The Beautiful People are Knockout Tag Team Champions!

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Tonight the Beautiful People won the Knockout Tag Team Championships. It seems that all three of them (Madison, Velvet, and Lacey) have been officially recognized as champions. Looks like we might see them using the Freebird Rule in their title defenses.

What do you think of the BP as Tag Team Champions? Do you like/dislike that all three are recognized as champions and why? What feuds would you like to see and why?

I am very interested in seeing where this goes. I am glad they won the titles and they will be MUCH better tag champs than Kong and Hamada. I also like that all three members are recognized because it will lead to more interesting title defences due to the Freebird Rule. I hope they have a good feud against Sarita and Taylor because then we would have two great teams feuding again! Maybe have Angelina temporarily join Sarita & Taylor for 6 woman tag matches against the champs, that'd be awesome. The only downside is that we may be seeing Lacey working matches, but things could be worse.
When did they said all 3 were going to be defending the titles? Plus I really don't remember the last I saw Lacey wrestle.

But I would like to see all 3 defend the belt. I think they will make good champions. I would like to see the wrestle Sarita & Taylor soon. As long as they defend the belts and just don't hold onto them and never defend.
I think it's about time they won the KO tag titles. I bet that they hold them for a long time because the only team i could see taking them away is Taylor and sarita.

I don't really think it matters that the 3 of them will be defending it because i doubt Lacey will doing that much wrestling when they defend them.
I am glad for this simply because that the only way to truly make this stable relevant was to have them win the KO tag titles. I mean the Beautiful People when it was just Angelina and Velvet didn't really pick up steam til one of them one the Knockouts title. I can only see Madison and Velvet winning the tag titles as a good thing because this will help to elevate these three as a group.
I definitely liked the idea of Kong and Hamada being tag champs but then TNA didn't do anything with them and now Kong is out of the picture. I really hope Hamada doesn't just disappear as a result.

At any rate, the KOTT titles definitely belong to TBP as they are the only really functional girl group in TNA. Wilde and Sarita were kinda thrown together, but they work well together. I'd rather see Angelina Love continue her feud with TBP and, since it looks like they are planning to push a Daffney-Tara feud (effin sweet!!!), she'll need a new partner...I suggest Roxxi since she has history with TBP as well. Or Hamada.
What do you think of the BP as Tag Team Champions?

I really don't like the BP as the KO tag team champions. Why? because IMO they dont deserve those straps around there waist, as of right now they haven't make a big impact, If they would off capture the KO tag ttitles when Love was in the group that would off been a big difference. When Love was in the BP they were the biggest KO's in the company now that Lacey is in the BP they are just a big joke for me.

Do you like/dislike that all three are recognized as champions and why?

I'm dam sure that the BP will use the freebird rules as there advantage. The BP are weak, but by naming all the group as the KO champions, this might help them alot. And they will have a 80% chance of always winning the match.

What feuds would you like to see and why?

They only feud they will have is against Sarita and Taylor that's it. I honestly don't see another feud with any one else, As of right now the KO division is going down, and the most of the KO's are getting release. Like dagger said probably a 3 on 3 tag team match with love included.

I really dont see any point of continuing with the KO tag team division. Day by day Tna is releasing more KO's, and there is no more tag teams available right now. TNA should just revoke those titles.
The Beautiful People work well as Women's Tag Team Champions for one reason and one reason alone: heat. They get it, big time, no matter what they do, and that's invaluable to developing long-lasting feuds which subsequently adds a lot of prestige and value to the belts themselves – which let's face it, have had about as prominent a role in TNA in the last three months as Shark Boy.

The fact TBP are already feuding with Tara & Angelina Love tells me that a potential feud between the two groups is in the works, but the KO division will need to bolster it's available roster IMO if they intend for the tag titles not to grow stale faster than a bag of chips left open in summer heat. The tag titles and the Knockouts title will need to function on different planes if both are to be taken seriously, which means those in contention for the the KO title need to remain in contention for the KO title only, and vice versa.

With Christy Hemme's ring retirement and Awesome Kong & Alyssa Flash's untimely release(s) from the company, the pickings are slim to really help differentiate between the directions in the KO division, IMO.

