Looks like someone wants attention

Wrestleview.com said:
During an appearance on "Bubba the Love Sponge" radio yesterday, Hulk Hogan was on and talked about Kurt Angle's current women problems. They ended up calling Angle and Angle suggested that Hogan put the red, white and blue back on and they could have a feud together in TNA. Hogan responded saying he could definitely make that happen. At this point Bubba tried to call TNA President Dixie Carter, but no one answered. This again seems to be another attempt by Hogan to get back into WWE that he seems to do every year.The Wrestling Observer/Figure Four Online did note that Hogan and Bubba were both drinking as they did the show.

God I'm sick of Hulk Hogan. Legend? Yes. First global superstar of Wrestling? Yes. God amongst the wrestling world? Yes. Biggest piece of attention grabbing garbage this side of florida? Yes. Once again we have Terry Bollea making a poorly feigned plea for exposure to the WWE by enticing TNA with promises he would never in his right mind make. You know, this probably could have gone in the TNA section. Oh wellz!

And what about Kurt angle? Someone needs to get a hold of him and make sure he doesn't blurt out anything stupid. Oh I know, maybe TNA management can look after their champion for once in a while. Crazy right? :shrug:
Despite the fact that I wouldn't mind having Hulk Hogan go up against people in TNA & help the product get exposure, I agree that he should stop garnering attention. He already tried a return to the ring & he did it very moderately at best. I have to say that Hogan should just hang up the boots completely & call it quits in the mainstream business WWE. They will not accept him due to what he has done with his life & that Celebrity Championship Wrestling show.

Sorry Hulk, you have past you're expiry date for the big leagues. You need to step down into the indy's & help other promotions out that need a name like your's.
Hogan vs ANYONE in any company would suck now, his last great match was at WM18 and the Rock and the Crowd carried him through it completely.
Someone on here posted an idea a while back that Terry Bollea (not the Hulkster gimmick, just the man) should be GM of Raw and create a good feud with Teddy Long (who should stop using Rodney Macks music btw) which could help bring the two shows some element of surprise by having a Raw star vs a SD star each week building up to a PPV match where Hogans retirement can happen once and for all.
This may seem unnecessary to some of you, but considering what he did for wrestling in the 80s, i think he deserves a love-fest sendoff like flair got last year...
What's wrong with someone who's made their career and their livelihood gathering attention to themselves trying to get attention? Public notoriety is a funny thing. No matter how much you've contributed in the past, if you let yourself slip out of the public eye for even a moment, that's pretty much the end of you.

Hogan has always managed to hang on to that attention one way or another. Once he ended his wrestling career, he started that silly reality show. Yeah, it was dumb, but it kept him relevant and in the public eye. Now that the reality show is over, he needs to do something else or he's going to slip into obscurity. Sure, he'll still be a household name but that's not worth much when you haven't done anything lately.

He's at a crossroads right now. He's going to have to either go ahead and retire from the public eye and live out the rest of his life privately, or find something else to do to make him relevant. It sounds like he's choosing the second option, and good for him. I'm not ready for Hogan to slip into obscurity anymore than he apparently is.
God I'm sick of Hulk Hogan.

Sounds personal. If you respected the man half as much as you should, you would be excited to see him return. If the guy hasn't skipped a beat, his wrestling skills don't really matter. As long as he can do 4 moves, the croud WILL love him.

Legend? Yes.

Damn staight he is. Hes the biggest legend to ever preform.

First global superstar of Wrestling? Yes.

Probably the only global superstar of wrestling. (Yes I know all WWE stars have global attraction) But just stop and think, everywhere Hulk Hogan went, he sold to millions of fans, getting numbers (Ratings & PPV Buys) higher than anyone else is getting today. This man what the first, and probably the only global star ever. Known in every single house hold around the world. Well, except countries without T.V :shrug:

God amongst the wrestling world? Yes.

