The "Deal With It" Era


Occasional Pre-Show
Call this a little bit of historiographical reasoning for a pro-wrestling world, but I am wondering if we at the IWC haven't mislabeled this era of pro-wrestling history, specifically the history of the WWE.

The modern age of pro-wrestling is usually dubbed the "PG Era" of WWE. It is contrasted with the Attitude Era and Ruthless Aggression Era. It is called this because it is most known in the opinions of many for its lack of blood, general absence of overtly sexual content, and other similar sedations.

We bemoan the lack of chair shots to the head, the lack of blood for cage matches, and the lack of improvised monologues due to concerns over profane content.

Yet maybe there is something even more distinct about the "PG Era", something that we omit to mention because it is so pervasive. This thing has led me to feel that maybe, just maybe we have mislabeled this era of WWE history.

This is not the PG Era, it is the "Deal With It" Era. The name of this era, of course, derives from Batista's shouted remarks to boos at the Royal Rumble after he won a match so many wanted Daniel Bryan to win, let alone even enter.

It answers so much and involves so much more than the PG standard imposed by WWE, in my opinion. Consider some examples:

John Cena gets pushed as the lead babyface of the company, even though every stadium he goes to he gets at best a mixed reaction. Don't like Cena being the lead babyface?


Daniel Bryan not in the main event at Wrestlemania, again and again deprived of being the top star even though he's universally cheered. Don't like Bryan being buried?


The non-Total Divas wrestlers are frequently better in the ring and on the microphone than many of the Total Divas female wrestlers. Yet the Bellas and their cohorts get pushed as faces while more effective wrestlers like Tamina, Natalya, the retired Beth Phoenix, and others get buried.

Don't like the eye candy getting more attention than the in-ring talent?


For that matter, don't like how sedated the television content of WWE programming is these days?


The list goes on of course. WWE lacks an existential threat to its existence, so they do not have to give the people what they want. All they have to do is tell them to 'deal with it' and move on.

So I submit for your consideration the belief that this time period of WWE history is not the "PG Era", but rather the "Deal With It Era."
We bemoan the lack of chair shots to the head, the lack of blood for cage matches, and the lack of improvised monologues due to concerns over profane content.

The WWE's decision to script promos is a definite issue as the wrestlers seemingly talk in the same voice now - everyone says the same thing - because the same 2-3 people are writing all the dialogue... but if the lack of chair shots to the head and blood are reasons for you to complain, then you can always watch the independent circuit where chair shots and blood are used for a cheap pop.

John Cena gets pushed as the lead babyface of the company, even though every stadium he goes to he gets at best a mixed reaction. Don't like Cena being the lead babyface?


Well, here's the thing about Cena: The fans that cheer him are louder than the ones that don't because they speak with their wallets. Until Cena isn't the highest-earner at the merch line, it's ridiculous to say the WWE is telling us to just "deal with it" in regards to his face status.

Daniel Bryan not in the main event at Wrestlemania, again and again deprived of being the top star even though he's universally cheered. Don't like Bryan being buried?


I'm a big critic of how the WWE has booked Daniel Bryan the past few months, and a bigger critic of their decision not to put him in the main event at WrestleMania, but he's not being buried. He's fallen no further than the second biggest program on the card at every show since August. Not putting him in the title match is a dumb decision, but it's not a burial.

...furthermore, don't be shocked if Daniel Bryan beats Triple H at WrestleMania and then challenges Batista (he'll beat Orton) the next night on Raw in front of the most raucous WWE crowd of the year. One way or another, he will leave New Orleans with the title.

The non-Total Divas wrestlers are frequently better in the ring and on the microphone than many of the Total Divas female wrestlers. Yet the Bellas and their cohorts get pushed as faces while more effective wrestlers like Tamina, Natalya, the retired Beth Phoenix, and others get buried.

Don't like the eye candy getting more attention than the in-ring talent?


There's no such thing as burying a diva in the WWE since the division died about 8 years ago. Regardless, your argument is weak since the most pushed diva - AJ Lee - isn't on the show... and Natalya - one of the divas you claim is being buried - IS on the show. As for Tamina, we don't even know if she can wrestle. She's rarely been in matches since debuting four years ago. There might be a reason for her lack of usage! Beth Phoenix, meanwhile, carried the division until she decided to leave the company.