Angelina Love & Tara, if they're going to be used in a tag direction simply don't fit in the KO title picture, which leaves just Daffney, ODB and potentially Hamada as contenders, while Wilde & Sarita (as well as Love & Tara) remain in the tag title picture. Not a lot of wiggle room, IMO.
The titles were obviously designed for the Beautiful People, and now they have finally got them. This is obviously going to a feud with Angelina, and I'm not sure who will be her partner. It's possible they'll make them three man titles and have her join with Wilde and Sarita, or ODB is literally the only alternative, as everyone else has gone. What I am sure of though is that once that feud is through, these titles will feature less and less prominently until they disappear completely, because they have too many titles, and the emphasis on the division is obviously declining.
IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! The Beautiful People are the only real tag team/stable in the KO division and I'm amazed it already took this long to get it. It's almost like the Tag Team division in WWE where all these throw together tag teams seem to always get it and the real tag teams never get the shot (ie. Cryme Tyme and Hart Dynasty). It's good to finally see a true tag team get the gold.

But with TBP getting the tag titles, it does raise some questions. Like for me, I wonder if this means the release of Hamada. She hadn't been getting any TV time with the title so what makes us think she'll get it without the title?

As far as who TBP will face for their first opponents, it's probably gonna be Love and Tara (whom I hope get a cool tag name), then Saritaylor for, like, ever until Love and Tara challenge them again and win the titles.
Well congratulations are in order for The Beautiful People, as if anyone deserves it, it is Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne. When you think of actual real Women Tag Teams, it has been ages since we have had a legitimate long term Tag Team. Probably since the days of The Glamour Girls.

This group is definitely one of the key attractions of TNA and it only makes sense to give the titles to them. They are decent workers and are very over with the crowd.

I only hope they don't do the Freebird Rule, because I think that is completely asinine with the titles. It makes not a shred of sense why someone who wasn't in the match is made a champion and can defend the belts like the other two.

I like Lacey with the group, but am not in favor of that happening, if that transpires, whatsoever.
I can't believe that a lot of the guys here like the fact that The Beautiful People are the Tag Champs. They're nothing but no-talent WWE Divas; always have, always will be. They do absolutely nothing. They play strip poker and cut all these ridiculous promos and then they become Tag Team Champions? It's pathetic...

They got the belts because there's no other heel Tag Team in the Knockout's Division, that's all it is.....and you also got Hogan supporting them as well.

First you got Rob Terry as the Global Champ, and now The Beautiful People as the Knockouts Tag Team Champions? Give me a break.
I can't believe that a lot of the guys here like the fact that The Beautiful People are the Tag Champs. They're nothing but no-talent WWE Divas; always have, always will be. They do absolutely nothing. They play strip poker and cut all these ridiculous promos and then they become Tag Team Champions? It's pathetic...

They got the belts because there's no other heel Tag Team in the Knockout's Division, that's all it is.....and you also got Hogan supporting them as well.

First you got Rob Terry as the Global Champ, and now The Beautiful People as the Knockouts Tag Team Champions? Give me a break.

I completley agree with you. The beautiful people are just divas and are just pretty faces to get guys to watch tna more. IMO i don't feel that The "beautiful" people deserve to be tag champions. It's unfair, Angelina and Tara should've won. But hey what can you do? I hope that Hogan has something planned for them. Hopefully they lose the titles soon, I bet that if Angelina and Tara had another chance at the titles they'd win.
I can't believe that a lot of the guys here like the fact that The Beautiful People are the Tag Champs. They're nothing but no-talent WWE Divas; always have, always will be. They do absolutely nothing. They play strip poker and cut all these ridiculous promos and then they become Tag Team Champions? It's pathetic...

They got the belts because there's no other heel Tag Team in the Knockout's Division, that's all it is.....and you also got Hogan supporting them as well.

First you got Rob Terry as the Global Champ, and now The Beautiful People as the Knockouts Tag Team Champions? Give me a break.

Amen!!!!!!!!!!!! But why did they even crown new champions with Hogan running the promotion the Knockouts will only be on Impact for one 2 to 5 minutes segment any way and not on any PPV'S.
Them winning the Tag Team title should have been done when Angelina Love was in the group which if I'm not mistaken was the plan before she had her issue with her work visa.

I'm happy they've won the TNA KO Tag Titles as the Beautiful People were made for those belts in my opinion. No other team deserves them more than these two as there annoying, bitchy and arrogant characters can now be even more effective in their roles.

We will get promo after promo of them proclaiming there greatness which is what girls who look that good can do haha. The FreeBird rule is just stupid. As long as I can look at Lacey, I'm fine. :)
I can't believe that a lot of the guys here like the fact that The Beautiful People are the Tag Champs. They're nothing but no-talent WWE Divas; always have, always will be. They do absolutely nothing. They play strip poker and cut all these ridiculous promos and then they become Tag Team Champions? It's pathetic...
The reason I am happy they got the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles is because they have one thing the others teams do not (besides heat) and that is constant TV time. This may be or may not be a way to make the KO tag titles legit. When Taylor Wilde and Sarita were tag team champs they were on TV a fair amount. When Kong and Hamada were on TV as tag team champs I think they were in about 2 matches. Whereas The Beautiful People are in about 2 segments a week.

