The face of the belt

Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
This is an idea I had that I think can make for a fun little thread. The premise is simple: when you picture each title, what character is holding it? I'll do mine so hopefully it's less confusing than I feel like I'm making it sound.

World Title: Ty Burna
I will shocked if this one isn't nearly unanimous. He was undefeated for a year and was dominant for a majority of that time.

Tag Titles: Full House Daves
Saxton and Saboteur would be 1b for me here, but some of the best times in WZCW for me were feuding with the Daves over the tag titles, so I will always think of them when I think of those belts.

Mayhem: Killjoy/Baez/Matt Tastic
I don't think he ever won it as Tastic, but still. When I was on creative, Killjoy was almost always around the Mayhem Title and I believe he has the record for most title reigns as well.

EurAsian: Black Dragon
I don't have too many memories of this belt, other than it debuting right around the same time I joined the fed. Dragon probably has had the best reign, despite some of the mess that happened toward the end. Rush is definitely cementing himself as one of the best to hold this title, though.

Elite X: Sam Smith
His first reign was one of the longest and he has looked unbeatable at times during his second reign. This one was probably the hardest for me, as there were 2-4 guys that I considered for this one.

What does everyone else think? Tell me how bad my picks are and post yours!
I agree with the World Title and Elite X, but I have something to say about the others. :p

Tag Titles: Full House Daves
Saxton and Saboteur would be 1b for me here, but some of the best times in WZCW for me were feuding with the Daves over the tag titles, so I will always think of them when I think of those belts.

I think this all depends on when you joined the fed. If they were going to make a limited edition set of action figures for WZCW, and they had to pick one team to wear the tag belts, I feel like it would undoubtedly be Saboteur and Saxton. They are one of the longest tenured tag teams ever and because of that they have a unique amount of experience that is driving the whole entire division. Runn Reynolds Runn would be my second choice, just because of the dynamic of the team.

Mayhem: Killjoy/Baez/Matt Tastic
I don't think he ever won it as Tastic, but still. When I was on creative, Killjoy was almost always around the Mayhem Title and I believe he has the record for most title reigns as well.

Wow, I am kind of shocked to see Bowen get snubbed here. I have always considered him to be the undisputed king of Mayhem, and him beating Steamboat Ricky on PPV, in his own match, was the final nail in the coffin for me.

EurAsian: Black Dragon
I don't have too many memories of this belt, other than it debuting right around the same time I joined the fed. Dragon probably has had the best reign, despite some of the mess that happened toward the end. Rush is definitely cementing himself as one of the best to hold this title, though.

Black Dragon is undeniably the best EurAsian champion, but I can't help but think of Blade whenever I picture the belt. He just has that old school feel about him that fits the EurAsian monicker. Rush is doing a great job right now, but I feel like he is somewhat above it.
World Title: Me. Duh.

Eurasian Title: Big Dave. Dude had a beast reign with it, and never officially lost the belt.

Elite X: Titus. One of our best Elite X Champions ever and was a main eventer while holding the title.

Tag Title: Full House Daves. I'm in the same boat as Thriller as the Full House Daves were the dominant tag team back in the day.

Mayhem: Alex Bowen. His style fit it perfectly, and how many Mayhem Champions do you know that fought the World Champion as fiercely as he had when we faced off?
I think this all depends on when you joined the fed. If they were going to make a limited edition set of action figures for WZCW, and they had to pick one team to wear the tag belts, I feel like it would undoubtedly be Saboteur and Saxton. They are one of the longest tenured tag teams ever and because of that they have a unique amount of experience that is driving the whole entire division. Runn Reynolds Runn would be my second choice, just because of the dynamic of the team.

I have absolutely no problem with Sax and Sab getting chosen here, and I'm sure they'll get the most mentions. I have those memories of feuding with FHD, so that's why I think of them. I know that no one else here has those same memories, so I won't be surprised if no one else mentions them. That one was kind of for me :).

