The 2002 Brand Extension


TWITTER: @Son_Broku
This is a joint venture between myself (StraightxEdgexSwagger) and The Cult. Starting with the original brand extension that initiated in March of 2002, we will each be responsible for our own shows. I'll be running Monday Night RAW, The Cult will control Thursday Night SmackDown! RAW and SmackDown will still be posted in order so you can keep up with the entire week of WWE action, and at the end of each month, both brands will come together for an explosive Pay-Per-View event. We both hope you follow and enjoy as re-write WWE history!
At the conclusion of last week's WWF RAW IS WAR, WWF CEO Linda McMahon announced the beginning of the brand extension. Video of the official announcement can be viewed by clicking here. On Friday night, March 29th, WWF Co-Owners Vince McMahon and Ric Flair were both on site at WWF Headquarters. With CEO Linda McMahon mediating the procedures, both owners spent hours deliberating and drafting their respective rosters. The majority of today's WWF superstars were drafted. Those not selected however have been released from their WWF contracts, but as free agents, are always able to be signed by either show. A surprising rumor that began flooding into our offices early Saturday morning was that a number of big name competitors that still hold WCW contracts were on the available draft boards, meaning any owner that chose them reserved the rights to negotiate with them first once their WCW contracts expired. If or when we can expect to see any of these former WCW stars has yet to addressed by anyone at WWF Headquarters. Listed below are the rosters for both WWF RAW, and WWF SmackDown! Brand exclusivity will take effect this up coming Monday on the April 1st episode of WWF RAW.

WWF RAW Roster
  • Billy & Chuck (WWF Tag Team Champions)
  • Booker T
  • Bradshaw
  • Brock Lesnar
  • Bubby Ray Dudley
  • Chris Jericho
  • Christian
  • D-Von Dudley
  • Faarooq
  • Goldust
  • Hulk Hogan
  • Jazz (WWF Women's Champion)
  • Jeff Hardy
  • Kevin Nash -nWo
  • Lita
  • Mark Henry
  • Matt Hardy
  • Maven (Hardcore Champion)
  • Rikishi
  • Scott Hall - nWo
  • Stacy Keibler
  • Stone Cold Steve Austin
  • Test
  • The Rock
  • The Undertaker*
  • Triple H (Undisputed WWF Champion)
  • Trish Stratus
  • William Regal (European Champion)
  • X-Pac - nWo

WWF SmackDown! Roster
  • Big Show
  • Billy Kidman
  • Chavo Guerrero
  • Chris Benoit*
  • Diamond Dallas Page
  • Eddie Guerrero
  • Edge
  • Hardcore Holly
  • Kane
  • Kurt Angle
  • Lance Storm
  • Mighty Molly
  • Mr. Pefect
  • Perry Saturn
  • Raven
  • Rob Van Dam (Intercontinental Champion)
  • Sean O'Haire
  • Spike Dudley
  • Tajiri (Cruiserweight Champion)
  • Tazz
  • The Hurricane
* - signifies a trade

Monday Night RAW
April 1st, 2002
Albany, New York

--->RAW's intro and pyro display<---

As the camera eventually focused on the ring, RAW Owner Ric Flair could be spotted waiting patiently for the noise to die down. With a smile on his face a mile wide, the Nature Boy took to the mic.

"Ya know, I just had to be out here. I had to see all of you, and hear that music, and see all of that pyro. Because as of this very second, a new era in the WWF begins. A new era for RAW starts now.. WOOOOOO.. and I couldn't miss a moment of it. I promise all of you here that I have done my best, and still am doing my best, to give you the absolute best professional wrestling the World Wrestling Federation has to offer. No more corruption, no more political games, no more kiss my ass clubs.. hehe. Just the greatest action you can find anywhere on Gods! Green! Earth! WOO WOO WOOOOOO! I've drafted an oustanding roster of superstars, and by the time this night is over... no one here will even remember the name, Vince McMahon."

Though the crowd had responded positively to all of Flair's words, a groan overtook the arena with the mention of McMahon.