First you got Rob Terry as the Global Champ, and now The Beautiful People as the Knockouts Tag Team Champions? Give me a break.
What is Rob Terry talk doing in a thread dedicated to The Beautiful People and their title win?
What is Rob Terry talk doing in a thread dedicated to The Beautiful People and their title win?

Well, it's obvious that both Rob Terry and The Beautiful People have two things in common: They're horrible in the ring and they're champions.

That's why I added his name as well.
The reason I am happy they got the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles is because they have one thing the others teams do not (besides heat) and that is constant TV time. This may be or may not be a way to make the KO tag titles legit. When Taylor Wilde and Sarita were tag team champs they were on TV a fair amount. When Kong and Hamada were on TV as tag team champs I think they were in about 2 matches. Whereas The Beautiful People are in about 2 segments a week.

Well of course they would have around two segments a week. They're only good to draw in a limited (For lack of a better word) amount of ratings and that's it. They can't wrestle or be taken seriously. Ever.

If all The Beautiful People can do is attract and be attractive, and not wrestle, I'm sure there's a nice, glossy spot for them in the WWE.

I mean isn't that what the WWE Divas are all about? To stand around and look pretty and not be able to wrestle?
I love the fact the BFP are tag team champions. It's a great way to give them a push because even without Angelina, they are still a hot stable in TNA. I'm not a huge fan of Lacey, but she at least does a good job of playing the airhead of the group, so I have no problem with her at the moment.

I think the most likely feud for the BFP will be Angelina & Tara. This has been teased for a while now on Impact, and I think it would be great to see Velvet and Madison go against their former leader.
This really doesn't surprise me at all.TNA Loves the beautiful people and so do the fans.I think it's a safe bet they will defend under the free bird rule.Yes this dose mean we will see Lacy Wrestler but i think it will be ok since Sky and Rain have gotten a lot better.I believe Velvet has gotten good enough to almost carry Lacy
Well I think the KO titles were pretty much presented and meant at some point to give the stable more power, only struck by Angelina's departure, so it just seems fit that they are the champions now since it is the only real heel stable in the roster.

Also that means Lacey will get in the ring? good, yes she sucks now but give the girl time, like I said before, if she does not practice she can't improve and she is only like 22 or 23 years old.

Madyson is 23 so it is a great platform for her and you have a girl who at 24 or 25 will have tons of expirience and a great worker in her.

Velvet well, she is not the best KO around but she is good at her role and the belt was long overdue for her.

Now lets hope they don't use the belts just as props and start defending them, hope this give the KOs more exposure at some point becuase the whole divison has lacked of it as of late because of the transitional phase of the company.
I can't believe that a lot of the guys here like the fact that The Beautiful People are the Tag Champs. They're nothing but no-talent WWE Divas; always have, always will be. They do absolutely nothing. They play strip poker and cut all these ridiculous promos and then they become Tag Team Champions? It's pathetic...

They got the belts because there's no other heel Tag Team in the Knockout's Division, that's all it is.....and you also got Hogan supporting them as well.

First you got Rob Terry as the Global Champ, and now The Beautiful People as the Knockouts Tag Team Champions? Give me a break.

Hell to the yeah!! You have Doug Williams as X Division champ? Get real, and Lacey Von Erich is part of a Tag Team champ? Last I saw, Lacey couldn't even tie a velcro shoe properly. She is holding a gold strap? I thought TNA was trying to be REAL WOMEN wrestling. Now they get rid of their REAL wrestlers, Traci, Hamada, Kong, Roxxi..:wtf:
I know in the first thread I made on Wrestlezone was about breaking up this version of the Beautiful People, but that was more out of my frustration of how they were being booked.

With that said I love the fact that Velvet and Madison are finally KO tag champions they deserve them.

I hope they get a good run with the them and hopefully TNA actually gives them a real double team finisher to win their matches.

Also I loved Velvet's celebration with the champagne bottle.:)
wow... hot, oh stay on subject, TBP are a great stable I love them, they're soo hot, and 2 of the 3 can wrestle, and they are soo hot, I think they can hold the titles for about, half a year maybe, If they can hold it for that long, I will totally mark out. IMO if Lacey can learn how to wrestle. she would be my favourite person on the planet

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