The Vincent Black Shadow


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Based out of Vancouver, Canada, this alternative rock band is among the lesser known in their field. Fronted by the beautiful and highly talented Cassandra Ford, these guys are damn good at what they do. Powerful and catchy music and great lyrics make for a large collection of great recordings from the group, spread across two albums, Fears in the Water and El Monstruo. Included are a smattering of their recordings for a sampling of the band's top notch alternative music:


(excuse the stupid accompaniment video, they don't, to my knowledge, have an official music video for this song)




Fears in the Water


Don't Make Me So Mad


I really love these guys. They've got the ability to do the fast, semi-pop beats, they can slow it down a bit, Ford can handle a wide range of vocals, and the guitar work is first rate. They've got some potent lyrics at times and really, altogether, I love this band. Plenty of entertaining and highly catchy, listenable songs. Give them a try, as they may not be a band you've heard of before.
Hmm...This band may require a few listenings before I can pass fair judgment on them.

At first glance, they're a decent ska/pop band. The singer is cute, and the band is fairly talented. However, they sound a little too much like every other "underground" ska band, and the vocals remind me a bit too much of Gwen Stefani. Not necessarily a bad band to rip off if you're going to go down that path, but it's still ripping off a popular band, and calling it your own.

Maybe, after a few more listens, it'll grow on me a bit more. It's not bad, but it isn't original either. For me to go out and buy this, it'd have to be new.
I remember hearing them in like 2006, and loving there chorus on Metro very catchy tune. Cassandra Ford isn't a band singer at all. I was thinking about profiling this band myself for another project I do elsewhere great job with this man.

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