The Fantasy Wrestling Contest

to put this nicely, u probably wont be able to get ppl from this website to judge this. if u want to do this "fantasy contest" ur gonna need to go out asking ppl if they will judge it. 3 or 4 ppl is enough to run the thing but the 1 judge i went out and asked for isnt gonna cut it so fanofthehardyz and unknown go ask ppl in ur buddy list or get some actual friends to help run it. i already know i can write a show and i can do this somewhere else but i felt like trying to help the new guy so get it running.
This thing is like watching a car wreck. I love it. You guys aren't even gonna make it to the drafting stage.
haha i doubt we make it there too. but there is a slight chance that we will. and power to us if we do and im not gonna cry if we dont.
You won't. You have no experience. Technically, this most recent mock draft has been, sadly, the most successful one yet, due to the sheer fact that 4 people are still actively producing shows (Next Big Thing seems to have quit, and Fizzle doesn't really try).
@ any of the people who are participating in this thing, show us an example of your writing if you don't mind.
Ok but this is in no way shape or form my best. This is a rushed piece. But I’m just trying to get something thrown together.

Shark Boy (face) vs. Carlito (heel)

Interview: Carlito tonight you are facing Shark Boy for your Intercontinental Championship. You are going to be forced to leave the company if you lose. Your thoughts?
Carlito: You think Carlito is worried about facing this “Shark Boy”? Carlito knows of this character and Carlito doesn’t think he’s cool. The fish thinks he’s “Stone Cold” Steve Austin for crying out loud! Carlito will beat Shark Boy and spit apple right into that ugly mask of his.


Interviewer: Shark Boy, earlier tonight Carlito gave his comments about facing you with his Title and career on the line. What are your thoughts?
Shark Boy: What? Carlito tonight Shark Boy 24:7 is going to stomp a waterhole in your ass! And that’s the fishin’ line! Cuz Shark Boy said so!


Ring Announcer: This contest is scheduled for one-fall and it is for the Intercontinental Championship! If Carlito loses he must leave the company!

Carlito comes out first with the crowd producing deafening amount of boos. He has his Championship wrapped tightly around his waist, as if this might be the last time he will be wearing it.
The glass shatters and out comes Shark Boy. The crowd erupts with a massive amount of cheers. Shark Boy enters the ring swirling his head back in forth, reminisce of “Stone Cold.” Up on the top turnbuckle Shark Boy raises his hands. Looks back at Carlito then comes off the turnbuckle.
Ring Announcer: Introducing first, from Puerto Rico, weighing in at 220 pounds, he is the Intercontinental Champion, Carlito! (Carlito raises his belt acknowledging that he is the reigning Champion) Introducing the challenger, from the Deep Blue Sea, weighing in at 183 pounds, Shark Boy!

The bell rings and the two lock up. Carlito kicks Shark Boy in the midsection and starts throwing left hands. Carlito whips Shark Boy into the ropes and when Shark Boy runs back he goes for a clothesline but Shark Boy ducks and stops in his tracks. Carlito turns around and Shark Boy hits a dropkick! Shark Boy poses for the crowd by putting his hand to his head, symbolizing a fin. Shark Boy turns around only to be tripped up by Carlito who pulls on Shark Boy’s legs. Carlito stomps on Shark Boy until Shark Boy turns on his back when Carlito locks on a Boston crab submission. Shark Boy slowly makes his way to the ropes, thus making Carlito release the hold. Carlito picks up Shark Boy but Shark Boy rolls him up for a school boy pin to get a 2 count. Carlito kicks out and immediately gets up. And runs to Shark Boy but only to have Shark Boy pull down the top rope where Carlito crashes to the outside. Carlito slowly gets up. Shark Boy slingshots himself out to the outside crashing on top of Carlito. The crowd goes crazy! Shark Boy poses as we are greeted to a commercial break.


We return to the match where both competitors have returned to the ring and Carlito is now in charge. Carlito has Shark Boy in a headlock submission. We are shown highlights of the commercial break seeing that Carlito gained control by throwing Shark Boy into the steel steps. Returning to the action, the crowd is getting behind Shark Boy who sits up and drives his elbows into Carlito and getting free. Carlito pulls down on Shark Boy’s head sending him back down to the mat. Goes for the cover and gets a 2 count. Carlito is starting to get cocky, goes to the outside to get his apple. Carlito takes a huge bite of the apple, returns to the ring only to find out that Shark Boy recovered. Shark Boy kicks Carlito in the stomach forcing Carlito to spit his apple everywhere. Shark Boy hit’s the Chummer and goes for the cover. Carlito can’t kick out and Shark Boy wins the title!
Ring Announcer: The winner of this match and the NEW Intercontinental Champion, Shark Boy!

