The Comic Book Thread

I am leaning toward Book of Skull, It's a shame they had to fuck up Spidey so bad, he used to be one of my favorite characters if not THE favorite character. I even at one point on notebook paper (about 6 pages) wrote out an entire storyline and mailed it into Marvel, they sent me a letter back in a couple months basically saying thanks but no thanks, I guess for legal reasons they can't use stories submitted by fans (though I imagine they wouldn't have even if they could) at the end of the letter there was a P.S. "Here have some Spider-Man trading cards", I didn't give a shit about Spiderman cards, I was more shocked by the fact that I got a letter from Marvel fucking comics (I think I still have it somewhere). Then the fucking Clone Saga happened, and I completely lost interest in Spider-Man when it comes to comics, they have yet to reel me back in, and it sucks because I sooo badly want to be a Spidey fan again

Is it bad that I really don't care what a writer or artist is like in real life as long as the create good books?, if Dan Slott can write quality stuff than it's kinda hard for me to hold his douchyness against him, especially since I'll likely never meet him, I've always kindda used the simple logic of good writing + good art= great comics, so far that's worked out pretty well for me

Though one guy in the world of comics who's work I am absolutely in love with is fucking Rick Remender, just the stuff I've seen him do with Uncanny X-Force and Venom alone has made this a guy for me to keep my eye on, I've heard a lot of good things about Fear Agent, so I want to see if I can find some of those in trades somewhere as well as his work on Punisher, the man has 5 books coming out this month at least 2 have already hit shelves
The thing is, the art's inconsistent as hell (Huberto Ramos is AWFUL but Marcos Martin is great), the writing has also become inconsistent as hell. He did a Mysterio arc at the star of last year which started really well, was bad in the middle and had a strong finish. It's just such a weird time for the Spider-Man comics. Remender was decent on Punisher but he succeeded the excellent Matt Fraction so while his work was solid, it doesn't match up to Fraction.
Well the way I figure it is that there is likely a ton of good stuff that has come out at some point over the course of the last 20 yrs. for me to read in trades, same thing goes for Batman (another one that I loved as a kid, but has recently gone to absolute shit) so I will just hunt down the good stories in trades and just read them until the people working on both those characters(spidey & Batman) either A.) pull their heads out of their asses and produce some good shit again, or B.) fuck off so some people who are capable of producing good shit for those characters can come in and do just that. Until one of those two things happens I just be avoiding individual issues of both Spider-Man and Batman
Oh there is plenty of stuff from the past 20 years of Spidey history worth reading. The first 2/3 of JMS' Amazing Spider-Man run is a definite recommendation, the same with Paul Jenkins Peter Parker: Spider-Man run. Both of them came in at roughly the same time and they were such a breath of fresh air following the stale as hell Howard Mackie who had an incredibly solid run before the reboot on Non Adjective Spider-Man. Dan Slott himself wrote what many consider to be the best mini-series in Spider-Man history with Spider-Man/Human Torch which examined the Spidey/Torch relationship through the decades. It was pretty awesome. Lastly, JM DeMatteis' run on Spectacular Spider-Man just after the Clone Saga is great.
So earlier this week I finished reading Civil War: Captain America, sadly it really wasn't what I was expecting or hoping for, I was hoping for more Cap and instead I got Winter Solider and Caps GF, now even though it wasn't what I was expecting I have to admit it was well written, and you couldn't help but feel for the position Sharon Carter found herself in, agreeing with the Registration but also not wanting anything to happen to Cap, as well you you got the same feeling for Bucky, being stuck in the middle of something he didn't want to be involved in, while dwelling on the past, I thought there could've been more action, and that as I said before, it could've featured some more of Cap, as when I pick up a Captain America book it's because I want to read Captain America

Right now I'm taking a little break from the Civil War books, and I'm reading Green Lantern: No Fear next, I figured I should get a little more familiar with the Lantern before the movie comes out

I also read Hulk #30.1, great fucking issue, and your classic Hulk story, this time around it focused on the new Red Hulk, aka ThunderBolt Ross, the man that spent his life hunting down and fighting the Hulk is now himself a Hulk, and is now being forced to fight against the same military he lead for years, he has to fight his old friend and second in command who is under the impression the Rd Hulk has actually killed Ross, & as a result is hell bent on taking out Red Hulk, fun issue, and this may be a book I continue to pick up
Right now I'm taking a little break from the Civil War books, and I'm reading Green Lantern: No Fear next, I figured I should get a little more familiar with the Lantern before the movie comes out

