The 9/11 Heroes Can't Get Healthcare Paid By The Government?


crafts entire Worlds out of Words
At least, that's what Congress tells us.

The Bill

The 9/11 responders, true heroes to our nation, are showing signs of grave illness. Cardiac issues, breathing problems, and other ailments.

From Politico:

House GOP leaders: 9/11 first responders aid bill 'a massive new entitlement program'

House Republican leadership is advising its members to vote against a bipartisan bill that would, among other things, bolster medical support to Sept. 11 victims.

The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009, sponsored by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), would provide medical monitoring to those exposed to toxins at ground zero, bolster treatment at specialized centers for those afflicted by toxins on Sept. 11 and reopen a compensation fund to provide for the economic loss of victims.

And it’s all paid for by closing a tax loophole on foreign companies with U.S. subsidiaries, Democrats said.

But according to Republicans, it’s a job-killing growth of government that wou;d create a new entitlement and waste taxpayer dollars.

The bill, if passed, would reopen the Victims Compensation Fund until 2031 — instead of litigation, victims could try to get money from the fund. Republicans are calling the extension “well beyond what is needed to take care of latent claims,” according to a policy statement from the GOP.

“Republicans continue to believe that those who responded to the [World Trade Center] attack should get the treatment and liability protection they need because they dutifully answered a call for help,” the policy statement reads.

But this bill, according to Republicans, “creates a massive new entitlement program, exposes taxpayers to increased litigation and is ‘paid for’ with tax increases and potential job losses.”

You read that right. The bill would merely reopen a pre-existing fund until 2031. And it pays for itself by closing a loophole that is used for TAX DODGERS.

The Dissent

Republicans view closing a tax loophole as a gross misstep of the government. The nanny state is at it again, boys.

Fucking outrageous.

No matter what you may believe about 9/11; be it inside job, brought on by our own policies abroad, or simply a national terror attack that is the grandest display of danger to our country since Pearl Harbor, how can you possibly argue that a bill like this is bad? They've even found a simple way to pay for it. No real tax increases. It's just closing a loophole used by tax dodgers.


I can't even figure out a way to sneak in a wily joke or a off-the-cuff remark. It's not even...I can't even figure out how anyone could reasonably vote against this bill.

For your viewing pleasure:


Fucking amen. Not at all professional, but fuck professional.

Stake your claim.
Personally, I feel bad about these people getting sick, but being an anarchist, I'm usually against things like this, and against gov't run health care as a whole, but i personally wouldn't be bothered if 9/11 heros had their health care payed by tax dollars, and i don't think that most tax payers would. However, it opens another can of worms, if were going to pay for so-and-so's health care, why not pay for everyones?

So, while i wouldn't vote against it, I would feel much more comfortable if a charity was set up for these people, as they obviously deserve to have their health care paid for because of their heroism, but it isn't the gov'ts place to provide health care. That's just my viewpoint.
It's discusting. This is what sucks in this country. We refuse to help the heroes.
They covered this in Sicko, if anyone saw it. Since there condition was pre-existing, the were refused treatment. No other 1st world nation does this to it's people. We are the only modern industrialized nation in the democratic world today that does not give its citizens universal healthcare. And if we would fix that problem this wouldn't be a damn issue 9 YEARS AFTER THE DAMN EVENT!!!!

So ok, forget the universal healthcare, let's just help the heroes of 9/11. No? Oh, that's right, that's just too hard for the greedy poisonous old reptiles of the Republican party. And probably a few asshole democrats too.
Whenever I hear about things like this I hear Senator Amadala from I think Episode 2 talking about how her people are dying while things that could save them are debated in a committee. This is flat out pathetic. I know we're a ton in debt, but even if this wasn't paid for, there are things you just do. These people are heroes nationwide for risking their lives to help others when their country was under attack and we're supposed to jsut say "sorry, have fun being sick. It's not our fault at all." like I said though, that's if it's not paid for. However, it IS paid for. This costs the country and the taxpayers NOTHING but we're going to deny it anyway because Dems suggest it. As Weiner says, if you think it's a good bill, vote for it. Why is that so hard?

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