For that matter, don't like how sedated the television content of WWE programming is these days?


I don't even know what to say to this one... By this, do you mean that Raw is so boring that it makes you fall asleep? If there's one thing the WWE has done right the past several months, it's that they've kept the focus in the ring. Whereas The AE was all about pushing the envelope with backstage segments and in-ring melees, and 2007-2011 mostly used the same formula with PG rules, the past year or so has been all about lengthening matches and giving guys plenty of TV time to wrestle actual matches. If you don't like to watch longer wrestling matches, then you might want to reconsider tuning in to a wrestling program.
Cena moves the most amount of merchandise. Fact. He's the number one guy in the company and he's not going anywhere anytime soon. Batista wouldn't have been booed out of the whole state of Pennsylvania if Daniel Bryan was competing in the Royal Rumble. It was most obvious that Batista was going to win the Rumble. The WWE brought him back to Main Event WrestleMania 30. It may not be yours, mine, or countless others idea for the Main Event, but it's the plan and direction the WWE is going with. You mention the lack of chair shots to the head. I don't believe that is necessary in today's environment because look at the toll it takes on careers in the future. (See Chris Benoit for further detail). But no one is making anyone watch the WWE. I watch because I'm a wrestling fan. That, and I don't really have any interest in Daniel Bryan getting the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the moment. Let's see though. At WrestleMania, there is only one true "Main Event" match that goes down. Although there are plenty of matches that are also considered main event matches but the match that gets the most promoted is the main event. Batista and Orton are main eventing WrestleMania. In the end, it doesn't really matter to me, I'll enjoy WrestleMania 30 for the entertainment and the atmosphere surrounding it. You may think that the WWE is forcing these things on it, or you can look at it and take it however you want.
agreed!!! also im tired of these rookies trying to justify why cena is pushed down our throats...NO SHIT he moves merchandise he has triple the amount of items then ANYONE else and he is booked as the face every single. you dont even like to mention the facts that its kids buying his gear what a shocker little 8 year olds that are sponges they soak everything in if zack ryder would be pushed to the moon like cena he would sell the most merch. just admit it cena is pushed dow kur throats just lime he pushes his dick down vinces
I would not be surprised to see a Batista "Deal With it" t-shirt very soon.

Anyways, the fact that they're screwing over DB every week plays into the super-over face vs. the strength in numbers heel faction. The fact that I'm beyond over every Raw starting with a 20 minute diatribe by either Cena or HHH (same ol' sh!t) makes me a little biased in posting a response, but at the end of the day, regardless of the outcome, I will keep watching.
I would like to think that there's light at the end of the tunnel for DB, whether they decide to make it WM XXX, wait for Extreme Rules in DB's backyard or even draw it out until SummerSlam, but who knows. In the meantime, I can see at some point in the near future DB calling out HHH again, possibly making light of his Evolution time with his boys, and seeing HHH, Orton and Batista standing over a beaten DB, and HHH ending a Raw saying, "Deal with it". That could set up multiple scenarios for WM XXX, as well.
Nevertheless, even though many of us fans are not happy with the in-ring/out of the ring output, we will still "deal with it" and watch because we're true fans, and want to be entertained.
I don't know what you're hearing but I hear Cena getting a great reaction most of the time. "Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks" has become as prevalent as the Yes Chant, Austin's What, and Angle's "You Suck". If you actually watch the matches and the reactions, Cena does an utterly fantastic job getting the crowds into the match. He pairs well with almost anybody on the roster; watch his matches with Bryan, Sandow, and Cesaro, and tell me this guy isn't over with the crowd. The guy's a stud at putting on entertaining matches!

He's been around a long time now, and people are used to him, so that means he's going to be better when used with guys who can get the rub from him. Cena/Orton at Royal Rumble was just a waste of a match. There was little doubt who was going to win, and we've seen it so many times before. TLC at least had the interest of the unified World Title at stake, and so it didn't receive nearly the same level of venom.
I love the whole "Well Cena sells the most merchandise" cop out. I mean think about if CM Punk were the face of the company for as many years as Cena and had his face on everything (which he did for a while and was the top seller!). Cena is just on everything and there is always way more of his merchandise than anyone else. That is not really a great argument for Cena Lovers. What's really sad is that if say Punk or Daniel were the head guy for all those years, I actually believe that WWE would be making more money if it were someone else, which is sad.