I highly recommend you read Secret Origin, Rebirth, Emerald Dawn and Sinestro Corps War. Only read the Blackest Night stuff if you take to GL.
I read Uncanny X-Force #5.1 this morning, and damn this book just seems to keep delivering with ever issue. It's a one off story, so if you've never read Uncanny X-Force this would be the book to pick up, and start with, the story is X-Force heads to Austrialia where they they face off against Lady Deathstrike and the Reavers, of course as long time X-readers may know Psylocke & Wolverine have history with Deathstrike and the Reavers, so Psylocke is concerned when she finds herself taking joy in getting her revenge, and Wolverine has an epic battle with Deathstrike. Now I will admit when I first opened the issue I didn't immediately fall in love with the art, however as I kept reading I found myself enjoying it more and more, I think the art just adds something to this book and the story being told, anyway yet another great issue of Uncanny X-Force, if you are Marvel fan, or just a comic book fan in general and you aren't reading this book, then you need to crawl out from under the rock you are living under and start picking this shit up, it's fucking amazing
Just got a look at this weeks list of new books, at first I thought this might be a light week for me, then I looked again and I'm having a hard time narrowing it down to just 3 books, it actually looks like I could end up walking out of the CS (comic shop) with as many as 6 books this week. Anyway lets take a look at what has me interested this week

-Uncanny X-Force #6


Buried deep, sequestered under a million years of unnatural evolution, Father, architect of The World, has a solution to the relentless and fruitless super human conflict that has left the Earth teetering on the brink of destruction. The Deathlok virus will spread, acclimate and control them all. In order to protect Earth's heroes from the Deathlok virus, X-Force must kill The World's Father, and his perfect future with him. But should they? How many people would a hero allow to die to ensure worldwide utopia?

Story by Rick Remender
Art by Esad Ribic
Cover by Esad Ribic

Price: $3.99

Now, I'm thinking I clearly missed an issue cause I don't remember a regular #5 issue coming out, which is where part 1 of this story took place, hopefully I can still find #5 buried on one of the shelves, but even if I can't I just love this book to sit out an entire arc, this is my "must have book", the book I pick up every month with out question, so whether I get issue 5 or not I'll be picking this up and reallt look forward to reading a another great X-force story by Remender

-Green Lantern #64

"War of the Green Lanterns" ignites with part 1 of the blockbuster event that'll burn into the summer!

A malevolent force has usurped control over all the power batteries, leaving the Corps powerless except for a select few members. Now it's up to Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart and Sinestro to regain control - but can these warriors overcome their differences in time to save the universe?

Written by GEOFF JOHNS
Variant cover by TYLER KIRKHAM & BATT

Size: 32 Pages

Price: $2.99

This looks like it could be a fun story, with loads of good action, and could possibly, adn with the movie coming out this summer my curiosity in GL has hit a new level, this could very well become the DC event of the summer for me, as Flashpoint just looks to be a huge waste of time

-Green Lantern Corps #58

"War of the Green Lanterns" part 2!

Kyle Rayner vs. John Stewart!

Written by TONY BEDARD
Art and cover by TYLER KIRKHAM & BATT
Variant cover by PATRICK GLEASON

Size: 32 Pages

Price: $2.99

Really don't like that they're putting the first two parts of this out the same week, but I guess if I want to fallow this story I'm gonna need to pick up both books this week, oh well at least they only have $2.99 price tag, which makes this a wee bit lighter load on my wallet

-Thor #620.1

START READING with this Point One issue.

The nefarious Grey Gargoyle, on a quest for immortality, sets out to attain godhood in Asgard. Thor, god of Thunder, must end Gargoyle's rampage! Witness an epic showdown between the Prince of Asgard and the dreaded villain with the power to turn his enemies to stone! But, can even the Mighty Thor defend the Golden City, and how will this battle impact Asgard for ages to come? Find out here!

Story by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Mark Brooks
Colors by Sonia Oback & John Rauch
Cover by Ed McGuinness

Price: $2.99

I've been wanting to get into Thor for awhile now, and I'm finding these .1 issue as a great way to really get into books about characters I've never read before, I loved the Hulk one, so it only seems natural that I jump into Thor here with this book

-Hulk #31

Red Hulk is already used to his past sins coming back to haunt him. Now, even the good he's done has created a deadly new challenge. The world stage bursts open to make room for a powerful mastermind who wants to remake society in her own vision--after she kills the Red Hulk!

