The Miz Is The *NEW* WWE Intercontinental Champion...For Some Damn Reason

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At NOC, The Miz defeated Dolph Ziggler to once again win the Intercontinental Championship and I can only ask the question...why? This makes The Miz a 4 time IC champion and I honestly can't understand the reasoning behind this. They've gone as far as they can with this feud with Ziggler and Miz's time as IC champ has been pretty damn abysmal in the past. He's had 3 runs with the title and all 3 runs have been extremely lackluster, so I don't understand why they'd go in this direction. How does Vince McMahon expect fans to get excited about an IC title run they know is a dead end right from the beginning?
Not that Ziggler was a better option. But we all know that WWE doesn't care about the IC. Or about the tag team title, or the us title, or the divas title.
I completely agree >< I was reading the results and saw the Miz won the title? Like why in the world? Maybe it means R-Truth will move up to feud with Miz? A feud between the members of awesome truth? Not going to lie I've got nothing positive about this. Miz winning it in July was pointless, this is just crazy...and I say that as a Miz fan
ive never witnessed a title be so horrifically demeaned on live telelvision. it was more like a Heath Slater segment than the fight for WWE's second tier men's belt. Absolutely abysmal from the E focusing more on those to country music ********s over their own performers and own titles. for me the PPV was downhill from there on in
The Miz is doing some great work. But if they did a title change it's because they have a plan in place. I'm guessing they already have the next Intercontinental Champion in mind and they want The Miz to drop it to him. I'm guessing that means whoever is winning is a face, which could be:

• Dean Ambrose, so they can move the IC title onto the Dean/Seth feud.

• Jack Swagger, he looks like he's still getting some love after beating Bo on Raw.

• Sheamus, in a unification match.

• Sami Zayn or Adrian Neville, One of them could debut on Raw and win the title like Paige did.

• Cesaro, who desperately needs a face turn.

• Damien Sandow, he could turn face against The Miz

• The Big Show, Never count out the Big Show for a push.

• R-Truth, who looks like he's getting some face-time after years of nothing.

• John Cena, with Lesnar gone, they need Cena to feud with somebody, why not Cena?
Not that Ziggler was a better option. But we all know that WWE doesn't care about the IC. Or about the tag team title, or the us title, or the divas title.

This statement is getting tiresome... Especially since they've given these titles a lot of television time since Cody Rhodes was IC champion the first time. I just can't seem to wrap my head around how people arrive to such conclusions without any logical claim to back it up.

Oh well, just something else for people to complain about.

At NOC, The Miz defeated Dolph Ziggler to once again win the Intercontinental Championship and I can only ask the question...why? This makes The Miz a 4 time IC champion and I honestly can't understand the reasoning behind this. They've gone as far as they can with this feud with Ziggler and Miz's time as IC champ has been pretty damn abysmal in the past. He's had 3 runs with the title and all 3 runs have been extremely lackluster, so I don't understand why they'd go in this direction. How does Vince McMahon expect fans to get excited about an IC title run they know is a dead end right from the beginning?

All three of those reigns were also extremely short reigns... The Miz, if given the time to do so, can produce. He did it when WWE needed him to get Daniel Bryan over, he did it when WWE needed him to get Lawler back over, he did it at WrestleMania 27, he did it when WWE needed him to get A-Ry over, he did it when Awesome Truth came around, and he even did it when he went face. The fact is Miz, when given proper time, can produce more than half the roster currently.

As for him winning, I feel as if they'll be giving Miz a mid-card stable with Sandow and Tyler Breeze. And no, I don't think this is it for Miz & Ziggler. They can put on some great matches together, but just not tonight. Also, maybe this could be the start of another Kingston/Miz rivalry or maybe even have Miz feud with R-Truth... maybe they'll have a Swagger & Miz feud to give Swagger the title so he can lose it to Barrett. Idk, but I honestly like that The Miz is IC Champion and look forward to Raw.
Miz is probably the best authentic heel on the roster right now that isn't named Brock Lesnar.

He cuts great promos, he's very capable in the ring, and he does what's asked of him, which is important. I love that he won, and i completely called it.
The Miz is doing some great work. But if they did a title change it's because they have a plan in place. I'm guessing they already have the next Intercontinental Champion in mind and they want The Miz to drop it to him. I'm guessing that means whoever is winning is a face, which could be:

• Dean Ambrose, so they can move the IC title onto the Dean/Seth feud.

