The Rise and (possible) Fall of The Miz


Dark Match Winner

Mike Mizanin aka The Miz.

5 Time Tag Champ (Combining WWE/World Tag Titles)

2 Time United States Champion

2010 MITB Winner

And The most MUST SEE WWE Champion in WWE History.

I have watched this guy from the Beginning of his WWE Career, Hell I was standing being him on Smackdown once while he "Hosted" the show with Ashley. If their was Ever a prime example of a man working, scratching, clawing his way to the top, Miz would be that example.

For me, this is where he "Broke away from the Pack" so to speak.

(That JBL Impression was Priceless lol) Miz speaks on being Hated by Everyone, being Banned from the WWE Locker room, and pretty much being the Ugly Duckling if you will.

Yet After this promo, He would go on to Multiple Tag title runs, Great feuds within these teams, and pretty much just Growing more and more into the star he Knew he would be until he reached that peak, Winning the WWE Title.

Fast Forward to...Wrestlemania 27

Following one of if not the Best video package ive ever seen, Miz would go on to Defeat the face of the wwe, John Cena, and retain his WWE Title. Miz was, as he shouldve been, on top of the World.

Here we are over a Year later. Miz is having to Beg to be put on WM 28, but ultimately goes on to be Team Johnnys Savior of WM 28. Now maybe Im just blind but, I havent seen him Since then. (Someone correct me on this cause im Sure im wrong). If he Has been on tv then he seems to be getting the bare Minimum of TV time. And now we come to Extreme Rules where it seems The Miz will take on Santino for the US Title in the Preshow Youtube match.

My Question to you all is, What Happened??
What went wrong?
Who did he piss off?

It Seems to me this Downward slope really Took Off after Survivor Series, but Why?

This is why i put "Possible" Fall of the Miz in the title, I feel if he doesnt win the US Title, there may be No recovery from a loss to Santino and the Cobra.

What does Miz need? A New look? Attitude? Personally that 1 week of "Cold Miz" was pretty awesome.

What do you all think?
His downfall was failing to catch R-Truth when he flipped outside of the ring on Raw a few months ago. Whatever issues he had with management seemed to come to a head at that point. I agree with reports that he was regressing on the mic and in the ring. Miz was exciting in 2010 and 2011 because he was evolving and improving before our eyes. When he decided to stick to a few signature moves and phrases he became a little repetitive. Still, The Miz doesn't get enough credit for his extremely successful "Really?" chant the fans love to chime in with. Miz is one of the few guys who could get on the mic and get something from the fans that's not a "WHAT?" chant.

In 2012 I think it's time to turn Miz babyface. The "really?" chant and "I'm awesome" catchphrase can work for a face. I'd love to see him humiliate Mark Henry or Daniel Bryan in a promo leading up to a WHC match on Smackdown. He could even work on Raw, considering Cena is becoming more of a heel every week.

Then again, Miz has made a lot of money already in WWE. He could take off like his ofrmer partner Morrison and still have a decent WWE legacy.
The Miz is going to be 32 by the end of the year, he still has a lot of time to turn it around. When he was champion, people doubted him at the start. In a lot of opinions, Miz had one of the best heel WWE title reigns recently and probably one of the better ones as a whole. Miz can work the crowd and he'd be good as a heel or face. What he needs to do is either go back to Ruthless "Cold Miz" or turn baby face. Maybe even take some time off and return for a fresh start.

The Miz is not done.
I don't see where hes fallen. I mean sure, he was WWE Champ last year and he did have some decent matches, but really hes just another heel on the long list of heels we already have. I've noticed his in ring stuff has been a bit boring as of late. I see they put him up for the US championship so they might toss it on him to make him somewhat relevant again while pushing Santino and Funkasaurus to Tag Team champs.
What happened??? Good question, let's backtrack between the years 2010 - 2012. I'm not a miz fan, (I'm positive i said it a hundred times), I'll admit he worked hard for a long time, he beat cena (almost clean, thanks rocky) at WM 27 (something not many guys can say they have done), after he lost the wwe title he had a good feud with alex riley, he had a good feud with rey for the wwe title (until rey won the title, then lost to cena in the same night, only to have punk return). Skip ahead, now he is teaming up with R-Truth, great tag team, seemed to have some potential, feuded with rock and cena at SS, (then Truth violates the drug policy, gets suspended, Miz beats down Truth). SS doesn't draw well, Miz gets blamed for some fucked up reason. Then miz botches a big move with R-Truth, now there's another cover story as to why Miz is jobbing. Next thing you know miz is slowly starting to disappear, then WM 28 season came about. Next thing we know we have a former top heel begging for a spot on WM 28.

