The Dark Knight: Contains Spoilers

This movie was fan fucking tastic. Spoiler heavy review, so skip if you don't wish to be spoiled.

Anyways, the cast was fan fucking tastic. Ledger obviously gets the nod for the best performance, but he also had the best material to work with. The Joker is tough to pull off well, and me thinks that it's going to be impossible for anyone to one up this Joker. It was amazing.

Someone that is going to get over looked, Gary Oldman. Holy shit was Oldman on as Gordan. One of the best performances I've seen. Honestly, without Oldman playing Gordan as well as he did, this movie loses a big chunk of it's story.

Also Kudos to Aaron Eckhart. Man alive he played Harvey Dent superbly. Personally I don't mind Dent becoming Two-Face in this movie. The entire point of this movie was pretty much the "Killing Joke"'s storyline. The Joker is hell bent on breaking even the cleanest and best of people, which he succeeds in doing with Dent. The character really serves no purpose in this Bat Universe. He gets revenge on everyone that had done him wrong, and essentially the character has run his course. However, the argument is going on that no body, no death, it is a comic book film afterall. I like the rumor of only Gordan, Batman, and a select few know that they secretly moved Dent to Arkham so no one will know.

So as far as the future, Batman on the Run. It's going to be amazing. The ending is wide open. With the Joker and Scarecrow still around, you can go in a couple different directions. Personally, I think the Joker should come back, but it's just going to be hard for someone to one up, or be fairly compared to Ledger's Joker. No Johnny Depp, quit being fan boy nerds guys. If Depp is going to be anyone, he can be the Riddler, but not the Joker.
I have never had a movie hyped by my peers as much as this one. It still didn't even come close to disappointing. This movie clocked in at 2 hours and 44 minutes and it felt like it was a hour long tv show. The time flew by right from the opening.

Lets start with the obvious, Heath Ledger as the Joker, was the star over Christian Bale as Batman. Not only was all the hype pretty much surrounding him but he outshined everyone once the picture started. Some has to do with the Joker being the best villain ever, and some has to do with Ledger playing that villain perfectly. The pencil scene, one of the best things I've seen in any movie.

Secondly, Aaron Eckart deserves a lot of credit. Without him, a big chunck of the nearly three hours would be forgettable. The reason the movie flew by is because the three stars sucked you in the entire time. This is something I was unsure Aaron would be able to do. He played the role well, and Two Face made more than just an appearance.

The future of this franchise is supposedly up in the air with people wanting to leave. I think that after this success, they will see how foolish that really will be. The future is a bright one in my eyes.
i just saw it yesterday and i gotta say it was amazing ledger was awesome as the joker and aaron eckhart did a great job aswell the only thing that i didnt like about the movie was christian bale's batman voice it was horrid
i just saw it yesterday and i gotta say it was amazing ledger was awesome as the joker and aaron eckhart did a great job aswell the only thing that i didnt like about the movie was christian bale's batman voice it was horrid

I do agree his voice as Batman is terrible they can keep it regular; nonne of the actors who played Batman had to change there voices. But this is top 5 ever superhero movie even the movie was 2:30 it was worth it there was never a dull moment in the movie it was worth all they hype it received.
I really don't have anything to say other than what everyone else has. Although I don't think it's as great as other people appear to. But I didn't think Begins was THE BEST FILM EVER ™. I enjoyed it. But it took me a couple of viewings to realize how good it was. I'm assuming this will be the same.

The Joker is good. Not Oscar worthy. But I didn't think for a second it would be. I don't care if they nominate him. But if he wins it will be complete bullshit. Roles like that don't get Osacrs, even nominations. Jonny Depp did for Jack Sparrow. But that was more of a combination for all his previous roles. Ledger already got nominated for his greatest performance.

Eckhart was a bit bland in my opinion. And I thought his face looked just like it did in the current comics. Problem being that this is a live action film and it just looked a little silly. He also appeared to recover quickly. Burn off half your face, including lips, and I'd imagine a slight lisp.

The ending was annoying as well. I didn't catch the Two-Face twitch like a lot of people. And it wasn't him I had a problem with. After The Joker was the focal villain of the film he should have got a better send off. His final scene was great, but for the character it was anticlimatic.