"But that is the past. HE is the past. This new era of RAW, is a McMahon-free RAW. It's a new start with a clean slate. Just look at this new ring. And that big beautiful stage! Wow. Oh, and I'm sure you've noticed.. this new championship belt."


"This gorgeous title right here signifies that you are the very best in this industry. It represents the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion. With all being said, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome you reigning Undisputed WWF Champion..... Triple H!"

&#9834; The Game &#9835;

The audience cheered the introduction before coming to full roar as familiar opening riff of "THE GAME" by Motorhead blared into the arena. The Undisputed champion soon appeared center stage with the WWF Title wrapped around his waist, and the World Championship resting on his shoulder. Giving the building a look over, The Game would then make his way down the ramp and enter the ring with his new boss. As his music faded out, Triple H just admired the view of the crowd and the sound of them screaming his name. Once the live audience began to simmer down, the Undisputed Champion brought the microphone up to speak...

No Chance!
The famous lyrics that unexpectedly ripped through the arena meant only one thing, Mr. McMahon was here. The owner of WWF Smackdown sauntered into view as the spotlight, and a chorus of boo's, met him on the stage. Marching as only he can, Mr. McMahon made his way to the ring with microphone in hand. With a smirk on his face, Vince joined Flair and Triple H.

"Well now, a McMahon free-RAW. That's very cute Ric. Go ahead, enjoy playing with my toys while you can. It's only a matter of time before this show, and this company are mine and only mine, once again. But that's not why I'm here Ric, I'm not here to bicker with you. No I'm here on my happier condition, because I'm here.. for that!"

Mr. McMahon was pointing directly at the new WWF Championship belt, a motion that confused Ric Flair.

"The hell are you talking about McMahon?"

"I'll tell you what I'm talking about Ric. You see I spent my day at WWF Headquarters with the board of directors. And even though they originally ruled that our Undisputed WWF Champion would compete and defend his title on both shows, I didn't too much like that decision. So, being the calm and level headed co-owner that I am, I filed the proper complaints, made the appropriate request, and since you were too busy here preparing for your big debut show.. the board and I went ahead and voted in your absence. And.. would you like to know what we voted on, Ric?

"Yeah, I would."

"We voted, and PASSED, that the Undisputed Title should be split once more. I didn't want to share a champion with you, because I don't trust you. I don't need or want one of your idiot superstars representing MY show. And I think it's fitting. Two separate shows, two separate owners, two separate champions. The board ruled that which title would represent RAW and SmackDown was entirely up to us, and that in a nutshell is why I am here. To take back my legacy, and that.. is the WWF Championship!"

Flair would look to Triple H. The Game already seemed irritated being interrupted. He seemed even angrier that Vince wanted to take his title.

"I'll tell you what McMahon, as much as I'd hate for you to get what you want.. I'm gonna leave this up to the champ. I think I'll let him decide which title he gives you!"

Triple H would smirk a bit, looking down at the WWF Championship around his waist, then to the World Title on his shoulder, then finally at the new WWF Championship that Flair still head. The Game then broke his silence.

"...You don't want any idiot superstars, representing your show? Since I work for Ric Flair, I must be one of the idiots your referring to right?"

"No.. no no it's not like tha.."

"Ya know Vince, you and your daughter have put me through a lot of hell over these past 3 months. Now Steph has been fired and I'm World Wrestling Federation Champion. I couldn't be happier to be here, on RAW, working for the Nature Boy! And as much as I would love, to carry this World Title and continue the tradition of greatness it stands for because of people like a Ric Flair... the last thing I would ever do, is something that would make you happy."

Triple H would remove the old WWF Championship belt from his waist and lay it off to the side before taking the new title from Ric.

"This championship, is mine! This legacy you speak of, is mine! It's my legacy to continue. You feel free to return to SmackDown, and begin a new legacy."

With that, Triple H would slap the new WWF Championship over his shoulder, and extend the World Title out to Vince. Vince would accept the title, just staring it. He would look to Triple H, looking like he wanted to freak out, but instead he turned his frustrations towards Flair.

"Damn it no! This is not supposed to happen. I don't care what the board says, or what legal documents you have, this is MY company. This is my show, and that is my damn legacy. I absolutely refuse for my last night on RAW to end with you telling me what I am or am not going to do. I've had just about enough..."

