The Reason behind WWE's Ratings Crisis

As for another guy's question, is Big Show vs Cena bigger than the WWE title match? Of course it is.
UH, no it's not. what havent Big Show and Cena done with each other?? i know!! put them in a submissions match because Cena cant make Show tap out, oh wait, he's done that. how about have Cena give Show the AA because he cant lif..oh wait, done that. they have had countless matches. Cena was thrown through a stage light in one match, i dont think they had a cage match yet, but what can be done?? Cena thrown though the cage and wins??? plus, their matches are never really great to watch either. Punk vs. Bryan vs. Kane is a better match as it's fresh. Cena and Show has been done, too many times. i dont think it's bigger than the WWE title match.

As for why the low ratings. well, there's different reasons and one is that not many people are fans of wrestling anymore. it's not what it was when they had WCW vs. WWF each week. another reason is WWE tends to have too much comedy especiallly with Santino and the US title which of course i dont like, the US title needs to get off him and onto someone worthy. another reason is likely because the hardcore matches and violence isnt what it used to be either as the wrestling fans liked some matches with blood and enjoyed some hardcore matches. there's likely more, but i do disagree with some reasons, especially the too many titles as i dont think that's an issue. i like having two world titles (helps get more guys in Main events), i like two midcard titles as long as the titles are on worthy guys, the IC title is fine, the US title is not. as for the rest of the titles, the problem isnt the titles, it's the story and build.
As for the Cena match, the fans in the arena were about half into that match as they were into Punk-Bryan. No one seemed to care. The rest stared. They didn't boo. They didn't cheer. They didn't care. They just stared.

See.. Brock-Cena I understand. Rock-Cena I understand. Even Kane-Cena I understand because at that time everyone was talking only about whether or not Cena will turn heel.
But Cena-Laurignaitis? I dont get.
And Cena-Big Show for the 50th time? That's just rubbish!
ok, as for this, the reason the fans didnt cheer is about 90% of them in the arena KNEW someone would screw Cena, that's why no one cared. Cena vs. Laurinitus is a good main event if the payoff is good, which it wasnt. if someone surprised us then it would've been good, but 80% of the fans knew it would be Big Show, but agree. Big Show vs. Cena for what seems like the 50th time isnt a bigger draw than even a Punk vs. Bryan 1-on-1 match because Punk and Bryan have GREAT chemistry while in the past, Show and Cena have not and what havent we seen between these two??? my guess is now we see Cena thrown through the cage and wins the match that way. as for the triple threat. that should be the main event for many reasons. 1) it's a title match...2) the match should be at least good to watch due to Punk and Bryan and 3) if they (WWE) wants to, they can throw a good swerve in. there are some (like me) that think Punk in the end will retain, they can swerve me and have Bryan win thanks to AJ and then continue this feud to the money in the bank, but for me, this should be the main event for the simple reason (besides the title is on the line) that it's fresh.
The biggest problem is lack of star power, which is largely beyond WWE control. Fact is, casual fans look at Bryan, Mizz, Del Rio, etc and they see "boring" - the lack of charisma isnt helped by the scripted promos written by speech writers back stage. The biggest way a wrestler gets over is with promos, most of Rock & Ric Flair's catchphrases were things they accidentally stumbled upon while free lancing in front of live crowds, some things clicked and became almost legendary. Maybe some of these guys would connect with a wider audience if they werent so scripted, if they could feed off and feed into the crowd energy.

