The John Morrison Fan Club - The Palace of Wisdom

So im a huge john morrison fan, i understand this 100 posts thing is going to hold me back since im 99 short, but hey, youve gotta start somewhere right?? =P I love to watch this guy wrestle, i recently watched the shawn micheals (excuse my spelling, i know its not good) documentary that Wwe 24/7 had running, and i have to say John morrison is most deffinatly the shawn micheals of todays era. I can most deffinetly say IF Mr. Mcmahn(ugh, once again excuse my spelling trully sorry, i know im ******ed but, you know what i mean right? =P) dosent missuse him as weve seen time and time again...Not to mention John Morrison is just plain sexay....i love john's finisher....everytime i see it i'm amazed at how well he performs it, it always looks so painful now unfortanatly, i didnt get to see his MITB at wrestlemania, but from the highlights ive seen, can i say AMMMAAAAZZZZIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGG if john morrison were a candy bar, hed deffinatly be an m-azing bar (personal humor) he oozzzeeessss with charisma, great mic skills, gentelman, princess, ladies, i think we have our next big thing (once again i completly understand if im not in the club, but i'm looking forward to the future of posting/sharing my opinions and seeing yours hey uncle sam ^_^ teach me your ways.)
So im a huge john morrison fan, i understand this 100 posts thing is going to hold me back since im 99 short, but hey, youve gotta start somewhere right?? =P I love to watch this guy wrestle, i recently watched the shawn micheals (excuse my spelling, i know its not good) documentary that Wwe 24/7 had running, and i have to say John morrison is most deffinatly the shawn micheals of todays era. I can most deffinetly say IF Mr. Mcmahn(ugh, once again excuse my spelling trully sorry, i know im ******ed but, you know what i mean right? =P) dosent missuse him as weve seen time and time again...Not to mention John Morrison is just plain sexay....i love john's finisher....everytime i see it i'm amazed at how well he performs it, it always looks so painful now unfortanatly, i didnt get to see his MITB at wrestlemania, but from the highlights ive seen, can i say AMMMAAAAZZZZIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGG if john morrison were a candy bar, hed deffinatly be an m-azing bar (personal humor) he oozzzeeessss with charisma, great mic skills, gentelman, princess, ladies, i think we have our next big thing (once again i completly understand if im not in the club, but i'm looking forward to the future of posting/sharing my opinions and seeing yours hey uncle sam ^_^ teach me your ways.)

Improve you posting Skills, and Punctuation.
Seriously though, if you accept people with little to no posts, then hold them to an agreement of making a certain number of posts in x number of days.
=P Okay, will do. Sorry, as i said in the last post im seriously gramatically ******ed, but ill deffinetly work on it. Any tips you can give me to improove my posting skills?
well, as your sig says...SORRY BOUT' YOUR DAMN LUCK!!

What about me? I assure you that I am worthy, and I will do the fan club justice. I will take every opportunity to remark on the amazingness that is John Morrison, and I will never pass an opportunity to praise his inhuman talents either.

I feel that I've given heartfelt reasons as to why I'm a fan of Morrison, and I did so in a prolonged post that I feel is strong in it's merits.

I only ask that you allow a true follower entrance to The Palace Of Wisdom. I understand that I'm new, but in time my appreciation of Mr. Morrison will outshine the ones who will grow bored and fall by the wayside. In short, I'm here for the long haul.

We will all grab ahold of the rocket ship that is Mr. Morrison's career, and be among the elite who years from now can say we knew of his greatness all along...
What about me? I assure you that I am worthy, and I will do the fan club justice. I will take every opportunity to remark on the amazingness that is John Morrison, and I will never pass an opportunity to praise his inhuman talents either.

I feel that I've given heartfelt reasons as to why I'm a fan of Morrison, and I did so in a prolonged post that I feel is strong in it's merits.

I only ask that you allow a true follower entrance to The Palace Of Wisdom. I understand that I'm new, but in time my appreciation of Mr. Morrison will outshine the ones who will grow bored and fall by the wayside. In short, I'm here for the long haul.

