The Match of 2006

BOSS Productions

Pre-Show Stalwart
For those who are wondering I am trying to finish every year that I think deserves a thread and then go into more specific matches after my The Match of ---- threads are finished.

I would like to thank DiscipleofWrestling for posting in every single one of my The Match of threads , your match listings are the ones I always look forward to reading. (I read everyone's match listings so do not get offended).

I would also like to thank Zero Element , well because HIS FIRST OFFICIAL FORUM POST was in my thread BE JEALOUS ,looking forward to seeing your match listings as well.

Now the year of 2006 is basically the year the Cena and Batista haters have risen and it is also the year the WWE toned down its product which later led to the now known as PG Era. This year was nothing special too me but it did mark the return of Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio's first World Title run , so without further delay lets get into my match listings.

1). Post 1-5 of your favorite matches that occurred in 2005 (5 is the maximum).
2). You must explain why you like the match you choose.
3). List them in order , so that I know which one you like the best from they year of 2005.

Now my match listings:

1). WWE Tag Team Title, Interpromotional Four-Way Ladder Match: Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. William Regal & Dave Taylor vs. The Hardys vs. MNM (Armageddon) : This was one of my favorite matches period, it had the returning Hardys who had an amazing reception when coming out and overall the match was excellent. At first I though Mercury's cut was a part of the plan but later found it was an accident, the match itself was great and well as huge fan of the TLC tag matches , it truly was great to see another one in the new era of the WWE. I was rooting for MNM and The Hardys but the match was so great I was satisfied with Paul and Brian walking out champions. That is all I can say about this match.

2). Hulk Hogan VS Randy Orton - SummerSlam 2006- Now I enjoyed this match more than Hogans match last year with HBK, only because Randy Orton actually put on a believable match unlike HBK who was overselling like crazy which ruined the match a bit. Now looking back at this match I actually wanted Randy to win because it would be great to have killed the biggest legend of them all. It is always great seeing Hogan back and if you enjoy Hogan matches than you should enjoy this one aswell . This makes it on the list also because it was a match I honestly thought I would never see but I did and am grateful for that.

3).World Heavyweight Title Match: Kurt Angle vs. Undertaker (No Way Out)- I miss Kurt in the WWE. Anyways the match itself was great and this is the only match that made Kurt's World Title reign meaningful . I actually routed for him throughout this match and this is only because Kurt deserved a longer reign but I was saddened when he lost it a WM 22 in quite possibly the most predictable and shittiest World Title matches EVER. I know I know , I shouldn't be talking I LIKE BILL GOLDBERG VS BROCK LESNAR :lmao:but still who didn't know Rey was going to win , the crowd sure did that is why he got booed throughout the match and this is also why I rarely re watch that specific Mania. Undertaker VS Kurt Angle should have been a match of it's own at WrestleMania because both Undertaker and Kurt Angle had extremely shitty matches that night and if this bout would have took place on the grandest stage of them all, WM 22 would have been much much better.Watch the match , a normal wrestling fan would enjoy it.

These are my choices now list your favorite matches from 2006 and please tell me why you like them and list them in order.


1.I'm going with the triple threat match from Backlash 2006 for the WWE championship between Edge, John cena, and Triple H. I LOVED this match. It had a bunch of sick spots in it, and HHH was bleeding like a stuck pig. The Game went apeshit in this match. He gave a spinebuster to Lita, and attacked everyone with a sledgehammer at the end. This is one of my all time favorite triple threat matches.

2. Hell In A Cell- DX VS Shane, Vince, And Big Show- This match was brutal as hell. Lots of blood from almost everyone, weapons were used frequently, and Shane had a couple of sick spots as well. The McMahon/ DX feud was very good, and this match was great way to end it. Plus who can forget seeing Vince's head shoved up Show's ass. It was funny as hell.