• Jack Swagger, he looks like he's still getting some love after beating Bo on Raw.

• Sheamus, in a unification match.

• Sami Zayn or Adrian Neville, One of them could debut on Raw and win the title like Paige did.

• Cesaro, who desperately needs a face turn.

• Damien Sandow, he could turn face against The Miz

• The Big Show, Never count out the Big Show for a push.

• R-Truth, who looks like he's getting some face-time after years of nothing.

• John Cena, with Lesnar gone, they need Cena to feud with somebody, why not Cena?

While I agree that they might have a plan in place I don't think they do. If the plan was for a face to win it, Miz shouldn't have dropped it at SummerSlam. I feel the belt was passed around too much between them, I like Miz but I'd rather Ziggler win it at first, beat Miz at SummerSlam, and then he could have lost it tonight.

UNLESS, they are planning for a Barrett return? He'd probably get a face reaction. Maybe his recovery time was sped up and they're expecting a huge cheer when he returns. I just hope you're right Feedback
While I agree that they might have a plan in place I don't think they do. If the plan was for a face to win it, Miz shouldn't have dropped it at SummerSlam. I feel the belt was passed around too much between them, I like Miz but I'd rather Ziggler win it at first, beat Miz at SummerSlam, and then he could have lost it tonight.

UNLESS, they are planning for a Barrett return? He'd probably get a face reaction. Maybe his recovery time was sped up and they're expecting a huge cheer when he returns. I just hope you're right Feedback

I wouldn't be surprised that if Cena faces Seth at Hell in a Cell, Dean ends up facing Miz.

I hope not, because I'm looking forward to a Cena/Seth match at WrestleMania. Cena should work with new talent every WrestleMania going forward, and there's no better heel for him to face than Seth Rollins.
I wouldn't be surprised that if Cena faces Seth at Hell in a Cell, Dean ends up facing Miz.

I hope not, because I'm looking forward to a Cena/Seth match at WrestleMania. Cena should work with new talent every WrestleMania going forward, and there's no better heel for him to face than Seth Rollins.

I don't know what the majority opinion is on this but I'd enjoy Cena versus Seth. For exactly that reason, Seth doesn't have to win in my book, so long as the feud is decent and it keeps Seth relevant longer, I'm all for it. Plus Seth can work a great match and Cena can keep up.

Now maybe I missed something, Dean v Miz? Why exactly?
I don't know what the majority opinion is on this but I'd enjoy Cena versus Seth. For exactly that reason, Seth doesn't have to win in my book, so long as the feud is decent and it keeps Seth relevant longer, I'm all for it. Plus Seth can work a great match and Cena can keep up.

Now maybe I missed something, Dean v Miz? Why exactly?

They must have put the title on Miz for a reason, and moving the title onto the Dean/Seth feud makes sense to me. Unless they're thinking of turning Wyatt face or bringing up an NXT guy, Dean is my #1 prediction for Miz's opponent after Ziggs.
I don't know what the majority opinion is on this but I'd enjoy Cena versus Seth. For exactly that reason, Seth doesn't have to win in my book, so long as the feud is decent and it keeps Seth relevant longer, I'm all for it. Plus Seth can work a great match and Cena can keep up.

Now maybe I missed something, Dean v Miz? Why exactly?

Oh I don't want to see Seth vs Cena, just because I want to Seth take on other people. Cena doesn't have to be involved in every feud going. And I thought I was keeping up but I'm missed the Ambrose vs Miz thing as well. No idea where that comes from.

And don't get why they gave the title back to the Miz, unless with the injury to Reigns they are trying to free Ziggler up to work with other heels, although I can't think of who right now. The whole thing didn't make much sense to me, and I really hate the way these titles are just handed around like a potato chip bowl these days.

I remember when you worked your way up, and your ass off to get one, and it actually meant something. Now I don't know anymore.
Why not?

If Ziggler was going to win, the Miz would've won more of their confrontations. Miz losing tonight would've ruined what little credibility he has...while Ziggler might have another shot for next month- especially if the Bray Wyatt rumors are true.

I still think Miz should've won at Summerslam and lost at Night of Champions, so both men could have decent reigns as the champ.
They must have put the title on Miz for a reason, and moving the title onto the Dean/Seth feud makes sense to me. Unless they're thinking of turning Wyatt face or bringing up an NXT guy, Dean is my #1 prediction for Miz's opponent after Ziggs.