The iconic sound of Stone Cold Steve Austin's music cut Mr. McMahon off mid- sentence. As his jaw dropped, a stunned McMahon couldn't bring himself to turn and face the stage as the Texas Rattlesnake erupted through the curtain to a deafening ovation. Within moments, Austin was in the ring. He acknowledged neither of the men as he marched across the ring to retrieve a microphone from one of the crew members. Austin would then turn back to face the other man, not taking a single step, as if he was just seeing them for the first time. Austin just stood in pause, looking at McMahon. He glance towards Flair, then a glance at The Game, before his eyes locked back on his arch nemesis. Taking four huge steps, Austin was now face to face with Vince.

"What are you doing here? Why are you in my ring? Why are you wasting my time? Why are you breathing my air?"

With each pause Austin took, the crowd would scream WHAT? in unison.

"I thought this was done." WHAT? "No more Monday Night McMahon." WHAT? "Ol' Stone Cold thought he could finally come to work and not have to be messed with." WHAT? "Embarrassed." WHAT? "Screwed over." WHAT? "Harassed." WHAT? "Jerked around." WHAT? "Made to look like a fool." WHAT? "But here you are." WHAT? "On RAW." WHAT? "Crying." WHAT? "And complaining." WHAT? "And bitchin." WHAT? "And pissin." WHAT? "And moanin." WHAT? "About not getting your way." WHAT? "About your last RAW moment." WHAT? "About your legacy." WHAT? "Hell let's be honest Vince, of the hundreds of RAW moments that make up your legacy.. damn near every one of 'em ends with me dropping your ass!" WHAT? "Kaboom!" WHAT? "But we all have a fresh start here." WHAT? "It's a new day on RAW." WHAT? "I'm in a pretty good mood." WHAT? "So in honor of your legacy here on RAW." WHAT? "And creating memorable moments." WHAT? "I'm gonna try something new." WHAT? "Something unexpected." WHAT? "Something no one ever saw coming." WHAT? "I'm gonna thank you."

And with that Austin would extend his hand to Mr. McMahon. There was a buzz in the arena as everyone thought for sure this was a trap. With a serious look on his face, it seemed as if Stone Cold really meant it. Though initially intimidated, even McMahon could see the sincerity in Stone Cold's eyes and began to raise his hand.

"Re.. really?"


And with that Stone Cold would kick his former boss square in the gut and drop him with a Stone Cold Stunner, sending the crowd into a frenzy. As Austin was down screaming in McMahon's unconscious face, Flair had fallen back into the ropes and was laughing almost hysterically. Triple H himself had only backed away, though enjoying the moment, he knew all to well how Stunner-happy Steve Austin could be. As Stone Cold started calling for some beers, Ric would compose himself enough to make one more announcement.

"Wait, wait. Whoa.. okay. Wait, this gives me one hell of an idea. Triple H come here, you're gonna want to here this."

The Game would step forward, now only holding the new WWF Championship belt, he approached Flair and Austin, his was itching it crack open his beers while the adrenaline was still pumping.

"Tonight, in our main event, live right here on Monday Night RAW! Triple H will defend the World Wrestling Federation Championship.. against Stone Cold Steve Austin!"

Flair would turn away and look towards all the fans who were still on their feet, letting Ric know as loud as they could how much they liked that decision. Triple H and Stone Cold stood toe to toe, their stares since growing into an intense gaze. The tension grew quickly, the audience couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. Still silence was broken when Austin opened up both cans of his beer. He would actually hand one to Triple H, who eventually reluctantly accepted. Austin would tap his can against The Games, before taking a swig out of his own can. He would turn and pour out the rest of his beer on Vince who was just now stirring. As Stone Cold's music started playing once more, the Texas Rattlesnake exited the ring and headed up the ramp. The camera would focus on Triple H, who eyes remain locked on Austin as we go to commercial break.

