The Miz - Main Event Feel?

I really like Miz. As some have said he has worked very, very hard to make us forget about his reality TV past (or at least make it something we're not holding against him). Miz can talk and he's better than average in the ring.

There are things about his character that I don't love (the "Really" thing - SNL has been doing that bit for three years now, so let's find something new), but all in all the guy is a future main eventer. Where I disagree with a lot of the posters is in an inevitable babyface turn. Miz is a born heel and as a heel he can legitimately main event. As a babyface, he's got no shot. He doesn't have the body to be a main event level babyface. In the WWE a guy with Miz's look can only win titles as a heel.

Take Chris Jericho - not a big guy, but an exceptional professional wrestler. Probably the best in the business right now. But, the WWE would never invest in Jericho as champion as a babyface. If you look back all of Jericho's World/WWE/Undisputed title runs took place with a heel Jericho. The only way WWE lets guys that look like them win is as heels. Look, further, at a guy like Punk. They gave Punk the title as a babyface and it was a joke, as a heel - totally different story. Jeff Hardy may have broken the mold, but we'll never know because he's gone. Yes, they gave him the title, but he never had the time to actually BE champion. Unless you're a jacked freak WWE will be very reticent to push you as a babyface world champion.

The exception to this rule is, of course, HBK. Well, HBK is HBK. Probably the greatest worker of all time. Miz is no HBK, friends. And even through most of his title runs, Shawn was a tweener, so...
I really like Miz. As some have said he has worked very, very hard to make us forget about his reality TV past (or at least make it something we're not holding against him). Miz can talk and he's better than average in the ring.

There are things about his character that I don't love (the "Really" thing - SNL has been doing that bit for three years now, so let's find something new), but all in all the guy is a future main eventer. Where I disagree with a lot of the posters is in an inevitable babyface turn. Miz is a born heel and as a heel he can legitimately main event. As a babyface, he's got no shot. He doesn't have the body to be a main event level babyface. In the WWE a guy with Miz's look can only win titles as a heel.

Take Chris Jericho - not a big guy, but an exceptional professional wrestler. Probably the best in the business right now. But, the WWE would never invest in Jericho as champion as a babyface. If you look back all of Jericho's World/WWE/Undisputed title runs took place with a heel Jericho. The only way WWE lets guys that look like them win is as heels. Look, further, at a guy like Punk. They gave Punk the title as a babyface and it was a joke, as a heel - totally different story. Jeff Hardy may have broken the mold, but we'll never know because he's gone. Yes, they gave him the title, but he never had the time to actually BE champion. Unless you're a jacked freak WWE will be very reticent to push you as a babyface world champion.

The exception to this rule is, of course, HBK. Well, HBK is HBK. Probably the greatest worker of all time. Miz is no HBK, friends. And even through most of his title runs, Shawn was a tweener, so...

I have to disagree about the whole champions that are smaller are heels. If you look back at the 90's and even early 2000's most of the heel champions were tweeners anyways so I really dont count them as true heels. And as to the comment that Miz being better then average in the ring i have to agree on that one. If you look at every single champion in the last 5 years in wwe, you can't say that one is a technical god or great in the ring. You had guys like batista, kahli, cena, and orton. All of these men have limited ring skills that can be outdone by midcard guys but just like the miz is starting to do, they sell their moves well which makes them great. You might argue that ray mystero is a great mat wrestler, I disagree he's a spot monkey and thats all he will ever be. All I said in the prior few sentences has proven that in ring skill does little for performers. If you have every other necessary in your package and you are better then most people in the ring then you have everything necessary to be a sucess.
If the Miz is getting this much support from the IWC, he must be on to something special- Threads like this about one particular wrestler rarely demonstrate so much agreement. I have to say, I agree with much of what's been said in here: the Miz is developing a sense of calm and timing in the ring that's really fun to watch. It's clear from his vast improvement as a wrestler in the past few years that he has been working hard and studying hard at how to come off well as a character. I think it's highly possible that Miz may represent not only a future main eventer, but perhaps even a new direction in wrestling altogether down the road.
Hey (Flair is Overrated) I completely agree with you on this he is very overrated!!!!!
And I think The Miz is Awsome!!!! He is amazing and i usually can't stand people with cocky attitudes like Jericho but i like The Miz and I also like Jack Swagger!!!!! those too got main event potential!! I see both of them there in the next year or two.

First of all Chrsi jericho has without doubt carried smackdwon and the wwe in 2009 especially after edge was injured. But i have to say that Miz every week gets himself over, He has probably as much mic skills as jericho but he probably isn't a good enough wrestler to be main event any time soon but he'll probably go into a feud with john cena and win the wwe title.
yeah i would have to agree. He already saved a spot for him self in the main event with his whole attitude. He and many other young wrestlers make me optimistic about the future of the wwe.
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First things first, if you're going to insult people on here, please learn to type english properly. Second, have you ever heard of something called a period? It's next to something called a comma, which you obviously haven't heard of either.