Ok so I'm assuming your still following what I'm saying, cause I'm as lost as any of you. Now sure maybe he isn't working as passionately as he was before, some even say he started to slack off, but that would be the easy thing to say. Vince wasn't to high on the Miz, SS was a cover story for what was really going on, Vince doesn't feel that Miz has the look, he cuts good promo's, and works hard to put on great matches. Sadly Miz just doesn't seem to cut it for VKM, of course yeah punk isn't much bigger then Mr. Miz, however, Punk is fairly over, he drops bombs like he wrestles matches, and despite what some say he does look like a wrestler. VKM had to give Punk the title, there truely was no other direction to go.

The Miz doesn't really need an overhaul, he has a good character, he just isn't being used properly anymore. Once again, it all goes back to VKM, he dislikes Miz therefore Miz isn't getting anything no matter how hard he works. He is getting buried, he is having youtube matches to open PPV's (or to correct myself, is about to**), and he just isn't doing good right now, he is in a bad spot. No not like getting fired, more, getting underutilized. I almost feel bad for the Miz. He is having horrible luck right now and I fear he may suffer the same fate as Chris Masters suffered; lot's of talent, never getting used properly.
The thing is, pro wrestling works like a sales position, you bring in money and the company treats you great. If you're sales are down, you don't get opportunity.

Make all the jokes you want about how ridiculous it is that Miz gets blamed for Survivor Series, but the truth is it was an opportunity for him to work with the two of the biggest top "salesman" the company has ever seen. He was handed what should have been an easy sell, and the numbers just didn't come up in his favor. Why should Cena or Rock take any blame? They're proven draws and without Miz in the equation, set an all-time PPV record.

Miz set himself for high expectation and he just didn't deliver.
Miz is a great worker and has been since he begun, I would have to agree that his work-rate may have dropped a little and I think possibly a US title run could bring him back into play. It would give the US title a little credibility back and would bring Miz back into the spot light. I'm not sure about turning him face just yet but I think his position is safe. Hes great overseas and promoting the WWE so I expect him to be a big time player for many years to come.

He will bounce back, I personally want to see the US title on him again after Extreme Rules, and throw Santino into a comedy tag team or something away from the title.
I for one am tuning into Raw more now that Miz is not on the show. Everyone has their tatstes be it strawberry or chocolate but for me the Miz is a horrible talent who I can't beleive not only main evented a WM but won it.. I guess though it was all about the Rock any way, but still, if that was who Vince thought could headline a show, then he mustn'ty have thought much about the roster he had.

I'm very happy Miz has been given very little tv time, and I hope it stays that way.
Just a side note, and please forgive my ignorance...

...But I really don't get how miz can be blamed for the poor buyrate against Cena and Rock. Nobody knew what his performance was going to be like at the PPV until he performed at the PPV, but in order for people to see his poor performance at the PPV they had to first buy the PPV.

So his poor performance at the PPV doesnt actually affect the buy rates of the PPV does it?

That is genuine question as Im confused.

I think he kinda sucked at the PPV but I still bought it and didnt know he sucked until I bought it so WWE still got my dollars and I counted as one buy. I dont understand how this contributes to his downfall or how he can be blamed. If people did not buy the PPV that is not because of his performance is it?

It doesnt make sense to me.
Again please forgive my ignorance but somebody please explain.
Just a few notes:

1. Just because he isnt big now, does not mean he has fallen too far. They are just featuring other guys. Happened to CM Punk, happened to Jericho, it will happen to many more people.

2. The person who came up with the "really" saying was actually Sharon Osborne when they hosted raw.

3. The Miz started getting really repetitive and boring on the mic. And once Jericho came back, he couldnt rip his character off as much any more.

4. He is dangerous and is probably paying for not catching truth.
The problem WWE did was between May 2011-September 2011 they buried him to some degree and only tried to build him in time for Survivor Series, the fan knew the out come so had little insentive to purchase the show. Sure Miz could be blamed but his arguement is I main evented WM27 with Cena, what did Truth do?