As we come back from break, Chris Jericho is sitting in a chair in the middle of the ring. With a microphone in hand he taunts the fans a bit and continues to claim that he isn't going anywhere. We then transition to a bigger side screen that shows what occured during the commericial break. After Stone Cold, Vince, and Triple H had all left, Jericho comes down to confront Ric Flair. Only a few soundbites are shown, such as Jericho claiming he hates that he ended up on RAW working for Flair, and that if anyone deserves a shot at the WWF Championship tonight, it's him. Jericho then announces he will not leave the ring until he sends Triple H back out to defend his title. Flair ignores all of Jericho's requests and simply leaves. Fast foward to the present, and Y2J is staging a sit in.

"I was the first Undisputed Champion! Why should Stone Cold get a title shot? I beat him to become Undisputed Champion. You know when I did that? The same night I beat The Rock! I could care less about this brand extension or new beginnings. RAW is STILL.. JERICHO! And tonight's RAW will be NOTHING but Jericho if Flair doesn't send out Triple H, a referee, and give me what I deserve!"

The fans would continue to heckle and boo Y2J, that is until a referee came walking down the ramp.

"Ok, now we're getting somewhere."

Jericho would drop the mic then stand up. He'd toss the chair out of the ring and remove his jacket. As the referee entered the ring, Y2J appeared ready for his opponent.

&#9834; U Look Fly Today &#9835;

Jericho's expression would grow very sour as Rikishi made his way out onto the stage. The always exciteable big man would be raising the roof as he made his way down to compete with Y2J. After stepping through the ropes, Rikishi would remove his t-shirt and toss it into the crowd. Giving his ass a couple of slaps, Rikishi appeared ready to get things started.

Chris Jericho vs Rikishi
As the match got under way Jericho would be refusing to compete. Waiving his arms and arguing with the ref, he made it clear this was not the match he wanted. The referee would ring the bell anyways, making it official. Jericho continued to yell at the official as Rikishi close the gap between them and approaced Y2J. Jericho would notice and circle out of his corner, then men once again and opposing sides. Realizing he was stuck with this opponent, Jericho would lightly shake his head, as if saying "screw it", before going in for a tie up Rikishi. Rikishi met the offer in the center of the ring, before quickly tossing Jericho away. Now embarrased, Jericho would quickly roll back and engage Rikishi once more in a collar elbow tie up. Rikishi would turn with Jericho for a moment, toying with him, before backing him up to a corner. With Jericho's head tilted back, he would be yelling for a break of the hold, something Rikishi would soon oblige. Releasing Jericho, Rikishi would soon be caught with a slap across his face. Y2J demanded that Rikishi keep his grubby paw off him! Now a bit ticked off, Rikishi would lay a chop across Jericho's chest, causing the former Undisputed Champion to grip his chest and stumble along the ropes to the next corner. Rikishi would follow his opponent, and once Jericho met the corner, he'd receive another chop from Rikishi. Chris again would trail over to the next corner, still holding his chest. Rikishi was enjoying himself, and followed Y2J again, looking to deliver another chop. As he close in though, Jericho would be quick to explode from the corner and place a kick into his opponents gut. Stopping Rikishi in his tracks for a moment, Jericho would then pull back and deliver a chop of his own. The slap met Rikishi's chest, but the big man didn't seem too effected. The fear in Jericho's face was visible before the third and biggest chop yet from Rikishi not only hit Jericho, but took him to the mat. With both arms clutching at his redening chest, Y2J would roll from the ring, occasionally looking down at the handprints that now marked him. Jericho found a homebase near the ring steps where he would take a moment to regroup and devise a strategy. He didn't have much time though, as Rikishi had exited the ring and looked to keep on the offensive. He approached Jericho with intent, but Y2J was prepared. Gripping the rim of his opponents sumo styled trunks, Jericho would fall to the ground, and use Rikishi's momentum to launch him shoulder first into the steel steps. Chris' expression of desperation was now one of determination as he began laying stomps into his opponents mid sections and shoulder area. Aware of the referee's count however, Y2J would return to the ring where he remained, hoping to gain a victory by count out. He wouldn't be so lucky though, as the big man got up the apron by the count of 8 and beginning to enter the ring once more. None too happy, Jericho would come forward and kick the middle rope up into Rikishi's groin. Clearly a low blow, it wasn't one the referee could disqualify Jericho for. However he would step between Jericho and Rikishi and back Y2J away, giving him an ear full for his actions in the process. Jericho would take his tongue lashing before slipping past the ref and grabbing Rikishi by the hair, tossing him fully into the ring now. With his opponent down, Jericho would go for the pin.


