The Man to Finally Beat Rusev


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Lost in the hoopla of John Cena's 15th Title win and Seth Rollins winning the MITB briefcase last night is the fact that Rusev remains unbeaten in WWE competition, and he kept his streak in tact against an apt challenger in Big E. The match was hard hitting and showcased the athleticism and power of both men.

Rusev is being build using a familiar WWE formula. Large, dominant, often non-English speaking foreign heel. Obnoxious manager who is the only one who can control him. A string of victories starting off with no names, then to jobber former stars, then to former mid-card champions, next to the main eventers. In the 90's, it was done extremely well with the likes of Yokozuna, Ludvig Borga, heck, even Kamala to an extent. Eventually, though, someone steps up to the challenge, defends America, and beats the unbeatable.

For me, the most memorable moment was when Yokozuna was dominating the WWF and was a 2-time reigning WWF Champion. He had squashed Hulk Hogan, who had shockingly failed to body slam the sumo champion. Yokozuna's managers, Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette, laid down a challenge - on board the Intrepid on the 4th of July, all comers could enter for a shot at body slamming the big man. Nobody could. (I had my money on Crush, by the way.)

And then the helicopter arrived, landed, and out walked Lex Luger. The crowd ate it up as Lex shoved his former friend Bobby "The Brain" Heenan aside. It was the voiceless babyface turn. Luger lined up, hit Yokozuna with his bionic elbow, and slammed the big man as the crowd went NUTS in a sea of patriotism. It took Lex Luger from a fairly unenviable spot in WWF and launched him into a main eventer for the next couple years.

Flash forward 21 years. Rusev is being built in much the same way, only instead of just a bodyslam, we're looking for someone to defeat the big man. Expectations have been The Big Show (snore) or John Cena. I've seen that movie before. It was ok. I don't wanna see the sequel.

The man who should defeat Rusev is Ryback.

Ryback came into WWE with a world of potential and was immediately placed in a dominant role. His "Feed Me More" chant was over with the crowd, and he was the babyface who truly did launch "The Shield." He absolutely has the power to match with Rusev. Ryback also has something guys like Big Show and Mark Henry do not have - youth on his side. Ryback is 31. Show is 42. Henry is 43.

Ryback's role as the savior to Curtis Axel's career is coming to a close and I don't expect the team to hang around any longer. Ryback's face turn could happen at the drop of a hat, and if Rusev and Lana are in the ring, taunting the US (imagine if it's following a World Cup loss in a big city) and issuing an open challenge, the sound of "Feed Me More" over the loudspeaker and the following Ryback entrance theme being played would light the night up:


It wouldn't need to happen that night, mind you, but a build to Summer Slam would be enticing at the very least. Ryback in a red, white, and blue singlet waving the American Flag would turn the character completely upside down and give Rusev a true challenge - both men would benefit from the match.

Feed Ryback...Rusev.
It doesn't matter who beats Rusev, he's not a big deal. Every big monster guy who comes in has an undefeated streak, and nobody cares when they finally do lose. Whether he loses to Ryback at SummerSlam, Dean Ambrose on SmackDown, or Heath Slater on Superstars, it will have the same result - nothing.

Oh and btw - Ryback didn't save Curtis Axel's career. Curtis Axel saved Ryback's.
It absolutlely should NOT be Ryback... nothing to gain from ANYONE of a similar size beating Rusev.

When the loss comes it is either to Cena (predictable) or to someone much smaller than Rusev, so they can play the "outfoxing" rather than out muscling of him. Once you have another monster beat him, the monster part is done... but they are playing this as Drago... so that means the person who beats him is going to be a more "super athlete" than him, not bigger, stronger or meaner.

Cesaro is a good pick, but it would be a fitting debut for someone like Adrian Neville, who completely stuns Rusev with his speed. It fits a Bad News Barrett type, who will be able to verbally spar with Lana... The inherent thing is that everyone assumes the person to beat him will be American... perhaps that is not the way to go... Russia isn't popular all over the world... Neville or Barrett beating him in London or even waiting and having someone like KENTA make a big splash debut by beating Rusev would work as well, if not better than the rehash of Yokozuna they seem to want to portray.

