The Divas need 2 matches per Raw to make an impact


Championship Contender
Let's be honest.....ONE match per 3 hour show is not enough for an entire division. It's enough for one feud.....and that's all we've gotten for years. One feud at a time.

Now often times, they really didn't have the talent to warrant more than 1 match per Raw. But now?

You've got Sasha Banks, Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Nikki Bella, Paige, and Natalya.....that's 6 divas who can go! One match per show doesn't cut it! Even Tamina, Brie Bella, Layla, Alicia Fox and Naomi can put on a decent match against the right opponent.

They should be getting at least 2 matches per show, if they are serious about "giving Divas a chance".

Honestly, with as few male feuds that mean anything now, the time is right. Give the Divas more time on every show and give them a legit shot. There's no reason they can't get 2 matches on Raw, and really....2 matches on some of these PPV's.(cut down the length of the long ass boring ass matches that nobody cares about like Orton-Sheamus and Bray-Reigns last night.....ZERO reason that those matches needed so much time....and cut down on the million of highlights per PPV and you've got plenty of times for another match).
A Charlotte push seems to be the order of the day. If she wins the title in two months time or before ..... ( they mentioned AJ Lee's reign again at Battleground )
That's not going to happen. There is no "revolution". Just a little bit of hype that will die down in a couple of months. Sorry to come off as negative but that's the truth.
That's not going to happen. There is no "revolution". Just a little bit of hype that will die down in a couple of months. Sorry to come off as negative but that's the truth.

I agree. I don't see it happening, and I don't see any "revolution" happening.

Just a thought that came to me.....if they truly were serious about the Divas division getting over, they'd give it more time and more matches and have more than 1 angle and feud going at a time.

It won't happen.....but there's no reason that it couldn't. There's so much wasted time each week with matches and segments nobody cares about that it's ridiculous, and it's been like this for years.
Definitely agree with you guys. You can just see how for a singles match tonight on Raw, they had all Divas involved in the "Revolution" segment out there, just to get them on tv, so we won't have to see them again later tonight. This is just to spice things up only to go back to where it was. Another tactic to protect Nikki as champion until she knocks off AJ Lee's title reign.
They're not going to make a huge impact. They just have a story going on right now, something that was desperately needed in that division. I don't know what you guys expect to happen here, but this story will last a few months and they'll be as irrelevant as they've always been, it's a shame since they got a lot of talent now, more than they've had in year's.. It can go either way for me, i've never been a big fan of the divas, i much prefer the woman on the Indy's. I really hope Nikki becomes the longest reigning Divas Champ though.
A lot of people seem surprised at the second divas match. On my social media there seems to be a bit of negative reception though...
Oh, damn! Let the record show, I wrote this before the 2nd match tonight.

Pleasantly surprised. Shocked, actually! 2 matches. Well done, WWE. Keep it up.
I'd more say they need two segments so they can get one match on the card and one promo. They need two to three feuds going at any one time spread out across Main Event, Raw and Smackdown. Lets say they go with:

Nikki Bella v Charlotte
Paige v Sascha Banks
Becky Lynch v Natalya

as their three centerpiece women's feuds from now until Survivor Series. You could split those three feuds across the three shows by having Nikki cut a promo on Raw whilst Paige wrestles Tamina (with a run in from Sascha), have Natalya v Sascha as your Main Event close of show match and then have Paige cut a promo on Smackdown whilst Nikki & Brie face Charlotte & Becky in a tag match. Highlights the three feuds, gives the women's division enough air time, gives them promo time and also brings in a few other wrestlers so they get some spotlight for when their time comes to be plugged in to a proper feud.
Just keep Becky Lynch on my TV for as long as possible, please.

But, last night is evidence, if the Divas are given 10 minute segments to wrestle, they can do a pretty solid job.
Like a lot of other people, I'm skeptical but hopeful. However, while there was a 2nd match for the Divas on Raw last night, I think it's important to not set ourselves up for disappointment. What I mean by that is that it's become typical for many fans to dump all over an angle, gimmick, storyline or wrestler if the booking doesn't match up with what they personally believe should happen and want to see happen. We see it all the time and the resulting negativity just becomes par for the course.

If there isn't a 2nd match for the Divas every single Raw, I'm not going to blast WWE for it because that formula would probably get a bit old after a while. If the Divas are able to get one good match per Raw, get some promo work, have an interesting storyline and are actually treated like competitors rather than just broads in skimpy outfits, that's a great step forward in my eyes. Now what's going on with the three factions works very well for now, but the time will come when each of the newcomers have to be sort of singled out to show what they're capable of and all about in terms of who they are.

However, I think the "Divas Revolution" is just fine for ultimately laying the foundation for where they hope to take things. Whether or not it lasts is anyone's guess.
Honestly, I think that as long as the Divas get 20-30 minutes of Raw, without just being sexy for the sake of being sexy, I'll be happy. I don't need to see all 9 Divas fight every week. I want to see one solid match every week, with just some extra feud progression in the forms of promos, etc.
There's no reason why they shouldn't be utilized in 2-3 segments a week as long as they can keep the fans invested in them, that's the key. The fans seemed to be into both matches (more the second one) last night and that's a good thing considering they weren't the greatest.

