The Future of "The Freak" Rob Terry

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
When he debuted in TNA as a part of The British Invasion stable back in April of 2009, he was quickly dismissed as a poor wrestler – which no one would have denied at the time – and shortly thereafter he was practically begged by the fans to be fired, especially when he ended up winning one of the Feast or Fired cases at Final Resolution later that year. Quite frankly, I wasn't exactly lining up to combat anyone who wanted to lose him faster than a bad habit at the time, but I'd have a much more difficult time listening to the same cries right now.

While he hasn't really improved his ring work to the point that he'd be considered a great wrestler, let alone a good one yet, I do think he's actually started to develop a quite a bit of value to the mid-card despite the lack of real mat talent, and I'd even go so far as to say he's actually got quite a load of potential moving forward.

His feud with Orlando Jordan may not be the most original thing TNA's booked, and OJ himself may not be the most popular wrestler on the card either for that matter, but I do think the OJ angle has done a lot of good for helping to establish Terry as a face the way his work with Abyss & Team Hogan failed to do for him this past April.

In a short year, dare I say at this point the future is bright for Rob Terry? Yup – I dare. The future is bright for Rob Terry.


That said, it's Q&A Time!

• How do you feel about the current incarnation of "The Freak" Rob Terry?

• More importantly, how do you feel about his potential moving forward?

• Would you agree he's improved as a wrestler/character since his debut?
That said, it's Q&A Time!

• How do you feel about the current incarnation of "The Freak" Rob Terry?

He is exactly what they intended him to be. He looks like a genetically engineered freak and he plays the role very well while remaining un-Goldberg like in the fact that he appears somewhat vulnerable because of his mildly entertaining feud with OJ. So call me crazy, but I actually like Terry despite his lack of actual wrestling ability.

• More importantly, how do you feel about his potential moving forward?

I don't know for certain if he'll ever be better than he is right now. I do however believe he has vast potential that will flourish with matches against better opponents, like his match with Angle. I doubt he'll ever be a great wrestler, but I do believe he can become a good wrestler.

His character can also be improved the more he stays in it. He's definitely improved over the last month or two.

• Would you agree he's improved as a wrestler/character since his debut?

Leaps. He has become far more interesting and can actually elicit reactions from the crowd now.
I cannot stand Rob Terry. All the guy has is buff-ness. He's boring/bland/stale whatever you want to call it. He can't wrestle and he can't talk basically useless. He has no future in my mind unless he makes drastic improvements but hell who knows he's in Tna so anything can happen.
i think he has gotten better since his debut.
he reminds me of bobby lashley i have no clue why other then the freakish build.
i think if he every went to WWE it would help because mic skills or not when your a huge guy like that u main event.i also think a manager would help alot. IMO
I agree with the poster that said that he got better since his debut. The guy gmmick fits him perfectly and he is playing it to a t. Even though the guy can't wrestle all that wrestle he will improve over time just like The Miz did when he started. I like Rob Terry and I think his future is bright maybe in the next year if he is not out of the company he will contend for the world title or make the Global title mean somthing.
I agree with the poster, he has developed a lot since he started.

Also I think he needs a new ring name.

"Wellness Policy" Rob Terry would be AWESOME! and be a poke in the eye to the WWE HAHAHA :lmao:

His gimmick fits him, big freaky guy I would like for him to fued with Scott Stiener for power vs power :D

He needs to develope more of his personality though.
I go back and forth on if I hate The Freak or not. His wrestling ability improved but then again it was impossible for it to get any worse. I usually get fed up with him whenever he works a match that is supposed to be longer than a squash because his 'ability" is still quite lacking. Beyond that I generally find him boring. I generally hate the useless muscleman wrestlers anyway so none of this is surprising. What gives me hope that one day I might be able to stomach watching him (because we all know they are not going to quit pushing him) is that after he does something I hate the next week I see a glimmer of potential. Some weeks it is the execution of a new move in a way that looks passable or better. This week it was a glimmer of the necessary personality to make his gimmick work (this element is key to if the character can ever work and I previously was extremely skeptical of it ever happening).
What is the future of Rob Terry you ask? Hopefully his future is in endeavours. This guy is shit in the ring and even shittier on the mic. The mere fact that he even has a job in wrestling, much worse that he's carrying championship gold is a slap in the face to actual talent like Daniels. Honestly it blows my mind how far looking like action figure will take you. He must be the second coming of the Ultimate Warrior minus the over-ness.
Quite frankly, Rob Terry is living on borrowed time in professional wrestling. Last night's tag team match was proof that he is still incapable of being part of a good match. The match was very short, and Terry only played a part in the finish. He delivered a quick choke slam...and that was it.

“• How do you feel about the current incarnation of "The Freak" Rob Terry?”