If Dent is dead then great. There's no need for a return. And I don't know why they didn't kill off The Joker. He was done by the end of that film. I don't see what more they could do with him.

The Batman voice is terrible. Why does he use it when people know who he is? I don't get it. Also if you fall out of a building are you really going to remember to do your gruff voice? I'd grasp for air myself.
I've already seen this movie three times, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again either. I think it's BY FAR the best Batman film ever made. Everyone did such a good job in this film. While I don't like his Batman voice, I think Bale is perfect as Bruce Wayne/Batman. He was good in the first movie, and even better here.

Heath Ledger was a PERFECT Joker. He was so amazing in this film it's almost ridiculous, and I'm very bummed out that he isn't alive to reprise the role of Joker. Everything he did just screamed Joker to me. People will compare him to Jack Nicholson as the Joker. The way I see it, Heath blew him out of the water. When I look back at Jack's performance, I see Jack. When I look at Heath's performance, I see the Joker. You could barely tell that it was him.

Aaron Eckhart did a good job as well. Though I think Two-Face was definitely underused, he did a good job as both Dent and Two-Face. It's a shame he most likely won't be in the next film.

All in all, this is definitely a movie everyone should check out. The storyline is great, the acting is top notch, and it's just an all out entertaining film that doesn't disappoint.
First things first, I saw this in IMAX. I'd imagine my screen is also bigger than most people who've been to see it in IMAX - it's the second biggest screen in Europe by only a small amount. Does the film look amazing in IMAX? Yes. You feel like you are the camera, and I could feel my arse leaving the rest of my body behind when the camera swooped around the city. The scene where Batman jumps from the rooftop in Hong Kong? Holy fuck!

For people claiming that the Joker doesn't overshadow Batman - yes he does. It's a great shame because I felt Bale was underused as Bruce Wayne, particularly in the later stages of the movie. Was Ledger good? Yes. Was he great? Yes. Was he fantastic and brilliant? Bordering on it. Does he deserve an oscar? No. I think I can be as objective as possible, considering I barely even thought of Ledger as I watched the Joker. I suppose that's an achievement in itself.

As for Eckhart. As Jake said, slightly dull. I liked him as Dent, but I'm not entirely sold on Two-Face. It seems his motives changed pretty quickly and he threw logic out the window, yet it didn't seem like he was mental. The Joker should have got the last laugh, excuse the pun, not him. Like Jake said, Joker's final scene was anticlimactic.

As for Bale's Batman voice? Eh, I'm indifferent. I was more bothered that he turned to technology every three seconds - seems like a lot of that ninja training went to waste. His run is the worst aspect. He looks ridiculous when he runs and to have that at the end of the film... Ehh. Still, Bale was fantastic - the scene after Rachel's death was fantastic and I loved his interaction with Alfred. I also love it when he breaks out the Bateman. No, not Batman, Bateman. From American Psycho. Y'know, when he has to fake being a spoiled brat or w/e. Although was pimp Batman really necessary? You know what I'm talking about.

The first part of the movie was probably the best, with the bank heist. The magic trick was also great, but not the high point people make it out to be.

Is it the best superhero movie ever? Probably. I'm going to view it in a normal cinema where the spectacle of it all won't get in the way. It could be better than I know.
It appears the British mods (Jake and Sam) managed to find things wrong with the film...(no offense guys...its just funny because this film recieved 95%approval rating by the world's toughest critics). I do agree with you guys though that the voice that Batman does is awkward and weird. I will agree that the Joker's last scene was anticlimatic. It did not really make much sense but I digress.

The Joker did not die because before Heath died, they had planned on bringing him back. Simple as that. I did not think of Heath Ledger once during the film. I thought of the Joker. I do think he does deserve an oscar and it has nothing to do with him being dead. He worked his ass off for this role guys...he locked himself in a room and studied the role and then he brought a certain element to the Joker that has not been seen in cinema. He brought back the psychopath and made it work.

The reason why Two Face did not really gel is because he was basically on for about 10-15 minutes. Harvey Dent was a more developed character throughout the movie and seemed to have a strong focus throughout the film.

Gary Oldman did a great job as Gordon in this film. He had more of a chance to shine as the good old Gotham Commisioner.