While I do see your point it would seem like the consolation prize to me. Unless they let either Dean or Seth hold both. Rollins comes out Mr Money In The Bank and the Intercontinental champion! That'd be pretty awesome either way really.

And if I stop caring about how "prestigious" the belt is. I'm suddenly all for this. Miz drops it to Dean. Dean and Seth can feud over it and the briefcase. Then whichever one loses the feud(though I think both win being as it's one of the hottest feuds going) still has the IC title to keep doing something. I wouldn't hate that either way
If the rumors are true and they're looking to have Ziggler feud with Wyatt, it makes sense to get the title off of Ziggler. The feud doesn't need it and honestly, they're both above it at this point. I think Ziggler gets his rematch and challenges for it on Raw and Wyatt cuts him off, starting their feud.

Let Miz lug that useless baggage around.
Why do you keep pushing Seth Rollins into these matches for the IC title. He's holding a contract that gives him a shot at the World title. That immediately elevates him over everyone else.

Why the hell would he want to get immersed in a feud for a title that he would consider beneath him. I think he's going for the World title or none right now. Ambrose is right behind him as well. This feud will continue until one of two things happen. The time runs out on the contract, because of Ambrose blocking Rollins's attempts to cash it in. Or because of the blocking of the cash in's, Rollins puts the contract on the line in a match, which Ambrose promptly wins. In either case, no pun intended, neither one would be going for the IC title in for foreseeable future.
Why do you keep pushing Seth Rollins into these matches for the IC title. He's holding a contract that gives him a shot at the World title. That immediately elevates him over everyone else.

Why the hell would he want to get immersed in a feud for a title that he would consider beneath him. I think he's going for the World title or none right now. Ambrose is right behind him as well. This feud will continue until one of two things happen. The time runs out on the contract, because of Ambrose blocking Rollins's attempts to cash it in. Or because of the blocking of the cash in's, Rollins puts the contract on the line in a match, which Ambrose promptly wins. In either case, no pun intended, neither one would be going for the IC title in for foreseeable future.

I'm just throwing it out there. Everyone is questioning why The Miz got the title. Usually when they undo a title win so fast it's because they have the next champion in mind.

1. John Cena beats Del Rio at Night of Champions for the title, then drops it right back to Del Rio at Hell in a Cell! Why was that? So Del Rio could drop it to Punk at Survivor Series.

2. R-Truth beat Miz for the vacant US title. Crazy, huh?? But Miz wins it back a few weeks later. Why? Cuz Bryan is coming back at SummerSlam and taking the US title at NoC.

3. Jeff Hardy has beaten Edge for the WWE title at TLC!!... but Edge gets it back at Royal Rumble. Why?? So Triple H can win the Chamber, and move on to feud with Orton without pissing off Hardy fans.

There are tons of more examples. When a title win is reversed so suddenly it's because they have someone else in mind. It's also happened with the IC title tons of times too.
• Jarrett > Razor > Jarrett > Shawn.
• Jarrett > Edge > Jarrett > D'Lo.
• Cody > Show > Cody > Christian.
• Christian > Booker > Christian > RVD.

Those guys won the title, and then WWE changed their mind as to who they wanted to carry the next IC title feud so they switched it back and moved it to who they wanted to go.

To me, Miz getting the title back so son after losing it is because creative has someone else in mind. Dean Ambrose is the top pick since he's the #1 midcard face right now. If he loses to Seth at Hell in a Cell, I can see him win the IC title right after as a consolation, and then maybe egging Seth into a "winner take all" match like the one RVD had with Benjamin.
I hope neither Ambrose or Rollins get the IC Belt. It's a consolation prize for people who probably aren't going to get a WHC shot any time soon.
Why do you keep pushing Seth Rollins into these matches for the IC title. He's holding a contract that gives him a shot at the World title. That immediately elevates him over everyone else.

You obviously don't watch wrestling much. Edge was literally IC Champion before his first cash-in, having lost it just hours before. Ziggler chased the Tag Team Titles literally one night before cashing in on Del Rio. The Miz was US Champion while he was Mr. Money in the Bank. Just this year, Sheamus was in the MitB ladder match to crown a new champion while being US Champion. It's not so out of this world for someone to have a title shot at the World title, but still want more gold.
You obviously don't watch wrestling much. Edge was literally IC Champion before his first cash-in, having lost it just hours before. Ziggler chased the Tag Team Titles literally one night before cashing in on Del Rio. The Miz was US Champion while he was Mr. Money in the Bank. Just this year, Sheamus was in the MitB ladder match to crown a new champion while being US Champion. It's not so out of this world for someone to have a title shot at the World title, but still want more gold.