3.Unforgiven- John Cena VS Edge for the WWE Championship- Cena and Edge mamanged to put on yet another memorable match in their storied feud. Edge was the heel of course, but got a major pop because they were in Canada. This was very good match, and Cena was able to convince us he would live and die for the WWE championship. And of course who can forget the attitude adjuster from a top the ladder and through the tables.

4. Ric Flair VS Mick Foley In An I Quit Match- This is a close second to my favorite I Quit match of all time. The Flair/Foley feud was just great. They used the beef Foley had with The Nature Boy going back to WCW days for the premise of this feud. The match it self was just classic stuff. Flair did an awesome job of playing the deranged old man as always, while Foley was able to go deep into the dark side again. The ending was classic. It looked like Melina was going to get whacked by Flair with the barb wired baseball bat, and so Foley had to say, "I Quit!"

5.Rob Van Dam Vs John Cena For The WWE Championship- The crowd reaction for this match was so insane. As I was watching this match on ppv, I thought someone was going to jump out of the crowd and try to stab John Cena. Those ECW fans hated him. The match it self wasn't all that special, but it was filled with memorable moments. Edge's interference, the crowd reaction, and Heyman making the three count.
i think RVD winning money in the bank and beating cena is the only worth match of the year ...the crowed was really cool and they show their feelings, those were really extreme fans ....not shitty fans like now...
1) Terry Funk/Tommy Dreamer/Beulah vs. Edge/Mick Foley/ Lita- One Night Stand 2006- This wasn't a classic technical wrestling match. Instead, it was a downright barbaric hardcore match that even made WrestleMania's Hardcore Match look tame. The atmosphere, the action, the brutality, the announcing, and the props used all made for a truly gruesome but memorable encounter.

2) Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle- No Way Out 2006- Probably the best main event for a Smackdown brand PPV and a damn entertaining match. Both wrestlers maintained a good pace throughout the contest and really kicked it up to the next gear in the last five or ten minutes.

3)Rob Van Dam vs. John Cena- One Night Stand 2006- It takes a lot to make a good match. One thing is atmosphere, and this match showed just how much atmosphere can bring to a feel for a match. Cena's trials with the crowd were hilarious and a welcomed site to this day for those opposed to the Cena PR machine. I don't particularly care for Cena, but I'll give the man credit where credit is due. On this occasion, credit is due for going out and performing in front of that ravenous, blood-thirsty crowd. I truly believe the sign that if Cena had won against RVD at Hammerstein Ballroom, that crowd would have rioted. Good match overall with Cena doing top rope maneuvers to the outside, Van Dam doing his usual schtick on the outside, a good, albeit shocking ending, and a classic post-match celebration.

4) Mick Foley vs. Edge- Hardcore Match- WrestleMania 22- Edge had told radio stations prior to this match that he and Mick intended on stealing the show from everyone else at WrestleMania that year. Mission accomplished. Yes, everyone talks about Shawn Michaels diving off a ladder through Vince McMahon. But the real hardcore match happened between Edge and Mick Foley. Barbed wire, thumbtacks, and a spear through a freaking flaming table! Not to mention the impressive Cactus Clothesline done with Lita on Mick Foley's back. Foley got his WrestleMania moment while Edge got more notoriety.

5) Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly- ECW- September/October 2006- This is the infamous match where Hardcore Holly split open his back while delivering a suplex through a table. It was also a very entertaining hard hitting match that stands as probably Hardcore Holly's best match (outside of the Kurt Angle match from Velocity years ago).

Honorable Mentions
- Team DX vs. Team Rated RKO (Survivor Series 2006)
- 4 Team Ladder Match (Armageddon 2006)
- Edge/Randy Orton vs. Kurt Angle/Rob Van Dam- ECW, 2006
1) Mick Foley vs Edge at Wrestlemania in a hardcore match. Mick Foley was trying to find his wrestlemania moment and this was it he and Edge stole the show at wrestlemania. This would have to rate as one the greatest hardcore matches ever it had thumbtacks, fire, barbied wire, barbied wire mr socko great match

2) Kurt Angle vs Undertaker at No Way Out. This match seemed to go on forever, great back and forth action, One of smackdowns finest in 2006x

3) Fatal 4 way ladder match at Armageddon. This match was epic that really elevated Kendrick and London as one of the greatest tag teams of the decade great high flying spots, I could sit here and type some great bits in the match but i could be going on forever, the slice bread #2 of the top of the ladder, Regal delivering that suplex on Kendrick through the ladder just to name a few.