When you think of oscars, there are lots of twits out there who win that do not deserve it simply because they are big actors or because they are in movies with great writing and directing. An actor's talents or lack of talent will often be misrepresented depending on the movie. Because of the Dark Knight's sucess, ledger is more likely to get a nomination whereas in a movie such as Batman Begins where Bale did a great job as Batman, he did not get a nomination simply because Begins only made basic profit. Thats how things work on hollywood though guys.

I did not really see anything wrong with the film except maybe it was too long and the conclusion of the movie was inconclusive (if that makes any sense?) I would rather have seen Two-Face become Two-Face in another way then what happened but I guess that was a plot point.

As I said on another thread, I do agree with Jake that the Joker could be played by almost any actor willing to learn the role and study the character. Heath studied the character and decided to do it in a very good performance. His performance as Joker is a lot better than ten years ago and the half-ass job as Mr Freeze by Arnold and the horrendus performance as Riddler by Jim Carrey and Two Face by Tommy Lee Jones.

It is the best superhero film by far and should be among the top 10 films of the last decade but not the best. There are other great films from the last decade (Departed, Titanic, Juno, Ray, Collateral). Great film and only a few glitches here and there but I give it a 94 outta 100. :headbanger:
I wasn't that thrilled, it was a good movie but WAY overhyped. Ledger was a decent joker but nothing special he fit in with the dark theme.. I HATED they just replaced Katie Holmes like nothing..

All the awards talk for ledger because he passed but if they nominate him then they HAVE to nominate Robert Downey Jr as he made Iron man twice the movie it should have been..
I HATED they just replaced Katie Holmes like nothing..

Well, they wanted Katie back, but she turned down the role because she had just became a mother. So yeah, that's disappointing as Maggie G was the only thing I didn't like about the film, and the fact that there was a rumor that Sarah Michelle Gellar wanted the role and they casted Maggie over her bothers me as well. Gellar would've been much better for the part, in my opinion.

Anyway, other than that, loved the film. Loved Ledger's performance (the hospital and pencil scenes was one of the greatest shit I've ever seen put on film). Eckhart was awesome, and Bale was once again the perfect Batman. There's nothing I would've changed about the film storyline wise. It's by far the greatest comic book movie ever made (keep in mind that Begins was really the only live action comic book film I ever really liked to begin with), and perhaps one of the greatest movies ever created period, but I'll have to watch it a few more times on DVD before I come to that conclusion.

But yeah, overall, to be extremely lame for a second and give this a star rating, definitely **** out of ****. Loved every second of it.
It appears the British mods (Jake and Sam) managed to find things wrong with the film...(no offense guys...its just funny because this film recieved 95%approval rating by the world's toughest critics). I do agree with you guys though that the voice that Batman does is awkward and weird. I will agree that the Joker's last scene was anticlimatic. It did not really make much sense but I digress.

I approved of the film too. Approval means a positive review. And pretty much everyone gets their say on Rotten Tomatoes, so I'd hardly call it a collection of the world's toughest reviewers. I enjoyed the film, I was just quietly disappointed. They could have just trimmed the fat a little more is all.

The Joker did not die because before Heath died, they had planned on bringing him back. Simple as that. I did not think of Heath Ledger once during the film. I thought of the Joker. I do think he does deserve an oscar and it has nothing to do with him being dead. He worked his ass off for this role guys...he locked himself in a room and studied the role and then he brought a certain element to the Joker that has not been seen in cinema. He brought back the psychopath and made it work.

I don't care how hard he worked for the role. He's incredibly impressive as the Joker. A fantastic performance, as I've said. But if he hadn't died, he wouldn't even stand a chance of being nominated. Blockbusters just don't walk away with Oscars unless they're for sound effects or something. Powerhouse performance or not, it'll always be the crow II.

The reason why Two Face did not really gel is because he was basically on for about 10-15 minutes. Harvey Dent was a more developed character throughout the movie and seemed to have a strong focus throughout the film.

It didn't gel, it didn't gel. It doesn't matter if there's a reason for it.
Gary Oldman did a great job as Gordon in this film. He had more of a chance to shine as the good old Gotham Commisioner.

Gary Oldman is fantastic, I agree. Inspired casting.