Do we really need to see Ryback or Ziggler get the "Lex Express" treatment?
I'd love to see Rusev and Ziggler in a program but with Rusev doing the winning. I don't really know who should beat Rusev, but right now I still think they need a feud like with Ziggler to make more people care about Rusev. Build him up so when he does lose it is a big shot in the arm for whoever gets that win. Right now they aren't at that point.
WWE hasn't built Rusev enough to the point where someone beating him actually matters. He's been subject by a typical WWE formula for big foreign guys and I'm honestly sick of it: debut, squash jobbers, beat mid-carders, eventually get beat by someone smaller. Einstein once said that insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results... and if this is the case than WWE has gone batshit crazy. They do this over and over again and expect it to work with Rusev?

The only guy that this really ever worked for (post 2000) is Muhammad Hussan. Unless Rusev brings in Vladimir Putin himself, I don't see how this could work. It's a shame because I really like Rusev.
I have a hard time believing in WWE giving Ryback the shot to end Rusev's streak. Ryback's epic fall from grace is hard to forget about it. We're talking about a guy, who went from feuding with a WWE Champion CM Punk, to feuding with The Shield, and Mark Henry. The inexplicable heel turn had some life at first, but Ryback's momentum was dead in the water after the feud with Cena ended. On top of that, the bullying character didn't do anything for Ryback, and Ryback's alliance with Paul Heyman was a dead end.

Ryback could use the boost, but I have a real hard time buying into WWE doing ANYTHING remotely significant with Ryback anytime soon or in 2015, when you consider his massive downfall. Character wise, he's still climbing out of a deep, deep hole. The tag team with Axel stabilized his floundering career, and I think that's it for Ryback.

It wouldn't surprise if the reports of a returning Big Show feuding with Rusev are true. The fans will rally behind a flag waving giant, and Big Show is a well known veteran. Also, if I'm using the past as a sign of things to come, every year WWE has this strange habit of giving Big Show a big out of left field push (feuding with Orton over the WWE Championship, the stuff with John Laurinaitis, feuding with Cena, Sheamus and the WHC, The Authority, feuding with Undertaker, etc.), so WWE using him as a go-to-guy again wouldn't shock me at all.

Of course, if the feud happens, Rusev needs to go over, but I have an uneasy feeling WWE will use Show to end the streak. Hopefully, they'll put a stop to Big Show's crying and horrible overacting this time around.
Who it should be and who it will be is completely two different questions Im not sure who it should be but we all know it will be John Cena.
IC, you've always been one of my favorite posters on here but I have to disagree with this one though....

I don't see how this would be good for either Rusev or Ryback. With the way Rusev is being pushed, he would need to be defeated by someone who could use the momentum gained from such a victory. Ryback has lost far too many high profile matches at this point to be believable anymore. He went from being unstoppable to losing several World Championship matches he was never ready for against CM Punk and John Cena. I hate Rusev personally and couldn't care less about his push, but if the WWE wants to gain anything out of this then the right wrestler needs to be picked to defeat Rusev. Sadly it will probably be the same as these boring "monster pushes" always go. He will end up facing someone like Cena or Orton who doesn't need the win and then he jobs until he gets future endeavored. That's old and I've been tired of it for ages. Maybe Roman Reigns? Give the win to someone who could use the momentum. Ryback's just not someone I see as someone who will benefit fully from the win here. Ryback needs to be re-established and this wouldn't be enough to help him after losing all the high profile matches over the last couple of years that he did. He's better off jobbing to tag teams with Axel while someone like Reigns gets to defeat Rusev.
It absolutlely should NOT be Ryback... nothing to gain from ANYONE of a similar size beating Rusev.

When the loss comes it is either to Cena (predictable) or to someone much smaller than Rusev, so they can play the "outfoxing" rather than out muscling of him. Once you have another monster beat him, the monster part is done... but they are playing this as Drago... so that means the person who beats him is going to be a more "super athlete" than him, not bigger, stronger or meaner.