Wow, I am kind of shocked to see Bowen get snubbed here. I have always considered him to be the undisputed king of Mayhem, and him beating Steamboat Ricky on PPV, in his own match, was the final nail in the coffin for me.

Bowen would be up there for me, but I think his reign sort of coincided with a time when I wasn't paying that much attention to the Mayhem division.

Black Dragon is undeniably the best EurAsian champion, but I can't help but think of Blade whenever I picture the belt. He just has that old school feel about him that fits the EurAsian monicker. Rush is doing a great job right now, but I feel like he is somewhat above it.

Kind of like Elite X, I had a few names pop up for EurAsian for me. I ended up going with Dragon, but Blade, Ty, Drake, and Big Dave also ran through my mind.
World Title: Me. Duh.

Eurasian Title: Big Dave. Dude had a beast reign with it, and never officially lost the belt.

Elite X: Titus. One of our best Elite X Champions ever and was a main eventer while holding the title.

Tag Title: Full House Daves. I'm in the same boat as Thriller as the Full House Daves were the dominant tag team back in the day.

Mayhem: Alex Bowen. His style fit it perfectly, and how many Mayhem Champions do you know that fought the World Champion as fiercely as he had when we faced off?

Like I just said to Kermit, Big Dave was up there in EurAsian for me, and Titus was actually the 2nd name I thought of for Elite X, with Reynolds being third.
World Title: I'm sure this is probably the only universally agreed upon one: Ty Burna.

Eurasian: It's probably unfair but I always think of Blade, probably because he was Eurasian champ when I first joined.

Elite X: Sam Smith. I've seen him hold the belt for two lengthy reigns during my WZCW tenure.

Tag: Saxton and Saboteur. I like those two.

Mayhem: Bowen has the record and the wins to back up his claim to the throne.
It is difficult to shake the immediate impact of who the champions were when you first joined, even though we do have four really strong champions at the moment.

World Tytle: that "y" is intentional

EurAsian: Big Dave

Elite X: despite Smith's dual reigns, I actually always picture that title being Austin Reynolds'

Tag Titles: difficult to go beyond SaboSax for their extended reign given that virtually everyone else dropped them in rapid order

Mayhem: despite it being something of a millstone around their necks, when it comes to Mayhem both Bowen and Baez jump automatically to my mind

I would also add in KFAD as a "title" - Constantine for time spent with it; Barbosa for using it "correctly"
World Title: Ty Burna
Nobody had a longer reign, nobody had a more dominant reign. Nobody should select anyone else.

Tag Titles: Mind Over Matter/Sax-O-Teur
Yeah. When I think about titles I held with previous gimmicks, they're what comes to mind first. Best tag team of my tenure though has to be the latter team.

Mayhem: Wunderbar/Bowen
See above for Wunderbar. Bowen held the belt for close to a goddamn year and pushed Ty hard to overcome him, he embodies the Mayhem title.

EurAsian: Black Dragon
He held the title and he beat MOM almost single handedly. I'm not going to forget that. Ever.

Elite X: Triple X
The name of the title's even in his name. Sam Smith probably deserves it more though.
I didn't join until about mid-2012, so as odd as these choices may be

World Title: Ty Burna
I'm pretty sure the first time I ever glanced at WZCW before deciding to join it, he was the champ at the time and I swear Doc said something about it to me on Skype back in earlier AES days.

Tag Titles: SaboSax
Longest reigning since I got here

Mayhem: Ace Stevens/Bowen/Armando Paradise(?)
Here's hopping Stevens comes back one day. The other two I remember the Mayhem thing from their sigs.

EurAsian: Rush
See SaboSax's.

Elite X: Triple X
Sam Smith is probably my secondary and pretty close, but I remember Triple X was one of the first guys to click with me in WZCW and he was champ at that time.
World Title: Ty Burna
Easily. Dominant, held it longest, and it just suited his rep pic.

Tag Titles: SaboSax
I dunno, there's something about these guys...

Mayhem: Ace Stevens/Alex Bowen
Ace Stevens was the man. But I suppose Alex Bowen should have it because like it or not he dominated with that belt.