When you think of oscars, there are lots of twits out there who win that do not deserve it simply because they are big actors or because they are in movies with great writing and directing. An actor's talents or lack of talent will often be misrepresented depending on the movie. Because of the Dark Knight's sucess, ledger is more likely to get a nomination whereas in a movie such as Batman Begins where Bale did a great job as Batman, he did not get a nomination simply because Begins only made basic profit. Thats how things work on hollywood though guys.

Batman isn't Bale's best role. Bale doesn't even get that much of a chance to act without the mask on. Massive shame. The most involving scene of the movie was when Bruce told Alfred that Rachel was going to wait for him and that Harvey mustn't ever know. Batman to Bale isn't what Joker is to Ledger.

I did not really see anything wrong with the film except maybe it was too long and the conclusion of the movie was inconclusive (if that makes any sense?) I would rather have seen Two-Face become Two-Face in another way then what happened but I guess that was a plot point.

The more I think about it, the more I like the end of the film. I don't know why though.

As I said on another thread, I do agree with Jake that the Joker could be played by almost any actor willing to learn the role and study the character. Heath studied the character and decided to do it in a very good performance. His performance as Joker is a lot better than ten years ago and the half-ass job as Mr Freeze by Arnold and the horrendus performance as Riddler by Jim Carrey and Two Face by Tommy Lee Jones.

I don't know why you're even comparing the two. It's a bit of an insult to Ledger to do so.

It is the best superhero film by far and should be among the top 10 films of the last decade but not the best. There are other great films from the last decade (Departed, Titanic, Juno, Ray, Collateral). Great film and only a few glitches here and there but I give it a 94 outta 100. :headbanger:

94 out of 100 is generous. Before I saw the film I would have agreed. I expected it to be incredible and it turned out to only be really good. That crushed me inside a little; I've been anticipating this movie more than any other ever. If you want a grade, I'd give it an 85. Great superhero movie, but not the next Godfather. I'll re-review it once I've seen it in a regular cinema.
There's nothing wrong with finding negatives in things that are great. Nothing is perfect and if everybody talks about how great the film is then it's all the same discussion. If you look hard enough you can find bad things about your favourite films. It's so easy to do. While people are bigging up a film it really makes you notice the negative. But if you notice that me nor Sam said the film was bad. We both said it was very good. But it's not a perfect film.

One of the best reviewed films of last year was Their Will Be Blood. But I guarantee that half the people on this forum thought it was incredibly boring.

Where is the love for Eric Roberts? The guy was great. He has a smaller role than Rachale Dawes and this actor who hadn't done anything of note in year made it into a really great role.

I'm mot showing any love for Gary Oldman. The guy is my favourite actor. I've been showing him love for years.

Michale Caine was Michale Caine. Good performance, but his usually are. He's like Sean Conner & Al Pacino in the respect that he can coast along with his usual routine because he was great to begin with.
I approved of the film too. Approval means a positive review. And pretty much everyone gets their say on Rotten Tomatoes, so I'd hardly call it a collection of the world's toughest reviewers. I enjoyed the film, I was just quietly disappointed. They could have just trimmed the fat a little more is all.

I don't care how hard he worked for the role. He's incredibly impressive as the Joker. A fantastic performance, as I've said. But if he hadn't died, he wouldn't even stand a chance of being nominated. Blockbusters just don't walk away with Oscars unless they're for sound effects or something. Powerhouse performance or not, it'll always be the crow II.

It didn't gel, it didn't gel. It doesn't matter if there's a reason for it.

Gary Oldman is fantastic, I agree. Inspired casting.

Batman isn't Bale's best role. Bale doesn't even get that much of a chance to act without the mask on. Massive shame. The most involving scene of the movie was when Bruce told Alfred that Rachel was going to wait for him and that Harvey mustn't ever know. Batman to Bale isn't what Joker is to Ledger.

The more I think about it, the more I like the end of the film. I don't know why though.

I don't know why you're even comparing the two. It's a bit of an insult to Ledger to do so.

94 out of 100 is generous. Before I saw the film I would have agreed. I expected it to be incredible and it turned out to only be really good. That crushed me inside a little; I've been anticipating this movie more than any other ever. If you want a grade, I'd give it an 85. Great superhero movie, but not the next Godfather. I'll re-review it once I've seen it in a regular cinema.

