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Kenny- Okay reading your posts and you messed up a couple of things. First off, the WWE "universe" only got to vote on 1 category, diva of the year. Second off, Maria didn't win Diva last year, Beth Phoenix did.

Now the rest of your post was pretty much right. I voiced my displeasure about how much I didn't like Barker as guest host. Heck I'm sure they could have even put Trish Stratus on the ballot. Horrible nominees for this one.

Overall I thought that the show wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good. Dennis Miller's jokes were complete hit or miss. I actually laughed at a few of them. Dick Cheney and Bush as DX was pretty good and I loved the Obama line.

Maria? Maria? Seriously? She never competes, hasn't done anything noteworthy, heck she's about as relevant in the WWE as the freakin Bella Twins. If this means ANOTHER attempted Maria push I swear to ... okay maybe that's a bit over the top, but I think that unless Maria has suddenly gained talent, this will lead where every single one of her pushes have gone ... nowhere.

Cena's speech was a bit long. It was passionate and believable from what I saw, but I got disinterested in it and flipped it on and off the the MNF game. Interesting how he said he won't lose until he gets the title.

Am I the only one who noticed that Shawn didn't challenge Taker at WM 26? I swear that I heard him say that he challenged Taker that night. Oh well. I loved their last match and as much as I would like an encore, I want to see someone else try to end the streak.

What else? Oh yeah, CM Punk. He's a nominee for Superstar of the year and he loses to Cena. That I don't mind. But he lost in what 4 minutes? C'mon man.

My favorite moment by far though was when Bret Hart's name was announced for a future guest host. Outside of only The Rock, Bret Hart would be the best host. I for one would LOVE to see a moment between him and HBK. Who knows, maybe that will be the Main Event on January 4th, HBK vs Brett Hart.
This was a terrible show all together. The Slammy Awards were simply a case of having an excuse for people to be stupid and parody other award shows. The Superstar of the Year was a disgrace. Vince knew good and well that Cena wasn't going to get a vote for the Superstar of the Year, so make a tourney and have him go over good wrestlers and 'earn' the award, as opposed to having the fans decide.

CM Punk should consider moving his act to TNA. The way he's been treated in the WWE is shameful. A former champion doesn't deserve to be beaten in 2-3 minutes by anyone. Period. No matter what he did, he deserved better than that. Punk is one of the best things going and they have him squashed by Hulk Cena. Garbage.

The rest of the awards, I have no problem with. JeriShow is a fair choice, but the HBK kicking the little girl wasn't that 'Oh my' moment. That'd be Sheamus putting an owner of a basketball team through a 'teyayble'. And Maria winning the Diva of the Year? Really? What has she done lately besides be naked in Playboy? Fair enough.

Lessons are to be learned and hopefully, they'll get the lead out and make some moves to actually show they're ready for whatever TNA has to offer. Because if this is the WWE at it's worst, then TNA can stand a chance.
Midnight- You, me, and pretty much everyone else who was watching Raw, saw Maria win the award for Diva of the year. Maybe I'm out of it, but I didn't see Beth Phoenix win an award. Maria clearly won an award for something. It says it on the Wrestlezone page. Maybe Phoenix won on, either way the awards were pointless.

I would be really surprised if Bret actually agreed to host a show. If he does, I'm sure there would be a confrontation but a main event? the guy has had 2 strokes. There is no way possible he could wrestle. Why would he wrestle on Raw if he could anyways?

The Slammys should of been an event on period I believe. Some liked the show, but it seems the majority of people here didn't enjoy it. I just hope they never have an awards show again after that disaster.
Kenny, I was talking about 2008 Beth won Diva in 2008. I remember because Melina handed her the award with a sour look on her face and Beth shoved her down. Soon after that, Melina won the Women's title at the Royal Rumble.

I didn't know about the strokes though. I just knew that he was done. I missed a lot of time between 1999 and 2006 (and by a lot I mean all of it). Too bad though. That would be a match that would kill.

As I said, the show wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. It was just kinda ... there. It existed.

I agree with you too on this, the Slammy's should NOT be aired. It's just a bad gimmick used for a cheap push. Really, the only relevant slammy is Superstar of the year. I'm sure breakthrough superstar is relevant too but the rest are ... there to eat space.