But Rikishi kicks out well before the 3. Jericho back now lays in with the stomps again, 5 or 6 connecting to the mid-section of his opponent. Y2J would then turn and give a loud "That's right babaaay!" to the audience who hissed in response. Soaking up the attention, Jericho would flex a little for the camera before going back on the attack. Reaching down to grab his opponent, Rikishi would simply push Jericho away as he was now trying to get up. As Jericho approached again Rikishi would land a stiff right hand to the mid-section, then a second. Now to his feet he would grab Jericho by the head and throw a third punch, only to catch another kick in his already worked over mid-section. Stoppin mid-punch to double over, he'd clinch his abdomen. Jericho took the opening and hit the ropes, coming back to center ring he began to leap, only to be cut down by a huge shoulder tackle out of no where. Rikishi stood tall over his opponent, and as Jericho rolled back to his feet, Rikishi would explode forward and catch Jericho under the jaw with clothesline. Jericho now up once more, Rikishi would take time to plant before thrusting his right foot up and connecting with Jericho right on the chin with a huge kick. Jericho straightened up and tumble like a tree. Taking a moment to catch his breath, rather then go for the pin, Rikishi would stand above Jericho, his legs on either side of him. He'd slap his ass two times, then drop down all his weight down onto Jericho's chest. The crowd loved it as Rikishi stayed seated for his own uniqe pin attempted.


but Jericho just gets his shoulder up. Still simling though, Rikishi helps Jericho up before tossing him into the nearest corner. Taking a couple of steps back, he would then charge and collide into his opponent with a huge splash before stepping away. The impact would cause Jericho to bounch of the corner momentarily, before stumbling back and slumping down into a seated position. The crowd would come alive and again, and Rikishi glare would shoot back and catch his opponent in the most vulnerable of positions. Nodding to the crowd, he confirmed what they already suspected what was next. He'd approach Jericho again and turn, aiming his large rear end right in his opponent's direction. Realzing his position, Jericho would begin violently shaking his head in fear and grab the top rope. Pulling his body up, he would explode out of the corner feet fist, kicking Rikishi square in the behind and sending him forward to collide with the referee. The official was down, but not out, and Jericho took this small window of opporutnity while Rikishi was helping the referee up to drop behind him and launch his arm up into his opponents groin, another and more blatant low blow. The crowd groand in disapproval, but the ref had no idea. As Rikishi fell to his back, Jericho would turn and leap to the middle rope. Springboarding back he'd connect with the Lionsault! The ref still needed a moment to regain his faculties, but was soon on the count.


Jericho would roll from the ring as his music began to play and almost immediately would thrust both arms into the air and begin his own victory stroll back up the ramp. Turning in time to catch the replay on the titantron of how he won the match, Jericho could only laugh and yell back at any fans heckling him. He'd then meet the camera at the top of the stage. "Is that the best you got Flair!? Huh?" He'd look back at Rikishi would was now exiting the ring with the referee, then back to the camera, "I want my Championship Flair!" and with that Jericho would exit through the curtain.

Winner by pinfall: Chris Jericho

JR: "Well folks if ya need to blink I'd do it now, because as explosive as tonight has already been, we still have a long way to go, and you won't want to miss a second!"

King: "You said it JR. Look at what was announced during during that last match."


JR: "Yes ladies and gentlemen, we were informed that here tonight, the immortal Hollywood Hulk Hogan will take to the ring and address what the future holds for him here in the World Wrestling Federation."

King: "After his epic clash with The Rock at WrestleMania, where could the Hulkster possibly go from here?"

JR: "Well that's what we'll find out King."

We then go backstage and see Flair in his office. He's not alone for long as there's a knock on his door. Turning to see who's arrived, he's met by the Dudley Boyz and Stacy Keibler.

"Ah.. the Dudley Boyz."