Meh there have been great movies and there have been horrid movies. This movie despites its small and I mean very small miscues is among the great. It had a great director and a great cast along with great storyline even if it was long.

Its true. YOu are right. But before he died, I still had high hopes for him and would have loved his performance regardless had he lived or not. I did not think once of Ledger during the movie. When I watched Batman Begins, and saw Rachel Dawes, all I could see was Katie Holmes, she has been just Katie Holmes since Dawsons Creek...see what a tv show can do to an actor?

But you did like him as Harvey Dent correct? I think he played a much better Harvey Dent than in any other live incarnation that I have seen of him. Harvey is generally the good meaning DA and has a love interest, the Animated series in the 90s did him like that. I was just dissapointed that Maroni was not the one to scar him like in the real story since u know he was there, why not use him?

I want to see all of Oldman's old movies but I would appreciate if you could reccomend one thats good or decent.

Bale was really good in the Prestige. I believe that was his best role. I see him more as a better actor to being dark characters which is why the Prestige makes him look good. Bruce Wayne while it is him who is the Batman is almost never the focus of any Batman saga. Because Bruce Wayne "died" with his parents.

the ending gives it a two way option. You could leave it like that or you could come back for another. It is all depending on Nolan.

I was just stating that the actors that I had mentioned were crap compared to Ledger and that this man actually cared about his role and his character.

Like I said before, small miscues. I am not heavily critical of super heroe movies. I not think any movie deserves a 100. Even Titanic had its little glitches. But yeah I still think the movie did great and would see it again if I was not so damn broke. :lmao:
There's nothing wrong with finding negatives in things that are great. Nothing is perfect and if everybody talks about how great the film is then it's all the same discussion. If you look hard enough you can find bad things about your favourite films. It's so easy to do. While people are bigging up a film it really makes you notice the negative. But if you notice that me nor Sam said the film was bad. We both said it was very good. But it's not a perfect film.

One of the best reviewed films of last year was Their Will Be Blood. But I guarantee that half the people on this forum thought it was incredibly boring.

Where is the love for Eric Roberts? The guy was great. He has a smaller role than Rachale Dawes and this actor who hadn't done anything of note in year made it into a really great role.

I'm mot showing any love for Gary Oldman. The guy is my favourite actor. I've been showing him love for years.

Michale Caine was Michale Caine. Good performance, but his usually are. He's like Sean Conner & Al Pacino in the respect that he can coast along with his usual routine because he was great to begin with.

I never said there is anything wrong with it, I just thought it funny thats all. If you say that nothing is perfect, then I completely understand now where you are coming from. It was a good film. It was certainly better than most of the crap Hollywood puts out and there is lots. Jake, I took a screenwriting class last semester and my professor was a professional screenwriter who told me all about how ppl get movie ideas pitched and I just laughed at how so many movies are horrid and they somehow make it past the Producers office..:icon_lol:
I liked all the actors in the movie. Some could use some work but meh. Eric Roberts was amazing as Sal Maroni. He played the whole cool and calm and collected so well. I have been waiting to see Maroni played on film for soo long its not even funny. I would have liked to see him have more of a role in the scarring of Two-Face since u know that is the actual story but whatever. That was one of my nit picks.

Michael Caine is always awesome. In any of his movies I have seen. I loved his role in the Prestige and as Alfred. He beats the Alfred of the 90s Batman movies easily because he has a more vocal role and he is better used.


Meh there have been great movies and there have been horrid movies. This movie despites its small and I mean very small miscues is among the great. It had a great director and a great cast along with great storyline even if it was long.

A great movie is more than the sum of its parts. This movie did have a great everything, but it had flaws on a fundamental level which I think could have been addressed during the editing process and even the script. The two boats was a great concept, ruined by some horrible scenes.
Its true. YOu are right. But before he died, I still had high hopes for him and would have loved his performance regardless had he lived or not. I did not think once of Ledger during the movie. When I watched Batman Begins, and saw Rachel Dawes, all I could see was Katie Holmes, she has been just Katie Holmes since Dawsons Creek...see what a tv show can do to an actor?