EurAsian: Blade
Man, I know I criticize the guy and the character but the championship will always be on his shoulder in my mind. I don't remember his run or anything, I couldn't tell you when he won or when he lost, he just always seemed like the EurAsian Champion. All the time.

Elite X: Triple X
Him winning the title from Holmes and re-renaming it the Elite X Championship is something that should be remembered for all time. At that moment, the championship meant everything.
World Title: Ty Burna.
This has to be the one that is universally agreed upon. He dominated with the belt.

Tag Titles: SaboSax.
They were such good champions and made the tag divisions look like more than just a throwaway. They deserve a lot of credit for that.

Mayhem Title: Alex Bowen.
Not only did he hang onto the belt forever, but he is easily the first thing I think of when I think of the Mayhem division. There've been a lot of good Mayhem Champions, but none as good as Alex Bowen.

EurAsian Title: Rush.
It's probably because we've worked together for so long, but I can't help but associate Rush with that belt now. Before the redesign, I could just imagine the old school title sitting on his shoulder. Blade is a close second here.

Elite X Title: Sam Smith.
I've had two lengthy runs with the belt -- most of my time in WZCW has been centered around the Elite X Championship -- so I immediately think of Sam Smith when I think of this title. If I had to choose someone else, it would be Austin Reynolds. He was a pretty damn good Elite X Champion.
Elite X: Triple X
Him winning the title from Holmes and re-renaming it the Elite X Championship is something that should be remembered for all time. At that moment, the championship meant everything.

You do realise it was originally the Elite X belt?
You do realise it was originally the Elite X belt?

Yes, that's why I said re-renaming. Because it was Elite when Holmes had it, and then un-renamed when X won it in that shocker. It was pretty amazing.
World Title: Ty Burna.

Tag Titles: FHD/SaboSax
I think SaboSax have been a great team. FHD didn't have too much competition.

Mayhem Title: Alex Bowen.He is Mayhem, even when he's not in Mayhem matches.

EurAsian Title: Rush.
I was the head of creative who brought in the Eurasian belt. For me the Elite X was your high flying up and comers whilst the Eurasian was your more brawling legends. Think Piper as IC champ. I think Rush epitomises my vision for this belt.

Elite X Title: Titus/Smith
A lengthy reign and tons of competition for Titus. As Ty noted it allowed me to get to the ME level.
Smith has had two great reigns and has taken on all comers.
World Heavyweight Championship:

Just to go with something else :p And because he's doing a bang up job right now.

EurAsian Championship:
Big Dave

He made that belt look far superior to the Elite X title when he had it. And there' were constant feuds for both belts.

Elite X Championship:
Steven Holmes

When he got it and renamed it, it was after taking out Big Dave. Who'd just lost the World title. Steven Holmes looked like a top heel and held that belt and had Constantine as a subordinate. He really gave the belt a notch when he was champion even if it was short.

World Tag Team Championships:
The Crashin Movement


Mayhem Championship:

I'd dare contest for Baez' sake.When I was there, I won the belt on 4 occasions, had the longest reign back then (and shortest too). I went through the 24/7 rule, a feud for my mask against Scott Hammond, had the belt stolen and went on a wild goose chase for it, lost it once to what happened to be a transvestite. Nothing against Bowen, but I always felt there was more diversity when I was there. I also did beat him in a Mayhem match too :p
World Title: Ty of course

Tag Titles: Brothers in Arms, the BiA was the shit and they were champions for a while when I first came in. Toyota is one the reasons I joined the fed and they were my first real feud so I've always had a soft spot for the BiA.

Eurasian: Chris Beckford, I don't think he had it for that long but there was a while there where he was always around the title. He just looked like he should be Eurasian Champion to me, idk.

Elite X: Austin Reynolds, again was champion for a while when I first came in, the belt felt like it was made for him when he had it.

Mayhem: Bowen, he had it for like 7 years so only Killjoy comes close.

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