Cesaro is a good pick, but it would be a fitting debut for someone like Adrian Neville, who completely stuns Rusev with his speed. It fits a Bad News Barrett type, who will be able to verbally spar with Lana... The inherent thing is that everyone assumes the person to beat him will be American... perhaps that is not the way to go... Russia isn't popular all over the world... Neville or Barrett beating him in London or even waiting and having someone like KENTA make a big splash debut by beating Rusev would work as well, if not better than the rehash of Yokozuna they seem to want to portray.

Do we really need to see Ryback or Ziggler get the "Lex Express" treatment?

I actually agree with this.
It's like when Santino beat Umaga. It meant more for a smaller guy to beat Umaga than just having another monster beat him.

Umaga was still then able to have believable matches after the loss. It didn't destroy his career or anything.

I'm not sure who on the roster I'd pick for that.

With all that being said I also wouldn't be sad if Swagger is the guy to do it.
I don't think it will be Ryback either, because I don't think the WWE cares enough about him to even bother anymore. The only place Ryback will go is continuing his tag team with Axel, and then I think he's done.

Rusev on the other hand is a friggin crowd killer, along with that screeching manager of his Lana. We were at a house show about 2 months ago, and when they came out the crowd was absolutely dead. That never happens with the crowds here in Toronto. The biggest reaction they got was when Lana said "Shut up you stupid Americans" and we had to remind her she was in Canada. Other than that, no reaction towards him or the match in general.

Pity the person that the WWE picks to end this streak that few people really care about.
Ryback would be a fitting choice, actually.

He was once one of the most over stars in recent memory so you know he can captivate the crowd. He's got the appearance of being a believable opponent for Rusev and for someone that size, he sure can more around the ring very well so the match won't be boring. It wouldn't even be a predictable finish as it would with John Cena and would make for an interesting match. If Big E can do it, why can't Ryback?

It can work but whether it would happen or not remains to be seen. I don't think so and they'll probably stick him with Cena.

I don't think it will be Ryback either, because I don't think the WWE cares enough about him to even bother anymore. The only place Ryback will go is continuing his tag team with Axel, and then I think he's done.

He's getting TV time every week and was on a winning streak for a while, competing with the top tag teams in the WWE, including the Uso's who has been getting the rub from some of the top talent recently... so to say they don't care about him is a stupid argument.

If you haven't noticed, Ryback's "Feed Me More" chants are starting a resurgence in the live crowds (e.g. RAW; Money in the Bank) so there is still some interest from the crowd as well. You could even make an argument to say that the "Goldberg" chants specifically directed at Ryback are done to throw off/sarcastically support him as well. These aren't the "CM Punk" or "Randy Savage" or "JBL" chants crowds use to signify their boredom or displeasure towards the show so there's that.

Rusev on the other hand is a friggin crowd killer, along with that screeching manager of his Lana. We were at a house show about 2 months ago, and when they came out the crowd was absolutely dead. That never happens with the crowds here in Toronto. The biggest reaction they got was when Lana said "Shut up you stupid Americans" and we had to remind her she was in Canada. Other than that, no reaction towards him or the match in general.

He was most likely killed the crowd because he's an anti-American non-Canadian character performing in Canada. Props for Lana calling Canadians Americans in an attempt to get some heat but y'know, Rusev outside of the US doesn't really do much for live crowds.
What is best for business?
Rusev can probably build back up as a monster with a few squash matches after this feud is over.
This is WWE's best chance of getting Swagger over. They have been desperate to get him over for years now and have sacrificed so much to get him there and it never worked. Yet they persisted.

NOW is the time, and if they get this right Swagger could finally pay off! Swagger needs to go over in this feud, and if it kills Rusev so be it.
I'm on the fence about Rusev and the whole monster foreigner angle, though I enjoy the old school stereotyping, the "Rusev...Crush!" catch-phrase, and, of course, Lana.

