The WWE TV title? But defend it on Superstars

I wouldnt mind the WWE bringing in another title, but to defend it on Superstars isnt the right move. The main reason for that is, not everybody has WGN, and even so, nobody really watches Superstars. Now, if the WWE were to add another title to replace a currently existing title, like the Divas Championship, I'd be all for it. However, bringing in a new title and only being able to defend it on Superstars is definitely the wrong move.
No! Right now, Superstars is a place where people superstars go to die.
Some go their to die, some to improve, and some to debut. Although how many people on Superstars in the past few months have actually went there then was released? The last one I can remember was Carlito and he was probably in line for a tag team push. Other then that I can't really think of anyone who has been released or on their proverbial "deathbed".

I literally haven’t seen anyone go to Superstars and change their angle or gimmick slightly. Sure, you may see the odd feud between Primo and Zack Ryder but it is doing nothing for either of them. Superstar has a case of “Fourth-Show-Syndrome”. This means that nothing is going to change that. Raw brings in the casual viewers. Smackdown brings in the people who want to see a more competitive wrestling show and NXT breaks the walls of kayfabe down continually. The problem for Superstars is that it is a show that is just boring. There is no feud progression that means that much and the superstars who wrestle on it are not that great to be honest.
The show may be boring, but you don't need a championship to make a show interesting. You just need some decent story lines and give the guys a little mic time to work with. No one really wants to see people go out there and wrestle for no reason what so ever. How much better would it be if Zack Ryder vs Yoshi Tatsu actually had a reason. They could make it for something as simple as a number one contenders match for the Intercontinental Championship on the next Raw. You don't need a championship, just interesting stories.

Giving Superstars a Championship, however small, would legitimise that show. It would mean that it can grow and most of all, it would give people a reason to tune in. With a continually changing roster though, it would be hard to implement for sure. However, I imagine that Superstars has a certain amount of guys who are pretty much dyed-in-the-wool Superstars wrestlers. People like Zack Ryder, Primo and Matt Hardy. Putting a belt on the show would be very exciting and would give the show something to set it apart from the rest of WWE programming. Every other show is watchable and means something but Superstars is little more than a recap episode.
Again, if the matches actually meant something then people would tune in. Put a little creativity into why people are wrestling. Have he occasional small tournament for a number one contenders for any of the championships. A little intrigue can draw ratings.

Also, suggesting that they would then think they are a big fish in a little pond is ludicrous. Make no mistake, if you are on Superstars, you are probably not doing a good job. These guys know where they stand in the WWE. However, I don’t see the problem with giving them a Championship to feud over. The worst that can happen is that they run with it and it actually does its job in getting them over…
Evan Bourne lingered on Superstars for a while. Where is he now? Feuding against Chris Jericho on the upper mid-card. Sure he may have gotten his push because the WWE wants to have smaller guys be more believable but the truth is that you won't achieve success if the WWE doesn't view you as that type of wrestler. No matter how over you are, (i.e. R-Truth) it doesn't warrant success.
The TV title is a great title with a lot of history behind just worried that WWE will kill it...You saw what happened to the ECW Championship??

I don't actually see Superstars having its own's kinda weird..hardly anyone watches get like 800,000 viewers every week..not bad...but its not good either...having it on Superstars is like having it on both I agree with who ever posted that comment...but then again..WWE has too many titles...and is the reason why they sackd the Cruiserweight title...

As much as I would love to see the TV title in the WWE, I don't want to see it happen..
1. WWE will kill it (Change the image, it won't be the same title)
2. It would just add more titles and confuse people...
The WWE TV title sounds like a good idea, but not alot of people watch Superstars. I know I don't. I just see quick highlights of it on

It'd probably get lost and discontiuned like alot of the WWF attitude titles anyway. Such as the Lightheavyweight and European. Then the Cruiserweight in WWE.

Still, it's a clean and profitiable idea. Superstars would get more views and the WWE TV Title would build heritage if it worked.
Not only that the TV title should be defended on superstars, but it could be defended at places like a dark match at a pay per view or even a WWE supershow! At that months PPV during the intermission part. Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler (or Striker) could announce the result of the TV title match that started off the evening but was not on camara. (like they did at WM 23 with Flair & Carlito Vs. Chavo & Helms)

At the supershows since it's interpromotional anyway. The title could be up for grab's in a six-pack challenge match, a TV championship open challenge or something like that?
Not only that the TV title should be defended on superstars, but it could be defended at places like a dark match at a pay per view or even a WWE supershow! At that months PPV during the intermission part. Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler (or Striker) could announce the result of the TV title match that started off the evening but was not on camara. (like they did at WM 23 with Flair & Carlito Vs. Chavo & Helms)

At the supershows since it's interpromotional anyway. The title could be up for grab's in a six-pack challenge match, a TV championship open challenge or something like that?

This post is pretty stupid. You want a Television Title defended on Pay Per View? Do you even know what a Television Title is? It is a special championship that is only defended on a TELEVISION SHOW! You want is to be defended at Pay Per View Dark Matches and Supershows? What point would a Television Title make if it was defended places that were not a free television show? It is an added bonus for the people that watch Raw, SmackDown, or Superstars.
This is a terrible idea. The fans wouldn't care, the wrestler holding the title wouldn't be seen as any more credible than he was before, not to mention the fact they barely have enough time for the Unified Tag Titles already.

This would just cause confusion to younger fans, and leave the WWE scrambling for time to have pointless "TV Title Matches" leaving less time for important fueds with actual belts, developing superstars, and stuff I acutally care about. This may have worked 10 years ago when the WWF had so much talent they didn't know what to do with it, but in todays day and age, it is utterly pointless, the TV title is a thing of the past, lets keep it that way.

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