Plus: a mysterious group has plans for their newly adopted champion--Rick Jones, the A-Bomb!

Story by Jeff Parker
Art by Gabriel Hardman
Colors by Bettie Breitweiser
Cover by Gabriel Hardman

Price: $3.99

I loved the .1 issue that came out last week, so I'm going to try and follow this series a little longer, I'm curious as to where Red Hulk goes from here, however this could be one of the books that I pass on due to lack of $$$, I'm sure a page through it at the store, if it looks like another good issue then I'll try and pick it up, especially if I can't find Uncanny X-Force #5

Anyway that's likely the only books I will pick up this week, there are a few others that caught my eye, and some that I think other people on here might be interested in but I think I'll save those for another post
Justin's "Pull" List for the week of 3/30/11

It's a short list this week

-Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #8

In "War of the Green Lanterns" part 3, it's the main event!

Guy Gardner vs. Hal Jordan - winner take all!

Written by PETER J. TOMASI
Variant cover by TYLER KIRKHAM & BATT

Size: 32 Pages

Price: $2.99

I think I'm enjoying this arc, so far I've only read the part of this arc, and it seems to be a slow burn at first, near the end of the issue we finally get some action, the second part looks to be all action, adn I'll be readng that soon, but this issue looks to be HUGE!!!, Hal Jordan vs. Guy Gardner!!!, and if the cover is any indication this is these two aren't gonna hold anything back. I've decided I'm gonna stick with this arc, so this issue is a must for me

-Age of X Universe #1 (of 2)

And there came an Age Of X, an age unlike any other, where there were no X-Men...mutants were hated and feared. In that age, the remaining mutants created a stronghold, a last bastion for their dying race: Fortress X. And in that Age Of X, when humanity vowed to see Fortress X destroyed, a team of heroes and heroines found themselves united against this terrible mutant threat. This is their epoch!

Story by Simon Spurrier & Jim McCann
Art by Khoi Pham, Tom Palmer & Paul Davidson
Colors by Sonia Oback & Antonio Fabela
Letters by Joe Sabino
Cover by Simone Bianchi & Simone Peruzzi

Price: $3.99

I wasn't going to buy this originally, but then I read the description, and that combined with the fact that this is the first part of a two part mini, and it's a really light week for me means I'm likely to pick this up, it sounds fucking awesome!!!

and that's pretty much it, like I said it's a pretty light week
Just read Age of X Universe #1 (well most of it anyway), very good very interesting read, The story takes place in a world were the X-men never existed, & mutants are being hunted to extinction, the few that are left band together to make one last stand. However they are not the only ones banding together, Iron man, Capt. America, Hulk, Sue Storm, Ghost Rider, & other Marvel non-mutant heroes have formed a team under the command of General Castle, to wipe out mutantkind. The war on mutantkind started after intermarriage laws passed, and mutants decided to march on congress, then one riot cop decides to raise his baton and the shit hits the fan, hundreds of npeople end up dying in retaliation. A war begins, the Phoenix snubs surrender and in a fit of rage raises the entire city of Albany, which leads to the death of her and 2,000 soldiers.

Tony Stark has been fused to the Iron Man armor permanently after he was infected with a mutant derived "tech-virus" a decade ago. Bruce Banner's extreme hatred for the mutants stems from a experiment gone wrong, ten yrs. ago he constructed a device to "cure" the mutants and after acquiring several mutant volunteers he was ready to start the machine only for one of the mutants to panic , while Banner was still calibrating the machine, causing the machine to mis-fire in the gamma spectrum, changing him into the Hulk. For 3 mins. he lost all control, and slaughtered his best friend, several colleagues, & commanders, and his fiance, but that wasn't even the worst of it, the blast tore his mutant volunteers apart, and driving their atoms beneath the flesh of Banner, leaving him feeling "unclean" for the rest of his life. Sue only joined Capt. America team after the rest of the Fantastic 4 was arrested for treason after they were found to be harboring mutants, she doesn't agree that all mutant kind should be exterminated, but controlled by other means. It's a very good story, and the arc actually spreads through the other X-men books as well, I'm only read the 2 issue mini for now, but as soon as the tpb is released I'll be picking that up as I find this story as one of the most intriguing arcs I've read since Civil War

If you don't want to wait for the trade to read the entire Age of X arc, you can hunt down the individual issues...