Could be an understatement. :p

Biggest piece of attention grabbing garbage this side of florida? Yes.

Fuck you! Hulk Hogan is the greatest professional wrestler ever. If he wants to be an attention ****e, he damn well has the right to be. If you ask me, he wasn't even being an attention ****e. TV programs will sign Hulk Hogan to this day for ratings to spike. Hulk Hogan (Not Terry Bollea) comes in character, and obviously its his job to play the part and get himself over. If Terry Bollea the person wants to get back into the ring, and is physically able to do so. Whats wrong with him coming as the egomaniac Hulk Hogan and expressing that he wants to do so? Exactly. Nothing.

Once again we have Terry Bollea making a poorly feigned plea for exposure to the WWE by enticing TNA with promises he would never in his right mind make.

That was an assumption on the part of the article. Reading Comp 101 go take it.

And what about Kurt angle? Someone needs to get a hold of him and make sure he doesn't blurt out anything stupid. Oh I know, maybe TNA management can look after their champion for once in a while. Crazy right? :shrug:

Wait was this thread meant for the greatest legend of all time? Or the "Could have been" greatest of all time?
I sware this is the two thousandth thread about hogan. I'm sick of hogan and his media ****e family. It's their mission to get in the news and if they are not in the news they do something stupid to be in the news. Hulk needs to stay out of the media, I don't wish a serious injury on him but something needs to happen to shut him up. I'm sick of him but I still wouldn't mind him in WWE fueding with the Miz, just saying, lol.
Hogan is trying to get one last bite from the WWE and this time I believe Vince won't bite. He realizes how desparate a state Hogan is in and Vince is in a very comfortable position right now. He doesn't need Hogan. Hogan is only needed when Vince needs Hogan, not when Hogan needs Vince. I couldn't even imagine Hogan working an even decent match by HIS standards. He also has that black cloud from his divorce over his head which makes him even less appealing. Hogan deserves a send off but we all know Hogan will NEVER officially retire so why waste a send off when he won't retire?
I was of the impression that WWE owned all things to do with Hogan. I thought that he had signed an exclusivity deal with them for the next 20 years or something like that. If that is true, then he could never go to TNA without a breach of contract which could cost him millions of dollars. If it's untrue then he could by all means go for it. A feud with Angle would be crazy good. I mean, not the matches of course but the feud and intensity of it. No doubt Hulk Hogan would light up TNA and TNA would love to have him. Having Hulk Hogan on your show instead of WWE is basically one of a few things that legitimises your promotion. Think of the pop he would get if his music hit on TNA Impact! Wow!

Nevertheless, I don't think he would go to TNA. He knows that WWE would give him more money to compete and be with them. I can see Hogan coming back to WWE at some point and in some capacity but not right now. Not with all this shit going on around him. I also don't think that it is just a cry for attention. I think that what he is trying to accomplish is reminding the WWE that he would gladly come back and so would anyone else. I personally don't blame him.
Sounds personal. If you respected the man half as much as you should, you would be excited to see him return. If the guy hasn't skipped a beat, his wrestling skills don't really matter. As long as he can do 4 moves, the croud WILL love him.

Why the hell should anyone be excited to watch a senior citizen limp around a wrestling ring? I don't enjoy watching old men make fools of themselves.

Damn staight he is. Hes the biggest legend to ever preform.

Very arguable. There WAS professional wrestling before the 1980s kids, I promise you.

