The Birthday party: Gamers Unite

Hello Lee and Co. At this point in the game I think it is in the best interests of you, me, and the other parties not already associated or merged with WFU, ABC, DFP to start talking about joining together for our own survival as those groups have grown rather large. At this point we are all spread too thin between our parties. If we would all unite under The People's Party of Moderation, when the time comes you could run for nomination no problem. This would make all of our parties better as we would have parts represented that we currently don't. It would be like one big party with special interest groups within it, then when the time comes we decide who we will gather around.

If any of us want to be around later to have a shot we've got to get bigger, we've got to unite and this is will practically ensure it. The People's Party of Moderation is growing in numbers every day, and will continue to grow on it's own, but it would be in the interest of all of us to make each other stronger by coming together. Uniting under The People's Party of Moderation is the perfect thing to do right now. Your party, mine, and others are in danger of being dissolved at some point, and that is because of these other few Goliath groups to our David size groups. Think about this. We unite as different groups under one banner, The People's Party of Moderation, which stands for all of us having a greater voice against the bigger entities which is rapidly becoming a problem for all of us in the long run, and then we all do. It's perfect and becoming more and more necessary day by day as they gain members and have already merged to make really big constituencies. We can build a power group comprised of The Birthday Party, WZCW, and The People's Party of Moderation as the banner we unite under.
Why don't you lot come and join us?

I'd much rather be the "Birthday Party: Gamers Unite" day in and day out than whatever you're running.
Because The People's Party of Moderation is a better banner to unite under due to it's broader message.
Sorry, Ba-Bomb. I know you have every intention of electing yourself, and nobody wants to see you upset at the party because you won't be elected in the primary. Nobody knows you. It's the sad fact.
Viva la resistance.

You may get stabbed in the head with a dagger or a sword. You may be burned to death, or skinned alive or worse.

Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3550032 said:
Sorry, Ba-Bomb. I know you have every intention of electing yourself, and nobody wants to see you upset at the party because you won't be elected in the primary. Nobody knows you. It's the sad fact.

so what's going on with this thing now; we wait to find out if we are a top 3 political party?

And I'd throw my name in the hat for running too. We need a VGT mod.
I just finished commenting in the ABC Party thread, where I explained that I was torn between backing that party, or this one. As of right now, I am completely torn equally between the two.

The VG&T section NEEDS a mod! It is one of the busiest non-wrestling, non-spam sections, and if you dig deep enough, you can find high-quality posts. The issue is that now, since Lee's departure, you have to dig to find a quality post, rather then the quality post flooding the entire section. Not only does this devalue all threads, it devalues the entire section of the forum.

I recently had an idea for a thread topic and took literally HOURS to put together an opening post with actual research. Within a few posts, the thread ended up buried beneath three word post, which soon set the presidence of what makes a good post.

The pride I had in the opening post was quickly replaced with frustation & curiosity as to why most people couldn't take the time to provide an actual, intelligent, contributing thought to their post.

I reported every spam post, but it was never dealt with. I do understand that there are thousands of shitty comments left all over the forum & sometimes posts manage to slip through the cracks, but the VG&T section isn't getting the attention that it deserves, because the image the entire section has, is becoming tarnished.

I'm torn because the ABC party has a long list of respected posters & a solid party platform. But when I look at the list of who, if elected, would choose to mod the VG&T section, and the only name that stands out is Dagger, and no offense, but respectfully don't see him as a mod of that section. I would through my name into the hat, but when measured up against the majority of those in the ABC party, I would fall short.

I WANT a mod for the VG&T section, seeing as it's one of the two sections to not have one, & out of the two, it is the one that NEEDS guidance, attention, direction & fresh ideas.

This party, also has a number of respected & intelligent posters, who want the same thing that I want - a VG&T mod & gaming has become a big passion for me within the past couple of years, so this party also appeals to me.

This isn't me announcing which party I will be backing, as I am equally eying this party, as well as the ABC Party. My hope is by posting this, members of your party will work to sway my vote in one direction or another.
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3542677 said:
If I pledge, I want more posts about Xbox, Playstation and most of all, fucking technology. Like it's called the VideoGame and Technology section, yet no-one ever posts any technology threads. If the VG&T isn't going to get cleaned up, then, I'll definitely help out and put a few technology threads in.

If you want more post about Xbox, PlayStation & technology, then POST threads about Xbox, PlayStation & technology!

The VG&T section needs more quality post to balance out the spammy ones so don't want for someone else to do it for you, just POST!

It's the lack of intelligent, discussion-driven post that is causing the entire section to sink.

I plan on going for a NWNS section that doesn't have a mod already whic means Movies, Sports, VG&T

Mitch is the man that deserves the Mod Spot for movies and I won't be the one to take that for him.

I don't watch any sports so me modding that section would be stupid.

I am an avid gamer and enjoy talking about them. I don't know much about technology but will post about what I do know and encourage all discussion
Isn't the latter fairly relevant? Don't let me stop you though. Someone should probably at least run for the section that represents the premise the entire party was formed on.
Isn't the latter fairly relevant? Don't let me stop you though. Someone should probably at least run for the section that represents the premise the entire party was formed on.

This is what distinguishes our group from the others: more diversity. Coco's team is all about the spam. TBP are specifically non spam non wrestling (except for one or two guys who for the life of me I can't figure out why they sided with this team). However, we have potential mods for pretty much any section there is. Including the best candidate for VG&T, that being Dagger Dias. This is why I would have expected you to join our group, because you offer a fair bit of diversity yourself.
This is what distinguishes our group from the others: more diversity. Coco's team is all about the spam. TBP are specifically non spam non wrestling (except for one or two guys who for the life of me I can't figure out why they sided with this team). However, we have potential mods for pretty much any section there is. Including the best candidate for VG&T, that being Dagger Dias. This is why I would have expected you to join our group, because you offer a fair bit of diversity yourself.
if you go back you would see we expanded to include all non spam sections as well as changed our name
This is what distinguishes our group from the others: more diversity. Coco's team is all about the spam. TBP are specifically non spam non wrestling (except for one or two guys who for the life of me I can't figure out why they sided with this team). However, we have potential mods for pretty much any section there is. Including the best candidate for VG&T, that being Dagger Dias. This is why I would have expected you to join our group, because you offer a fair bit of diversity yourself.

Your primary will be the most interesting and worthwhile by far but I am maintaining my free agent status for now. I think Crock thinks just having a better chance of getting on the final ballot is a good enough reason to stay here but he doesn't realize unless something drastically changes this is already down to a two person race: Coco vs the ABC candidate. He should probably jump to ABC if he wants a real chance and I am not sure I buy into this groups commitment to wrestling anyway.

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