The end of Abyss??

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Bob Backlund authorized.
So i just read the latest report as im sure most of you have. As follows:

"Mike Johnson reports that Abyss will be off of TV for a while to play up the current storyline that he may be done. He is then scheduled to return in a few months unmasked and will most likely wrestle under his real name."

Nothing's confirmed im assuming, but if this does happen what do you all think will be the outcome of Abyss/Chris Parks? Would it be similar to when Kane unmasked??

I think it would be somewhat disappointing, considering how far away from the Abyss character they go. If they totally make over Parks it may not be for the best, at least for Abyss. However, im all for some sort of advancement of some sort for the character of Abyss, just depends on what they do.
So will this be good or bad for Abyss if they do go through with this change?
i think when he comes back hell be heel. maybe hell form a faction wit judas mesias. i think hell be more monsterish when he comes back. like he wont like anyone and hell destroy every1 he sees. i just cnt c them having him leave 4 a wile and just come back as regular chris parks
Abyss cant be unmasked thats like unmasking Kane.......wait they did that too. this right here would be a terrible idea, Abyss, a guy with unknown charisma being unmasked and losing his character could be the worst thing for him, as a regular unmasked person he will be called upon to deliver at least decent promos to keep him over and as of now no one really knows much about how much charisma he actually has. If TNA were smart theyd keep him masked, but we all know no ones smart in wrestling these days so hes fucked
Unmasking Abyss won't make the slightest bit of difference. Why does he wear the mask again? I can't remember. He'll dissapear then come back and he'll still be facing all the freaky characters that he faces now. He's not suddenly going to come out in a Kurt Angle style singlet. He'll probably wear the same ring gear, do the same tired old bumps, just sans mask.
This would be a horrible move by the TNA creative team in my opinion
1.It would not be fresh so fans would get bored with the Chirs Parks b4 they got bored with abyass

2.The way its going the wrestling world would not be shocked at all because its been done by the wwe with kane ...........

3.I think it ruins abayss's mysterious persionality like it did with kane

4.It seems like it would burry chris parks as a performer

my opinion if they do this they should not carry that he once was abyass they should turn him into a wrestler like the big show was in his early wwe days to make him still seem unstopable like he can be as abyass
I think it's a good move, I will miss Abyss but the storylines he had, had started to become so forced, it was always a monster, or someone shot his mom or his dad was his cousins uncles neighbour to James Mitchell. It just got too hard to find good storylines for him, especially in 2008 with kayfabe gone and big monsters sadly out of fashion.
I could care less, I lost all interest in Abyss a long time ago, they just can't seem to get it right with this guy, it seems like they are constantly just sticking him in long drawn out ******ed storylines, his feuds seem to go on forever, simply cause they don't know how to move him onto the next one, if it were me, when he comes back in a few months I would stick him in a tag team with Rhino (seeing has how they can't figure out what to do with him either), it could add a little more to the tag division, and they could have them become the unstoppable monster tag team similar to the BOD or Kane/Show the end I just hope they don't bring him back with some stupid shit like have him dressed as the GobbelyGooker or Doink the Clown or some stupid shit like that
This is aweful..........First Christopher Daniels is reduced to being a moronic pokemon looking character and now Abyss unmasked.What do they do at these tna writer meetings,sit around and figure out how fast they can flush their talent's career down the drain? If this stupid idea actually comes to be they better change his name to '"Junior Gorg" (Fraggle Rock Reference) cause that is exactly what he is going to look like without that mask.

Although Im intrigued that this maybe the direction TNA will take with him, as I wouldn't mind seeing him unmasked as a character, I do think it will kill his character just like it did with Kane. Abyss, is a TNA character TNA although didn't create him they made him and by destroying that character its a really bad move, so hope TNA doesnt carry this one through.
Personally, I don't like the idea. Abyss is one of the more recognizable names in TNA. He's actually getting over with the fans... hold on.. now I can see why Russo and company want to do this. First they turn Petey Williams into "Maple Leaf Muscle" (which, being born and raised Canadian, gives me the right to comment on this gimmick- BLOWS CHUNKS), then they take Chris Daniels and turn him from the Fallen Angel into Curry Man??? Okay, maybe it worked in Japan, but it just seems soooo out of place here. And now Abyss.

Dammit, Russo... can't you go ANYWHERE without ruining the place??????
Unmasking Abyss is a mistake. Ever since Kane lost his mask, all of the momentum the monster gimmick gave him has vanished. I agree that Abyss has been getting boring over the last year or so, it seems after he lost the title he lost his momentum. Having Abyss come back unmasked as Chris Parks may be interesting for a while, though, but it depends on who he fueds with. If he goes back and fueds with James Mitchell and all of the other people he's been in a program with, it would all be pointless. But if they use this to get Chris Parks to get a fresh character with new fueds, I think it would be worth it.
the only reason I can see for unmasking Abyss, is because of how many "monsters" they already have. Relik, Judas, and Black Reign are more than enough. And Abyss might end up having a Mick Foley revival rather than a Kane tank job.
I honestly don't see where having Abyss unmask will affect his career in a positive light at all. As it's been said already in this thread, when Kane unmasked, it turned one of the outright coolest gimmicks of the decade into "Look, I'm marrying Lita LOL".. and you KNOW when you become involved in a wedding angle in pro wrestling (Im looking at you, Edge, Lita, Test, Teddy Long, Kristal, the Angles, ect) it's never a good turn for your career.