On another not, I don't know what most people are expecting from this "Diva's revolution"... if it's an end to people like The Bella's, Namoi, and Eva Marie (in the future) being featured, than I fear you'll be sorely disappointed. The NXT girls will be moulded into the next Divas' but they won't be the change, if that makes any sense.
There is no "revolution". Just a little bit of hype that will die down in a couple of months.

That's really is. Still, the only way to know is to try it. After all, the thrust behind this 'revolution' is the most desirable factor possible: better wrestling from the women. WWE brass wants interest in the division to blossom because fans will appreciate the sight of divas who can actually bring it in the ring.

That's pure gold, imo, but it still might not work. I'm of the belief that many, many folks who attend pro wrestling shows don't give a damn about wrestling. If that's the case, the gals could wrestle classics on a nightly basis and fans will watch them only to see the T & A. But if the spectacle of good women wrestling catches on with the audience, the company's investment might prove well worth it.

By the way, if they do go to two segments a show, the gals not in the three current stables should also get a chance to shine. After all, what are people like Natalya, Emma and Cameron supposed to do while the featured 9 girls dominate the division?
Maybe it's just me, but I'm simply not interested in watching the Divas wrestle. I don't find them as athletic as the men, the moves are as fast, the bumps aren't as big. The acting is awful. (Though, it's not like pro-wrestling is based off acting)

When a Divas match comes on, I generally turn it off. I understand why female fans would enjoy it. And hell, maybe I would too if there was more effort put into the division. But as of now, I have no interest in it and will continue to tune out when a Divas match is on.

*cue the sexism comments for me having an opinion different than someone else*

BTW, WWE still basis the Divas division off attractiveness (which I don't mind as a hetero male), but they could actually build interest if they actually went after freakishly strong women for the division. Think Chyna back in the day.
The women need to close out Smackdown at least twice a month too. If you're not leading into a PPV and worrying about getting a storyline through, by all means these ladies need to go 15 minutes to main event a Smackdown. we are a long way away from them main eventing a Raw ever again, but this would be a great start
Maybe it's just me, but I'm simply not interested in watching the Divas wrestle. I don't find them as athletic as the men, the moves are as fast, the bumps aren't as big. The acting is awful. (Though, it's not like pro-wrestling is based off acting)

When a Divas match comes on, I generally turn it off. I understand why female fans would enjoy it. And hell, maybe I would too if there was more effort put into the division. But as of now, I have no interest in it and will continue to tune out when a Divas match is on.

*cue the sexism comments for me having an opinion different than someone else*

BTW, WWE still basis the Divas division off attractiveness (which I don't mind as a hetero male), but they could actually build interest if they actually went after freakishly strong women for the division. Think Chyna back in the day.

You wouldn't be alone in that frame of thinking. I'd turn to another channel often when a Diva match came on, at one point the division was barely getting a mention on Smackdown that's how bad it was. But there is more crispness to the technical side to the Divas now... Once there were far too many women who were very attractive...but just terribly embarrassing in the ring. Now you have a far more blunder free Diva matches. I'd like to see Awesome Kong come back and add a monstrous woman to the division....or someone as dominatingly strong like The Glamazon come back and stir the pot as well.
I don't find them as athletic as the men, the moves are as fast, the bumps aren't as big.

It's not so much that women aren't as athletic; it's that we're built physiologically different than men. A man's center of gravity is spread across his shoulders, which is why men have greater upper body strength. A woman's center of gravity is through her hips, which is why she would be better served by sticking to mat wrestling and using her legs more.

The problem is, people who follow pro wrestling don't want the action to take place on the's too much like collegiate wrestling, which few people watch. The WWE audiences like punches and clotheslines, which men perform better than women because they are upper-body moves. See?

Maybe it's just me, but I'm simply not interested in watching the Divas wrestle.

Fair enough, but this new project in which WWE is engaging hopes to change the minds of folks like you. It's a good gamble because you're already tuning in to see the you'll have the opportunity to see something new from the women.......and you'll like it, or you won't.
It's become more than three hours worth of a TV show. As long as the Divas aren't skipping around backstage pretending to be a bunch of perky bimbos, I don't care if they get 3 matches that evening. It would be a significant improvement.
A Charlotte push seems to be the order of the day. If she wins the title in two months time or before ..... ( they mentioned AJ Lee's reign again at Battleground )

I am of the opinion that Nikki Bella will top AJ Lee's record as WWE wants to remove any record of CM Punk and AJ Lee from history and move on from them. It is an absolute shame as AJ Lee should be credited for this diva movement calling out Stephanie McMahon via social media to push for gender equality which set the stage for all of this.

Charlotte is the most logical choice for me as she has the Ric Flair pedigree, she is very tall and athletic, is 29, and WWE needs to test the waters with her and get the most out of her prime. That isn't to say Sasha Banks nor Becky Lynch don't deserve the push, I just feel Banks being younger will get a slower build, still has to drop her NXT title.

As for 2 divas matches per Raw, I have no problem with that, however, the division is so small that you eventually will run out of matches to have on television. I would much rather see one match being given time, rather than 2 short divas matches.

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