I think if WWE is going to run this type of storyline, they may as well go knuckles deep. I would have Rusev defeat Shaemus for the United States Championship and let Lana brag for weeks about it. Then I would have whoever was going to eventually defeat him come out and get completely destroyed. Carry them out on a stretcher, the whole nine yards. Then, building to whichever big PPV, I would have the injured challenger in "training comeback" vignettes, feature interviews with him and his trainer/rehab therapist - make it like a damned Rocky movie. Meanwhile, run Rusev vignettes as well, and have Rusev continue to dominate wrestlers. Maybe even have him defeat patriotic old wrestlers - Hogan, Duggan, a returning Kurt Angle, Sgt. Slaughter. Have Lana dress as the Statue of Liberty in a leaked sex tape, which they filmed on the 4th of July.

Finally, after Rocky - I mean the injured wrestler - has finished training and rehabbing (spelling?) have him come out and stop Rusev from beating the crap out of Hogan or Hacksaw Jim Duggan, or Obama (if you can tear him away from the late night talk show circuit).

That would then lead to a match for the United Stated title, good guy wins, Murica!
While I actually am a fan of Ryback and I think he was over before they started to burry him ( and I think to a certain degree he still is ) because of bad booking, Ryback is probably done in terms of being a huge guy..I mean he's huge but you know what I'm saying...fuck it.

Ryback should not be the one to end The Streak because what's the point? Unless they suddenly decide that they will make Ryback a big player again there is no point in having him beat Rusev. Ryback has just lost way too much steam to ever be relevant again. To me I would like to see Ryback face cause I actually enjoyed it and he needs to seperate himself from the charisma vaccum that is Curtis Axel, but at this point in time the tag team division might be the only reason he still gets tv time so, he'll be staying there for a while.
I want Ryback to turn back to being Face again, but him beating Rusev? I think its the wrong guy, and more importantly the wrong time. If i'm booking Rusev he beats Swagger, then (if rumors are true) he beats Big Show. I doubt WWE will wait this long. But i'm not having him lose until WrestleMania 31. Sounds like a long time but, as hot as the Swagger/Rusev angle was with the crowd on Monday, and this is from someone who loved the segment, if he loses now it won't pack enough of a punch at all. In my mind something like this has to go till it's borderline too long, and that's when WWE has Rusev loose. If it's me, I have Rusev keep beating bigger and bigger stars and then have him get shockingly eliminated by someone at the Royal Rumble. Who is that someone? For me it's Dean Ambrose. Then both men get get put into the elimination chamber match the following month just to further the rivalry, and then Ambrose goes over at WM31. Some may hate the choice of Dean Ambrose, but look at it this way. He's the nuts underdog, who just won't say die. In many ways, that sums up America.
I want Ryback to turn back to being Face again, but him beating Rusev? I think its the wrong guy, and more importantly the wrong time. If i'm booking Rusev he beats Swagger, then (if rumors are true) he beats Big Show. I doubt WWE will wait this long. But i'm not having him lose until WrestleMania 31. Sounds like a long time but, as hot as the Swagger/Rusev angle was with the crowd on Monday, and this is from someone who loved the segment, if he loses now it won't pack enough of a punch at all. In my mind something like this has to go till it's borderline too long, and that's when WWE has Rusev loose. If it's me, I have Rusev keep beating bigger and bigger stars and then have him get shockingly eliminated by someone at the Royal Rumble. Who is that someone? For me it's Dean Ambrose. Then both men get get put into the elimination chamber match the following month just to further the rivalry, and then Ambrose goes over at WM31. Some may hate the choice of Dean Ambrose, but look at it this way. He's the nuts underdog, who just won't say die. In many ways, that sums up America.

Sign me up for that one. Perfect. I think the people that don't think Rusev gets heat are nuts. The old tricks still work and I think it's fun as hell.
It doesn't matter who beats Rusev, he's not a big deal. Every big monster guy who comes in has an undefeated streak, and nobody cares when they finally do lose. Whether he loses to Ryback at SummerSlam, Dean Ambrose on SmackDown, or Heath Slater on Superstars, it will have the same result - nothing.

