster
You can look at this situation any way you want but ultimately what it comes down to is a rehashed storyline from WCW 1996. And not a well done one if I do say so myself.

Back then it was huge, not only because it was fresh, but because it was Hulk Hogan who was the biggest name at that time. He literally was a living super hero. That's what made it so big. Jeff Hardy is NOWHERE close to what Hogan was then. In fact, he's never been anywhere close to what Hogan was then. Besides that, Jeff Hardy clearly has less in-ring and mic talent than Angle, Anderson, Pope, Joe. All of which could have been potential candidates for the role.

And whether he thinks so or not, Hogan is worthless these days. Seriously, he's worthless. I find it incredibly hard to believe that anyone would tune in to see him. Why would anyone? He brings NOTHING to the table. His name is worthless and the ratings show that. That makes his role in this turn irrelevant.

As for Bischoff. Well yeah, now that makes sense. He should be a heel. He's damn good at it and far more entertaining. But 10 months in a drawn out storyline leading up to the attempted recreation of the NWO to do it? Do I even have to begin explaining why that's a ridiculous idea?

Then there's Jeff Jarrett. Hardly worth wasting my time typing why that's something no one cares about.

Finally you have Abyss. He's been a heel this whole time so not much changed for him at BFG except that we now know who's controlling him. But that's been clear the whole time. And what happens on the very night that "they" are revealed? He loses to RVD in a match designed for him. And we're supposed to take him seriously as a destructive monster?

So what we have here is a heel champion who is not champion material and has never been good on the mic. A washed up legend who's completely useless to any wrestling organization. An awesome heel boss. A wrestler who thinks he's a legend just because his dad Jerry Jarrett was good but in reality has never had any real draw power. And a supposed monster who couldn't even win on the night he built up for months.

Compare that to what they attempted to recreate from 1996. Back then you had two very talented wrestlers with out of this world mic skills in Scott Hall and Kevin Nash who jumped ship from WWF to team up with the immortal Hulk Hogan who at the time DID have star power. PLUS it wasn't rehashed.

The entire "they" storyline is a complete joke. Anyone who says otherwise isn't even worth arguing with.
*FREEZE coming out to HOLLYWOOD HOGANS music*


For 8 months we have lead to a story angle that I said could only disappoint! I even said that it would have made since to have just let "THEY" be Eric and Hogan from the beginning! When they first got there! That would have been a SHOOCKER...NOT 8 MONTHS LATER! LOL LMAO LMMFAO!!! Oh and as for a "HEEL" HARDY!... SO! Just think of this.... THEY IS CONSISTING OF ONE NEW MEMBER!!!! ONE PEOPLE! ONE! Abyss, Hogan and Eric were already together... U can say what U want but this is an OBVIOUS LET DOWN... Let's see where it goes from here...



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