I disagree with you completely. I have liked The Miz for a long time now. I think he plays his character perfectly and I would greatly enjoy to see him in the main event. We would all get somebody knew in the title scene in addition to freshening up the main event. He's great on the mic and an above average ring worker. Hell, even JBL had posted a blog stating that even he was rooting for The Miz. He's got main event written all over him. He just needs to take the stepping stones in cementing himself to that level. He's clearly gotten this far, let's see where he goes from here.
I am honestly shocked about all the positive feedback coming off of this thread. I guess im not crazy and alot of people are really starting to believe in this guy.

But, I dont think very many people have answered the question: Where will The Miz be this time next year?

Obviuosly, with this much positive support of The Miz you guys must have some great ideas. Share them.

To me, its quite apparent that a WWE/World championship shot is coming up soon. But, it might take him a bit longer to actually win the thing (ala Jeff Hardy). But no one can deny, hes building up quite nicely. The way the WWE are portraying him on TV just proves it enough. They give more TV time to him than any other singles competitor right now. They wouldnt do that if they didnt believe he was gonna make it to the top, they would be wasting their time otherwise!
I think it was obvious they saw something in him when they gave the tag titles to him and Morrison, I mean they were on every show, every week, with their own online show. However, I think at the time most of us saw more potential in Morrison.

A simply thing like a change of attire can make you take the guy a bit more seriously, as well as a change in his finishing move. Which I'm actually prefer quite a bit to the Reality Check. It seems to of added a bit of intensity to his ring work.

I'd agree and say he'll have at least one title shot this year, but won't hold it until next year.
The Miz is on his way towards becoming a main eventer. I just hope it won't be too fast. Right now what he's got is the mic work, which is absolutely golden. I'd give him till after WrestleMania for him to test the WWE Championship waters. If possible, tease a push by putting him in the Elimination Chamber and NOT have him knocked off first.
Is it just me, or did The Miz have that main event feel to him this past episode of RAW?

Not really. He has that "it" factor to eventually break into the world title scene at some point in his career, but he still has quite a ways to go. I don't think he had a main event feel at all. If his in-ring ability could even come halfway towards catching up to his mic skills, then he could be ready. I think he still needs to improve a bit more before he could be taken seriously enough for a main event role. One day he'll get there.

I know alot of people might flame on me for this thread, but I honestly feel like The Miz has what it takes to break in the top now. He saved a potentially horrific segment featuring John Heder into one worth watching. Then, there is the fact that he has been looking absolutely GOLDEN in the ring lately.

He has what it takes to get there in the future, but I just don't see him as being ready yet. He saved the segment with Heder in it, but it was still horrible even with Miz in it. I wouldn't call his in-ring world "golden".... I'll agree that he's improved a lot in the past couple of years though. If he maintains that momentum for another year or two he might be ready.

So my question is, where will The Miz be the same time next year?

Probably upper midcard. I don't think he'll have won a world title yet though. Similar to where he is now but higher up on the card.

My prediction is that by next year's Royal Rumble event he will either be featured in one of the main event title matches or win the Royal Rumble match itself. I know, it seems far fetched but I truly believe it can happen. The WWE has invested alot into this guy already, so they do in fact have faith in him.

I don't see him winning the rumble next year, but maybe they might put him in the title matches. It's not like he'd have to win the title there, they could just see how a title feud with him in it would go, for future reference, since most fans buy Royal Rumble for the Rumble itself more often than for the title matches.

So who thinks Im crazy or does anyone else get the same vibe?

Nah you're not crazy and this is actually a pretty good thread. I just disagree with Miz being ready for the main event right now. I say give it a year or two and he'll be in his first world title feuds, and a little longer than that before he's truly made a main eventer because by then he will have had even more time to improve. He'll get there eventually.
I have to agree with this thread... When The Miz came to raw, initially he annoyed the hell out of me. Now they've changed the character from "chick magnet" shirt, and goofy ass shorts. to Decent out of ring attire, and trunks. I kinda see a People's Champ type character building off him. CUZ HES THE MIZ... AND NOW HE'S AAAAWWWEEEEEESOME.
I hate the Miz, I think he is so annoying. He really needs to do better promos, and to stop using the words "Really" and "Awsome".
I hate the Miz, I think he is so annoying. He really needs to do better promos, and to stop using the words "Really" and "Awsome".

I kinda disagree there. I agree that "I'm awesome" is a little cheesy, but his "Really? (insert name of person he's talking to here), REALLY!?" is great. I really enjoy his promo style, and the main thing stopping him from becoming a main eventer is that his in-ring ability needs to catch up to his promo skills. Like I said in my other post in this thread, just give it a little more time and he will have improved enough to be main eventing because Miz definitely has that "it" factor and can be a world champion someday, possibly within the next year or two. I also see his sarcastic "Really!?" thing becoming his main catchphrase, instead of "and I'm awesome!" since it fits his character so well and isn't as cheesy.

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