The New Breed of Main Event.


Australian Heavyweight Champion
Hey All, its your friendly "Awesome" international Madico Fs here, my topic, the new breed of main eventers. Who do you feel will leave in years to come a legend, and will be future endeavored ("released"), or just stuck in a crappy mid-card level jobbing to new stars?

On Raw we have:

The Nexus Members (Barret, Tarver, Shefield?, Ortunga, Slater)
Daniel Bryan (former Nexus, and nXt rookie)
Darren Young (former Nexus Member and nXt rookie)
David Hart Smith (current tag champ)
Evan Bourne (high flier)
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
John Morrison (charisma, in ring ability what else do you need?)
R-Truth (see JoMo)
Santino Marella
Ted Dibasie Jr (Million Dollar Man's son, current Million Dollar Champion)
The Miz, (former multi time tag champ, US Champion currently and Current Mr MITB, see JoMo as well)
Zack Ryder (see JoMo)


Alberto Del Rio (seems pretty good so far, i hate him so his gimmick is working)
Cody Rhodes (former multi time tag champ)
Dolph Ziggler (current IC Champion, former World Tag Champion under freebirds rules when in spirit Squad)
Drew McIntyre (former IC Champ)
Kofi Kingston (former IC Champ, former tag champ, former US champ)
MVP (former tag champ, former US champ)
Tyler Reks
Vance Archer
Curt Hawkins

Which of these guys do I think will one day main event?

RAW: Barret, Bryan, Miz, JoMo and Zack Ryder
Smackdown: Del Rio, Ziggler, McIntyre, Kingston Maybe

Which of these will epic fail?

RAW: Uso's and Dibiasie
Smackdown: MVP, Cody Rhodes and Tyler Reks

So guys who do you think will be the future and how do you see them transcend the business, epic fail and one day hold a world title (ecw was a world title, but it was like oh yeah im ecw champion bitch, yeah and you suck??)?
Umm how can Kofi and Dolph both be current IC champs?:confused::wtf:

Anyways future champs are:
Wade Barret-only one from Nexus i can see as a strong champion
Daniel Bryan- great in ring ability lets just see if he can aclamate to PG
Miz- amazing mic skills and has the ability to back it up
Morrison-Charismatic athletic and decent mic skills
Mcintyre-backed by mcmahon and thats all you really need
Del rio- hes had an amazing first few weeks in the WWE so i really see him going places
Kingston- see morrison

MVP- he has lost all momentum since 2008. then i wouldve said world champ but i dont think hes ever had a one on one for the world title
R truth- he is athletic but(and correct me if im wrong) im pretty sure hes a world champ in TNA so they wont want to push him but i see him having a strong mid card run
Santino Marrella- hes a comedy jobber and a damn good one he wont be going aanywhere

future endeavored:
Dibiase-cant seem to get over
Tyler reks- why havent they released him yet?
Uso's- once they get some more real tag teams they will be heading to the unemploymeny line
Main Event: Barrett-he's already there actually
The Miz-unfortunately. I think he'll be a disaster as WWE Champion, but it's going to happen
John Morrison-only if he turns heel. He just doesn't work as a face, & he was really good when part of a heel team & even a heel singles wrestler as ECW champion.

Epic fail: Ted Dibiase-he just doesn't have it. No personality, very average in the ring. Although I think they'll keep pushing him, I don't think it'll pay off.

I think everyone else will be mid card guys-solid work, maybe mid card title or tag titles, but never WWE champs.

I would personally put Daniel Bryan as a main eventer, but I'm not sure he'll be given the chance. I see him with multiple US/Intercontinental title runs, maybe even a tag title run with Kaval. But I'm not sure they'll give him a shot at the main event level.

Main Event: Alberto Del Rio-I love the guy. It's funny, because I hated the promos before his debut, but I love what he's done since he's arrived. Future WWE champ in my opinion.
Drew McIntyre-he does seem to be the chosen one, although I think a tag run w/Cody Rhodes could really help him. They teased it on RAW, but the match never happened. But McIntyre's been put on the fast track, & he'll get there.
Cody Rhodes-I don't know that he'll be WWE champ, but he's really doing well with his new gimmick, & there's no doubt he'll outshine Dibiase.
Dolph Ziggler-but only if he develops some personality. He has the ring skills, but he can't rely on Vickie's heat forever.
Kofi Kingston-he's got the talent, he's over with the fans, he just needs a chance.

Epic failure: Tyler Reks-I didn't even know he was still on the roster.

The others will be mid card, although I could see Hawkins & Archer get a run with the tag titles.
Raw Main Event:
Daniel Bryan: Really great in the ring , people love him. He could be the next chris Benoit or Bret Hart.

