Name this era of wrestling


Championship Contender
Eras in wrestling history are always given a name like the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression eras. I have seen this recent era has been given multiple names and I want to see what people think it should be called.

My pick is the No Aggression Era. I think it sounds better and funnier than the PG era and is based around the lack of weapon shots, blood, violent gimmick matches and insulting insults. It is also a good follow on from the Ruthless aggression era and emphasizes how much the current product is watered down to fit a younger target audience

Your thoughts on the name of the current era of wrestling
I don't think it needs a name, why does every decade or period of time in wrestling need a label? Unless the business dramatically changes in the future, where its a stark contrast to what it is now, then there is no need for the present to be part of a labeled "era". This "era" may just be the new reality and there will be no other eras.

I don't really buy into the "Ruthless Aggression" label either. Its become an accepted label so I don't begrudge people using it when referencing a certain point in time, but all that was was the period of time after the Attitude era ended and WCW was no longer around. What was so "ruthless" or "aggressive" about it?? Was it more aggressive or ruthless then Mick Foley being handcuffed behind his back and taking 20 chair shots to the head from the Rock?

Its just a catchy phrase that someone threw on it but it doesn't really mean anything.
This isn't the PG Era anymore, BTW.

The Attitude Era and the Ruthless Aggression Era were named such by WWE, also.
If it must be named, then I'd call it the Entertainment Era, as the WWE has significantly increased their interests outside of the wrestling world within this era.
This isn't the PG Era anymore, BTW.

The Attitude Era and the Ruthless Aggression Era were named such by WWE, also.

Fair enough. But the "Attitude" era really was a total re-branding of the product compared to what it was in the years prior to it. I don't think the "Ruthless Aggression" era stands out really as being distinct, to me it was just the "post-Attitude era" era. The WWE thought it sounded cool and said, ok this is what our era is now...
I agree about the Ruthless Aggression Era not being so “Ruthless” or “Aggressive”. I prefer to refer to it as the Nameplate Era…The Greatest Era in Championship Title Belt history!! The United States Champion and the Divas Champion should fight at WrestleMania in an “End Of An Era” match.

If the 80s rated PG run is called the Golden Era, then today’s rated PG run should only be called the Platinum Era. We could also go with the Rated PG Era or The (real) McMahon – Helmsley Era.
Like 2004-2008 was just needlessly bloody and violent, that's why it's the Ruthless Aggression Era. I'm glad that blading is gone, it was the worst part of pro-wrestling behind unmitigated head shots with steel chairs.

Today should be called the Golden Era, but, alas, it can't be. So instead, it should be the Second Best Era.
I say call it the "Yes" era or the "Indy" era. Honestly, lets wait a little while to start naming this era, as I think with all of the incoming talent that it could be called "Next Generation part 2"
If I had to come up with a name for this era in wrestling, it would be The Reality Era.

It seems like ever since CM Punk dropped the 'Pipe Bomb' that the fans have become more focused on what's actually going on within the company. I'm not just talking about us either. You know, we're the so called smart fans. I'm talking about the general fan base as well. However, not only have the fans become more focused on the reality of the business but the WWE have been giving us more reality based angles. For example: Talking about what's best for business, discussing how some guys draw and how others don't, etc. These are all things that have been included in angles ever since Punk dropped the 'Pipe Bomb'.
Ugh. Calling it the Indy Era validates the botching spot monkeys. I can't wait for the WWE to never draft from the Indies again.
I think the PG Era has been and gone, WWE has become a lot more lenient with cursing and and it's not as kiddy based with guest hosts and rubbish like that. With the integration of social media being a big focus this past couple of years and also more big names coming back part time for Mania matches, I think I would go for something along the lines of 'Social Entertainment Era'. I can see the PG being dropped for RAW soon with the Network launching as they won't rely as much on sponsor money, or maybe I'm being a little hopeful there :shrug:
I would say the reality era. With all of the internet fans, leaks, interviews, the new network, all of the social media crap going on, fans have an idea of lots and lots of things going on inside the company and outside the company that we had never known before. Even in the PG Era (I would say it ended mid 2012), they were able to keep huge surprises for the rumble a secret, ala cena, ala edge. Now I already new Kevin Nash was there and the batista win was leaked a month before. I think there is so much reality in it, I would call it the reality era. Golden age, new generation, attitude era, ruthless aggression, pg, reality IMO
Either what the guy above me said, or the "YES!" Era. The era with true fan interaction (with the WWE Network and ability of fans to HIJACK the show if necessary.)
The Publicly Traded We Have No Competition So We Are Just Phoning It In Until We Have A Reason To Do Otherwise Era


1,000,000% correct... you are!!!!! /Macho Man

They should call it the "No" era. No interesting characters, no compelling storylines, no new superstars, no "creative", no effort...
The Rock called this Era, "The People's Era" and considering how audiences in practically ever city now have no problem hijacking segments or crapping on them by cheering random things, I definitely see it as a fitting name for this "era".
How about the Rebirth Era or the WWE Renaissance?

They've been so reliant on a select few and the players of the past for so long, that they are at a point right now where they've been forced into a sort of rebuilding, restructuring. They finally have to look to the young for new blood, so it's like hitting the reset button.
The Rock called this Era, "The People's Era" and considering how audiences in practically ever city now have no problem hijacking segments or crapping on them by cheering random things, I definitely see it as a fitting name for this "era".

I like that one.

Since there would be no company or wrestling industry without "the people", "the people" can do whatever they want when they pay their hard earned money to go to a WWE show. YES! "The People's Era".
If it must be named, then I'd call it the Entertainment Era, as the WWE has significantly increased their interests outside of the wrestling world within this era.

