Theo bitches about work

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster
Usually I don't bother making threads (or posting much) these days as I don't feel like being bothered with it, but I feel like lashing out some frustration and I didn't feel like placing it in someone else's thread, so I'll make my own.

I use to work the stupidest fucking schedule here at work. Ask anyone that frequented the JGlass thread. Well after months (possibly years) of trying to get a normal looking schedule I succeeded. I decided to tweak that a bit and take an overnight on Sundays along with my Sunday first shift in return for an extra day off. Boss (who is a fucking moron mind you) is cool with that. New schedules start next week, so 10/6. 11pm rolls around and I get a call from 2nd shift staff asking me when I'm coming in. Fuck if I have any clue what's going on, so I call the boss up and apparently he said I was to start today (well yesterday at this point). I tell him I haven't slept nor was I prepared to work and I ask if we could split the shift and I take one for the team. Nope doesn't work for him, he has stuff to do in the morning.

Mind you, if he doesn't get to sleep he expects one of us to cover for him. Hypocritical to say the least, but hey I guess you can do that if you're the boss. So I try telling him that I can't work due to not sleeping and that is gonna put our residents in danger and all he tells me is "hey man that sucks, best of luck with that tonight and give a buzz if you need me". I'm tempted to call him just out of spite and ramble on some bullshit story until telling him I figured it all out and hanging up.


(Spark notes: Theo's frustrated and is venting on an internet forum to people he hasn't met (minus a select few) about work and his stupid idiot boss who showers once a month and smells like a hippie.)
Tell me the next time the state is coming in to review the facility. I will have his desk so full of stolen pharmaceuticals and granny panties that he will be out of there faster than you can say Fixodent.
I ain't going anywhere near him. Dude's body odor requires constant following with Febreeze.
This kind of thing always scares me. I think I smell lovely and know a thing or two about personal hygiene. But what if I smell like ass and just don't know?

Keeps me up nights, this.
Are you hanging in the big guy?

Still living, so that is a plus. I need to pop into that thread of yours, I feel left out.

Tell me the next time the state is coming in to review the facility. I will have his desk so full of stolen pharmaceuticals and granny panties that he will be out of there faster than you can say Fixodent.

That could be useful.

This kind of thing always scares me. I think I smell lovely and know a thing or two about personal hygiene. But what if I smell like ass and just don't know?

Keeps me up nights, this.

I hear ya there. It's always a positive when someone else tells you that you smell nice. A breath of fresh air really.

So what is it you work as exactly?

I work as a personal care worker/med tech at a personal care home. Pretty much a step above a nursing home as the residents at our facility are more high functioning and just need help with basic things. We do have our handful of residents that really need more care than we can provide but like I said our boss is a moron. His philosophy is if they pay, we'll take them.

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