-Age of X Alpha

-Chap. 1- X-Men: Legacy #245
-Chap.2- New Mutants#22

-Chap. 3- X-Men: Legacy#246
-Chap.4- New Mutants#23
-Age of X Universe #1

-Chap. 5- X-Men: Legacy #247
-Chap. 6- New Mutants #24
-Age of X Universe #2
So in the 'Bullshitting about comics' thread I made a post listing my top 3 favorite on-going series, I figured I'd make a post in this thread giving my reasons for those picks so here they are

1-Uncanny X-Force

This is easily my favorite book going right now, the Apocalypse Solution arc my be one the biggest reasons why I was able to get back into comics so easily, it was a truely awesome storyline, and where the current Deathlok Nation arc isn't as good as that initial arc to start this series off, it's still shaping up to be an entertaining arc, I did miss the first part of it however, so that may have something to do with why I don't find it as intriguing as Apocalypse Solution. This is one of those books I think everyone who loves comics should look into picking up every month


I started reading this with the special .1 issue, and am now hooked, this book contains some great writing, great art, and is just all around interesting, it mainly focuses on Red Hulk, who is actually Thunderbolt Ross, the man who spent his life basically hunting down the Hulk, he is believed to be dead be most including his predecessor General Fortean, who is hunting down Red Hulk under the impression that he is responsible for the death of General Ross, this book is full of just good interesting stories, I was never a big Hulk fan before the movies, and never read a single Hulk comic until the .1 issue, now it's one o my favorite books, featuring one my favorite characters


This is a new series written by the great Rick Remender, the same guy responsible for the #1 book on this list. The government has taken control of the the symbiote, and has found a way to control it, as long as the remove the symbiote from the host before 24 hrs. (I think), and the host has to control their temper (the symbiote feeds of anger or something), also they can only use the same host a limited amount of times (I forget the specific number, but I think it's around 20), another nice little swerve with this boik, is the new identity of Venom, as the current host is Flash Thompson, the recovering alcoholic that lost his legs serving his country, and is still trying to get his life together, the symbiote allows him to have his legs back but only for a few hours at a time, there has only been one issue released in this series so far, but Remenders writing on it so far has been flawless, where his writing on X-Force is fun, as is it in this book as well, however in Venom he tends to deal with a slightly more complex character while as Venom Flash tends to be a super solider, and a hero but when they remove the symbiote from him he goes back to being just Flash Thompson, recovering alcoholic, the final panel of the first issue has him being late to his GF's house, who assumes he's fallen of the wagon and that's the reason fo him being so late, Flash of course can't tell her the truth, as he needs to keep the Venom thing a secret, the final panels of the issue has him rolling down the street in his wheel chair first passing a church with stairs leading in, then past a bar with a wheel chair ramp in front, I loved the first issue of this series and can't wait to see where they end up going with it, I have a feeling this could wind up being one of Marvels little hidden gems

Anyway those are my top three series right now, I'm also reading the the War of Green Lanterns arc in DC, though am a bit annoyed with the way they schedule the release of the books in this arc with in a span of 2 weeks they released the first 3 parts, and have yet to release anything for this arc since, it's really frustrating a a big reason why I don't buy more DC arcs. Also reading the Fear Itself mini, which looks to be a good "epic summer event", and something I'm really excited about, & Punisher MAX just started a new arc this week so I'm giving that a shot as well, since I've heard nothing but amazing things about Punisher MAX
Well it's that time of the week again, time for me to post my weekly Pull list

Justin's Pull List for 4/20/11

-Uncanny X-Force #8

Before the Fall: Part 1

A nuclear facility has been infiltrated and taken over by the Shadow King! With nuclear missiles now aimed at both Utopia and New York, the lives of Earth's heroes hang in the balance. X-Force heads into action, but to save the world, they must make a terrible choice. In order to prevent a nuclear holocaust, Wolverine and his team must kill every last person working in the facility. X-Force can save the day, but at what cost?

Story by Rick Remender
Art by Billy Tan
Colors by Dean White
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Esad Ribic

Price: $3.99

Kinda surprised this is coming out this week since issue #7 literally came out just last week, but that said this book has delivered every issue, and is a must pick up when ever a new issue hits the stands. This is the beginning of a new arc as well, which is always fun and we're getting a artists as well (not sure if that's a good thing as I've heard this guy isn't all that great) really looking forward to this

-Green Lantern #65

The "War of the Green Lanterns" takes a shocking turn!