Anyway I have to agree with the so called "Deal With It Era". I have looked at the WWE a lot differently the past couple of years. It just seems as though the WWE has been at the top so long that they just don't need the Hardcore Fans anymore. I mean now it's targeted towards kids and now 30% of viewers are women... which makes me question the company a lot.

The WWE tried for years to deliver to the fans. Hogan was the face and people were happy with him as champ and money was good. Vince started to revolutionize the business and then the competition. Now that WWE is almost untouchable, who is going to them what to do? Vince was once vulnerable and was trying to win ratings and make the company stronger and now it seems it's more about money and less about the product.

Good example is that mom and pop restaurant who has the best damn food, and than starts to expand... which causes them to use cheaper ingredients. All of the sudden the mom and pop place that was so good, has now become just another place and has almost lost all appeal.
I definitely see your sarcasm but it's justified. I do feel like on and off camera you have this whole "Deal With It" moniker going on. Vince has put out bad product since he beat WCW, that is undeniable.

Furthermore, this PG era is not entertaining. From what I see it's Vince saying he has you by the balls because you have no viable alternative to watch. I don't like Daniel Bryan but the fans do he is deliberately ignoring them as he ignores everyone else who wants a grittier product.
Funny this thread was even brought up because I distinctly remember Michael Cole saying "Batista is going to Wrestlemania. Deal with it." while everyone was boo'ing the shit out of him after the RR win.
I think for sure "deal with it" is a more appropriate name of the era than "PG".

PG content is fine. I don't care about the lack of chairshots. And when there is blood, it's rare, which makes it more dramatic than when there was blood every week.

But there has absolutely been a shift in the WWE, slowly over the past several years to a "we're right, and you will be forced to accept it" mentality. There is a stubbornness to their product, and it's clear when something isn't working and they go with it anyways... they see it ALL the way through, and fans are forced to suffer through it.

It can be dangerous, because I think, unless you give fans what they want, at least once in a while, there will be long-term consequences.
I would not be surprised to see a Batista "Deal With it" t-shirt very soon.

Id buy that for a dollar!

Seriously though, I dont agree its the deal with it Era. WWE has never really catered to what fans want, or at least never made it obvious that's what theyre doing. They usually have their own plans for the future storylines and stick to it, barring injuries, suspension or controversy/media criticism. Generally, the people who decide the stories have their own ego and want it to be played out regardless, not change to suit what the audience wants (which there are arguments for and against that point of view).
Daniel Bryan isn't being held back (maybe kayfabe) he is getting more tv time than anyone even more than Cena plus he is making wwe more money during the chase for the title. Once he has the title for more than two weeks every mark will bitch. John Cena is a big star, he is their main guy and for good reasons. (btw im not the biggest Cena fan) He is always on the go for wwe and the kids love him which is why we are in the pg era.
Daniel Bryan isn't being held back (maybe kayfabe) he is getting more tv time than anyone even more than Cena plus he is making wwe more money during the chase for the title. Once he has the title for more than two weeks every mark will bitch. John Cena is a big star, he is their main guy and for good reasons. (btw im not the biggest Cena fan) He is always on the go for wwe and the kids love him which is why we are in the pg era

I agree with you in general but personally I think the kids love him because we are in the PG era, its not why we are in it. WWE has built him to be that guy, which is what they want and need to achieve their goals.
NO SHIT he moves merchandise he has triple the amount of items then ANYONE else

I'm going to assume that you're intentionally exaggerating for effect since a quick few clicks at confirms that CM Punk has 82 items available to John Cena's 84. Active superstars like Dolph Ziggler, Ryback and Sheamus have 30+ items fans can buy. Etc.

Regardless, your logic doesn't even make any sense. WWE only offers more items that feature him because of the fact that he has built up the biggest base of fans who will actually show their support with their -- or more appropriately their parents' -- wallets.

You don't have to like that WWE is making efforts to cater to the younger fans who are able to get their parents to buy them all the John Cena gear that they could ever want, but you do have to, as the OP stated, deal with it since that's just the reality of any business.