4) Chris Beniot vs Finlay at Judgement Day, many people may forget this match but this match saved what was going to be a boring pay per view great techincal wrestling
1. Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker, No Way Out

Amazingly my #1 choice does not involve Shawn Michaels. That's rare for me. This was a great match and I agree that it should have taken place at WrestleMania 22.

2. John Cena vs. Edge, Unforgiven

I was pretty impressed with that match. I was better than I expected. It still amazes me that so many people think Cena has no talent. They should watch this match.

3. Ladder Match, Armageddon

This match wasn't even announced for the ppv and it stole the show. I'll always remember it for the sick spot the crushed Mercury's face.

4. Mick Foley vs. Edge, WrestleMania 22

This was an excellent hardcore match. This exceeded my expectations as I didn't know how much Foley had left in him. I'm glad he finally got his big mania moment.

5. Chris Benoit vs. William Regal, No Mercy

Another unannounced match that stole the show. This was a surprise return by Benoit. It was a solid match between two tough veterans. Nothing spectacular, but very good.
1) Wrestlemania 22; Randy Orton vs Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio In a Triple Threat Match For the World Heavyweight Championship.
Nobody will forget when Rey won his only world title to date. It was only a 10-12 minute match, but it really was fast paced great wrestling action, I will never forget some of the moves all 3 men pulled off.

2) Unforgiven; Edge vs John Cena in a TLC Match For the WWE Championship.
I think somebody has already said it, if you think that John Cena can't wrestle, or he has no talent, watch this match. These 2 guys went out there and tore it up for about 25 minutes. One of my most memorable moments in wrestling was in this match, Edge being FU'd off a ladder through 2 tables, ending with Cena winning back the strap, and starting the "infamous" one year long title reign.


Get Ready, The Aussie Invasion Will Begin Soon
I'm gonna start off by saying one that I'm sure no one would mention.

20 Man Battle Royal-SmackDown: This match was created when Batista was injured by Mark Henry and had to relinquish the World Heavyweight Championship. Teddy Long sets up a 20 Man Battle Royal that same night to determine who will become the next WHC. 19 people from SmackDown, including Mark Henry himself enter the match all waiting for the 20th man. And who comes out? None other than Mr Wrestling Machine himself, KURT ANGLE!!! I had never seen Angle as intense as he was in this match at that time. When he stood up after getting thrown through a table by Henry, I thought "Dude this guy is still sick!" And to top it all off, he got all 400 lbs of Mark Henry over the top rope and won the WHC!!!

Triple Threat Match For the World Heavyweight Championship (Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Kurt Angle)-WrestleMania 22: The first WrestleMania since Eddie Guerrero passed away, and it was a delight to see Eddie's best friend Rey Mysterio come out on top and win the World Heavyweight Championship.

WWE Championship Match-John Cena vs. RVD-ECW One Night Stand 2006: The crowd made this match amazing. And to see RVD finally get the brass ring in front of the ECW crowd was a great moment.

WWE Championship Match-John Cena vs. Triple H-WrestleMania 22: If the Hammerstein Ballroom had about 60,000 more seats, the crowd reaction would've sounded the same at ONS 2006. The crowd in Chicago was cow shitting on Cena the entire match. Another match where the crowd made the match.

Hardcore Match-Mick Foley vs. Edge-WrestleMania 22: I picked this match for the exact same reasons why everyone else put it on their list. This match further elevated Edge and it gave Mick Foley his WrestleMania moment.