With the entire Green Lantern Corps against them, the four Earthborn GLs make a choice that will rank among the most memorable in GL history. But not all of them agree on what has to be done and what lines are to be crossed.

Plus, the countdown to the live-action film continues with another exclusive look at the upcoming GREEN LANTERN movie!

Written by GEOFF JOHNS

Size: 32 Pages

Price: $2.99

It's been way to long since the last book in this arc came out, and now we finally get the 4th part of this 10 part story, and from the look of the cover it appears they're getting new Rings, this is literally the only thing in the DC universe that I'm reading at the moment

-Green Lantern CORPS #59
(cover image not available)
As "War of the Green Lanterns" rages, Hal, Guy, John and Kyle fight on - but standing in their way is Kilowog, Salaak and all their comrades. Are they prepared to hurt their friends in order to save the Corps?

Written by TONY BEDARD
Art and cover by TYLER KIRKHAM and BATT
Variant cover by GEORGE PEREZ

Size: 32 Pages

Price: $2.99

Kinda bummed I can't see the cover yet, also wish DC would spread the release of these GL books out a bit more instead dropping them all at once like this, but that aside this is part 5 of the War of Green Lanterns so it's a must pick up for me, hopefully parts 4 & 5 deliver, sounds like there should be a nice little fight in this issue which is always fun

-Hulk #32

The Red Hulk has nowhere to call home. He can't sleep or he'll run the risk of turning be killed immediately by the formidable General Fortean. The Red Hulk needs time and answers; instead he gets another unstoppable hunter created by Zero/One just for him!

Story by Jeff Parker
Art by Gabriel Hardman
Colors by Bettie Breitweiser
Cover by Gabriel Hardman

Price: $2.99

I started reading Hulk with the .1 issue and have been absolutely in love with this book since, the Red Hulk is one of the funnest and intriguing stories in comics today, every issue I have read has been great and this looks to be no exception. Right now I just can't imagine not buying this book, and the cover...Un-fucking-believable!!
Justin's Pull List for 5/4/11

I only have 2 books on my pull list this week, however they both should be good ones

-Fear Itself #2

Fear Itself #2 (OF 7)

The Mighty Thor--imprisoned by his own father!

As Odin and the Asgardians leave the Earth to fend for itself against the God of Fear, the Avengers and the world's remaining heroes battle the unstoppable tide of terror!

And then-- the Serpent's Hammers fall! Who are the Worthy? Who shall rise up and join the Serpent as living avatars of his evil? And how can the Avengers fear itself?

Story by Matt Fraction
Art by Stuart Immonen
Cover by Steve McNiven & Stuart Immonen

Price: $3.99

I loved the first issue of the this 7 part epic event, I felt it did a great job setting the ground work for the story, and leaving me wanting more, I've been wait for this second issue since, and am looking forward to seeing what happens next. The cover just looks absolutely amazing, I'm guess the shit starts to hit the fan in this issue.

-Uncanny X-Force #9

Uncanny X-Force #9

Magneto uncovers the existence of X-Force and the only way he'll keep the team's secret is if they assassinate a mysterious figure from his past! Who is so important that Magneto would employ such methodology? Why can't he do the deed himself? The answer is buried in a terrible secret from the ashes of World War II. No man can outrun his past forever...

Story by Rick Remender
Art by Billy Tan
Colors by Dean White
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Esad Ribic

Price: $3.99

Seems like this book is coming out almost weekly at this point, I beleive this is the third issue that has come out in about 4 weeks, and as long as Remender and company continue to deliver I have no problem with that. I'm kinda curious about this issue, who could Magneto possibly have enough of an issue with that he would send the X-force to dispatch of them, and more importantly why can't he just do it himself? I know I basically just repeated the description for this book, but they are good questions, Magneto is one of the more powerful mutants on the planet he can pretty much destroy anyone or anything at will, so I'm really curious as to why he'd need to send X-Force to solve this "problem" for him
Well it's about time someone attempt to revive this thread, so each week after I finish reading all my books, I'm going to through the list & rate them, & then name one of them my Pick Of The Week, I hope others on here who read comics decide to do the same.

Anyway here we go...