You can rest assured that if diehard Daniel Bryan fans started buying up every piece of his merchandise they could find WWE would absolutely offer more items with his mug or logo on them. First and foremost WWE is a business: they're going to do what makes them the most money.

and he is booked as the face every single.

Of course he is. Why wouldn't they continue to book the guy who their millions and millions of 10-year-old meal tickets continue to root for? There is absolutely no reason for them to turn John Cena heel any time soon since he still has the unwavering support of so many fans who are stuffing VKM's pants with cash.

you dont even like to mention the facts that its kids buying his gear what a shocker little 8 year olds that are sponges they soak everything in if zack ryder would be pushed to the moon like cena he would sell the most merch.

They didn't just one day decide that John Cena was going to be pushed to the moon. The fans were the ones that put him in that position in the first place. There were plenty of other superstars who were given similar pushes during the same time period, but he was the one who was able to make more of it and best connect with the fans who are going to generate the most revenue.

All the fans who hate John Cena so much should put their money where their mouths are and pay the ridiculous prices this sort of licensed merchandise goes for. Spend the $30 or whatever "suck at the teat of capitalism" laughable price you have to pay for a Daniel Bryan t-shirt at the next house show. Better yet as your Mommy and Daddy to buy it for you! ;)
With most endeavors, there are usually winners and losers. "Deal with it" isn't a new thing or even a defining part of this decade, it's a cheap excuse for putting together a piss poor program. If the opposite of any scenario you suggested occurred, some people (idiots) would be saying "deal with it!" for lack of a more prudent explanation.

This has been a PG era, and it shouldn't look like less of an entertaining chapter for the WWE than the Attitude or Ruthless Aggression eras. Personally I think the Ruthless Aggression era was fucking stupid and the Attitude era was fucking lazy. In the PG era, performers have to actually be good at what they do and manage to entertain without resorting to cheap bullshit aesthetics like *ugh* tables matches and redundant chair shots. I'm pretty sure that "deal with it!" was a cheap excuse during those eras as well.

I don't think that the television content is "sedated" by any means. Different strokes for different folks I guess. If you only tune in to see performers juice the shit out of their already chopped up foreheads or see women flaunt their lady parts so as to suggest that the WWE is not in any way a gay porn company, then your taste in pro-wrestling is pretty fucking low-brow.
They didn't just one day decide that John Cena was going to be pushed to the moon. The fans were the ones that put him in that position in the first place. There were plenty of other superstars who were given similar pushes during the same time period, but he was the one who was able to make more of it and best connect with the fans who are going to generate the most revenue.

All the fans who hate John Cena so much should put their money where their mouths are and pay the ridiculous prices this sort of licensed merchandise goes for. Spend the $30 or whatever "suck at the teat of capitalism" laughable price you have to pay for a Daniel Bryan t-shirt at the next house show. Better yet as your Mommy and Daddy to buy it for you! ;)

John Cena, despite fucking up constantly during training at the UWF, was Tom Howard's pick of the litter because he was a former body-builder and rocked a high and tight haircut.

John Cena was in his "rookie" gimmick, on the bus headed to a venue where he'd be performing. He started rapping, Stephanie McMahon heard him rapping and was impressed because Stephanie McMahon is a fucking moron. She promptly presented a can of tuna and asked him to freestyle a rap based on her can of tuna, and he did rhyming can with hand in every one of the six bars he was able to brainstorm.

That was the day that John Cena was picked to be their next it guy and star in The Marine. They just ONE DAY decided to push John Cena to the moon.
Pretty accurate.

No real competition so what are you going to do?

It's funny because we can do stupid shit like make 5 Moves of Doom an actual term and get it on TV or get dog posters and shit on RAW, but we (as the IWC) couldn't organize to just stream RAW the night after the Royal Rumble.

We deal with it because we aren't smart enough to realize our power as a large percentage of the audience and just stream the PPV's and shows.
It has allways been the "deal with it era"... it is a show made by writers and it has allways been, i don´t understand why people think it was ever made by the audience. It is pretty simple, you like it you watch it you don't like it you won´t. It looks like the debate many years ago about if wwf was "real" or not. If you people keep buying tickets and ppvs, they'll keep doing whatever they want because the only thing that matters to them is money, either you boo or cheer or whatever. Wake up people and start using your brains...
Id buy that for a dollar!