Wade Barret: He is can cut great promos he is a leader of the best faction in wwe since evolution.

John Morrison: The HBK look great charisma.

R-Truth: Really Over with the crowd people Love him.

The Miz: Future Face of the WWE he could be the next Rock.

Everyone Else will be in the Tagteam picture or mid carders.

Epic Fail: Zack Ryder - As much I am of fan of his He will never get that Push. He had the It factor , But If ECW was still around He could have been over ECW was the Place for Zack Ryder.

Smackdown Main Event:

Alberto Del Rio: He has the Look the Charisma and good ring skills.

Dashing Cody Rhodes : He is a second Generation Superstar. who went from a generic wrestler to one of the best in smackdown right now. He could do what his father and brother has never done and thats win the WWE title.

Drew McIntyre: He is the chosen one.

Kofi Kingston: The crowd loves him . He has the mysterio factor great draw for the kids. gets the crowd pumped.

Dolph Ziggler: See Del Rio

Failure: Tyler Reks: really? he still on the roster? we lose shelton but keep a guy that we never seen for like 2 matches on ECW . Hell Braden Walker had like 2 matches and everyone remembers him.

everyone else will be mid card or tag team.
Okay my picks for the future main eventers are with reasons.

Alberto De Rio has beaten Rey Mysterio on his first match then took him out the next week now if that is not a star then what is?

Dashing Cody Rhodes has the look, charisma and in ring ability to go to the top only if he is a heel as he is a natural heel.

Wade Barrett is the leader off WWE's top group and is involved in a main storyline early in his carrier and is also the winner of NXT.

Miz in my option this guy can cut a better promo than the rock also gets one off the best reactions of the night he will be the best out off them all.

Dolph Ziggler has the look, charisma and the ability to be on off the top dogs in the WWE.

Zack Ryder and Ted Dibasie Jr now these two are the wild cards as they have heel ability and looks to make the WWE make them star's I can ensure you they will be star's just look at Miz, Rock and Austin they all could not get over or job to other people but now they are star's.

Hopefully every one else will be epic fails or in tag teams as they do not impress me in the slightest.
Future Main Eventers


Wade Barret: In my opinion he's already main event, well he's in the 6 pack challenge at NOC. He's good in the ring and good on the mic.

The Miz: I can't see him becoming the new Rock, but I can see him being a big name in the future. His mic skills make up for his in ring ability.

Daniel Bryan: I didn't see all the fuss about him at the start but I'm starting to really like him, he's great in the ring. I don't really know about his mic skills because I haven't heard him talk much.


Alberto Del Rio: His first couple of weeks have been good, he's great in the ring and great on the mic. His gimmick is entertaining with him being the rich spoilt man, I think his future is looking bright.

Cody Rhodes: When he started out I never saw him becoming anything, but now with his "Dashing" gimmick he probably will be a big name. He's confident on the mic and good in the ring. He will either do really well or just fail on his path to become a future World Champ.

Drew McIntyre: He may of lost abit a steam in the past few weeks but I still think he will be a top main eventer. He's good on the mic and decent in the ring, not much else to say really.

Dolph Ziggler: I really like this guy, and him being with Vickie gets him alot more heat. I think if he needs to stay with Vickie for a while, because it's really getting him over as a heel. Good in ring ability and good on the mic.
the Miz better promo skills than the Rock?? Really?? HMMMMMMMM!


Going against everyone else's comments I actually see DH Smith getting a good run as a singles guy once they split up the Harts..we all know vince has a ahrd-on for big guys.
As everyone else has said Wade is already there and I think he has what it takes to stay there..just get rid of his crappy finnisher!
Daniel Bryan definately has the Chris Benoit type chance of making it big, heck get someone to smack him in the moth n we could have toothless agression mark 2.

I get why people don't like Alberto Del Rio but to me he is just a rehash of JBL...i'm all for resuing gimmics aslong as they are slightly modified but this is literally identical!
Cody is def in line for big things it seems..althoug I see him being with Drew as a step down as Drew is actually my future endeavour guy.

He is the chosen one..yet he's now in a random tag team..oh how the mighty have fallen..not even good enough to wrestle Matt Hardy it seems.
and on Raw ..its gota be Zach...bring back the long pant short pan for god sake!
Future Champs :

Wade Barrett :He has a perfect look and build ,he's great on the mic ,solid in the ring and one of the most over heels in wwe now and he hasn't been here all that long and he's maineventing at noc.Everything about him screams future world champion.

Alberto Del Rio:He's like JBL only fantaistic in the ring ,he's the biggest thing to hit the wwe in quite some time .You Know your gonna be a future world champ once you go over super rey in your debut.