Probably the only global superstar of wrestling. (Yes I know all WWE stars have global attraction) But just stop and think, everywhere Hulk Hogan went, he sold to millions of fans, getting numbers (Ratings & PPV Buys) higher than anyone else is getting today. This man what the first, and probably the only global star ever. Known in every single house hold around the world. Well, except countries without T.V :shrug:

Well, that's just a big fat load of bullshit Milky. Once again you're just trying to argue with someone for the sake of arguing, not actually knowing what you're talking about, aren't you? :p

It saddens me that my fellow American wrestling fans seem to think America is the beginning and ending of pro wrestling. It's not. Go look up guys like El Santo and Rikidōzan, both of whom were MUUUUUUUUCH bigger stars than Hogan ever was. Hogan, even at his most popular, was never an A-List celebrity. EVER. Santo and Rikidōzan were not only A-List celebrities, they were legends in their country. And I don't mean wrestling legends, I mean LEGENDS to every boy and girl growing up, they were a part of cultural history, much more so than Hogan ever was in the United States.

Fuck you! Hulk Hogan is the greatest professional wrestler ever.

In America? Sure.

If he wants to be an attention ****e, he damn well has the right to be.

No he doesn't. What gives him the right to be an attention ****e asshole? How the fuck does being successful make it okay for you to be a gigantic dick? Only in the wrestling world could someone possibly find that acceptable. Sorry, being successful doesn't make it okay for you to be an asshole. Ever.

If you ask me, he wasn't even being an attention ****e. TV programs will sign Hulk Hogan to this day for ratings to spike. Hulk Hogan (Not Terry Bollea) comes in character, and obviously its his job to play the part and get himself over. If Terry Bollea the person wants to get back into the ring, and is physically able to do so. Whats wrong with him coming as the egomaniac Hulk Hogan and expressing that he wants to do so? Exactly. Nothing.

What's wrong with it is he's been saying this shit all summer long, trying desperately to catch Vince's attention for a nice little contract again, and Vince isn't biting. I can't possibly understand why someone would want to watch Hulk Hogan in a wrestling ring any more. I'm sure Steelers fans love Terry Bradshaw, but they sure as fuck wouldn't want him going out to throw a few passes in 2009.

Hogan needs to stay far, far away from a wrestling ring. He and Flair both need to realize they're far too old to still be wrestling.
no matter what anyone thinks hulk hogan can still pretty much make a draw based on his name alone,,all he has to do is make an appearence and stand there you all know it takes 15mins till people finally quit chanting his name before he can even talk. if he goes to tna ratings would double just because its hulk hogan on the show.is he actually pass his wrestling prime yes ofcourse,the yrs in the ring and injuries and his age has taken its toll.but his drawing power ohhhh thats there its just a shame he still has to work based on what that bitch ex wife of his did and how much money she cost him,the hulkster should be set for life and only work when he wants to,,,dont be surprised if you see him back in wwe or tna not in a wrestling form full time dont think his body could hold up but in some capacity for a little while...he still has the power to put put bodies in the seats and fill arenas,,,come on its hulk hogan
Jesus Christ, another thread about a senior citizen coming back to wrestle. My god, when will it end?

First of all, I respect Hulk Hogan, but that doesn't mean that I should want to watch this old man come back to wrestling and make a complete and utter ass out of himself. The only way that I would want Hogan to come back is if he stops thinking that he can still carry the business and he comes back to give some new guys the rub. Hell, I really don't think that he should come back to do that. He can barely walk. What makes you think that he could put on an even half way decent wrestling match? He couldn't!

About being an attention ****e. He has always been an attention ****e. He even takes the spotlight on his daughter's reality show. That is ridiculous in and of it self. He can't even let his daughter get some lime light? I don't care if he was successful or not in the WWE or in Professional Wrestling, he doesn't need to come back and wrestle ever!

Maybe he should except a minor role and come back and manage someone. I would actually like to see that, but you know the ego that is Hogan will never allow that to happen.

People, you should be done with Hulk Hogan. His career is and should be over!
Why the hell should anyone be excited to watch a senior citizen limp around a wrestling ring? I don't enjoy watching old men make fools of themselves.

Like I said. If Hogan is medically cleared to wrestle, and Vince sees him fit as being able to wrestle there isn't much Hogan has to do. Get punched on, kicked on, maybe suplexed, etc. No major bumps and Hogan will be perfectly fine. All he has to do is hulk up (Shaking) point (Pointing) punch (punching) Scoop Slam and run for a leg drop. Really, is that so hard, even for a 50 year old man?