I may be the only one to say this, but I think Jericho off Raw is a good thing. Really. Now Jericho can go back to hunting the WHC. I think that Jericho will be in a WHC match at Mania because he can really carry a main event of the biggest show of the year in both promos and performance.
Tonights show was just terrible...terrible all matches didnt even last 5 min aside from orton and cena AGAIN. i was rooting for cena and taker to main event but nope. is anybody else here sick of legacy running in every match ortons in?i want to see a fucking one on one match where legacy dosent have to jump in. I really could of cared less who those awards went to..not like they actually mean anything. tho it did actually piss me off jeff hardy won extreme moment of the year..seriously..he jumped of a many times have we seen jeff hardy do that? personaly i thought the 7000 watt search light moment was wayyy more extreme than jeff hardy jumping off yet another ladder.

Why did they put the 8 man tag match a bragging rights as match of the year candidate? it really wasent all that great. and as good as their match at breaking point between cena and orton was. their iron man match was much much better

hm what else? oh yes...guest host of the year?wtf lol bob barker wasent that great...nether was ozzy.shaq had his moments but i thought seth green was the better of the 4. hopefully this guest host thing dosent carry on all the way to the end of next year.

of course cena won superstar of the year, i really thought that should of go to orton. orton was on fire since the begging of the year up until now...cena just repeated basiclly what he did last year...main event wrestlemania...won a few titles here and owned by sheamus...oh and had a really short lived fued with miz. Orton was by far more dominate than cena was. But oh well whats done is done i suppose

every other award i ether flipped the channel of just didnt pay attention
I was VERY disappointed with the awards, although I agreed with most of the outcomes.

Tag Team of the Year - JeriShow
This one I agreed with because they have gone beyond everyone's expectations of a randomly paired team and given the Unified Tag Team Championship more importance.

Breakout Superstar of the Year - Sheamus
Agreed. He was not even on the roster a year ago and has been given the (correct me if I'm wrong here) fastest push in WWE history.

Shocker of the Year - CM Punk retires Jeff Hardy
I agree with this one winning too but only because the other options weren't really all that shocking when they happened.

Match of the Year - Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker W25

The obvious winner. No match stands a chance because it's one of the best matches of all time.

Guest Host of The Year - Bob Barker

DISAGREE!!!!!!!!! Bob Barker!? COME ON!!!! He was an AWFUL guest host! Shaq should have won. Bob Barker winning "guest host of the year" caused me (being normally calm and quiet) to be up on my feet cussing at the TV! It upset me that much.

Extreme Moment of the Year - Jeff Hardy's dive
Disagreed here too. Triple H invading Orton's house should have won this because it was one of the most extreme things we have seen on a WWE show in a long time.

Diva of the Year: Winner: Maria
Disagreed almost as much as I did about Barker. I was in the middle of yelling a much less polite version of "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" when she won, but then Batista's parody of Kanye made me laugh, that makes up for it. Seriously though, how can Maria win this when all she's done in the past 12 months is hang out with Ziggler? Michelle, Mickie, Maryse, or Beth should have won.

Oh My Moment of the Year - Michael Cole
Yeah, I guess I agree with this one. None of the choices for this award really grabbed my attention though because they were forgettable.

Superstar of the Year - John Cena
I agreed here because he has been involved in great feuds all year and won multiple championships.

I ended up agreeing with most of the winners of the awards, but I was very disappointed because some of the winners made me wonder if the slammies should be taken seriously anymore (I'm looking at YOU Barker and Maria!) because of how little they deserved to win their awards.
A tournament to decide the Superstar Of The Year is one of the most ridiculous ideas I've ever come across. Cena might've won the tournament, but in no terms is he superstar of the year. It doesn't matter if you evaluate it, in kayfabe terms or like fan.