"You wanted to see us?" proclaims Bubba Ray.

"No, I needed to see you. I WANTED to see you."

Flair would say, taking Stacy's hand and lightly kissing it. A display the Dutchess of Dudleyville seems flattered by.

"C'mon man! What do you need?" shouts D-Von.

"Calm down boys calm down. I'm here to tell you, and the world, that starting tonight we're have a 3 week, 4 team tournament to decide who will challenge Billy and Chuck for the WWF Tag Team Titles at Backlash. And your boys match is tonight! So get ready."

Both Bubba and D-Von seemed pleased as the exited the office. Flair however would lightly grab Stacy's wrist before she could leave.

"Now you missy, I have some other business to discuss with you. After the show ha ha."

Stacy blushes and giggles before leaving to catch up with the Dudley Boyz.

King: "Woohoo! Looks like our owner is taking care of all kinds of business tonight."

JR: "He certainly is. But speaking of business, it's going to pick up in a big way later tonight in our main event.


JR: "Announced at the top of our show, Triple H will defend that brand new WWF Championship right here tonight against the always dangerous Texas Rattlesnake, Stone Cold Steve Austin."

King: "If you don't think he's dangerous, just go ask Mr. McMahon how his jaw feels."

JR: "Yeah I don't think anyone will have to worry about seeing his face around here anytime soon. But what everyone will see, coming up next.."


JR: "..a battle of champions. The new European Champion William Regal will meet perhaps the luckiest WWF Superstar competing today, our Hardcore Champion Maven."

King: "I don't know how he keeps holding on to that Hardcore title? But luck won't get you very far with William Regal. He'll knock you out!"

JR: "He very well might. We'll find out when we come back."


&#9834; Tattoo &#9835;

We come back from break just as Maven's theme music begins to play. The Hardcore Champion comes through the curtain very hyped. With the belt strapped firmly around his waist, he receives a fair reaction from the live crowd. Once down to the ring side area, he walks around over to the announce area and takes a steel chair from one of the crew members. He'd unstrap his belt and let it fall to the ground, though it'd eventually be retrieved by the time keep. Maven would slide into the ring with chair in hand and back into a corner. With his head on a swivel, he was ready for anybody who may show up to try and take his Hardcore title.

&#9834; Villain &#9835;

Black Pool's William Regal was next onto the stage, with the European Championship strapped proudly around his waist. As he approaced the ring, he seemed very caught off guard by Maven weilding a weapon. Refusing to enter the ring until the weapon was gone, Maven eventually complied with the official's request and dropped the chair out of the ring. Feeling safe Regal then stepped through the ropes and removed his European Championship. Posted near the ropes facing the hard camera, Regal would hold up his gold, showing it off for the world to see before handing it off to the referee. Turning to face his opponent, Regal would now back into his corner.

Maven vs William Regal
As the bell sounds, the ever ready Maven begins to circle the ring. A motion that Regal follows. As the young buck comes center ring for a lock up, Regal again follows, but the crafty veteran brings a knee lift with him, catching his opponent off guard. As Maven haunches over, William grabs the kid's left wrist and twist under before coming up vertical, quickly applying a wrist lock. Staying agressive, Regal would then send some toe kicks up into Maven's gut, keeping focus on his abdomen. After 5 kicks, Regal would then yank the arm down in a forward motion, flipping Maven over and dropping him to his back. Regal would quickly throw the arm and drop an elbow down onto his opponent, soon followed by hooking a leg for a pin attempt.


Maven gets the shoulder up before the two. Regal gets to his knee's and takes hold of Maven's arm once more. Now up to his feet, Regal begins to drop some knee's into his opponent's exposed abdomen, aiming for the ribs. After 4 knee shots, Regal digs his knee into the same spot he had been dropping them, then takes a hold of Maven's closest leg. Pulling back on the arm and leg, while pushing his knee forward, the European Champion has successfully locked in a nasty bow and arrow. Maven screams out, clearly in pain, though he refuses to tap and is able to endure the english man's rugged offense. Eventually getting his right leg out from under him, Maven now lays on his back, and has taken his ribs away from Regal's knee. His opponent still holds his arm and leg however, and Maven is quick to pull Regal down towards him, while reaching up with his ride arm. Hooking his arm around Regals head, he catches his opponent off guard and rolls him down into a small package pin. The crowd comes alive as the ref drops to count.


