The Best WrestleMania MAIN EVENT of All-Time

The best main event in 'Mania history.

  • Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant - WM3

  • Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Savage - WM5

  • Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior - WM6

  • Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart - WM12

  • Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels - WM14

  • Fatal Four-Way - WM16

  • Steve Austin vs. The Rock - WM17

  • Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle - WM19

  • Benoit vs. Michaels vs. Helmsley - WM20

  • Other (list your choice)

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I may end up following Monkey and just agreeing with him, because it seems my last few posts have done just that.

After WM24 happened, I figured I'd say "what the hell" and go back and watch what is commonly called "the best Wrestlemania ever: WMX7." While I didn't have all the previous matches and build-up on hand, the match simply was just amazing. My memory is pretty shitty sometimes, but there were so many times I thought Rock was somehow going to win. And the Austin was going to win (he eventually did, but I couldn't predict each fall, like is common now). As KB and Monkey said: It was simply gold. Two legends, one belt, and buckets of blood.
I would have to say my favorite WM main event would be a tie between Austin-Rock WMX7 and the Triple Threat from WM 20. Both matches are my favorite matches ever.

Austin-Rock was just outstanding. I don't think one match has had the amount of buildup that this match had. These were the two best in the business at this time and it showed in this match. The intensity of both guys was incredible. I loved both guys doing each other's finishing moves. And the heel turn was shocking! I woke up the next morning still in shock. But I loved this match so much that for like the next month, I would watch this match everyday when I came home from school.

What can I say about the Triple Threat Match? IMO, it was the perfect match. Not one second too long or one second too short. The match told a great story. I thought it would be a good match but I did not expect the match to be the classic that it was. I'm not going to lie, when Benoit got doubled team onto the Spanish announce table, I thought he was done. Then he comes back and wins the thing. Soon after, we get a great moment with both Benoit and Guerrero embracing each other. Best triple threat ever.

I really don't want to choose between both matches but if I had to, I would choose the triple threat.
IMO HBK vs Bret Hart is the greatest match in the history of this business.I mean what more can you expect.

HHH vs HBK vs Benoit at WM20 will be second in my opinion.The best part i liked was the finish of it with HHH taping to Benoit.This was the first WM main event ended with a

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