I had 8 comics in total this week, much more than my usual 4-5 comics, so it took me a bit longer than usual to read through them all this week.

Generation Hope #12- **** I gave this one 4 stars because, well it was a great issue, the issue deals with alot of the post Schism fallout and with the kids adjusting as some of them decide to go with Wolverine, while the others decide to stay on Utopia. Great issue, & I highly suggest you check it out, especially if you've been following the Schism angle.

Ghostbusters #2- **** This got 4 stars just because it was a ton of fun to read, I love this series, & if your a fan of the movies then their is plenty of great shit in here. The series picks up a few years after the second movie, & they refer to stuff from birth movies pretty frequently, if your a fan of the movies you'll more than likely enjoy this as well, it's one of those books that is just plain fun to read.

Grifter #2- *** This was decent, but I felt it could be better. I t had plenty of action & moved the story along nicely enough, however it just felt like it came up short. I kind of expected a little more of an explanation for what's going on. It kinda felt like if it were an hour long show, that they give you the first half hour of the show, & then just cut the second half hour off. I'm looking forward to the next issue, as hopefully it will give us a few answers as to what the fuck is going on in this book.

Joe Hill's The Cape #2 (of 4)- ***** THIS IS JUST FANTASTIC!!! I love this series, kinda wish I had waited for it to be released as a tpb, as it' one of those mini-series that you just want to read all in one piece. I hate the fact that I have to wait a month to get the next piece of this story. In this issue we saw Nick's anger issues lead to a new level of fucked-up-ness, I really can't say to much about this without giving away a lot of spoilers, but I HIGHLY recommend this, whether you decide to read it as the issues come out or just wait for the trade, this is more great stuff from Joe Hill, who by the way is the author of Locke & Key, one of my personal favorites.

New Avengers #17- *** This was a very average comic in my book, nothing about this really stood out, & gave me that "Holy Shit!" moment, nothing really got my attention for that matter. After reading New Avengers #16.1 I expected this series to be well better than this. I love this group, it's probably my favorite group of Avnegers goign right now, so I really want this to be good every issue, & not just average. A few things that really bugged me... Daredevil is on the cover, Why? he's nowhere to be found in the comic, & isn't even an official member of the team, Spider-Man in his FF suit, again why? I have no issue with him wearing in FF, it makes sense when he's working with them, but when he's on a mission with the New Avengers, or doing solo superheroing then he should be in his regular red & blue costume, the one we all know & love. The next issue looks to be interesting, hopefully more interesting then this issue was.

Uncanny X-Force #16-**** This issue was just... wow, I'm amazed that Remender has been able to drag the Dark Angel Saga out this long and still keep it this fucking good!, I really enjoy the interaction between Fantomex & Deadpool, & only Remender could get away with turning Fantomex into a human suppository, for the Blob. The Dark Angel Saga is currently on the 6th chapter & I still have no idea what is going to come next or how this is all going to end.

X-Men: Regenisis- ***** My second of three 5 star books for this week, & almost my pick of the week. This was just fantastic from beginning to end, any question you may have been left with after reading issue 5 of Schism are addressed here, they go through the whole choosing sides thing, & yeah great book, I could go on but at the risk of spoiling it for those who haven't read it yet. Great book, if you haven't picked it up & what to know what the hell is going on in the X-men universe right now, then you NEED to pick up this book.

And now for my Pick of the Week...


PunisherMAX #18- ***** THIS WAS FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!! This is one fo those comics where every time you turn the page you go "HOLY SHIT!!!". So many twists & turns in this. I don't know how Jason Aaron keeps doing it but this guy, with all the other stuff he's writing right now, is still able to write perhaps teh single best Punisher series I have ever laid my eyes on. I absolutely love how he's using Elecktra. If they were to ever turn the Punisher franchise into a TV show, or attempt to reboot the movie franchise yet again, then this is the series they should model it after, never a dull moment. I can not wait to see what's going to happen next!!! X-men: Regenisis was looking like it would be my pick of the week for awhile, then I read this & as soon as I finished knew that as good as Regensis was, this had to be my POTW, great, great fucking comic book.
I'm a bit behind, but I finally finished reading all my books from the week 10/19/11, so here's my picks, ratings, quick reviews for comics that came out that week.

Batman #2- **** This was a great book, story moved along nicely, & has me curious about the "Court of Owls" & why they want to kill Bruce Wayne.

