The Dissolution of the Aces Continues; The Return of Anderson... Anderson!

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Well, maybe return isn't the right word since he was never really "away"—at least not literally—but the whole act of him toying with Bully with the hammer as Sting sat back on the Scorpion, only to "accidentally" toss it away, forcing Bully to tap out, and that little IMPACT-ending promo he cut with the title was pretty friggin' awesome in my book.

Best yet, the dissolution of the Aces and Eights continues. Coupled with Styles' BFG series 20-pointer to course correct him back on track to take down Bully Ray at Bound For Glory, and I'd say we're absolutely seeing the death throes of the gang. Three members lost in a calendar year (D-Lo, DOC, Devon — is this a 'D' thing?) and now with serious dissension in the ranks? The writing is on the wall. So long and nice knowin' ya, boys. Hope the bikes are gassed up, because you're going for a long ride into the sunset real soon.
Agreed. Maybe if Doc and/or Devon was still in the fold I'd say they were still somewhat strong. But Anderson is the last star in the faction that fans gave a shit about next to Ray. A&8's have ran their course months ago, and it's time to break them up for good. Now this doesn't mean Anderson will win the strap next week, but there's no going back now. Knux really didn't do much, but there's potential in Bisch and Brisco as a tag team. This is the end of the line for them as a stable.
Good. The sooner this worst-stable-invasion-storyline-ever ends, the better. It will free up so much time and give us some proper 1 vs 1 feuds which Impact needs.
I feel kind of split. I did really like Anderson at the end. but I also like Anderson as a heel. seems like something hard to do to split Anderson from Aces and Eights and still keep him heel. so if making Anderson a face is what's better for TNA to fade out Aces and eights then so be it.
where will Anderson be at next week? do we see him come out with his previous entrance? or will he come out still wearing the Aces and Eights cut?
you can pretty much book it Anderson will not win the title. that would be bad for TNA heading into BFG.
Even though I knew Aces & Eights would almost certainly hang around until BFG, I couldn't help but hope that it'd come to an end MUCH, MUCH earlier. As a whole, the group has been the lamest "major threat" in TNA history with almost every member booked to look exactly what they: low level, replaceable & interchangeable chumps that nobody gives a shit about.

As far as Anderson goes, couldn't get less about the guy. He's damaged, and overrated, goods in my eyes and I've less than zero interest in seeing him back in the main event picture in any way, shape or form. While I see no chance in him taking the title from Ray, I see him ultimately doing something to help cost Ray the strap at BFG.
I really, REALLY hope next Thursday isn't the last we see of Mr. Anderson. (If he ends up not re-signing or if any of that is even true about him possibly leaving.) It'll be interesting to see where the loyalty of the rest of the Aces and Eights lies next week. They were talking behind Bully's back the week before but somehow I see all of them beating the crap out of Anderson if next week is his swan song. (Kind of similar to how Christian got beat up by the MEM before he left TNA.) Personally, I've enjoyed the Aces N' Eights angle and I'm a huge mark for Mr. Anderson. It's too bad that it's a given he won't win next week, but it'll be interesting to see how it goes down.

Yeah, Mr. Anderson was great at the end of Impact last night! Hilarious! I liked seeing him and Bully as allies, but they make good rivals as well.
I haven't been interested in Anderson in a long time, but last night I was. It would be nice if this turn could get him back on track. After last night I really hope they do resign him. I am glad the group is finally dissolving. With AJ getting a spot in the BFG finals, I really hope they go with him defeating Bully Ray at BFG to end the group. With the tournament being in disarray it looks like it is back on track, and am more interested in TNA than I have been in a while.
Good. The sooner this worst-stable-invasion-storyline-ever ends, the better. It will free up so much time and give us some proper 1 vs 1 feuds which Impact needs.