I've never paid much attention to the Dawes character to be honest. The best thing they did was blow her up. It was a great performance, and it's true that it's Joker and not Ledger you see - which I would partially attribute to the make-up - but blockbuster roles just don't win Oscars. Does the role deserve recognition? Absolutely. An Oscar? It just doesn't fulfill the necessary criteria for me.

But you did like him as Harvey Dent correct? I think he played a much better Harvey Dent than in any other live incarnation that I have seen of him. Harvey is generally the good meaning DA and has a love interest, the Animated series in the 90s did him like that. I was just dissapointed that Maroni was not the one to scar him like in the real story since u know he was there, why not use him?

I don't care much for whether a movie is a good adaption or not. I hear 300 is a fantastic adaption, but it's a rubbish movie. I feel Dent getting burned the way he did made the most sense, otherwise his "heel turn" would have come even more out of the blue.

I want to see all of Oldman's old movies but I would appreciate if you could reccomend one thats good or decent.

Jake's more of an Oldman fan than me, ask him. I'd recommend watching American Psycho to see how good Bale can be though.

Bale was really good in the Prestige. I believe that was his best role. I see him more as a better actor to being dark characters which is why the Prestige makes him look good. Bruce Wayne while it is him who is the Batman is almost never the focus of any Batman saga. Because Bruce Wayne "died" with his parents.

I was thinking of buying Prestige the other day. I went with Momento instead. Shows that Nolan's a great director.
the ending gives it a two way option. You could leave it like that or you could come back for another. It is all depending on Nolan.

They'll come back for another. I don't think there's any doubt of that. The doubt is whether Nolan will be there or not.

Like I said before, small miscues. I am not heavily critical of super heroe movies. I not think any movie deserves a 100. Even Titanic had its little glitches.

I really, really, really, really, really don't get Titanic. It grossed well. I watched it thought it was solid at best. I've seen it multiple times now, and still haven't changed my opinion. Vastly overrated.

But yeah I still think the movie did great and would see it again if I was not so damn broke. :lmao:

I may be seeing it again tomorrow. In which case, you can expect another review... If my opinion changes at all.

A great movie is more than the sum of its parts. This movie did have a great everything, but it had flaws on a fundamental level which I think could have been addressed during the editing process and even the script. The two boats was a great concept, ruined by some horrible scenes.

I've never paid much attention to the Dawes character to be honest. The best thing they did was blow her up. It was a great performance, and it's true that it's Joker and not Ledger you see - which I would partially attribute to the make-up - but blockbuster roles just don't win Oscars. Does the role deserve recognition? Absolutely. An Oscar? It just doesn't fulfill the necessary criteria for me.

I don't care much for whether a movie is a good adaption or not. I hear 300 is a fantastic adaption, but it's a rubbish movie. I feel Dent getting burned the way he did made the most sense, otherwise his "heel turn" would have come even more out of the blue.

Jake's more of an Oldman fan than me, ask him. I'd recommend watching American Psycho to see how good Bale can be though.

I was thinking of buying Prestige the other day. I went with Momento instead. Shows that Nolan's a great director.

They'll come back for another. I don't think there's any doubt of that. The doubt is whether Nolan will be there or not.

I really, really, really, really, really don't get Titanic. It grossed well. I watched it thought it was solid at best. I've seen it multiple times now, and still haven't changed my opinion. Vastly overrated.

I may be seeing it again tomorrow. In which case, you can expect another review... If my opinion changes at all.

You are totally correct in your analysis of a great movie. It seems too often that directors and producers try to fit unnessciary scenes into a movie just to keep it flowing when it does not really belong there in the first place.

The Dawes character was a waste and I do not know why they brought her back. She was nothing more than a plot point. It would have made more sense to have Julie Madison or someone who was actually a love interest to Bruce. Hell, they could have used Harvey Dent's real fiance.....I saw Joker because the character is probably one of my favs. I guess you are right the makeup does help similar to the horror movie It and how ppl see the evil freaky clown instead of Tim Curry.

Yeah like I said, the burn was a plot point and nothing more. I use plot points occasionally but I like to stay within the story arcs. Two-Face killing Maroni did not make sense though to me because he was mad at Joker, not Maroni....I dunno.

Thank you, I will ask Jake.

If you do not want to buy it, rent it or try watching it on Youtube Im sure someone has posted it.

