The Unstoppable Force (Hulk Hogan) Meets the Unmovable Object (TNA)

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Kenny Powers

Bulletproof Tiger
Lots of threads have been created about a possible Hulk Hogan return. This has been the latest topic brought up.

Hulk Hogan is definitely "making overtures" to try to get into TNA. Hogan has used TNA as a negotiating ploy to get back with WWE in the past so we shall see.

As noted earlier today here on the website, Hulk Hogan was on the "Bubba the Love Sponge" radio yesterday and talked about Kurt Angle's current women problems. They ended up calling Angle and Angle suggested that Hogan put the red, white and blue back on and they could have a feud together in TNA. Hogan responded saying he could definitely make that happen. At this point Bubba tried to call TNA President Dixie Carter, but no one answered. This again seems to be another attempt by Hogan to get back into WWE that he seems to do every year. It should be noted that Hogan and Bubba were both drinking as they did the show.

I guess we can take that with a grain of salt. However, what if Hogan was actually serious for once and eventually came to TNA. I don't know how TNA could meet his demands, but I'm sure they are interested and would do anything to sign him. What if it did happen.. should Hogan go to TNA and feud with Angle? or should he turn heel and join the MEM with a lesser role.

I think no matter what role Hogan has, if he ever agrees to go to TNA it would mean big ratings for the company. It could also mean short term ratings until Hogan leaves again. Do you think Hogan could have a future role with TNA? What would you like to see Hogan do in TNA if that were so?
In all honesty I wish Hogan would indeed sign with TNA. They could both benefit from eachother, and even if Hogan cant wrestle they can still put him on TV. I mean who doesnt know Hulk Hogan? his fame has had an increase with his divorce, stupid son, ambitious daughter at MTV.

TNA could very much be a force to be reckoned with should Hogan join them. Their ratings could slightly increase so who knows? Hogan has no place in this days WWE. Because the WWE is currently busy creating new stars, so why bring back Hogan? He is better off in TNA.

The other problem is Hogans salary. We all know that his wife took a lot of his money, and I think Hogan would want a huge paycheck. I'm not sure how TNA would cover that since they dont have that much money. The positive thing from cooperation would be that Hogan did all his best to get some TNA talent over. We'll just have to see but I dont think that Hogan is really all that usefull in the ring. Outside he would. I mean guy how old is this guy already? He was the best but its like 20 years now. Some people need to learn to quit wrestling. Anyway I really hope that he does sign with TNA to help the company out.
TNA could very much be a force to be reckoned with should Hogan join them. Their ratings could slightly increase so who knows? Hogan has no place in this days WWE. Because the WWE is currently busy creating new stars, so why bring back Hogan? He is better off in TNA.

I would argue the exact opposite. TNA could use the temporary ratings boost but if the wwe can capitalize on hogan then it may work out much better than TNA.... Hogan's a star, he'll come back as a face and that can't be changed at all.... he can't do a heel turn at this point of his career so the wwe can really capitalize with their young heels gaining spotlight with hogan like swagger... he's the all american american and hogans like the american thing too so that could very well be the basis of a rivalry... problem is that most of the youngsters have turned face in wwe.... but if they build up hogan like this unstoppable object by beating established characters like jericho, cena, orton etc and then choosing a young guy to take down this unstoppable force in hogan, it would do wonders for that wrestler's career....

Now the problems with that are severe too. Hogan may not last physically.... That kind of rivalry takes time and in ring matches as well as segments... can hogans body hold up? Also this gigantic push really needs to go to someone the wwe really trusts and the person needs to be good as well.... certainly lesnar will be on the back of their minds if they do it...