I didn't understand why they put Anderson and Bully in the group the first place. Why would you have both of these talents, when only one could be the leader, in the same faction? When you have two wrestlers that you considered Main Event quality in the same faction, it just dilutes one of them. If it was during the Monday Night War, I might have accepted this, but today it fogs my mind.
I am no fan of Anderson at all, but a face turn is a positive sign, because it looks like TNA is FINALLY setting the wheels in motion to disband Aces & Eights for good. It's already been said, but Aces & Eights is by far the worst heel faction stable we've seen in TNA. At least Immortal had guys with name value in the likes of Hogan, Hardy, Jarrett, and Bischoff. Aces & Eights is made up of too many career scrubs and bums to take seriously as this "threat" to TNA.

I don't expect Anderson to win the title, because a. he's proven to be a shit world champion as a heel and face in the past and b. it wouldn't make any sense to put the title on someone else after having Bully won the strap not too long ago. Still, it's a positive turn for TNA in the grand scheme of things, because again, Aces & Eights needs to die.
I just have a feeling the we're gonna see another fingerpoke of doom situation. It just seems like that is what they are leading up too. Hogan thinks he has Bully Ray right where he wants him, and that it seems like Aces and 8's are falling apart. It's another plan by Bully to screw Hogan over.
I just have a feeling the we're gonna see another fingerpoke of doom situation. It just seems like that is what they are leading up too. Hogan thinks he has Bully Ray right where he wants him, and that it seems like Aces and 8's are falling apart. It's another plan by Bully to screw Hogan over.

Thing is the fingerpoke situation was a way of putting belt back on Hogan and re-forming nWo. It doesn't to be the same scenario here. One mistake I believe they made was putting Tessmacher with Bully so late. And I won't get into Tito Ortiz. I'm thinking Bully could win with a low blow or lose by DQ. But I doubt another fingerpoke is on the horizon.
I thought Anderson executed his part really well last night, but I have no interest in a Bully vs Anderson feud post-BFG. However it brings the group down to 4 as I doubt Anderson fights to become the leader of such stellar talent as Knux or for the adoption papers of Briscoe and Choff, although I wont be happy if this angle ends before Briscoe gets a chance to sell the worlds slowest rising leg from Hawk Hogan.

I know Bully has lost a lot of weight but TNA are about to cut around a 1000lbs of dead weight from his back. I think he beats Anderson and he'll go off to be repackaged or there's no new deal for him. They can write an angle where Knux has been told he can never wrestle again because of the hammer shot from Sabin, and Briscoe and Garrett can just be discarded by Bully because he's a bastard and they are of no use to him.

The only problem left is Ortiz, is he gonna follow Bully around until November 2nd?
I think whatll happen is he gets screwed over by A&E and kick him out. I can see BFG, Bully vs whoever, Gunnar/Storm vs Wes/Garrett, and Kunx vs Abyss(returning with the tv title). If any of A&E lose, they leave the group. Maybe put anderson in it to make one of them a three way.
TNA actually did a great job of setting up Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray[even though I doubt he'll win the title]. I always thought Mr. Anderson was an odd fit in Aces & Eights, even though he did a great job in his role within the group. It was kinda like Anderson in Immortal, which was another epic fail. Mr. Anderson was getting over pretty decently as the loner loudmouth anti-hero before they started perpetually screwing his character over with non-sense storylines and saddled him into groups he clearly did not belong in. This is one thing TNA has recently done that made sense and I hope the pattern continues. Now if only they'd get rid of washed up MMA guys who don't contribute to the shows, they'd be golden.
Now how many more members are there in Aces and Eights? There's still Bully Ray the President, there's Tito, there's Brooke, Brisco, Bischoff, Knox and Taz but as for actual members there's Bully, Tito, Brisco, Bischoff and Knox that's 5 guys well Brooke and Taz I don't really count them as members they are more hanger-ons than anything else but still it won't be all that much longer now before Aces and Eights crumbles as a stable altogether and when that happens, the only stables left will be The Main Event Mafia and Team E.G.O. but then afterwards you can build up The Mafia to be a heel stable again by turning them heel or having EGO as the new super group of TNA

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