Oh and btw - Ryback didn't save Curtis Axel's career. Curtis Axel saved Ryback's.

True. He already lost the RR and the battle royal for the last spot in the MITB match.

However, just as they teased a showdown with Reigns and Rusev at the end of the MITB battle royal, they could easily have a match between the two to make Reigns look strong if he's in a big feud with a star
Like someone said above, it shouldn't come at the hands of another giant or monster or muscled up guy. It should be someone new, someone that would gain something from it for the long run.
oh, and NOT Ziggler, and NOT Kofi. These are two guys who have the fans behind them, but their ultimate purpose is to lose. And it should remain that way.
It shouldn't be the serial momentum killer John Cena either, because he has destroyed enough monsters and overcome more than enough obstacles already.
Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt- these guys are already over with the fans. The win against Rusev won't earn them much. Only Rusev will lose a lot.
The current direction of Cesaro is hopeless. They have taken a sure main-eventer and turned him into a mid carder. He isn't a suitable candidate for it either.
A debutant (not a rookie though) could gain a lot from it. Umaga had a huge contribution in Santino getting the initial scope to show his talent. Rusev could help someone too. That person doesn't necessarily have to be a representative of the USA; just someone that is looking to kick ass and make a name.
KENTA and Kevin Steen had WWE tryouts I believe... wonder how that turned out.
Assuming the plan is still for Lesnar to take the belt at Summerslam, and then have Reigns beat Lesnar at Mania, I think it makes sense for Reigns to be the man to beat Rusev, but not until around the Rumble. Continue to build up Rusev, so Reigns win will seem like an accomplishment giving him the momentum to win the Rumble and then beat Lesnar.
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, Vladimir Koslow beat Undertaker CLEAN,how did he fair in the scheme of things?
Non english speaking big guys have a brief shelf life.
Umaga? Koslow? Khali?
Rusev will stay undefeated until John Cena beats him, then he will have a falling out with Lana, who will move on to manage another young up and coming heel while Rusev hangs with Santino and Hornswoggle
Bump. I told you bastards that Ryback was the way to go! And now look at what's happening! It makes sense! I called it on June 30th! How do we feel about it now, eh?
It should have been Kurt Angle.

Mark Henry would be cool if he was face.

But they changed that plan.
It should have been Kurt Angle.

Mark Henry would be cool if he was face.

But they changed that plan.

So your solutions to ending the winning streak of the hottest undefeated heel in years both involved men in their 40's, both of whom are injury prone, and one of who would certainly be returning part time?

Let's all be glad you aren't in charge, mate.

I've come to the conclusion that Rusev will eventually fall to a returning Roman Reigns. Reigns has cooled a bit since his split from The Shield, his win over Randy Orton didn't do much for him, and his sudden departure for surgery will result in him needed to make a big return statement. Only two things will accomplish that - return and beat Rusev, return and win the Rumble, or both.

That said, I still think you could solidify Ryback by allowing him to break out a bit from being the dominant Goldberg-esque heel / face tweener.
So your solutions to ending the winning streak of the hottest undefeated heel in years both involved men in their 40's, both of whom are injury prone, and one of who would certainly be returning part time?

Let's all be glad you aren't in charge, mate.

I've come to the conclusion that Rusev will eventually fall to a returning Roman Reigns. Reigns has cooled a bit since his split from The Shield, his win over Randy Orton didn't do much for him, and his sudden departure for surgery will result in him needed to make a big return statement. Only two things will accomplish that - return and beat Rusev, return and win the Rumble, or both.

That said, I still think you could solidify Ryback by allowing him to break out a bit from being the dominant Goldberg-esque heel / face tweener.

Bump. Was IC25 right AGAIN!? Ryback vs Rusev. I love every bit of it, and I think Ryback would be a great choice to take the Russian down!
Ryback STINKS. His matches are very very very very very very bad.
I'd almost rather watch a divas match.

What about Orton? D Bryan? Anybody except Cena!!!

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