Very arguable. There WAS professional wrestling before the 1980s kids, I promise you.

None at which sold near as much as Hogan, and none at which were able to take there territory into a national scale. To become an entire company, twice? Without Hogan, there was no WWE, WrestleMania, etc. Without Hogan there was no Monday Night War. Hogan drew ratings, Hogan was part of the show that drew the highest rating in professional wrestling history. Hogan was the one to start WrestleMania. No one in professional wrestling history did half as much for the business as Hulk Hogan did here in America.

Well, that's just a big fat load of bullshit Milky. Once again you're just trying to argue with someone for the sake of arguing, not actually knowing what you're talking about, aren't you? :p


It saddens me that my fellow American wrestling fans seem to think America is the beginning and ending of pro wrestling.

Who ever said such a thing?

It's not. Go look up guys like El Santo and Rikidōzan, both of whom were MUUUUUUUUCH bigger stars than Hogan ever was.

In their countries, sure.

Hogan, even at his most popular, was never an A-List celebrity. EVER.

Hogan was a household name all around the world. Seems better than an A-list celebrity to me.

Santo and Rikidōzan were not only A-List celebrities, they were legends in their country.

Who doesn't know Hulk Hogan? The man is in my US History book. I'm not lieing.

And I don't mean wrestling legends, I mean LEGENDS to every boy and girl growing up, they were a part of cultural history, much more so than Hogan ever was in the United States.

Hogan is the legend in my heart. The man I grew up admiring. The man I loved, and wanted to be was none other than Hulk Hogan. I'm a child, do I not count?

In America? Sure.

Debatable. Subjective, really. I know people who find Ric Flair to be the greatest ever. Theres arguements on each side. Not much we can do about it.

No he doesn't. What gives him the right to be an attention ****e asshole? How the fuck does being successful make it okay for you to be a gigantic dick?

Elitism says he has the right to be whatever the fuck he wants to be. Even animals understand elitism. Whomevers at the top of the foodchain, does whatever the fuck they want.

Only in the wrestling world could someone possibly find that acceptable.

Seems the animal kingdom disagrees.

Sorry, being successful doesn't make it okay for you to be an asshole. Ever.

Hogan was more than sucessful. My mother is sucessful in her 50,000$ salary raising 2 children on her own.Hogan made millions, he was more than a sucess.

What's wrong with it is he's been saying this shit all summer long, trying desperately to catch Vince's attention for a nice little contract again, and Vince isn't biting.

Hes said what, like 3 times that he'd like to get back in the ring? Thats all summer? Since when? This last time you say hes baiting mcmahon, he didn't even say anyhting about joining the WWE. He was playing his part, and teasing Angle which made perfect sense.

I can't possibly understand why someone would want to watch Hulk Hogan in a wrestling ring any more.

Nostalgia, its wrestling. Its staged.

Hogan needs to stay far, far away from a wrestling ring. He and Flair both need to realize they're far too old to still be wrestling.

I don't support the cause of Hogan getting in the ring. Nor do I want to see him back in the ring. Read my post again, you'll not see once where I defended the fact that Hogan should get back in the ring. Do I think he should retire? Yes. But, if Hogan is medically cleared to wrestler, I see no harm. He wouldn't hurt the rating, he might help them. His style, is easily preformed, and he won't be putting other wrestlers at risk. So wheres the harm done?
Like I said. If Hogan is medically cleared to wrestle, and Vince sees him fit as being able to wrestle there isn't much Hogan has to do. Get punched on, kicked on, maybe suplexed, etc. No major bumps and Hogan will be perfectly fine. All he has to do is hulk up (Shaking) point (Pointing) punch (punching) Scoop Slam and run for a leg drop. Really, is that so hard, even for a 50 year old man?