But Regal breaks out. Both men get to their feet, and though Maven clearly now favors his left side, he leaps into the air and catches Regal with a beautiful drop kick. Both make it vertical again, and again Maven drops his opponent with a drop kick. As each man makes it to the feet again, Maven is just a bit quicker, therfor Regal comes up on the defensive, his arms protecting his face preparing for another drop kick. Maven dives in however, hooking his arm around his opponent's leg and rolling him back into a school boy pin.


Again Regal avoids the 3 count. Maven is building momentum and decides to take to the air. Maven makes it to the top rope as Regal comes to his feet, hand wrapped around his jaw. His eyes don't find Maven until the youngster is mid-air, flying right at Regal with a Cross Body. The crafty veteran quickly ducks to the side, and allows Maven to crash and burn down into the mat. Regal see's his opening to go back on the offensive and quickly get's to Maven and pull's him up by his head. Once Maven is to his feet, Regal keeps his head held down and begins to lift knees into the Hardcore Champions face. A left knee, a right knee, and so on. After seven knee's, Regal let's go of Maven as he connects with an eighth and final knee. The impact sends Maven down to his back, and Regal drops down for the cover.


Maven's able to kick out once more! Regal seems a little surprised that the kid can take such abuse. The camera is locked on Regals face, and it's obvious the wheels are turning in his head. The veteran then suddenly grabs down around Maven's choke and blatantly begins to choke the young man. The ref is on top of it though, and begins screaming out a count directed towards Regal. He releases at 4 and stands to his feet with his hands up, as if he were innocent. As the ref dropped down to check on Maven, Regal turns and reaches into his trunks, pulling out his brass knuckles which are wrapped around his fist. Keeping his hand close to his body, he watches over his shoulder, waiting for Maven to rise. As the kid gets to his feet, Regal is inching in closer. Now up, he spots Regal moving in who soon launches forward, fist first. Maven ducks under the punch and comes up behind his opponent, leaping up again for a drop kick, this time connecting with the back of his opponents head. Regal stumbles away, his arm covering his head. Maven gets back up, a little slower than before, still clutching at his ribs. But he keeps at it, and charges behind Regal, taking grip of his head and leaping forward, driving him down with a Bulldog! The fans are clearly behind Maven at this point as the young man turns into the nearest corner, hoisting himself up to take stand on the middle rope. He waits for Regal to come to his feet and dives at him again, this time hooking his arm around Regal's head and turning, attempting to plant him with a big Tornado DDT. Regal is able to keep his balance though, and uses Maven's momentum to turn with him and throw him off. Perhaps the damage done to the mid-section beneath Maven's arm is what hinders him. Regal wastes no time in closing the gap between them, and since the brass knuckles have since fallen off, he charges and attempts to catch Maven in the head with a running knee strike. Maven is able to side step however, and now horizontal with Regal, he grabs hold of his nearest arm, then leaps up and wraps his legs around the far arm. Falling back, he brings his opponent down with him. Maven turns to his side, pressing his opponent's neck and shoulders down to the mat. Regal finds himself caught in a Crucifix pin.


Maven releases Regal and the crowd pops big for the surpise win over the European Champion. Regal himself can't belive, and turns and looks as the referee raises Maven's arm in victory. William gets to his feet and comes up behind Maven. Turning him around, Regal pulls down on his shoulders and throws a hard knee up into Maven's stomach. The crowd groans as Maven drops to the mat, his music cutting out. Regal glares around, a disgusted look on his face. He picks up his brass knuckles, and takes his European Championship from the ref who hands it to him while yelling at him in discipline for his actions. He demands Regal leave, and he does so, exiting the ring as if he could care less about what just transpired.