Honorable Mention:

8 Man Tag Team Ladder Match For The WWE Tag Team Championships-Armageddon: Joey Mercury, enough said. I feel kinda bad that that's what a lot of people are gonna remember him for.
I was not a big fan of WM in 2006 but I still liked the year in general and to be honest I will have some of those WM matches on here

1) 4 Team Ladder Match at Armageddon: One word, AMAZING, i love ladder matches and when you put Hardy near a ladder you know something GREAT is going to happen. Oh and um that one guy....Marty Janetty, i mean Joey Mercury.....Yea I said it

2) RVD vs. Cena ONS 2006: WOW! intense and i honestly though Cena was going to get beat up by the crowd or something like that was going to happen. I did like though that he just played with it too, Cena actually made me like him for once, HE NEEDS TO BE HEEEEEEEEL....oh and RVD! RVD! RVD! wins the title FINALLY!!!!

3) Edge vs. Foley hardcore match WM: Wow Edge did so many things that were great and i still think Foley carried this match. Hate me about it if you will but seriously Edge wouldn't have done those things at all if Foley didn't suggest them or if Foley wouldnt of agreed. I think he told Edge to go out there and just try and hurt him. "The tables on fire!"

4) Orton vs. Rey vs. Angle triple threat WM: Great technical wrestling and it was very fast paced. I really like this match, and since there were a lot of storylines within this match alone made it even better, and as much as i didnt like Rey being champ i think it was awesome he won FOR EDDIE, Never forgotten.

5) Angle vs. Taker title match NWO: Seriously just awesome that is all i have to say!

Honorable mentions:
Trish vs. Lita (Trish's last match) the day wwe divas died....TRISH IS THE BEST
20-Man smackdown Battle Royal (Angle's surprise comeback to SD to win)
MITB Pretty great to be honest
Shelton vs. RVD at Backlash (winner take all for MITB briefcase and IC title)
One match that doesn't get mentioned a lot is the Randy Orton/Rey Mysterio match from No Way Out. Even though I didn't like the storyline behind the match, it was performed perfectly by both men. I loved the commentary basically condemning Orton for his actions and were fully behind Rey. Orton and Mysterio showed that they can bring it and Orton cheating to win was just icing on the cake.
In no order.

1) 8-Man Tag Team Ladder Match at Armageddon- Regal/Taylor vs. Hardyz vs. Londrick vs. MNM: This match was just so epic. It just stole the show easily and was one of the best tag team contests in recent memory from WWE. These 8 men killed each other in the ring. Such innovative spots and hard hitting action. I think JBL summed it up best, when commenting on either Regal or Taylor suplexing someone on the outside of the ring; "They just suplexed someone on the outside of the ring and it doesn't even stick out in this match." What a great match to open the show and close the year at the final PPV.

2) RVD vs. Hardcore Holly on ECW on SyFy- This match was hardcore to the bone. Anyone who says wrestling isn't real can just take one look at the gash Bob Holly recieved in his back that night. It was just a great match on ECW, on of the best since it's return, with plenty of hard-hitting action that left me wanting more.

3) Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker at No Way Out- Words cannot really describe the epicness of this match. These two men went and tore it up, leaving it all in the ring for the fans. What a great match.

That's all that comes to mind at the moment. Honorable mention to Jon Cena vs. RVD at One Night Stand.
None of these are in a particular order

Wrestlemania 22 - Edge vs Mick Foley - Easily the most brutal match of the year. The spot most remembered from this one is the ending, where Lita set the table on fire, and Edge then speared Foley through it. Blood and weapons galore in this one, one of the better hardcore matches you can watch.

Wrestlemania 22 - Orton vs Mysterio vs Angle - This match was short but sweet. Tons of great spots, and all three guys showed what they bring to the table. Crowd reaction was really interesting, as Mysterio got booed quite often throughout the match.

Backlash - Edge vs HHH vs Cena - This match was brutal. Can HHH lose more blood? Edge let HHH and Cena tear each other apart for a good bit of this match. Lots of great spots, really showed how a triple threat should be done.