It's not that he can't physically do those 4-5 moves, but there's a point when you simply need to stop Milk. Hogan has reached that point. I'm sure Michael Jordon could still make plenty of shots, but that doesn't mean he should still be playing basketball does it? I'm sorry, but Hogan at this stage going over anyone would just be an insult. I'd love for him to come back and job, but that's NEVER going to happen, he's too much of an egomaniac. But if he were to come back, and be put over someone like Orton clean, that would be insulting. There's a point where an old man winning a wrestling match simply isn't feasible, and the fans realize that.

None at which sold near as much as Hogan, and none at which were able to take there territory into a national scale. To become an entire company, twice? Without Hogan, there was no WWE, WrestleMania, etc. Without Hogan there was no Monday Night War. Hogan drew ratings, Hogan was part of the show that drew the highest rating in professional wrestling history. Hogan was the one to start WrestleMania. No one in professional wrestling history did half as much for the business as Hulk Hogan did here in America.

It's pretty hard to take your promotion to a national level and score huge TV ratings and PPV buys when television doesn't exist Milky. It's also hard later on when 2 out of every 20 Americans own a television set. The fact that you guys seem to think that Hulk Hogan is the reason why wrestling has been popular the last 30 years is absolutely RIDICULOUS. Without Hogan, there's no WWE, no Wrestlemania? Says who? Hogan, as amazing as he was, was in the right place, at the very right time. I promise you Milk, professional wrestling would still exist if Terry Bollea had become a school teacher instead.

In their countries, sure.

Yes, and in their countries they were bigger names than Hogan has EVER been in America. How many movies has Hogan been in? 4-5? Right, Santo was in 49 Mexican films, most of which were successful (compared to every single Hogan film being a massive flop).

Hogan was a household name all around the world. Seems better than an A-list celebrity to me.

See, but he really wasn't as big as you guys seem to think. Even at his absolute most INSANELY popular, Hogan was never an A-Lister. Ever. Not at the level of Rikidōzan and Santo, not even close.

Who doesn't know Hulk Hogan? The man is in my US History book. I'm not lieing.

Hogan really isn't as big of a star as you seem to think. Hogan had a short period in the 80s when he was the "It" thing, but outside of wrestling he's been a D-Lister for the last 15+ years. Compare that to Rikidōzan and Santo being followed by the press and in the national spotlight until their deaths, and it's simply not close.

Milky, my boy, you shouldn't argue on subjects that you don't know about. :p

Hogan is the legend in my heart. The man I grew up admiring. The man I loved, and wanted to be was none other than Hulk Hogan. I'm a child, do I not count?

Hulk Hogan is seen as a wrestling legend in America. In Mexico, El Santo is not only a legend of wrestling, but a legend of Mexican history and culture. There are statues of the man for god's sake, how many Hogan statues are there in the US?

Elitism says he has the right to be whatever the fuck he wants to be. Even animals understand elitism. Whomevers at the top of the foodchain, does whatever the fuck they want.

So I guess you support fascism then. When did elitism become acceptable? It isn't. Neither is being a prick. Which Hogan is. Being a legend doesn't make it okay for you to be a prick. I can't believe you think it does. If Hogan walked up to your mother and slapped her in the face, you'd say "Oh well, he's at the top of the food chain, he can do whatever the fuck he wants!"?

Hogan was more than sucessful. My mother is sucessful in her 50,000$ salary raising 2 children on her own.Hogan made millions, he was more than a sucess.

And Hogan has lost those millions, and is currently broke. Which is the main reason he's looking for a paycheck in the first place.

Hes said what, like 3 times that he'd like to get back in the ring? Thats all summer? Since when? This last time you say hes baiting mcmahon, he didn't even say anyhting about joining the WWE. He was playing his part, and teasing Angle which made perfect sense.