This is the best choice.

First off, there was no such thing as a PG era. People just called it that because TV-14 converted BACK to PG. Wrestling started as PG, so why isn't that the PG era?

I think its been the Entertainment Era once TV-14 was brought back to PG. Why should it be called this? Well, based on the Guest Hosts, the numerous Social Media plugs, and the fact that they don't call it "Wrestling" or "Professional Wrestlers" explains why its called the E era.
The Publicly Traded We Have No Competition So We Are Just Phoning It In Until We Have A Reason To Do Otherwise Era


When I created this topic I was hoping for people to get that it was a chance to take a shot at WWE and have some fun. It seems like your the only 1 who got that
"The Banal Tweets on Social Media Era"

I've heard it referred to as the 'Universe Era'. Just another buzzword really. At the end of the day it'll be called what the WWE want to call it when they end up bringing out DVDs.

The idea of this 'Universe', which is meant to be inclusive and encourage fans to be proactive in voicing their opinions is a shallow branding and marketing tool. There's no inclusivity beyond what the WWE wants. The polls, feedback forms, social media campaigns, touts, apps is just smoke and mirrors. They just want your monies. Which is fine, I don't mind people just wanting my cash as long as they're up front about it and don't pretend otherwise.
The difference between the pg era and the attitude era and such is that the fans came up with the name pg era instead of wwe so i doubt they will ever refer to it as that on tv.but i think its definatly close to an end its served its purpose its fixed wwes violent seedy reputation so parents are now convinced that its safe to let there kids watch again therefore gaining wwe a whole new generation of fans.even the poster boy john cena acknowledged that theres a bunch of new guys ready to try and take his place.i think this is just a transitional period rather then a whole new era though where wwe are figuring out which new stars will represent wherever they decide to take there next company best.
I'm living in the #CantWatchRAWwiththeSoundOn Era. I hate to put all the blame on Cole, JBL and King as I know someone is in their ears but the announce team is at an all time low. Its to the point I'm annoyed with it more than anything else involved with the product.
I'll say this again and hopefully "Dagger Diaz" can handle this oh so controversial post this time...

I would officially name this era the "INTERNET CRYBABY ERA"

Now by demand of the powers that be on this forum "Dagger Diaz" I will write a full explanation at why I chose this name for this era even tho I see plenty of people on this thread that don't give a explanation.

I slbrey have came up with a opinion on this topic and have decided that my idea would be to call this current era in wrestling "INTERNET CRYBABY ERA"....reason being is because I see a lot of fans and even wrestlers themselves rapidly complaining online about the product and not letting storyline's evolve without tearing it apart.

These so called "Internet Crybaby's" just don't see the fun in WWE and no matter what will be negitive about the product even if they get exactly what they want...infact the time the "Internet crybabys" do get what they want they cry and say "it's too predictable" and if they don't get what they want then watch out they have been known for sending angry tweets and even creating online petitions on

In closeing I do wish that this wasn't my opinion on this subject but sadly it is...I hope someday people can just enjoy the show and maybe check your brain at the door for 3 hours and just have fun....thank you.
In response to the above poster - very, very well said indeed. I stopped enjoying the WWE a few years ago, so I stopped watching and became a very occasional fan. That's what normal people do when they don't enjoy a television show. I don't tune into Glee, hate every minute, and then complain on the internet about the direction of the show. I just don't watch it!

In response to the subject in the thread, I'm not quite sure what this era should or will be called. I'm also unconvinced it needs to be so quickly defined and categorized.

Firstly, the "YES" era is just a testament to how much the fans here want to lick Daniel Bryan's face. It's ridiculous, after such a short Main-Event career, to name an entire era after Bryan. By this logic I could call the era post-2005 the "You Can't See Me" era. To be honest? That is more fitting a name seeing as how the brand was built around Cena.

The Hulkamania era, as some fans (and 2K Sports) call it, is so-called because for well over ten years the brand revolved around Hogan and his legions upon legions of fans. That was what defined the era. Daniel Bryan has not defined the last decade of wrestling - far from it. Contrary to popular belief I don't think he walks on water.

I'm not saying Bryan isn't great, I'm just pointing out it's ludicrous to claim he's defined a new era of wrestling that hasn't even happened yet. It's just plain absurd.

It's far, far too early to give this period of time a label. The PG era, in my opinion, doesn't really fit because it doesn't really sum up the entire product. IWC fans forget that for every John Laurinitus/Cena match for the kids, there was a Jericho/Punk aimed towards them.

The WWE, at least in WWE 2k14, has referred to this as the "Universe" era - I'm going to use that term until a more sufficient one is is coined. As others have pointed out, there hasn't even really been an era to coin a phrase for yet.
This is the Era of the New Generation. You have all this new blood with guys like Reigns, Big E, Cesaro, Ambrose, Bray Wyatt etc....these guys are all clearly the future as they are extremely talented stars and all of them have "potential" to be great. Of all of them, I see Roman Reigns being the next "face" of the WWE. He's like the new John Cena, which is what you have all been waiting for isn't it? well, here he is.

From 2008 to 2012, we were in the PG Era and yes PG is here to stay. That said, I can see changes coming in the next two years with this new generation of top hopefully top stars. You have The Undertaker on the brink of retirement no doubt by WrestleMania 31. You have A bunch of top guys now working part time workloads, CM Punk has quit etc...there does seem to be some big changes coming. How those changes are handled is KEY.

If WWE are smart, they will see that they DO have plenty of talented guys with potential to be big. For example, Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 31 has potential to be a big money match if handled correctly. Perhaps Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt will main event a WrestleMania in the future....two very talented guys.

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