Personally I'm hoping WWE give Miz the US title and have him build up to a feud and unifiying the belt with the IC title to really re-establish him, but I don't see Miz seeing half the success he did in 2009-2011
LOL. And people complain about David Arquette being WCW Champion.

Miz is completely unbelievable as a wrestler.

Watch his debut on Smackdown and then after 4 years he became WWE Champion because WWE didn't have that much starpower as before.
He stagnated. His character stops evolving and he had nowhere to go. Plus it didn't help that creative fed him to Cena and Rock and made him look like he was just the unlucky goon who was stupid enough to agree to face them.

He's also had a lot less time on the mic. Miz's in ring work was average at best but he can talk and if he isn't being given a chance to talk he isn't being given a chance to get over sadly. To be honest I've never been a fan of his so I'm not that bothered by his fall but he really does seem to have dropped out of favour.
Both Miz and Truth have fallen down vey much since SS. Truth was jobbing to albert on the past RAW, but Truth necer has been on top, so doesn´t look a fall as bigg as Miz´s fall.
Right now, creative have nothing for Miz probably because they skipped the draft, so the plans that they have for Miz, has been skipped too.
Now creative seems to have nothing for guys like Miz, Truth, Ziggler, Swagger or Kofi, but that´s always happens. Punk, Jericho,MVP,Morrison, Kane, Mark Henry, Big Show......has been in this position also. Some of them left the company and others have stay, and, eventually, they´ve been used again and given big pushes.
Now is time for Miz to step down and wait.
Possible fall? He went from main eventing Wrestlemania last year now he's on the Extreme Rules pre-show I think its pretty easy to say he fell off. I'm not saying he won't bounce back but still he has along climb back to the top of the mountain. And I agree with others that have said he wasn't a believable WWE Champion in the first place.
Remember. After Survivor Series he was in the WWE Championship match at TLC. That was in December. Him and Rhodes had one of the better performances in the Rumble. And he was the final two in the Elimination Chamber. Wrestlemania? What was he going to do other then the tag match? Jericho/Punk. Cena/Rock. The two biggest faces in the company already have feuds. Him trying to get on Team Johnny was something. He was pressing. To much pressure on himself. He was still on TV. Extreme Rules... Punk/Jericho... Cena/Brock. Miz has been winning matches as of late. So beating Riley and Ryder isnt a big deal... but he isn't losing to them either. Plus they are trying to push Tensai. While Miz dropping off the face of the planet might seem alarming on the surface, the WWE is focusing on other things right now. Look at Sheamus. For months he was in a similar free fall. Look at him now? World. Heavyweight. Champion. It happens to everyone. Don't worry Miz Fans. Miz is too valuable to the WWE for them to kick him to the curb.
Remember. After Survivor Series he was in the WWE Championship match at TLC. That was in December. Him and Rhodes had one of the better performances in the Rumble. And he was the final two in the Elimination Chamber. Wrestlemania? What was he going to do other then the tag match? Jericho/Punk. Cena/Rock. The two biggest faces in the company already have feuds. Him trying to get on Team Johnny was something. He was pressing. To much pressure on himself. He was still on TV. Extreme Rules... Punk/Jericho... Cena/Brock. Miz has been winning matches as of late. So beating Riley and Ryder isnt a big deal... but he isn't losing to them either. Plus they are trying to push Tensai. While Miz dropping off the face of the planet might seem alarming on the surface, the WWE is focusing on other things right now. Look at Sheamus. For months he was in a similar free fall. Look at him now? World. Heavyweight. Champion. It happens to everyone. Don't worry Miz Fans. Miz is too valuable to the WWE for them to kick him to the curb.

I'm hoping that the matches with Riley and Ryder were to tease possible feuds with them if Miz were to win the U.S. Title. Ryder never got a rematch for the U.S. Title after Swagger won it, and Ryder/Miz have been having matches at recent house shows. However, there is a possibility that Miz is only taking the title off of Santino so that Santino/Ryder can go after the tag titles. In spite of Riley being used as a jobber and not having done anything notable in a while, he has always been hyped as one of Miz's arch-rivals and biggest challenges. Their recent outing on Superstars went around 13 minutes and was a good match especially when both men (especially Riley) are perceived as not being very good in the ring. Miz now has two possible directions to go.

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