Also, just like the mid 90s, WWE has lost a huge amoumt of star power in a very short time with no one to fill in. In the last 4 years Flair, HBK, & Edge left, Taker is appearing only once or twice a year, HHH is not wrestling. Cena is the only true top tier star the company has and in the last two years CM Punk is the only mid carder that has elevated with the audience. This is why well known veterans like Big Show are main eventing with Cena, an attempt to get interest from casual fans not interested in "the newbies". It may seem repetitive to die hard fans who watch loyaly no matter what but if the new class of WWE performers ever want to reach at least the B level of Jericho, Big Show, Kane, & Randy Orton (only guy not from the late 90s wrestling boom) let alone the A level of Cena then WWE needs to get casual fans to see their work which is done by prominently featuring these guys on shows highlighted by established guys fans want to see.
I said on a thread a couple of weeks ago that I'd love to see WWe go back to the line up for PPVs where ALL titles were contested on every PPV and that the WWE/WHC titles should be main event.
I think that they should be on in order of 'importance'. Basically, WWE and WHC titles within the last 3 matches (maybe with a time filler in between so people can make piss breaks. the IC and US in the middle 3 matches and the Tag Titles near the beginning, throw in a couple of grudge/storyline matches in between the lot, and stick the Divas Championship in there somewhere and you've got a good line up.
When was the last time we saw ALL titles in 1 PPV (honestly, when, coz I can't remember). I'd love to see it happen again, even if it means that they have to 'unify' a couple of the titles (I think the WWE and WHC needs 2 be unified, and the US and IC could do with it, but its not necessary). How can the titles hold any 'prestige' if they're not contested at the PPVs.
(I'l quickly say at the bottom here that I'm sorry if I've made any glaring typos, I've got 2 fingers bandaged together and keep hitting multiple keys at once :( lol)
Poor, Poor, Booking

Danial Bryan and CM Punk are having amazing matches. Good compelling story-lines. Too bad WWE management gave Danial Bryan and Sheamus a 15 second match at WM. Why would you care about someone who had a 15 second match?

Wait a minute - Daniel Bryan got MORE popular after that 18-second loss. That loss is the reason you hear 'YES!' chants throughout the arena and the reason Bryan is still wrestling for world titles.
Poor, Poor, Booking
Logical Reasoning

Hell, you just had this great feud with Jericho and CM Punk. You have it end just after two matches? Jericho brought Punk's family, beat him with whiskey bottles, and attack him for months. Then you turn around and throw that guy in a fatal four way match for another title? It would of made sense for him to win the title at Extreme Rules, and tell people he is going splits for awhile. Make that title worth something. You just can't end a good feud like that. Have CM Punk tell the crowd he is going to search for Jericho, he is going to get his re-match.

The feud ended with a Chicago Street Fight in Punk's hometown with Punk's own family getting their revenge. That's as perfect a blowoff match as you can possibly have. How do you continue a feud after that?
Poor, Poor, Booking
Take the training Wheels off

Only a couple of guys in the company make their promos sound like something they mean. Many of the other guys sound like a robot with facial expressions. Treat the business like a trade. Realize a good performer who can do things on their own will bring in more business then a robot spewing out lines. Give me somebody I want to boo or cheer for.

Excellent point. There are very few guys in WWE right now who really have serious promo skill. The kind of promo skill that lets you just go out there and be yourself in the moment. Punk has it, I would say Cena has it, HHH definitely has it, R-Truth believe it or not has it, but that's about it. The rest are just reciting speeches with various levels of polish.
Poor, Poor, Booking
Too Many Pay-Per-Views

Find your bottom four pay-per-views, and trash them. Spend more time promoting the card. Develop good feuds for the mid-card.

A real issue. Eight PPV's seems about right. Even if they just cut out two - clunkers like Over The Limit and Night Of Champions - the improvement would be noticeable.
I am commenting that the reason why Raw and SD ratings are going down is because its not like it used to be before John L . took over the duties and he doesnt know his job at all .I can see what hes doing and tell u the truth noone that i hear from likes him at all.They need to get rid of him and do something fast because I know alot of people said they are going to quit watching it or already did because of John L .I think the Board of directors need to wise up and see whats going on .If they have to let them give the duties back to HHH everyone thinks he did alot better and beleive me he has more fans then you think and He knows how to do the job .So many people Loves that guy and Hes got it all to beable to run the shows .So I hope they do something with John L and either get HHH or even Vince back.If something isnt done about John L then you can be ready for the ratings to even drop alot more.Feel free to get back to me on this if You want.Thanks and I appreceiate it if you all could please check in about this deal with John L and please makesure Board Directors know that so many people are really sick of John L and really not watching it nomore or wont be .
Please explain how John Cena VS Big Show, a match that has absolutely no value at all is more important that a match for the WWE title? And I'm not talking about from the standpoint of WWE and how they view the championship. I'm talking about the reality of a singles match with no real value at all taking priority over the main WWE championship match.

John Cena VS Big Show should be second to last at best on this card.