Shark Boy is in the ring celebrating, holding the Title in one hand and drinking his signature Clam Juice in the other. Shark Boy asks for a microphone: “Carlito I just whooped your ass! I believe the crowd wants to sing for you. Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, good-bye!” With that the glass shatters and Shark Boy makes his way to the back. We see Carlito in the ring slowly making his way up only to hear the crown singing. Carlito is slowly making his way out of the ring and slowly walking back with tears in eyes. Carlito makes it to the curtains and turns around, visibly crying Carlito takes one last look and exits behind the curtain.

Shark Boy = EPIC FAIL

Now write that every week.But about 7 times.With different wrestlers.
This is my first ever show im wirting and hopefully i did good
(This is just an idea of what i have for my first show)

Edge vs Batista with the winner going on to face Undertaker for the World Title at No Way Out

Interview: Batista tonight you have a huge chance to once again step 1 foot closer to winning the World Heavyweight Championship
Batista: Listen at the Royal Rumble i lost my World Title because that little punk interefered in my match i am ready for Edge tonight I will destroy Edge tonight and at No Way Out i will retain my world Heavyweight Championship


Interview: Edge early on tonight we heard that Batista is ready for you that he will destroy you what are your thoughts on that
Edge: Batista is ready well he'll need to be ready because i will stop at nothing to win back the title that i lost at Survivor Series

Ring Announcer: This contest is scheldue for 1 fall with the winner going on to face Undertaker at No Way Out for the World Heavyweight Championship

Edge music hits as he walks to the ring with the crowd booing like crazy
Ring Announcer: Introducing first from Toronto, Ontario, Canada weighing 250 pounds The Rated R Superstar Edge

Batista music hits as he walks to the ring with a huge cheer from the Smackdown crowd
Rinf Announcer: Introducing next from Washington, D.C. weighing 290 pounds The Animal Batista

Main Event
Edge vs. Batista
Winner goes to No Way Out to face Undertaker!

The opening bell sounds!! The brawl begins! Edge and Batista power each other through out the match. Batista looks for his Batista bomb but Edge shifts the momentum and both men end up falling over the top rope to the outside! Edge grabs Batista and hits him head first into the announcer table. The ref reaches a 8 count and both men get back into the ring. Batista gets up and Edge nails a spear!!! Edge pins..1...2..kick out! Edge attempts to nail another finisher but Batista reverses it and now hits a Batista bomb! 1...2..kick out!! Suddenly Batista throws Edge against the ropes Edge ducks and attempts to nail a clothesline but misses, continues to run against the ropes when suddenly he falls to the outside! Kane comes out and helds the ropes down causing Edge to fall!! Batista confussed as Kane comes into the ring and nails a Big Boot followed by a Chokeslam The ref declares a DQ!! After the match Mark Henry, Kane, The Great Khali and Rey Mysterio all run down to the ring in seconds all 6 men begin to brawl

When Paul Heyman appears on the stage.
Paul: This whole World Title situation is not flowing to well in my book. Edge if you think you won via DQ you might as well think again! At No Way Out we will have ourselves a classic Elimination Chamber!!! It will be you Edge vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio! vs. The Great Khali vs. Mark Henry and Kane with the winner challenging Undertaker at Wrestlemania

All 6 men begin to brawl until the Faces begin to take control all 3 hit there
finshing moves until only Kane, Batista and Mysterio are left the lights go out and when it comes bakc on Undertaker is there holding Batista by his throat, Taker then hits a Chokeslam, The lights go back out and when they come back on Undertaker is gone

Kane and Mysterio then stare each other down as SWA comes to an end
I ditched your draft because I had family problems and knew I would let you down if I continued. I feel these guys need to be given a chance
Yet I saw you online nearly everyday. It wouldn't have taken much effort to let us know you weren't going to participate.
i used Shark Boy cuz i was watching an old match of his on youtube and i picked Carlito because i just plain dont like him. im not using those 2 in my roster at all. Shark Boy sucks and Carlito sucks so why not write something that at least puts one of them over and gets rid of the other? but anyways we have 4 ppl now writing shows. i think we can start the drafting soon.
ok the thing is right now once we finish a draft and get to trading i dont know how im gonna be able to do tradin since i cant do a private message. otherwise i think drafting can start soon
ok first of all you three need to post your GM and brand name again so I can record it.

second of all we will have a draft when I get time which will hopefully be soon.

third,I will see who signed up as a judge and I guess to get it going quicker we can start with one and try to find others cause we don't need judges right off anyway.

next everybody please read over the rules again.(first post)

the draft order is:
The Next Big Thing

I will post moreabout the draft later.
alright i get second pick. go me. well i dont like the term of "gerneral manager" so i have a "talent coordinator" in Mick Foley. and i have Ultimate Danger Championship Wrestling (UDCW)
My brand is called Smokey Wrestling Aliance with my genreal manager is Paul Heyman and can someone plz tell me how my practice match was
well in my opinion u had an ok practice match. u need to work on ur promos a lil bit and maybe ur match details. but its a for sure with the promos. u will get better after making more matches and promos so dont get too down about it.
Yer this is my first time ever doing one of these fantasy drafts so hopefully i can really improve my show writing abilities

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