I honestly see Abyss becoming TNA's Mick Foley. Wrestling under his real name for awhile, then a new costumed gimmick, then Abyss again for special showings.

o Jesus, they've pretty much butchered everything about the character.

I remember watching impact months ago, hearing "he's coming" about someone Mitchell had, I didn't watch for like 4 months, tuned it back in, and it's "he's coming" AGAIN. Same thing with the "I'll tell them your secret" I stopped watching for a while, 3 months later "I'll tell them your secret" AGAIN.

I honestly don't care about anything Abyss anymore, the whole thing screams "this was cool 10 years ago" and they've fucked so much of it around that none of it makes sense, Abyss has lost all mystery, now you just don't care, I don't care.

I say have him murder Mitchell in the ring so we don't get anymore half brothers or secrets or various other Attitude Era rip-offs, and have Abyss "go to jail" and stay off the screen for a while, then get let out under some legal loophole in a year and then he's back to the mysterious monster.
Stop blaming Vince for everything, Curryman is really over and btw was created by daniels not vince. I mean for all we know maybe chris asked to come back as cman rather than something that creative had planned. As for Abyss, His monster character is now overshadowed by the countless others in tna reign, rellick, judas, So I think maybe this is what has to be done in order to make us care about him again. TNA whether we like it or not has done a good job of taking guys who would never get the time of day in wwe, and given them characters that make them more noticed and in a position to get over. Sometimes it works....Lethal, sometimes it might seem lame....Petey.
For the record Abyss to me is no Kane, and Kane losing his mask meant alot more to me than Abyss' will
Getting rid of the mask I think won't change much for abyss, and won't hurt him period. He's already an established monster, they just need to give him something totally new. As has been said time after time in this thread, with Abyss it's the same thing over and over again. More than anything else just get him away from damn james mitchell. It's just monster after monster and nothing with any substance. Get this guy a human wrestler to feud with and see how much better things get with him. His stuff with sting was some of the best stuff he's done lately, because it was a change of pace for him. No one stays doing the same thing forever, it doesn't work.
This whole story/angle has just worn on my patience. I'm an Abyss fan and I'm just sad to see it happen.

I read somewhere that he had input into it (but who knows with internet news) but even knowing that, I just can't get into the story or care about anything happening.

If they unmask Abyss (which they kind of already did with him wearing Sting make-up [That haunted the dreams for while...]) it's just a nail in the coffin of what I once thought was a unique guy and give even more ammunition to the people who like to claim he is nothing more than a Mankind/Kane ripoff.

I'll wait and see, I guess. There is still plenty of time to turn things around. It just might have to be a darn big U-Turn they'd have to make.
I dont get this at all. They just had him win a big PPV match with his step brother. Which i thought the story line was good. I thought they had good chemistry but should have had more segments together. But if they wanted to unmask him why didnt they have him loose? He just won this big match, with a huge storyline surrounding it, he wins the match, and now they want to rebuild his character? I dont get it.
I dont get this at all. They just had him win a big PPV match with his step brother. Which i thought the story line was good. I thought they had good chemistry but should have had more segments together. But if they wanted to unmask him why didnt they have him loose? He just won this big match, with a huge storyline surrounding it, he wins the match, and now they want to rebuild his character? I dont get it.

Definately agree with everything you said. It looked like he had finally ended this storyline with a big blowoff match and finally ended the entire James Mitchell story, which has definatly gone on too long. This feud needed to die at least a year ago, and after they end it he goes away? What's the point in having a blowoff match and then they both leave? Hopefully he'll come back in a few weeks instead, as he's one of the last ties to the original TNA that is still left.
I think they shouldn't take the mask off abyss because it would kill his Character. I think abyss should be taken off TV for awhile. Honestly he should go to the WWE where he would get payed more for the Crazy bumps he takes.
Abyss seems to be staying as a face for the long hall, and as is allways the case when a monster heal turns face, they have to move him away from his monster persona to have him remain over in the long run. Faces need the be vulnerable and all "Chris's" feuds so far have had him be outnumbered or matched against other monsters, and that can't last.

So at a guess I'd say that this is a plan to try and seperate "Chris" from "The Monster Abyss", and let him continue wrestling as a face.
I was thhinking about this the other day and I cant help after all the references from Tenay and the promos about Abyss being hardcore and being able to take as much pain as Terry Funk, I feel that they are going to move the moster from Abyss and give him a Cactus Jack type personality when he comes back.
I think that he should keep his mask, because thats what makes Abyss, if you take off the mask, then what do u have? Probably just a regular guy, the mask makes the monster. Keep The Mask!!
When I first saw this on TNA, removing his mask, and then reading this, I was disappointed. The Abyss character was one of the first TNA wrestlers that I've ever seen and enjoyed because of the resemblance to the old Masked Kane. I thought TNA was actually doing what the WWE didn't do with Kane, but now, I think they're just messing his character up by unmasking him.
Why kill off a fairly entertaining character that is over with the crowd?

Having him wrestle under his real name would be a joke.. You see some guy with a mask covering up god knows what, and then he is suppose to be normal after?

Ala, Kane.

Keep it the way it is.. until it doesn't work anymore.
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