Fear Itself #7- ** What a monumental pile of dog shit this was, aside from it making no sense what so ever, and having what seemed like 19 fucking epilogues, it was just a shit story, I'm going to do something I normally wouldn't do, & post spoilers, basically Bucky's Dead, Thors Dead, Odin's kicked out all the Asgadians form Asgard, Caps busted shield has been repaired, however no has a giant crack running down the middle, and nobody gives a shit. Fuck this event, Marvel should've titles this entire abortion of a "epic event" as Fail Itself, since that's exactly what is was, one big massive failure. the only thing about this book that was worth while was the art, which is the only reason it got 2 stars instead of 1. Fuck you Marvel & fuck you Matt Fraction, this was a piece of shit & you should both be ashamed.

Hulk #43- *** This is a book I really want to pick up every month & love, however it seems like for every great issue or arc they put out there's a handful of just average to poor issues/arcs to follow. This issue was decent but I really have no desire to finish this arc, & will likely just drop this book entirely, at least for awhile.

Justice League #2- ***** This was awesome, I loved this book, & had a ton of fun reading it, the battle between Superman & Batman, GL, & Flash was fantastic, the origins of Cyborg are flowing along nicely, & the villain is being revealed and Geoff Johns & Jim Lee are just doing a great job of bring this while thing together and making it fun, this was almost my POTW.

Nightwing #2- **** Again another DC book that is just plain fun to read, this is one of those books when I read it, I almost feel like I'm watching a tv show, it just has that kind of flow to it, I'm very curious as to see where this is going next, this is one the surprise books from me to come out of teh New 52, I didn't think I'd be continuing to pick this up after the first issue, and steadily enjoy but so far it's been one of my favorites.

Wolverine #17- Jason Aaron is just a fantastic writer, not really sure where he's going with this one, but I enjoyed it, & am looking forward to the next issue.

And now for my Pick Of The Week...


Uncanny X-men #544- ***** Everything about his issue was amazing. I loved the first page with the Jack Kirby art from X-men #1, with the X-men stating where thay all are currently in the X-universe, I loved the interactions Scott has with Bobby before he leaves to join Wolverine, the tension between Beast & Scott, the stuff with Mr. Sinester, and the end where Scott finally feels like he has closure. Very good issue, though that has come to be expected from the X-books as of late. Highly recommend this one.
Picks & Ratings for the week of 10/26/11

TMNT #3- **** This was pretty good, I love how the story has been flowing through each issue, & almost seamlessly continue the story, each issue sheds a little more light on this version of the TMNT origin story, just enough to keep you interested and waiting for the next issue to come out, this issue was no different.

The Flash #2- **** This was great, I loved the stuff where they should Barry thinking fast, & seeing everything before it happens. This story is progressing very nicely as well, & the art is great. This is one of my favorite DC books right now.

Wolverine & The X-Men #1- *** First off let me state that Jason Aaron is a great writer, & that once again, he delivered in this book, that said if it weren't for Bachalo's shit art, I would have given this book a much higher rating, & possibly had made it my POTW. The story was fun, & just featured one thing after another go wrong as Logan is taking two stuck up bureaucrats on a tour of the new school, in hopes of getting approved, then of course all hell breaks lose at the end.

Incredible Hulk #1- ***** I love Hulk & I love Aaron's writing so this was was an issue I was eagerly awaiting, & boy did it deliver. I guess in one of the epilogues in the abortion that was Fear Itself #7 Hulk & Banner somehow split & are now at odds with each other, Hulk has decided to hide in the center of the Earth with mole people, awaiting those who will eventually come for him. Soon Robots & Gov. Agents come looking for him as they need his help, meanwhile Banner is bat shit crazy and seems obsessed with trying to recreate the Hulk, though that is not made clear so much as is implied.

And now The Pick Of The Week


Venom #8- ***** This was great, I've not been any of reading Spider-Island outside of the Venom tie-ins & I like how Remender has written these issues, if you want to continue reading Venom but don't want to really dive into the whole Spider-Island arc you can easily do so with how Remender has handled it, each of his Spider-Island tie-ins work perfectly well as stand alone stories, I especially love how Remender is able to to have this constant struggle going on with Flash's personal life & the job. I love the emotion that is poured into this issue with Flash's father passing away in the previous issue & Flash having to deal with that, while at the same time being sent out on a mission to assassinate "the queen". fantastic work by both Remender & Fowler on this book, Venom continues to deliver.

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