I like this Rob Terry better than when he started in TNA. He got rid of that terrible haircut and actually has a wrestler’s look now. It seems like TNA is limiting his mic work, which is probably a good thing right now. Until he is able to give a decent promo they should keep him as the strong & silent type. I see potential. He is massive and big guys are always an attraction.

“• More importantly, how do you feel about his potential moving forward?”

I can see some improvements. He is able to sell his opponents, for the most part. I think that he just needs to gradually build up his move set. The constant barrage of clotheslines is boring. Mix a Dusty Rhodes style elbow in there, or a head butt, anything really. He needs to perfect some simple moves that can guarantee the safety of his opponents before he gets too fancy. The choke slam is a good start, it’s not brain surgery. He has the power to choke slam anyone in the company and make it look good.

“• Would you agree he's improved as a wrestler/character since his debut?”

Yes, overall Rob has improved. I can see his character rising to larger role (even though I think it is premature at this time). TNA should give him a catch phrase similar to Goldberg’s “You’re Next.” His personality needs help. We really haven’t seen much personality and that leads me to believe that he is lacking in this area.
Still not sure I like him really. He has improved though, that must be said. I remember when he was in The British Invasion, he came to the ring to chants of "you can't wrestle". It couldn't have gotten any worse than that.

I'm never really interested in powerhouse wrestlers, but I do agree that every company needs them. Rob can't really go right now, but at least he looks the part. He could develop over time. I'm pleased he's doing this OJ thing, cos it means he's not just squashing people ala Goldberg every week. There's no chance of him being another Goldberg, so I'm pleased they quit trying to make him one.
Rob Terry is TNA's Goldberg. He's sort of just there. I don't dislike him, but he's no Mr. Anderson. So I guess I am what you would call 'indifferent'. Unless TNA gets Goldberg or Batista on their roster, then Terry should have a nice run as a face in TNA, maybe even winning a world title or two if a main eventer gets in a motorcycle accident or leaves to do a reality show on VH1. Guys like Terry and Jay Lethal aren't exactly Dinero or Anderson, but they're good enough to warrant a nice face run and replace someone if something were to happen to the actual main eventers.
I have to say that I haven't been overly impressed with Rob Terry at all. I'm actually surprised to hear people say he's improved as I don't really see how he's improved. He's still shit inside the ring, his run with the TNA Global Championship hasn't been memorable in the least, he doesn't cut promos, I'm not really even sure I've heard him speak, he has zero charisma and hasn't really done much of anything to make fans care about him.

Personally, I think this is another example of some TNA fans turning a blind eye to obvious shortcomings. What I mean by that is Rob Terry is exactly the sort of wrestler that internet fans would shit all over the WWE for having and pushing but, since Terry is in TNA, they seem to be willing to gloss over all the fact that he's an awful wrestler. Rob Terry is a guy with a look and not too much of anything else. He's been TNA Global Champion since January 27th and his reign has been completely unremarkable, he hasn't been involved in any matches or feuds, etc. Terry has an impressive physique and not too much of anything else in my view.
He's improved because initially he actually couldn't wrestle at all. The fact he can now pull off 3 moves or whatever is an improvement. A slight one, yes, but an improvement.

Like I said, I'm not overly interested in powerhouse wrestlers, but I recognise that every company needs them. From Goldberg to Batista, they've always existed. He isn't going anywhere, whether I like him or not.
Where's he gone??? Exactly why i think TNA need some help...they ahd him coming out every week defending the where is he gone...Have we even seen him sine Sacrifice???

I'm guessing the title will be gone from him soon and from TNA as they plan to add a hardcore title...and im guessing Rob Terry will have the words 'future endeavoured', written on his face...
• How do you feel about the current incarnation of "The Freak" Rob Terry?

IMO, he is what they've billed him as... a beast of a face, and for TNA to have someone come across as what they're pushing him as is a good thing (for a TNA mark at least)

• More importantly, how do you feel about his potential moving forward?

I think he would have to develop mic skills of some sort in order for him to believable above where he is now. As someone else mentioned, a manager (or a valet?) would definately help in that aspect.

• Would you agree he's improved as a wrestler/character since his debut?

He has definately improved as far as I'm concerned. When the British Invasion came in I just thought of him as "the big guy" in tag situations, but I think he can hold his own in a power/big man match at this point.
I think give him time to develop and they might have something with him. Hell give him the same amount of time Matt Morgan has had in WWE-TNA, and he might better than him. Or maybe not Time will tell.
I've only seen him do some semi-chokeslam on someone so I can't comment on his ring skills. In terms of mic skills, I dunno. I think the last thing impact needs is more talking.

They could always team him up with someone like Amazing Red or another "cruiserweight" type wrestler. Then Rob can just act as ladder/springboard for them.

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