The Undertaker's best WrestleMania match

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Getting Noticed By Management
So i just finished reading the greatest opening match of WM of all times and it got me thinking....which is your favorite WM match involving the Undertaker

His Matches are as follow:
Wrestlemania VII - The Undertaker defeated Jimmy Snuka.
Wrestlemania VIII - The Undertaker defeated Jake Roberts.
Wrestlemania IX - The Undertaker defeated Giant Gonzalez.
Wrestlemania XI - The Undertaker defeated King Kong Bundy.
Wrestlemania XII - The Undertaker defeated Diesel.
Wrestlemania 13 - The Undertaker defeated Sycho Sid.
Wrestlemania XIV - The Undertaker defeated Kane.
Wrestlemania XV - The Undertaker defeated The Big Boss Man.
Wrestlemania X-Seven - The Undertaker defeated Triple H.
Wrestlamania X8 - The Undertaker defeated Ric Flair.
Wrestlemania XIX - The Undertaker defeated The Big Show and A-Train.
Wrestlemania XX - The Undertaker defeated Kane.
Wrestlemania 21 - The Undertaker defeated Randy Orton.
Wrestlemania 22 - The Undertaker defeated Mark Henry.
Wrestlemania 23 - The Undertaker defeated Batista.
Wrestlemania XXIV - The Undertaker defeated Edge
Wrestlemania 25 - The Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels

Since at this years WM its UT vs HBK one more Time.... which is your favorite match and why??
3 matches stand up and ill put thm in order
3 UT vs Randy Orton.... this match was a technical masterpiece... and had a ver unpredictable atmosphere to it..... your didnt know if the legend and the streak were going to die that night... plus the chokeslam turned into an rko was brilliant and everyone thought that was it.....
2 UT vs HHH..... another great match.... HHH had never beaten the undertaker and up until that year the streak had never been mentioned... this two put the one of the best matches of the night if not the best... well its difficult to compete against Rock Austin II and TLC II..... anyway they fought all over the arena... and the undertaker was on the brink of losing thanks to the sledgehammer...but he came back and first used that last ride from the top rope he now does all the time.
1 UT vs HBK..... these 2 put on a Masterpiece that can be called the gretest match of WM and maybe all time....
30 minutes and neither of this guys wanted to give in... until the UT pulled the Tombstone after HBK failed a Moonsault....

So which is your favorite??
Great Thread, I was thinking about this recently.

I believe XIV vs Kane was my favorite because it was such a good storyline,
and it was the attitude era.

21 vs Orton was a classic because IMO if anyone had a chance to end the streak it was Orton, I believed he was going to do it until he got tombstoned.

25 vs HBK was a classic but I already knew Taker was going to win so it kind of ruined it for me. But still a classic.

As far as best overall match ill say with HBK or the one with Orton were the ones that really sucked me into the match.
Im def. gonna agree with UT vs HBK at WM 25. LOVE LOVE LOVE this match! One of my all time favs. Taker and HBK perform at levels that cant really be touched by many people.AMAZING!

I must also note the UT vs Mark Henry match, which IMO is one of Mark henry's best and has done great things for his career! If you notice, since WM 22, Mark Henry has been ECW champion and a nice run with MVP as a tag team and other decent fueds with Kurt Angle, Kane and again with The even though this wasnt the best match ever, it did great things for his opponent, Mark Henry!
Alot of the matches has been great.
But quite honestly, I'm gonna stick to Wrestlemania 25 Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker.

The whole build up, was awesome if you ask me, the promo Shawn cut on The Undertakers graveyard area, the funeral thing Shawn did in the ring, and the promo where Shawn was in a white Undertaker outfit, simply brilliant.
We all know the match was absolutely awesome, and was definatly match of the night and year.
And only to top it off, the two biggest WWE veterans, just looking at the names on the board with a VS in between hyped the match quite well.
So Shawn vs Undertaker hands down.
I seem to be the only one who didnt blow my load for Wrestlemania 25, I didnt even really like it that much. I however recently watched Wrsetlemania 23 over again and I looked back to when Batista and Undertaker fought for the World Title.