One Night Stand - Cena vs RVD - This match is a personal favorite of mine. Just seeing the poster boy of WWE in John Cena getting flipped off, cussed out, shit thrown at him, chants of "You can't wrestle!" and "Same old shit!" was just amazing. The atmosphere is really what made this one a classic, and how blatantly obvious it was how the crowd was really getting to Cena, and how largely it impacted how he wrestled in this match.
1, Cena v. Edge TLC - I watched this again on Cena's DVD the other day and it is bloody awesome. So many sick spots. Both Edge and Cena are pushed off the top of ladders through tables onto the outside, and Edge gets FU'd off the top of a ladder through two tables. That was awesome.

2, Cena v. RVD Extreme Rules match - The match itself was pretty good but the crowd made this for me. Again, I watched this the other day and while I'm a fan of Cena it is incredible watching that crowd. Absolutely insane, and while I'm sure there have been many more instances like this, it reminded me of Hogan v. Rock at Mania where Hogan powers the rock down and does a couple of poses twice in the opening couple of minute. The crowd go MENTAL.

3, Edge v. Foley Hardcore match - Sick sick match, with a sick ending with the spear through a burning table.

It's amazing too how many people mention Cena matches as their best of the year when so many people bash him saying he can't wrestle and his matches are boring...
Wow, there are so many matches I loved in 2006, I don't even know where to begin, but I'll try to place them in order (with the last # being my absolute favorite).

1) Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Orton, SummerSlam: Now, this match wasn't the best in the world, but it had a great build-up, told a story, and it wasn't that bad for Hogan's last WWE match.

2) John Cena vs. Rob Van Dam for the WWE Championship, One Night Stand: This was the perfect place for Rob to win his first World Title, inside the Hammerstein Ballroom in an ECW ring. The fans were booing the hell out of Cena (which I loved by the way). It told a great story, had the fans standing the whole time, and the finish was PERFECT. Paul Heyman coming in and counting to 3, BOOM, there's Van Dam's first World title. I loved this match!

3) John Cena vs. Triple H for the WWE Championship, WrestleMania 22: This match was AMAZING. Fans were booing Cena in this one too (which i loved). I was really pulling for Triple H to win this one. This match just went back and forth, had me on the edge of my seat. Great match, great finish, great ending to WrestleMania 22, probably on the best WrestleManias IMO.

4) Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker for the World Title, No Way Out:....enough said right there! To me, this has got to be match of 2006! They went for at least 30 minutes, and out of that whole time, I don't think there was ever a dull moment in that match. Great chemistry. Towards the end, I remember Angle putting the Ankle lock on 'Taker, then 'Taker gets out of it, Angle gets the lock back in, 'Taker gets out of it, and that same thing happened at least 3 or 4 times, it was PERFECT. Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. The finish couldn't have been more perfect. Angle pinning the Deadman while in the Triangle choke..AMAZING. Then after the match where 'Taker says he has Angle's number, damn!
although 2006 was a meh year in wrestling but I remember watching some awesome ones

1: Undertaker vs Angle- No Way Out: I dont know why but everytime these two wrestled it was magic. They had some great chemistry. The finish was great.

2: Edge vs Mick Foley: hardcore match: Spear through a flaming table. Need I say more?

3: Armageddon Ladder Match: forever remembered for the Mercury ladder bump. That was just sick, and how fast his face swelled was even sicker.

4: Monsters Ball: Samoa Joe vs Brother Runt vs Abyss vs Raven: Runt's massive chokeslam bump, Abyss with a face-full of tacks, Jake Roberts gives Raven a REAL DDT.. just wow!

5: WWE Cruiserweight Championship Open Invitational
Kid Kash (c) vs. Funaki vs. Jamie Noble vs. Nunzio vs. Paul London vs. Gregory Helms.
The beginning of Helms' long and successful reign as CW champion. London's SSP to the outside stole the show!

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