Every other week he's on Bubba talking about how he wants to come back to wrestling, hinting at both TNA and the WWE. Hogan is only saying these things to try and get Vince's attention, I'm sure he has no intentions whatsoever of going to TNA, but is only using them as leverage in a contract negotiation with Vince.

Nostalgia, its wrestling. Its staged.

Doesn't mean I want to see a senior citizen attempting to portray an athlete. Make an appearance, be a ref or a personality, sure thing, but just stay out of the ring.
This is really starting to get ridiculous. Hulk Hogan is quickly becoming the Brett Favre of wrestling. Hogan was the man back in the day, don't get me wrong I grew up watching him and I was a huge fan, but watching him make his last run in the WWE was painful to me. Yes he can do the same moves he used to do for the most part, and sure he might be able to take a few bumps here and there. But really, other than the kids who might get a thrill out of seeing him one more time, does anyone really wan't to see him go out there in the ring and risk hurting himself?
Like I said. If Hogan is medically cleared to wrestle, and Vince sees him fit as being able to wrestle there isn't much Hogan has to do. Get punched on, kicked on, maybe suplexed, etc. No major bumps and Hogan will be perfectly fine. All he has to do is hulk up (Shaking) point (Pointing) punch (punching) Scoop Slam and run for a leg drop. Really, is that so hard, even for a 50 year old man?

It might not be hard, but how is this going to benefit anyone. Sure, we'll see a dream match in Hogan vs Cena, but what? Cena loses to a leg drop and Hogan goes home happy and rich? He's not only ruining the future, but destroying his legacy, as we're watching him break down in the ring before our eyes.

None at which sold near as much as Hogan, and none at which were able to take there territory into a national scale. To become an entire company, twice? Without Hogan, there was no WWE, WrestleMania, etc. Without Hogan there was no Monday Night War. Hogan drew ratings, Hogan was part of the show that drew the highest rating in professional wrestling history. Hogan was the one to start WrestleMania. No one in professional wrestling history did half as much for the business as Hulk Hogan did here in America.

Well thats a bit harsh. As Xfear said, El Santo was as big as you could possibly, feasibly get in Mexico. there are statues of him erected in towns. Whens the last time you saw a bronze Hulk Hogan around your street. To really grasp how huge El Santo was, take a read of Tasty's Lucha Libre thread. He really was one of the biggest things ever. Hogan was a smaller fish in a much much wealthier pond.

Hogan was a household name all around the world. Seems better than an A-list celebrity to me.

Yes but almost as a point of ridicule. Because in the US, wrestling is for kids, and Hulk Hogan is sort of like Superman. A comic book hero. El Santo was a goddamn patron of Mexico.

Who doesn't know Hulk Hogan? The man is in my US History book. I'm not lieing.

I should just call you Mufasa, because you are the LYING KING! YEAH I SAID IT!

Hogan is the legend in my heart. The man I grew up admiring. The man I loved, and wanted to be was none other than Hulk Hogan. I'm a child, do I not count?

Yeah, you grew up admiring him. The fact of the matter is, he grew up too. He grew up and he grew old. that Hulk Hogan you watched isnt the same now, because when he leaves the ring and the boa, he's Terry Bollea, a crumbling old man that needs to pay bills.

Elitism says he has the right to be whatever the fuck he wants to be. Even animals understand elitism. Whomevers at the top of the foodchain, does whatever the fuck they want.

Hulk Hogan hasn't been on the top of the food chain for a while now buddy. He should have actually stepped down off that chain a while back, but unfortunately, the most successful people in the business are sometimes the most insecure

Seems the animal kingdom disagrees.

The wrestling kingdom says Hulk Hogan is too old and making a desperate plea for help.

Hes said what, like 3 times that he'd like to get back in the ring? Thats all summer? Since when? This last time you say hes baiting mcmahon, he didn't even say anyhting about joining the WWE. He was playing his part, and teasing Angle which made perfect sense.