Edge was not the IC Champion, he never held it while he was Mr. Money in the Bank. He had a match with Flair who was the IC Champ at the time but he got himself DQ'd.

It's not out of the realm of possibility, but Rollins is above the IC Title at the moment.
Edge was not the IC Champion, he never held it while he was Mr. Money in the Bank. He had a match with Flair who was the IC Champ at the time but he got himself DQ'd.

It's not out of the realm of possibility, but Rollins is above the IC Title at the moment.

Eh, he's like in between... I don't think the IC title is as far gone as people make it out to be. I think people just need a reason to complain, so they pick the IC title. Plus, with nothing else to feud over giving them the IC or US title wouldn't hurt.
The other name of course is Barrett, he is face no matter what when he returns and someone like Miz would be perfect for him to issue "the Bad News" to when he does return. Remember that Cena time where he was "out for months still" yet won the Rumble... If Barrett can work remotely a squash match or score a pinfall then he could come in, win it in a shock and then have the "30 days" to defend it while he finishes his rehab just as Cena did...

Most likely however is the awful scenario no one has yet mentioned... I call it now... the Bunny is gonna win the IC title... and then unmask as Zayn.

The NXT group makes sense for being in the IC picture, especially if Breeze is gonna be with Miz as suggested... Ziggler and Neville, Adam Rose and Zayn (if he is the Bunny as suggested) could be a good 3 way, 6 man fued for the IC title, there can be some tag matches in there, some defences for Miz before the upset.

To my mind Neville should be the one to win it, I know Zayn's whole thing is "winning the big one" but to me he doesn't need the IC... Neville would be a great IC champ in the "win in first match" style and he can then drop the NXT title to Breeze when Miz interferes in revenge.
Apart from Brock Lesnar, The Miz is the best heel in WWE right now.

Great gimmick, draws heat and his title win obviously has legitimately pissed you off. Which is great because as a heel he's doing his job.

He cheated to win the belt, he had a hand full of tights. People are going to want to pay to see Dolph Ziggler get him back for that and get the title back. It draws money and puts asses in seats.

Plus he is far better than Dolph Ziggler.
Miz is not bad in the ring, in fact he never was, even when he debuted in WWE he wasn't an eva marie case, Colt Cabana and many others unlike you guys who've never been a pro wrestler say so. There's a difference between being an uninteresting character or performer but difference in in ring skill. For example
Adam Rose isn't my favorite but you have to admit he's great in the ring, has one of the best spine busters of today.

Miz is 10 + time champion, a decade long veteran. Many people forget how athletic Miz is and always has been, he was a basketball and cross country captain and won those real world road rules competition

his underdog story was great and he's best with a chip on his shoulder, his US championship runs were better than Sheamus' and Ambrose.

Miz is GOOD, is he perfect? nope. Even recently it came out that Evan Bourne pointed out he was bad at basing( catching someone when they do a highflying move), he's not a technical wrestler like Daniel Bryan, although he tried to be to get into Japan, he once mentioned.

Miz when he debuted was over shadowed by his MTV background, when he debuted and went undefeated for months until being beat by Taker, his in ring pyschology with using his gimmick was perfect.

In fact Miz used to be a bit of a highflier when he was tagging with Morrison,
I wish he would bring back the springboard leg drop and diving bulldog

like Colt Cabana has said Miz has tons of experience, he got passed training with Bill, he's outlasted many, think of all the releases from 2006 to recently 2014.

why, how? Miz loves the business and many people forget or don't catch on that his gimmick is not serious, he's taking the piss out of himself, as a parody.

Dolph Ziggler is great but I can name a bunch of people who are better than Dolph in the ring, :

Tyson Kidd
Justin Gabriel
Daniel Bryan

who is Ziggler better than:

plus Miz is not injury prone, his big mouth is only a gimmick.
Dolph has had plenty of time to change from the amateur allstar-perfectionist-weird name greeting backstage guy and what is he now
the show off, instead of whining all the time(listen to his interviews), he should've done what Miz did and use all that was against him as fuel to prove critics wrong.
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