Also, what has Maria done, like ever? She wasn't even in Playboy this year. It was obviously given to her because they plan on giving her a push against Michelle McCool, but I'm sure they could've come up with a different way of starting a feud between the two.
Only thing I questioned was Maria winning Diva of the Year. I don't remember her doing anything this year besides being Ziggler's main squeeze and that did not go well. Either Melina or Maryse deserved the award because they were decent champions and had some decent matches this year.
I'm going to have to go ahead and co-sign with kenny powers on this. Absolutely horrible, excuse me, ****eable show last night. Great way to oh-so-subtly shove your neo-conservative propaganda down our throats once again WWE. It seriously made me want to quit watching your product altogether.

Also, how much more obvious could the winners in almost every category be? I called every single slammy except diva of the year. Didn't even remember Maria came back actually.

I had Orton pegged for superstar of the year until I heard that it was on the line in a tourney (for some strange reason) so that became obvious Cena would win it. There's no way you can deny that this was the year of Orton. He's done so much himself as well as helping other superstars get over in 2009. That's what a real "super"star does.

Not bringing others down. I understand Cena is the face of the company right now but did they really have to let him squash Punk like that? No offense at all then he locks in the STFU 2 minutes into the match and it's over. Come the fuck on! The guy's a 3 time world champion in the company for crying out loud
With the full Slammy nominations list out, here are my picks out of the WWE Universe’s choices.

• Tag-Team of the Year: Chris Jericho & Big Show (Jeri-Show)
• "Oh My!" Moment of the Year: Michael Cole throws up on Chris Jericho at SD party (Decade of SD special)
• RAW Guest Host of the Year: Shaquille O'Neal (NBA star)
• Most Shocking Moment of the Year: Randy Orton DDTs Stephanie in front of HHH and kisses her
• Breakout Star of the Year: Sheamus (only because the rest of the list wasn’t impressive enough in 09, and because of the results of TLC. Breaking out is one thing, but breaking out and winning the number 1, most coveted, top prize in the business is a whole new level.
• Extreme Moment of the Year: Jeff Hardy dives off 20-foot ladder onto CM Punk at SummerSlam
• WWE Diva of the Year: Melina (not only did she win both Women’s and Divas Title this year, but she also held the Titles the most in 2009.)
• Match of the Year: HBK vs. Undertaker (WrestleMania 25)
• Superstar of the Year: Randy Orton (only because Jericho is not on the list and in 2009 Orton was holding the WWE Title and the Main Event spot the most this year.

Does anyone think we're going to see Cena, Orton, Taker and Punk in some kind of Tag Team match at the Slammys?? Maybe a “Raw vs. Smackdown” or “Face vs. Heel” Tag Team Main Event?? Better yet, Cena and Punk vs. Taker and Orton, just to switch it up a bit.

Well, I got 5 out of 9 right.

The best “Celebrity” Guest Host was Shaq. I don’t care what anyone else thinks. The proof is in the pudding. Men lie, women lie, number don’t.

To me, CM Punk forcing Jeff Hardy to retire wasn’t as shocking as Jeff winning his last World Title. The IWC, myself included, sort of ruined the surprise. However, what Orton did, I will never forget. It basically turn Hunter into Paul on TV.

Maria, as far as appearance, is in my Top 10 of all time Divas, but how the hell did she win Diva of the Year?? I guess it was in the same fashion as when Stacy, (Ms. Hancock is in my Top 5) won the WWE Internet Babe of the Year after Trish won it 3 straight. Based on looks, I would have gone with a tie between Nikki and Brie. Based on skill and accomplishments, I would have gone with the only Woman to win both the Women’s and Divas Title in 2009, and held the Titles the most in 2009, Melina.

Now for the most important award of the night, let’s discuss the Superstar of the 2009. I picked Orton, simply for being Champion more than any other Superstar this year. Let’s look back for a second. He started with the Royal Rumble win. Then he went on to a story line with the Royal Family. He headlined WrestleMania for the number 1 Title in the World. Though he lost, he won the WWE Title one month later. Then he dropped and regained the Title two more times against two Top Tier Stars in Batista and Cena, respectively. Now he’s in a feud elevating Kofi Kingston. Granted Cena wasn’t exactly sitting on his @$$ in 2009, I just think Randy did better in 09. Having this award decided by a match didn’t sit well with me. I don’t think one match should award one’s accomplishments through the whole year. After Cena cut that “I’m not going to lose until I win the Title again” promo, we all knew he was going to win. I would have rather seen him lose, then question himself, lose again next week, question himself some more, and then finally turn Heel.
My jaw dropped, literally, when they announced Maria as the diva of the year. That was biggest shock in a long long time for me. Who the hell voted for this one?? Maria is hot and that is why you give her this award?? Is that why the female wrestlers are there? To be hot and not wrestle? Melina ain't hot enough?