But of course he wants to go back to the WWE. It's where the big money is, and he'd never want to tarnish that by going to TNA and forever closing the door to himself. He wants the money and he wants to be in the bright lights one more time.

I don't support the cause of Hogan getting in the ring. Nor do I want to see him back in the ring. Read my post again, you'll not see once where I defended the fact that Hogan should get back in the ring. Do I think he should retire? Yes. But, if Hogan is medically cleared to wrestler, I see no harm. He wouldn't hurt the rating, he might help them. His style, is easily preformed, and he won't be putting other wrestlers at risk. So wheres the harm done?

Until he accidentally breaks AJ Styles back with a misjudged hip toss.
Despite the fact that I wouldn't mind having Hulk Hogan go up against people in TNA & help the product get exposure, I agree that he should stop garnering attention. He already tried a return to the ring & he did it very moderately at best. I have to say that Hogan should just hang up the boots completely & call it quits in the mainstream business WWE. They will not accept him due to what he has done with his life & that Celebrity Championship Wrestling show.

Sorry Hulk, you have past you're expiry date for the big leagues. You need to step down into the indy's & help other promotions out that need a name like your's.

Until people stop popping big over Hogan and fans stop going to see him when he's actually preforming...then he can retire.

I'm always up for a Hogan appearance, but he belongs in WWE.
It's not that he can't physically do those 4-5 moves, but there's a point when you simply need to stop Milk.

I said it in my original post. If Vince McMahon sees that he has something to offer to the business, Hulk Hogan sees that he has something to offer to the business, and a doctor medically clears Hulk Hogan to wrestle. Then why shouldn't he be able to? Really?

I'm sure Michael Jordon could still make plenty of shots, but that doesn't mean he should still be playing basketball does it?

Silly analogy. Professional wrestling is staged, NBA is a professional sport. The outcome in wrestlilng is pre-determines. In Basketball, they actually have to fight tooth and nail for the victory. Hogan can still go with the likes of Cena, Orton, Triple H, Taker, CM Punk, etc...Jordan couldn't go with the boys in the NBA today though.

I'm sorry, but Hogan at this stage going over anyone would just be an insult.

I never said Hulk Hogan should come back and win the WWE championship, or anything remotely close to it. I was thinking Hogan could come back and join a stable of some sort, and be the Ric Flair of the group, as Flair was in Evolution.

I'd love for him to come back and job, but that's NEVER going to happen, he's too much of an egomaniac.

Never say never.

But if he were to come back, and be put over someone like Orton clean, that would be insulting. There's a point where an old man winning a wrestling match simply isn't feasible, and the fans realize that.

Good. I don't think he should win, and never said he should.

It's pretty hard to take your promotion to a national level and score huge TV ratings and PPV buys when television doesn't exist Milky.

Damn those third world countries! Really, this sounds personal.

The fact that you guys seem to think that Hulk Hogan is the reason why wrestling has been popular the last 30 years is absolutely RIDICULOUS.

In the states, Hulk Hogan is the reason Professional wrestling has been so popular.

Without Hogan, there's no WWE, no Wrestlemania?

Without Hogan there was no WWE, and no WrestleMania. What made Hulk Hogan so special was he was abnormally large, like Andre (6'7-8" tall and weighted around 300 pounds, with 24 inch arms) while still being able to grapple and get technical, just like the heavyweight champions of the era that weighted 240-260 pounds. Hulk Hogan had an abnormal look, that people were willing to come and see. As well as Hulk Hogan was the first professional wrestler in the states, people didn't just respect. Like they would Bruno Sammartino. People went as far as loving Hulk Hogan.

Says who?

Hulk Hogan!

Hogan, as amazing as he was, was in the right place, at the very right time.

So its officially a crime to have a great sense of timing, and to know the right people? If you ask me it sounds like Hogan was just smart.