We will all grab ahold of the rocket ship that is Mr. Morrison's career, and be among the elite who years from now can say we knew of his greatness all along...

I will say again..THIS GUY SHOULD BE IN!! But if not he can get some more posts and then join, he rules. I look forward to seeing more posts by him in the future.
When I don't acknowledge someone that means they are in. IF I do acknowledge them its because they dont deserve to be in and I let them know it. Savage is in.
How do i join the official john morrison fan club im a huge MOFO I hang out with Freddie Prinze Jr. and Mr.Fuji is my fav.wrestler besides Miz and Morrison. I'm beyond good and evil.and I want to join it is a crime if I'm not in.
What do you use as you backyard finisher?The moonlight drive?

(Read the Backyard Wrestling thread if you don't get it)
Now that I can officially grace the halls of The Palace Of Wisdom I'd like to publicly acknowledge my admiration and respect for the god among men that goes by the name of The Tuesday Night Delight aka The Shaman Of Sexy aka John Morrison. With a heart full of gratitude I'd like to thank Mr. Morrison for single handedly making the WWE worth paying attention to. If not for the decadent stylings of Mr. John Morrison this world would cease to matter along with everything that inhabits it.

A couple more Morrison fun facts:

Death once had a near Mr. John Morrison experience.

Mr. John Morrison doesn't have hair on his testicles, because hair doesn't grow on steel.

Mr. John Morrison doesn't pop his collar. His shirts simply get erections upon touching his body.

Mr. John Morrison can have both feet on the ground, and kick ass at the same time.
John Morrison stands out in the crowd to say the very least. Awesomeness seems to ooze from his every pore each and every time he steps onto the entrance ramp.

His slo-mo entrance is quite possibly the most fantastic of any entrance in the history of WWF/E, and from the first time you see it John Morrison is instantly recognizalbe from that day forward.

Then you notice his flashy attire and stylized hair, and that instills in your soul that this is a man that knows EXACTLY what he wants. The overall look of the performer is stellar, and is also an instant classic to which few can compete.

Then he makes his way into the ring and jaws simulateously drop all over the arena when he hits even the most difficult manueuver whether it be a standing shooting star press or a split legged corkscrew moonsault with the greatest of ease. Saying that John Morrison is a master of his craft is quite possibly the understatement of the century.

Not since Shawn Michaels has their been a more cocky/arrogant performer who doesn't have to rely solely on his appearance. John Morrison could easily be World Heavyweight Champion or a poster boy for millions of women to swoon over, and he knows it.

Once all of these fantastic aspects of the man sink in you'll begin to notice that he doesn't shy away from a microphone. This is because he is a fountain of wisdom that is to be coveted throughout time. John Morrison isn't just a pretty boy, he's a scholar.

Then you may notice the Moonlight Drive. This is a gift that was handed directly from god into the mind of the Shaman Of Sexy. Not only can this hold work perfectly on any man who's easily twice the size of Mr. Morrison "he should be referred to only as MR. Morrison thank you", but it can also come as if from nowhere to put an instant end to any confrontation.

In closing I'd like to say that John Morrison is not only the future of the WWE, but it's present as well.

Panties drop at the mention of the name....John Morrison..........
I thought this was Sly for a second.
That must be why he's not with a supermodel, but the chubby Melina.

Seriously? Melina may not be the most beautiful lady by Diva's standards, but she's insanely hot by the standards of reality or day to day life. She takes extremely good care of herself, and it shows. Her body is in perfect condition, and she's completely gorgeous in a way that's different from any other lady in the WWE. She's a far cry from the bleached blond fakeness of almost every woman in the company, and IMO that's a good thing.

Besides, who are you to question an enigma that you obviously don't understand? You simply haven't come to terms with the fact that Mr. Morrison is the present and future of the wrestling business.

It's okay, you too will see the light eventually my friend...

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