Crime of the night! This proves that female wrestling division is a joke beyond anything before. Michelle Mccool is the worthy winner of this award, the first to have both women titles, the longest current reigning champ in wwe and a hard worker. Melina is a distant second. No other diva should be even in the run for it. Credit given when credit is due? Not on this occasion. Crime of the night. Plane and simple.
I do have to agree that The Slammys were an absolute joke this year, and made 10 times worst by an abysmal host. He may get a polite laugh response when hosting formal award ceremonies, but the WWE audience could care less about his political jokes and obnoxious humor, both of which were encouraged by Vince.

For The Superstar of the Year award to be determined by an actual match on Raw is by far the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. That defeats the whole purpose of the Award. The Award is supposed to look at ALL of the accomplishments of selected superstars for THE ENTIRE YEAR, and then a decision is to be made. Having a match to decide who is the winner is by far a joke.

And Vince wonders why the fans don't take Slammy's or Hall of Fame, for that matter, seriously when he does garbage like that.

Maria as the Diva of the Year? Are you absolutely kidding me? What the Hell has she done to contribute to this? Sure, it was a shock and all. But because she was chosen to appear on a TV show by the WWE, this makes her the Diva of the Year?

This award essentially told the Women who go out and wrestle and try to work hard to entertain, that their contributions mean diddly squat.

Michael Cole winning an award for his "Vintage" catchphrase? The crowd was absolutely beyond frustrated heading into that award, and he knew it. But he figured "what the Hell" and just went with it ... running up the aisle like an absolute moron as if the award meant something. Just corny humor, which undoubtedly Vince endorses.

I keep slowly but surely keep making my case as the days, weeks, and months go by that Vince McMahon NEEDS to be REMOVED from the Creative Team for the good of this company. And last night's show was just one more case in support of WHY this needs to happen.
Really, the only one that shocked me was Diva Of The Year. When I looked at the poll on here before i went to vote it had sad Mickie James was in the lead with 32%. I kinda find it hard to believe that Maria got so many fan votes. I mean whether or not it was Mickie, who did deserve it, so did other women: Melina, Beth, Maryse, Jillian Hall, or even Michelle, they all held the title or titles during this year and have been in ring more than Maria has the last two years! I dont get it? And people wonder why the divas division is the way it is?
I appreciate the sentiment of seeing wrestlers outside of their element, but to hae the slammys as a realistic event again would detract a bit from the Hall of Fame ceremony, which while not exactly the same thing, is still largely conducted in kayfabe, though without the added ridiculousness. I kind of like the idea, but I think it would have to be a bit over the top so it wasn't similar to the HOF, e.g. people giving awards etc. getting moves done on them.

I'd be in favour of that replacing an episode of Raw or Smackdown every year rather than the current method. The current method is an awkward mismatch of matches and awards and doesn't really make any sense. How can you win superstar of the year based on a one night tournament. Hypothetically, Randy Orton who has spent most of the year getting creamed by Cena, Batista and HHH could have won that, which is a little ridiculous.

As for the awards themselves, I think they're useful. It means a superstar can be bigged up without having a title. Until Miz recently won the US Title, he was still being called the two time slammy award winner. Similarly, Jericho is still called the Superstar of the Year 2008. This makes them worth losing one TV show a year.

That's what I'd do. Make it like a Christmas special. There's always a lull in proceedings before the Rumble build begins, so just remove one show of either Smackdown or Raw and replace it with a sort of send up of an award ceremony.
I didn't really express my outrage in here that the Superstar of the Year Slammy was determined by a match. What another asinine idea by Vince.

This Slammy was supposed to be made based on the merits of the superstars' accomplishments for the entire year. So what do they do? They throw all of that out the window by essentially stating that what John Cena, Undertaker, CM Punk, and Randy Orton did was ALL on the same level, and a decision could not be made. Therefore, they are going to have a match to settle it.