The Miz :One of the most improved wrestlers in the world over the last two years.He's awesome on the mic as we all know and is always improveing in the ring and he's mr money in the bank .I can see him being world champ after NOC or HIAC.

I think these are the sure shots to win the wwe or world heaving title this year.

I wanna say Daniel Bryan ,but i'm not too sure.Vince hasn't really pushed technical wrestlers in quite sometime ,but he is massively over and will put on some immense matches so i can see them giving him the belt just not this year .

A lot of this is academic as it seems the brand extension is mercifully ending... so over time the number of slots for new main eventers will dwindle and the roster will reset to a more Golden age, where titles mean less than feuds... Its what got WWF over in the Hogan era and its what is lacking today... There was a definite order to things on the card and it looks to be can only be good...

It worked mainly cos guys could be a legend without ever winning a belt... or not doing so for years and then immediately being in contention... Big Bossman was a great Upper Midcarder and a legend... he never needed or got a title run and 2 singles opportunities in a career, he never got the IC belt or the World cos the character simply didn't need a belt to work... indeed he looked wrong with one... same for Tito, Jake, Earthquake and Tatanka...

Of the current new crop there aren't many surefire legends... a few potentials and many who will be great mid and upper mid performers for long careers.. the key will be the ones who have something that will make them interesting for many years... not just a Brock style pass...

Harry Smith and Wade Barrett both look the business and could step up now to the main event with the right push and feud against each other, as WWE expands into the UK they will be crucial... Drew the jury is still out on... Seamus has REAL potential to be the modern day Warrior equivalent... Ted DiBiase is a slowburner... he will be around a long, long time before he really gets over... just like his dad...

Ziggler and Rhodes will not make it... sorry but there isn't a hook there, a gimmick that will put them over the top... For Cody it'd take a Goldust style metamorphasis... Ziggler is Rick Martel...great talent, crap gimmick but someone who if there was a proper number 2 fed could easily be a World Champ... same for Kofi...

The Miz... no... he should stay the Piper of the new era... never quite gets the big one, but always causing havoc and controversy... Daniel Bryan similarly is the Valentine figure he may get a US title/IC run but as a World Champion he really is too bland... but he will be remembered for sure...

Morrison is so close to being our new Savage it's unbelievable... they need to put Melina back with him and make them the first couple... thats the missing part of the puzzle...

Some guys just won't make it at all past mid car and rightfully so... Bourne, Ryder, Masters and Gallows are all destined for good long careers achieving not very much much like Hercules, Barbarian, IRS and Paul Roma.

It may sound oversimplified but I believe this is exactly what the WWE is looking for, to get it back to basics... and the archetypes that made them big to begin with...
I don't think in my response it matters if I name the show they are on, because they might not even be on that same show when they do "get over"...

First I will name the guys I think will get over and then I'll name the guys I think will fail...

The guys I think will succeed...

The Miz - This is a guy I think will explode... IMO he is destined for greatness and WILL achieve it... Multiple time World Champion in his future... Could possibly hit that Super OVER Stardom level of guys like The Rock, Austin, Hogan and Cena.

Wade Barrett - I think it is obvious that this dude will be way over. I don't think he will hit the height of The Rock, Austin or Cena or anything that big. But, I think he will be World Champion multiple times before it is all said and done. He will be an echelon down from the top, TOP guys in the company!

Skip Sheffield - I think he will rival Barrett. I see them 2 really having some good matches and great feuds down the line... I believe he will be a World Champion too...

John Morrison - It seems to be taking a little longer than everyone has expected, but I think he will get there. He has the look, the tools, and the moves to be a Super Star. He could definitely use some work on the mic. But his in ring work over shadows it for the most part... He is one gimmick or storyline from hitting that next level. I honestly, would be shocked if he someday didn't become World Champ.

DH Smith - I think he will get further than Tyson Kidd will... I am not sure if he will become World Champ. But, he could definitely be considered a future WWE Force... I see him as a Heel for some reason. I think he would succeed better when and if that turn ever occurs.

Cody Rhodes - Another guy I don't know if he will ever become World Champion. But, I think he will absolutely have a good career. He will surpass what his brother did in the business I believe.


I don't see any of these guys getting over at all...

David Otunga - I just don't see him doing much. Maybe it's because I just don't like him at all. Maybe I am a bit biased on him. But whatever anyone else might see in him, I DON'T!!

Evan Bourne - I'll start by saying I can't stand him. I just don't find him believable at all. Sure he is acrobatic and what not. But for him, I think that will only go so far. His push will pick up steam again soon and I see him winning The US Title or IC Title. But I think eventually he will become stale and will either be a "loved" jobber or will get future endeavored!

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