Now I put that as the last time that I ever doubted that the Undertaker was going to lose. Batista was the World Champion, and Undertaker as the face of the match looked to take the title, as so many faces do. But that seemed to easy for me. Maybe I second guessed myself too much, but I thought Batista, a relatively new entity in the main event, had a shot to finally break the streak. Even the match itself sold Taker as dominating portions when you thought it was going to end. That raelly got me to think that Batista had a chance to steal.

That suspense alone made the match good for me
. I however recently watched Wrsetlemania 23 over again and I looked back to when Batista and Undertaker fought for the World Title.

Definatly also a very good match TM, worth mentioning atleast. All thou to me there just wasn't enough behind the name of Batista, atleast not yet at that moment for it to sell onto me as much as Shawn Vs Undertaker did.

Certainly Batista vs The Undertaker gave you a match that really brought the roof down, hell I actually believe Batista (or was it Undertaker.. I don't know, doesn't matter who it was) went backstage afterwards and told the lockerroom to try and do a better match.
The sad thing about that comment all thou, is that I actually would be so bold to say that Shawn and Cena actually went out, and did just that, because I feel that Shawn Michaels vs John Cena for the WWE Championship was the match of the night, and that Shawn Vs Cena was the perfect match up to (as other people in the WWE lockerroom said) "graduate" John Cena as a true superstar.
And the rematch between John Cena and Shawn Michaels only proved that it wasn't just a one time match of pure awesomeness, unlike Undertaker vs Batista, cause I feel that the Wrestlemania match was the greatest match Batist and Undertaker put on during their feud, where as Shawn VS Cena's Wrestlemania rematch went on to be basicly as great, if not better.
Taker v HBK

Simply because...I was there live! :worship:
And holy crap, I was the only guy in my section that wanted Taker to win.
I had no clue how the crowd would turn on Taker once HBK started building momentum.

I've wanted to post this question, but I'm not allowed to start threads.
Watching the Taker v HBK match live took ALOT of energy out of the live crowd, and I assume out of the television audience as well.
So having said that, would Vince make the same mistake and not make Taker v HBK the main event for WM26???
The first thing that jumps out at me when I look at the list of Undertaker matches is how good they have been in recent years. If you look at the last five Wrestlemania matches, four of them range from very good to excellent, with WM22 being the exception. That just shows how good Taker still is into his forties and, even in his current worn down state, I expect that this year will also produce a great match.

Anyway, as to which of the matches is the best, I'm going to have to jump on the WM25 bandwagon. It was simply a classic that I love rewatching again and again. Even the fact that the result was predictable didn't hinder the match for me as I was enjoying it so much. Just a brilliant match.

Honourable mentions go to Orton and Batista, both of whom I thought had a realistic chance of breaking the streak, and I also very much enjoyed his matches against Diesel and Edge. However, the best was against HBK at WM25.
My favorite UT WM match would be Orton vs. UT at WM21.

This match was great for many reasons. Before WM25 this was the only match i thought UT would actually lose. This by far Orton's best technical match of his career. On second thought maybe orton vs. benoit at SS 2004 was but still. One heck of a match.

The runners up would be UT vs. Batista WM23.(batistas best match eveeeeeeeeer!!!)
HBK vs. UT WM25 Best match ever at Wrestlemania all-time great definately will be mentioned 30 yrs from now.

so those are my picks
Well, i'm going to go ahead and throw a random one out there for my favourite.

Taker vs Flair at WM18.

(yeah, T.M.o.Z.E.A has blabbed repeatedly about being at Mania 25, in the 9th row, screaming my lungs out, so there's no need to do it again)

Now the reason i've chosen this particular match, instead of WM25 is because the majority of us knew that HBK/Taker was going to be great. These two guys are WM's MVPs, and putting them together on the grandest stage of them all would have drawn with their name recognition alone.

