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You are here because you have broken the rules in some way, this forum is subject to its own rules, breaking them will result in you being banned from WZ Permanently.

1. This Forum takes on the same Rules as the Bar Room, Spam and Flaming are allowed, however if you are an inmate and you are acting like this, chances are your not going to get paroled anytime soon. Advertising is strictly banned in this Forum.

2. If you sign up with another account while in here you will be banned, and then IP Banned from WZ.

3. All of you regular privileges have been taken away if you are in here, you cannot use the PM System, or edit your own Profile, and these will be restored to you if you are paroled from the Prison.

4. There is no pre-determined amount of time for a stay in the Prison, you will be let out when the Guard decides it is time.

5. Getting out of here is simple, show you’re a better poster, banter with the staff and so forth. Take anything the staff do to you in good humour, anything excessive will be dealt with, but you are primarily in here because you have done something wrong, so try to take note of what it is you have done. And show that you know that it is unacceptable to do it again.

6. We reserve the right to keep you in here for as long as we deem fit, so if you’re a jackass, chances are you’ll be kept in here for a long time.

Abide by these and you will be released eventually.
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