I agree that John Cena vs Bigshow is a match with absolutely no appeal. However, so is Kane vs DB vs Punk. It's coming on the ass end of the DB/Punk feud while tossing Kane who has been a jobber to the stars for most of the year into the mix. The difference between the two matches is that Cena/Show is part of the main storyline on RAW. The WWE championship match has gotten most of it's build on smackdown despite the WWE championship belonging to RAW. Cena/Show is easily the more hyped match.

I am commenting that the reason why Raw and SD ratings are going down is because its not like it used to be before John L . took over the duties and he doesnt know his job at all .I can see what hes doing and tell u the truth noone that i hear from likes him at all.They need to get rid of him and do something fast because I know alot of people said they are going to quit watching it or already did because of John L .I think the Board of directors need to wise up and see whats going on .If they have to let them give the duties back to HHH everyone thinks he did alot better and beleive me he has more fans then you think and He knows how to do the job .So many people Loves that guy and Hes got it all to beable to run the shows .So I hope they do something with John L and either get HHH or even Vince back.If something isnt done about John L then you can be ready for the ratings to even drop alot more.Feel free to get back to me on this if You want.Thanks and I appreceiate it if you all could please check in about this deal with John L and please makesure Board Directors know that so many people are really sick of John L and really not watching it nomore or wont be .

Holy kayfabe Batman!
First off, the ratings go down this time of year, every year. WWE's ratings will forever fluctuate, who cares. We're fans, it's not our problem. The Nielsen system is outdated and means nothing. Merch sales mean something. PPV buys mean something. Whether you like it or not, Twitter means something. Who knows, advertisers might start paying more to WWE for social networking scores, crazier things have happened.

The show is in a transitional period. CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, The Miz, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio and Mark Henry are currently filling out the main event. All of them were on the C show, working the indies or in FCW 4 years ago. It is going to take some time for people to warm up to these guys. Will the "Yes!" chant become the cultural phenomenon that John Cena's rap act or Steve Austin's edgy slogans were? Who knows. Will lightning strike twice with the classic tale of rebellious employee vs. corrupt boss? WWE sure hopes it does, but there's honestly no telling.
Is there anything more loathsome than WWE fans say "its because _____ was on!" to excuse a poor rating. As if NFL, NBA, MLB and normal TV shows never existed before, as if NFL and NBA began in 2009 and thus it explains Raw's poor ratings that are nearing WCWs in 1999 soon.

When WWE was at its peak, it had to compete with all those above, and every goddamn excuse in the book that the WWE zealot can think of and WCW, a rival company doing the same thing they were.

After the NBA playoffs its "its summer people arent home", then "Its NFL man" and it just keeps going. Do you goddamn think there will be a time where NOTHING else on TV is on a monday night? Seriously, do you realize how utterly insane and delusional you sound?

Maybe this is how Vince's stooges break the news to him when the rating comes in the night after, "uhm yea...2.7 but there was a basketball game on" that way Vince may not fire them and buy the BS excuse.

The product is poor, Big Show is in the main event scene, they forget their own storylines and do not have any stars other than Cena.

Yep it's always excuses everytime WWE's ratings take a nosedive. Nevermind that during the Monday Night Wars RAW had no problem holding their own against sports or anything else other stations were doing. When the ratings go down it means what it's always meant, the fans don't want what you're showing.
Is there anything more loathsome than WWE fans say "its because _____ was on!" to excuse a poor rating. As if NFL, NBA, MLB and normal TV shows never existed before, as if NFL and NBA began in 2009 and thus it explains Raw's poor ratings that are nearing WCWs in 1999 soon.

When WWE was at its peak, it had to compete with all those above, and every goddamn excuse in the book that the WWE zealot can think of and WCW, a rival company doing the same thing they were.

After the NBA playoffs its "its summer people arent home", then "Its NFL man" and it just keeps going. Do you goddamn think there will be a time where NOTHING else on TV is on a monday night? Seriously, do you realize how utterly insane and delusional you sound?

Maybe this is how Vince's stooges break the news to him when the rating comes in the night after, "uhm yea...2.7 but there was a basketball game on" that way Vince may not fire them and buy the BS excuse.

The product is poor, Big Show is in the main event scene, they forget their own storylines and do not have any stars other than Cena.

Thank you because i've been saying this for years now, during the attitude era they were competing with MNF but now it's all excuses. Fans are tuning out because the product is crap and the company cares more about merchandise sales, how long before they say Raw had a low rating because they had a spelling bee on ESPN Deportes:suspic:

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