I don't see it being that big in tna.... Can he really enter as opposition to the MEM right now? i guess stings retirement will leave a void that he can fill... again he can't come back as a heel and really there are enough faces on tna.... don't really watch tna too much so i might be wrong about tna but i can really see him making a big impact if he comes back wwe....
He would make a huge impact for TNA. He could go on Jay Leno's new show and promote TNA. He could feud with the world elite, with hernandez on his side. He would be great for rating, if people knew he was there.
I don't care if TNA had Hogan, Rock, Austin, and Cena all on one Impact show. The ratings wouldn't do much because TNA or Spike does not advertise. If you don't let people know that you've got Hogan, how do you expect for more viewers to tune in and draw ratings for you? It's like what Nash said. You can remake a classic mobster film and bring back all the actors and elements that made it work the first time but if you don't go out and spend money on advertising and treat it as a big deal, don't be surprised to see this new movie not do so well in theaters. TNA has enough guys who can draw with Sting, Angle, Steiner, etc. If they promoted them, they'd be able to at least draw over 2 million for Impact flat. Hogan is the ultimate draw of professional wrestling and the only reason that he might be good for TNA is that Spiketv may get enough balls to advertise Hogan in TNA because they may have the confidence to try to promote TNA with Hogan on board but that is about it.
My guess is if Hogan did come to TNA it would be short-term for one Big Main event match. I was thinking about this, and while I know from a technical standpoint it wouldn't be the greatest match, and with all the rumors swirling, and if they could work it out in time, how about Hogan vs Sting at Bound for Glory in Stings retirement match. I know they are both outside their prime, but they could hype the crap out of that match kinda like Flair/HBK from last years Wrestlemania. It has been about 10 years since the last time these two squared off, and of course their feud took place during the height of WCW's popularity. Plus you know if Hogan comes in, he will expect to win whatever match he is in, and instead of putting him over someone they need to build, Sting is going out anyways and is more than likely gonna lose on his way out anyways, so you get a big-time matchup, without sacrificing anyone elses build up. They only downside to this would be that Sting wouldnt be building one of the TNA Homegrown talent up in his departure, but my guess is that either Kurt Angle or A.J. Styles would be the person to put Sting out, and neither of them really can get much more of a rub in TNA. Plus no one really complained when it was HBK that put Flair out, and he hardly needed the rub from Naitch. I expect to get a lot of disagreement about this idea, but it was just a thought that popped in my head.
Hogan has used this exact same strategy for the ultimate purpose of going back to the WWE. He's "made overtures" to TNA in the past in order to get the WWE's interest in him rekindled. Maybe it'll work this time, maybe not.

Unless Hulk Hogan has gone through quite a metamorphosis over the past several years, and from all that we've read about him that doesn't seem likely, then I doubt very much that TNA can really give him all that he wants. Hogan's last program in the WWE was against Randy Orton and, according to Hogan himself, was paid $400,000 dollars for his match with Orton at SummerSlam. Also, according to Hogan, he was so disgusted by what he considers to be a low payout that he threw the check away. While I personally think the last part to be typical Hulk Hogan bluster and he actually kept the money. He made almost as much as Sting currently makes for the entire year for working one match with the WWE.

If, and I think it's a big if, Hogan did return to TNA then I do think Spike would go all out for advertising as would TNA itself. There'd probably be a temporary increase in ratings but I don't think it could last. Given Hogan's age and his highly questionable physical condition, it's very possible that working a schedule similar to Sting's would be too much for him.

Hogan will always be the biggest draw in the business, but he's also at a point where just his name can only do so much. Eventually, he'd have to put up or shut up in the ring no matter where he worked and, I have to think that any match he'd be involved in would be very subpar. Hogan will always have his name, but he wants the moon and stars to come and work for someone and, ultimately, I think he's at a stage in his career where that's simply too much to pay. He still has charisma, but that's not going to be enough to carry him. I'm not even sure if he can take a solid back bump anymore, let along have a competitive match. A few shitty matches in TNA, and a lot of people on this forum and others like it will quickly turn on him.

Now, a nonwrestling role in TNA might be something else. Either way, I think Hogan will have to come way down for TNA to even afford him.
I don't really trust Hogans word for much. He says pretty much whatever he wants but rarely does he back it up. Whether he is thinking about going to WWE and using this as a plot or not, I am not sure. TNA could use him, as a face who can fight against the MEM in a Sting like role, and maybe get TNA some big ratings, just like the NWO did for WCW.
I'd love it if Hogan went to TNA, running around calling everyone "brother" and hulking up on the MEM, it'd be entertaining.

In theory he should make a huge impact on TNA, I mean he's Hulk fucking Hogan, only someone like The Rock would do more for business. Still like all these other chaps have said, TNA dont really seem to advertise, Hulk Hogan cant make a difference if nobody knows he's there.

I wish The Rock would come back :(
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