In 2002, when people heard Ric Flair would be facing the Undertaker, i bet the majority of them thought 'Really? Flair? I thought he was just the co-owner? Wrestling Vince was watchable but do i really want to see Flair try and keep up with the Undertaker who's on a bad ass run right now (no pun intended)."

I may be wrong, but i think most people thought this match would suck. I personally loved every minute of it. Instead of Taker just beating on Flair for ages in a glorified squash, Flair rallied back on a number of occassions, even gaining the upper hand several times and came close to beating Taker with the help of AA. The lead pipe, Taker dishing out the beating nice and slow, the superplex heard around the world, sure there were a couple of botches here and there, but Flair showed he could still hang with the best at that point, and didn't really get the chance to prove that again until he was fueding with HHH, and then again didn't really get a chance to shine until his retirement match.

In Flair's last stint with the 'E' after returning at the end of 2001, only 3 matches stand out for me, and that's is IC cage match with HHH, his retirement match with HBK, and his first Mania back against the Deadman.

Taker v Batista would be a close second, because Taker brought out the best in Batista. It actually looked as though Batista was legit trying to beat Taker down, but of course, it was not to be, and the streak went on.
I would say mania 17 vs Trips. was an awesome match, before the streak was a big deal, the match was full of awesome spots, chokeslam off the tech area, the sledge shot during the last ride, matches like that dont happen anymore, and both guys should be damn proud of that match. on a side thought i really like the mania 18 match vs Flair, it had good build up of Taker beating down Flairs kid, and Arn Anderson, who made an awesome run in, and during the match Taker gives Flair a superplex that was jus awesome, if u havent seen it check it out, awesome superplex.
Guess I'll be the guy to step outside the box and go with...

Wrestlemania IX - The Undertaker defeated Giant Gonzalez

As a kid it was just so awesome. Gonzalez just owned Taker pretty much the whole match. Then when he was unable to take Taker out, he chloroforms him. They stretcher him out as Gonzalez pummels some refs. They get the stretcher just on the other side of the curtain when all of a sudden...wait for it...BONG. Takers stumbles out, strolls to the ring and takes him down. Not as great upon replay, but the memory in my head of it is priceless.
IMO it has to be HBK vs Taker at WM 25 i thought it was excellent because it was two of the greatest superstars of the late 80s-ninetys one on one at the grandest stage of em all is just perfection and not only was the hype and the promos excellent but IMO it was one of the greatest wrestling matches of all time i was left in suspense from the first ring of the bell to the 1-2-3 and that tombstone from taker that ended the match was beautifully executed and im hoping to see a match as good if not better at WM 26
I would probably saw WM 23 when he faced Batista. I could be biased since I was there, but I thought it was a solid match for 2 big men. This is arguably Batista's best match as well. The crowd was hot for this one as well. The match had everything you could want. It had some hardcore and high flying spots. I think another thing that makes it great to me at least is that I actually thought Batista had a chance to beat the streak. I didn't have the same feeling when he fought people like Orton and Mark Henry.
I'm gonna say the Wrestlemania 17 match against Triple H, it was so exiting and an all out brawl with so many shocking moments
Taker/HBK is hands down the best, but my favorite would have to be Ric Flair at WM 18. Flair was a bloody mess, Arn Anderson hitting that spine buster was sick! It was a great match with alot of excitement and emotion.
Taker v HBK

Simply because...I was there live! :worship:
And holy crap, I was the only guy in my section that wanted Taker to win.
I had no clue how the crowd would turn on Taker once HBK started building momentum.

I've wanted to post this question, but I'm not allowed to start threads.
Watching the Taker v HBK match live took ALOT of energy out of the live crowd, and I assume out of the television audience as well.
So having said that, would Vince make the same mistake and not make Taker v HBK the main event for WM26???