I promise you Milk, professional wrestling would still exist if Terry Bollea had become a school teacher instead.

Oh my little virgin ears. They can't handle the preassure Xfear. You're lieing to me! LIEING! Of course it would still be here. But I certainly believe we'd still be under the territory system until at least the mid-late 90's

Yes, and in their countries they were bigger names than Hogan has EVER been in America. How many movies has Hogan been in? 4-5? Right, Santo was in 49 Mexican films, most of which were successful (compared to every single Hogan film being a massive flop).

Hogan wasn't an actor. Congragulations. He was a professional wrestler.

Hogan really isn't as big of a star as you seem to think. Hogan had a short period in the 80s when he was the "It" thing, but outside of wrestling he's been a D-Lister for the last 15+ years. Compare that to Rikidōzan and Santo being followed by the press and in the national spotlight until their deaths, and it's simply not close.

Funny. I distincly remember the NWO running wild on the WWE ratings for well over a year. I also remember Hulkamania coming back to face The Rock, to help spark SmackDown and fully get it, off its feet. Press may not follow Hulk Hogan, but anyone thats a true wrestling fan, certainly does.

Milky, my boy, you shouldn't argue on subjects that you don't know about. :p

Just because Hulk Hogan is in my US History book. Doesn't mean I don't know anything about the man!

Hulk Hogan is seen as a wrestling legend in America. In Mexico, El Santo is not only a legend of wrestling, but a legend of Mexican history and culture.

This is really an unfair analogy. People in Mexico followed Luchadors, and wrestlers around like its a religion. Up here, its just a form of entertainment. Nothing more, nothing less.

There are statues of the man for god's sake, how many Hogan statues are there in the US?

I found a 6' one on ebay for 999$.

So I guess you support fascism then.

Of course! :rolleyes:

When did elitism become acceptable?

Primitave animals practice elitism. So shall we! ;)


Neither is being a prick.

I'm sorry mister preacher. I didn't mean to take her ice cream yesterday :(

Which Hogan is.

Hogan is, Bollea isn't. Its like Hogan has multi-personalities or something. Bollea is one of the most humble men in the world. Whereas Hulk Hogan is just what you called him, an egomaniac.

Being a legend doesn't make it okay for you to be a prick.

Ric Flair does a pretty good job at it.

I can't believe you think it does.

I respect what Hogan did for my hobbie, and passion of professional wrestling. If the man wanted to get in the ring today, I'd fully support his decsion. What he does isn't up to me. Like I said above, I do not want Hulk Hogan going over in any form whatsoever. But I'd like to see him give some younger guys a nice rub, and be a Ric Flair like character that Flair was in Evolution.

If Hogan walked up to your mother and slapped her in the face, you'd say "Oh well, he's at the top of the food chain, he can do whatever the fuck he wants!"?

I'd also tell me mother never to wash her face again. She was just touched by a wrestling god.

And Hogan has lost those millions, and is currently broke. Which is the main reason he's looking for a paycheck in the first place.

Hmm? Hes taking a hefty chunk of money out of his pocket due to his recent divorce. But the man certainly isn't lacking in money. I mean, his daughters show brings in money, hes got his own money. And personally, I've never seen anywhere where the man was low on money.

Every other week he's on Bubba talking about how he wants to come back to wrestling, hinting at both TNA and the WWE. Hogan is only saying these things to try and get Vince's attention, I'm sure he has no intentions whatsoever of going to TNA, but is only using them as leverage in a contract negotiation with Vince.

You assume thats why he was on Bubba's show this past week. I doubt it. It was an assumption in the article. Seems to me he was being harmless in playing around with Kurt Angle.

Doesn't mean I want to see a senior citizen attempting to portray an athlete. Make an appearance, be a ref or a personality, sure thing, but just stay out of the ring.

Senior Citizens are 62+ years old. Hulk Hogan is like 56. Hes got 6 years left in the tank Xfear!

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