The most stupid thing you have done that you have immitated from wrestling..


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
What is the the most stupid thing you did in real life that you have immitated from what you saw in wrestling?​

I'm sure all you wrestling fans have done something stupid..

Mine would be.. In gym class when I was about 15, I climbed the apparatus and elbow dropped my friend who was laying on the mat, it was higher than the top turnbuckle and I nearly broke my elbow..
I have a couple.

When I was in national school and we used to play out on the pitch, we used to sometimes play wrestling for a bit. I was about seven at the time, and I used to constantly go for the Rock Bottom but nobody would jump, so it was just me forcing them to the ground. One day, some idiot did jump, and he jumped too fucking high. I ended up planting him onto the grass and he hit the back of his head off a rock and had to brought to A&E.

And then about two years later, the same idiot and I were playing wrestling on a trampoline. He was a bit bigger than me at this point, and he somehow got me onto his shoulders. This was back in around '03 and Brock Lesnar was WWE Undisputed Champion. So what move did he hit? The F5. Sending me spinning off the trampoline and landing on my face, busting my nose.

I guess they aren't lying when they say, "Don't try this at home!" huh?
Hm... I powerbombed a dude onto a couch's back at school once. Wasn't a proper one though. I think he had his back hurt for a few days.
I was tempted to say I murdered my wife and son but thought that would be a little offensive.

I sprained my ankle trying to do a figure 4 leglock on this big kid. We were actually really fighting and I somehow got him on the ground and he was trying to kick me from the ground. So I grabbed his leg and attempted to do a figure 4 for some reason but he started to get up and he fell and landed on my ankle and bent it the wrong way. A teacher stepped in a few seconds later and I had to be on crutches for about two weeks.
a few come to mind, this wasnt so stupid on my part, but my brother gave me a A.A spinebuster on our kitchen floor in a "hardcore match" and i layed there for about 20 mins.

we also had another match going on and i was trying to be like the great muta and ran and jumped off the trampoline but he moved and didnt catch me so i sprained my ankle and busted up my knee's.

in college i lost a bet to my friend about a smackdown taping so he got to macho man elbow me from the top of his porch (about 7 feet from the grass where i was laying). he nailed it perfectly (perfect form too) and then my friend jason volunteer'd and my other friend was off a little and came down on his face. thank goodness jason put his hands up.

the 3 of us also had a impromtu handicap match in the dorms where we fought in our rooms,in the hallways,down in the bathroom and spilled over into our R.A's room. but that wasnt stupid,that was just awesome
I DDT'd my friend on the concrete drama studio floor in high school, and it split him open

He was no longer my friend after that.

Shit happens
When I was 12 and my brother was 10, the little shit suplexed me into the TV set.

It was right around that time I stopped picking on him for good.
My brothers used to chokeslam me daily. Needless to say, their technique wasn't exactly picture perfect. I once got chokeslammed off a platform about five or six feet from the ground and couldn't walk properly for an hour or so.

They also used to put me in sharpshooters and figure fours. I refused to tap out but apparently being in so much pain that you cry counts as submitting. Like fuck it does.
a few come to mind, this wasnt so stupid on my part, but my brother gave me a A.A spinebuster on our kitchen floor in a "hardcore match" and i layed there for about 20 mins.

we also had another match going on and i was trying to be like the great muta and ran and jumped off the trampoline but he moved and didnt catch me so i sprained my ankle and busted up my knee's.

in college i lost a bet to my friend about a smackdown taping so he got to macho man elbow me from the top of his porch (about 7 feet from the grass where i was laying). he nailed it perfectly (perfect form too) and then my friend jason volunteer'd and my other friend was off a little and came down on his face. thank goodness jason put his hands up.

the 3 of us also had a impromtu handicap match in the dorms where we fought in our rooms,in the hallways,down in the bathroom and spilled over into our R.A's room. but that wasnt stupid,that was just awesome

I always wish i was american and could experience the crazy college years that you lot seem to have.
Two incidents come to mind.

When I was a kid, my friend and I were huge Hardy Boyz fans. We went to the city pool, he agreed to lay down on one of those inflatable lounge chairs while I went to the diving board and hit a very high Swanton Bomb on him. It must've looked great because the other kids there were like "WOW, HOW'D YOU DO THAT?" My friend was okay, but the lifeguard wasn't as impressed and kicked us out immediately.

The other time I was a freshman in high school. I hanging out with some friends at one of their houses, screwing around and what not. We started talking about what wrestling moves would hurt in real life and I dared my friend to let me super kick him. Like an idiot, he accepted. I backed up, even tuned up the band, and kicked him square in the jaw. I didn't kick him too hard because I didn't want to hurt him, but it was hard enough to send him flying back into the bookshelf behind him causing the shelves to collapse, burying him under an avalanche of books.

Still probably the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life.
A few months ago I did an Unprettier to my son and sprained my knee when I spun around. I made a thread about it somewhere.
Man, why did you guys attempt such high flying moves. There surely have to be cooler moves in wrestling than flippies.

Anyhow, I nailed a Superkick on a guy at school. We were fighting near the cycle shed for some reason. Nothing serious, just a few punches being thrown around. Then I suddenly stepped back and hit the superkick. I did not get it up to his chin though. It caught him on the chest and sent him tumbling onto a couple of cycles. He got a few cuts from that fall but the superkick didn't hurt much, I guess.
I actually got in a fight and the first thing I did was a Spear, and it actually looks cool because everybody cheered for that!!
And after the spear I hit a ground to pound for the win!! :lol:

I usually like to chokeslam my little brother, and AA him...
My idiot thing was trying to make a 619 in the street and landing on my back!
Fuck it hurts xD
I was "fighting" with my canadian friend (oh the irony) and then I pushed him too hard and he fell on his back. Guess what bitch? Walls of jericho, I hurt him bad...for like an hour or so.

My brother has done to me an angle slam, FU, chokeslam, rock bottom. On the other hand I have made him TAP (hell yeah) to the ankle lock, crossface.

But I think the most idiotic thing is that I actually tried to RKO him, he pushed me mid air and I fell right next to my bed for my crappy luck. My back was killing me for a couple of days... The funny thing is that besied the first "incident" all these shit I made in the lapse of this year or last one.
I use to wrestle all the time with my friends. i remember once when i ddt'd my friend onto the brick in front of the fireplace. he didnt get up for a little bit, i thought i had knocked him out, but he was fine.

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