I believe Titanic did so well because it was one of the first movies to be based off a real tragedy...not many movies like that were done before then (correct me if Im wrong). It was soo long and I did not really want to see it back then and I do not want to see it now. Plus it ran a total length of 3 hours 30 minutes. My parents recieved the movie as a gift and still have not watched it and this was years ago.

Well, let me know. I usually do not see movies as well unless I am watching it by myself on DVD or of some sort but others have different ways.

Did you watch the animated series of the 90s? I believe that was and still is the best incarnation of Batman live or animated to this day?

On a side unrelated note, love ur sig, Rock owned Trips back
Right, I went to see it a second time last night. It appears that, like all Nolan movies I've watched, it gets better each time you see it. As an experience, the IMAX was far better. I really can't stress enough how much better the quality is in IMAX. When people say you feel every punch and every footstep, they're not fucking exaggerating. The picture didn't bother me too much, I just missed the absolutely overwhelming sound the IMAX produces. That, along with knowing what was coming, made this time less impactful.

However, I did come out liking the movie more. After all, I had expectations cut exactly to the right size going in after already seeing it once. How could I possibly be disappointed. Oh, and I no longer had to look at Maggie Gyllenhall's face in MASSIVE detail. That was nice.

I paid a lot more attention to the detail this time. However, it turned out that I still understood a great deal more than the average movie-goer, being asked questions at every oppurtunity by the people I'd taken with me. I'd still say that the first fifteen minutes are the best and that Bale delivers the most believable, emotional performance, even with the little time out of the Batsuit. That's not to discredit Ledger, whose performance I appreciated even more this time. His last scene is also infinitely more satisfying when you know it's just that; his last scene. Eckhart's performance, I have decided, is underrated, but he's not helped by the fact that half of his face looks like the fucking Terminator.

However, I've decided the fatal flaw of this movie. It's one that even the shitty Spider-Man 3 or Superman Returns didn't succumb to. Well, they did, but not as badly. The people of Gotham city. You're meant to care about the Joker, and his sadistic plan (or lack thereof). You're meant to care about Bruce Wayne and his attempts to save Gotham city as it plunges into the darkness before the dawn. You're meant to care about Harvey Dent, the white knight of the city who loses everything. You're even meant to care about Alfred ("much mo' subtle!") and Lucius ("like a submarine"). The problem there is, too much of the film focuses on slack-jawed fucking ******s portrayed by glorified extras who can't act there way out of a box. Yes, I hate the occupants of Gotham city. Granted, they're not quite as irritating or as unrealistic as the crowd that yelled "Go get 'im Spidey, we're not afraid of falling rubble!" or the one that considered Superman the new messiah. They're still a much too noticeable flaw and much more prominent than their counterparts. The boat scene would have been much better if you didn't see the silly fuckers actually on the boats.

Then there's the minor flaws. The whole super-radar thing was pointless and the CGI that followed irritating, breaking up the intensity of what would have otherwise been a superb, faultless action sequence. Oh, and Nolan, you know the scene where the kids pretend to shoot the cars and then they explode. Well, I've said it once before and... DON'T TRY TO BE THAT USELESS FUCKER MICHAEL BAY! YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!

I think that's pretty much it. There you have it. Sam's final say.
Well i saw it last week, and I must say I was impressed. I tend to usually just kind of sleepwalk through movies without ever being riveted to the screen at all, but with Dark Knight I was glued the whole time. This movie was excellent from top to bottom. I knew the ending the whole time but it was good enough that I didn't think about it and was still impressed by what I saw. The scene in which Joker and Batman are in the interrogation room was amazing, plain and simple. That was where I stopped seeing Ledger playing Joker and saw just the Joker. The ending is wide open for a third movie which I'm excited for. Great movie all around.
Saw it a week ago.Best Movie I have ever seen.Gripping plot,amazing twists,brillant acting,everything was perfect.But the star was the Joker.Ledger made that role his.Infact I think he played it too well- it was almost as if he was crazy.No one can play a role that well.Its simply impossible....without having experinced what that character went trough.And thats why I think Ledger was abit crazy.

I loved the ending with Batman taking the blame for the murders and letting Dent look like a saint after everything.I really want to know where they go to from here.....does Batman get called back?Is he forced to come back to take down the ultimate evil?I really can't wait.

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