This year's Slammy Awards were absolute garbage.

Between what they did with the Superstar of the Year Slammy, awarding Maria the Diva of the Year when she did absolute diddly squat, Michael Cole getting a Slammy for saying "vintage" which apparently only Vince is amused with (but that's all it takes to get a Slammy) ... it was just absolute utter crap.

Where I was pleased to finally see the actual awards and nominees at least go up before the event ... a whopping day prior (even though they should have been posted a couple weeks in advance) ..... I see my thread assertion in the other thread still came to fruition ... another year, another wasted opportunity.

Nobody is going to remember this year's Slammy Awards a year or two from today, when I can still safely say that I vividly remember the Slammy Awards done prior to Wrestlemania 12 and 13. The reason I can still remember those is because of the effort that went into them, with making them actual separate events from the arena shows. And that sometimes can make a world of difference.
This is something that's been bothering me. Why the fuck did WWE wait so long to capitalize on the Kanye West/Taylor Swift controversy? I think someone else was getting into this earlier in this thread. I'm guessing that's what WWE was trying to do by having Batista come out in a very tight Polo shirt, and interrupt Maria while she was giving her speech. If this is what WWE was trying do, then it was stupid. Why would you wait so long to try and spoof arguably the biggest entertainment contorversy of the year? The crowd seemed confused, and hardly reacted when Batista was escorted off stage. If WWE didn't do this months ago, then they should not have done it at all.

Jeff Hardy winning extreme moment of the year really didn't make a lot of sense. Why not give it to someone who's currently in the company? I think Kofi's boom drop on Randy at The Garden would've been a great choice. Giving the award to a guy who's been gone for the past couple of months, was not smart. This award could've been used as a momentum booster for someone else. is reporting that there was legitimate tension between Vince McMahon and Dennis Miller on Raw this past week when the two of them did their segment together. Apparently, Miller was late in arriving to the building that day, and showed up only a couple hours before show time. Vince attempted to give Miller some comedy notes, and when Miller told that to the live audience on the air, Vince reportedly became irritated because it was not a scripted comment. Internally, there was said to be frustration amongst WWE officials over the fact that Dennis Miller did not connect with the live crowd like they had hoped.

I thought there was some legitimate heat between Vince and Dennis Miller. He did seemed pissed off when he came out to announce the award. Anyway Miller sucked as host. His jokes weren't funny, and the live crowd seemed dead throughout the whole night. That would explain Vince's funeral comment.
Two points for the slammy awards :

1) Dennis Miller was damn funny
2) Orton deserved the superstar of the year

1) I thought Dennis Miller was very funny as guest host but the crowd just didn't get him. The crowd just didn't have a fucking clue what he was talking about , it wasn't that Miller's jokes or delivery were flawed, the crowd was. Now I know Miller should have probably have tailored his jokes to suit his audience a bit more but come on, It wouldn't have mattered how much he changed his jokes, the biggest reaction from the crowd was for Michael Cole and his "Hook 'Em Horns" for the love of God. I rest my case.

2) Orton was robbed. The WWE decided that rather than just award the slammy to the deserving Orton and then having Cena squash someone else...they decided to just try and restore Cena's blemish from TLC by giving him the top award even though he didn't deserve it...Wait a minute...Is losing the WWE Title by a fluke really a blemish for the top dog on Raw? No. This is just another case of the booking team wrapping John cena in steel bubblewrap for absolutely no reason. I rest my case.
I think the Slammys should be held in a Party Hall on a night of no wrestling (Saturday would work) because it would allow the major fans to see their favorite superstars one more night during the week. Also I think the WWE should require the event to have a dress code similar to Hall of Fame induction night because the slammys are WWE's version of the Oscars due to the fact that the Slammy is an award that the superstars and divas work for all year long. Categories should be Superstar of the Year, Diva of the Year. Tag Team of the Year, Fued of the Year (ex Orton and Cena for WWE Championship), Comeback Wrestler of the Year (ex: wreslter comes back from injury leave and wins a major title such as WWE Champ or WHC), Rising Superstar of the Year, Match of the Year, and Segment of the Year
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