I was there too and it was AMAZING! My voice was long gone by the end of that match and it took about 4 days to recover from the screaming (of course the "F--- you Cena!" chants that were prevalent in my section didn't help!). I'm not too sure HBK vs Taker II will have quite the same intensity though.

I'm tied on my top 3:
Taker vs. HBK: the intensity...It was the match that saved a pretty dead event (Though singing goodbye to JBL was pretty damn fun!)
Taker vs. HHH: always fun to see the boss' son-in-law get a beatdown! Trips was the most hated heel at the time so it added fuel.
Taker vs. Sid: LOL once again I show my bias as a Sid mark. It did lead to a rather interesting banter just a few months later between an over face Sid and a Taker who was being blackmailed by Paul Bearer...BUT I love a match between two big AGILE guys
4 matches stick out to me when it comes to the Undertaker and WM.
1. Undertaker vs Kane at XIV...........When I see this match now it just makes me want the old Kane back......Also a great match.
2. Undertaker vs Ric Flair at X-8. Just a great match......although it was a bit slow for me at the beginning, It eventually evolved into a classic match with 2 classic wrestlers.
3. Undertaker vs Batista at 23. AMAZING!!! Often regarded as Batista's greatest match by many including me. Just a great match overall. I just wish I could see Batista wrestle like this today....I really miss it
4. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at 25. What can I say. Everyone remembers this classic. My favorite Wrestlemania match by Shawn. This match will always be remembered. Shawn came closer than anyone else, and made it so beleivable too. Undertaker was the same, Simply Amazing. You could feel his emotion, that he was frustrated, he couldn't take anymore and just wanted to end it. As for the rematch this year....I'm not that excited only because I don't know what else to expect. There is nothing in my mind that could make that match better for this year.
Gotta go with Taker and HBK for all the reasons said above. I can't remember the last time I was that into a match. My other Taker favorite has to be Taker/Edge. Both of them are two of my favorite superstars and they really put on a great show to end Mania24. Edge is the only guy who I ever thought had a legit chance at ending the streak. The match was made even more entertaining with Charles Robinson booking it down the aisle and diving into the ring to make the count.
HBK/Taker is not even in my top five of his best WM matches so I'm just going to get that out of the way.

Tough choice between WM 17, WM 18, and WM 23 but I chose his WM 23 match with Batista. I did enjoy his matches with HHH and Flair but Batista was an interesting case to me. I loved the fact that it was face vs. face but you could tell the crowd was solely behind Undertaker. Other than WM 21, this was the only time where I felt Undertaker could lose here and it wouldn't have surprised me. Undertaker helped Batista bring his A-game because he was sluggish after coming back from injury the previous year. Nice back and forth action and when Batista hit the Batista Bomb, I thought it was over then and there. The ending wasn't what I thought it would be but the match was great and should have been on last since Cena retained.
"The Phenom, The Deadman, The Man From The Dark Side, The Lord of Darkness, The Demon of Death Valley, etc." The Undertaker is the most respected wrestler in the WWE. If you can get his respect backstage, then your okay. But he has had some great WrestleMania matches and here are in my opinion his greatest:

1. The Undertaker vs King Kong Bundy
- I don't really know why this is a good match to me and I have seen it a couple of times, but whenever I watch it I enjoy it. Maybe it's because it's the first time I saw The Undertaker at WrestleMania. Or if it was when he body slammed Bundy to the mat.

2. The Undertaker vs Triple H
- 2 big main eventers facing each other and I knew The Undertaker was gonna win this one because I had a feeling from the beginning and I still thought it was a great match.

3. The Undertaker vs Randy Orton
- Randy Ortons greatest match with The Undertaker ever. When he reversed the Chokeslam into a RKO, my jaw dropped to the floor and thought that was the best fucking reversal ever. Great promo leading up to the match too. My favorite part leading up to the match was when Randy Orton RKO'd Stacy Keibler because she had her legs spread when she was laying flat on the ground and it was great. lol.
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