Seriously though, I dont agree its the deal with it Era. WWE has never really catered to what fans want, or at least never made it obvious that's what theyre doing. They usually have their own plans for the future storylines and stick to it, barring injuries, suspension or controversy/media criticism. Generally, the people who decide the stories have their own ego and want it to be played out regardless, not change to suit what the audience wants (which there are arguments for and against that point of view).

I would think Bret Hart winning the title at WMX, turning Austin a face, and the entire idea of DX was done as a response to the fan reaction. Heck the whole Attitude Era was because it needed to adapt to the changing demographic and whats popular in pop culture. I've always thought that deep inside Vince never liked the idea of the Attitude Era.

As for the "deal with it era" that's a moniker the Video game community has given to the apologist of big publishers like EA and such. But it's probably even truer with the WWE right now. I know WWE still has competition from UFC and other forms of programming but as far as the Wrestling Fanbase is concerned Vince pretty much these fans' wallet since WWE is the only major promotion in North America and has the entire library of older defunct promotions.

The "Deal With It", I think is not so much as saying "screw the fans" but more to do with complacency in their product. The best example is Cena being the #1 guy for so long. Let's face it many do not like Cena due to his stale character and if there were a rival promotion as close to being as big as the WWE these fans would probably have switched to the other promotion.

Cena makes WWE money, that's true, but he isn't really expanding the business like Hogan and Austin did. He's the status quo, the safe pick, the one that can help the company keep it's steady course to keeping profitable. And the WWE can get away with this because of the lack of competition because they knew if there was another WCW that "rocked the boat", the WWE would have to adapt.
I would think Bret Hart winning the title at WMX, turning Austin a face, and the entire idea of DX was done as a response to the fan reaction. Heck the whole Attitude Era was because it needed to adapt to the changing demographic and whats popular in pop culture. I've always thought that deep inside Vince never liked the idea of the Attitude Era.

As for the "deal with it era" that's a moniker the Video game community has given to the apologist of big publishers like EA and such. But it's probably even truer with the WWE right now. I know WWE still has competition from UFC and other forms of programming but as far as the Wrestling Fanbase is concerned Vince pretty much these fans' wallet since WWE is the only major promotion in North America and has the entire library of older defunct promotions.

The "Deal With It", I think is not so much as saying "screw the fans" but more to do with complacency in their product. The best example is Cena being the #1 guy for so long. Let's face it many do not like Cena due to his stale character and if there were a rival promotion as close to being as big as the WWE these fans would probably have switched to the other promotion.

Cena makes WWE money, that's true, but he isn't really expanding the business like Hogan and Austin did. He's the status quo, the safe pick, the one that can help the company keep it's steady course to keeping profitable. And the WWE can get away with this because of the lack of competition because they knew if there was another WCW that "rocked the boat", the WWE would have to adapt.

Yeah there are some examples but it seems rare to me. I agree that the monopoly on wrestling is a problem for those wanting a fresh injection, I just dont see a way any company is going to ever build up to be big enough to compete with WWE again, without a huge benefactor prepared to lose millions along the way before they can start to make a possible profit. Not to mention all the pitfalls along the way in circus like professional wrestling and vince doing his best to shut it out.

Which leaves us stuck in this position, which truth be told, is keeping WWE profitable and its target audience happy in general, so I dont see any changes to product or content for a long long time, if ever. I guess I'll just have to deal with that lol.
The 'Deal With it' era started when HHH came back and kept winning titles, as if he was entitled to it instead of earning it. Than burying everybody along the way.

He buried pretty much an entire roster, even though all the fans didn't like him whatsoever. Even as a heel, he wasn't effective bc he buried his opponents pretty legitimately and the face had no redeeming thing about them after.
It's not about the fans, "Deal With It" was only directed to Orton. Batista said "I'm taking your title at Wrestlemania so deal with it." It's being aimed more to the fans now since Batista wasn't expecting to return and be boo'd out of the building by every audience so he was forced to switch his character up a little. It doesn't necessarily mean it applies to everything.

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