Winner by pinfall: Maven

As Regal continues up the ramp, Goldust comes running past him. Regal continues on as the Bizarre One slides into the ring. With Maven just now coming up to his feet, Goldust is quick to wrap him up and take him down with an Oklahoma Roll into a pin attempt. The 24/7 rule for the Hardcore Title is in effect, and the ref quickly drops down to count. 1! 2! 3! Goldust in the new Hardcore Champion! He's in quite the rush, insisting the ref hurry up and give him the belt. He doesn't even notice the reaction of the crowd as Christian slides into the ring with steel chair in hand. One clean crack against Goldust's back drops the new champion to his knees. Christian drops the chair then wraps his arm around Goldust's head, bringing him up, Christian then drops to his belly, and drives the back of Goldust's head into the steel chair. He scurry's up and falls over Goldust, hooking a leg. The ref counts again, 1! 2! 3! Christian is the new Hardcore Champion! With the belt now in the ring Christian grabs it and begins to celebrate. Perhaps blinded by joy, he fails to notice Maven now perched on the middle rope. Without hesitation he dives forward and catches Christian's head, spinning then planting him center ring with a Tornado DDT. He floats over and hooks up both legs for the pin. 1! 2! 3! Maven is the new Hardcore Champion! Maven comes up to his feet, reaching over and bringing the Hardcore Championship up with him. With one arm wrapped around his mid-section, he celebrates yet another victory tonight. His jubilation is cut short however, as the monsterous Brock Lesnar enters the ring! Stalking behind Maven, he waits for the champion to turn before hoisting him up onto his shoudlers. Spinning around once, as if showing him off to the entire crowd, Brock soon eliminates the young superstar with a devastating F-5! He then takes the chair introduced by Christian, and bashes it into the head of Goldust who is floored down to the mat. He then turns and finds Christian. Tossing the chair, he approaches the downed superstar as Paul Heyman watches on from the outside of the ring. He pulls Christian up by his hair, before scooping his legs up onto his shoudlers. He holds Christian up then turns, before dropping him with a Powerbomb in the middle of the ring. He's not done though, lifting him all the way back up, and Powerbombing him again. He deadlifts him up once more, and hits him with a third Powerbomb, this time releasing his prey. Brock stands proud, rolling his shoulders as he surveys the destruction he's left. Paul Heyman calls him off and Lesnr exits the ring, leaving his victims to be tended to by the referee and back stage officials who have come down to ringside.

JR: "Why? Please tell me why this monster continues to attack and maim WWF Superstars."

King: "You feel like asking him JR? He does it because he can."

JR: "Yeah well I don't like it. What is he and Heyman's game here?"

King: "I think it's best you leave well enough alone on this one JR."

Backstage we join the APA who are playing cards. Cigar smoke fills the area, and empty beer cans are scattered about. The two are sharing quiet conversation the camera doesn't pick up until the Dudley Boyz enter the frame, drawing the attention of both men.

"Whoa whoa whoa." shouts Faarooq.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? Do you not see the door? Have some manners and give it a knock!" Bradshaw motions to the standing door which is the preferred entrance to their "office".

Bubba Ray: "Yeah we see all ya funiture. Personally our favorite piece.. is the table here."

D-Von then slams both his hands down onto the table, spilling the beer and money everywhere. Bradshaw and Faarooq are on their feet instantly and are nose to nose with the Dudleyz. Stacy Keibler steps past the Dudleyz and stands between the two teams.

"Ah ah ah. Save it for the ring boys."

Bubba Ray: "We got the two of you in Flair's Tag Tournament, tonight!"

Faarooq: "Well fantastic."

Bradshaw: "That's makes me happier than a pig in crap."

D-Von: "You sure smell like one."

Stacy gives the Dudleyz a soft push and leads them away from the scene. The APA stare them down before looking at the mess around them. JR hypes the upcoming tag team match as we go to commercial break.
As we come back from break, Ric Flair is seen walking down the hallway. He stops and looks at a door. It's the Superstars lockeroom. Flair reaches for the doorknob to enter, but the door is suddenly yanked open instead. Before Flair, stands Chris Jericho.

"Ric. That was veeery funny tonight. Well do you believe me now? I should be be next in line for a shot at the WWF Title!"

Jericho continued pleading his case, but Flair would eventually slip right by him and enter the locker room, leaving a disgruntled Jericho shouting behind him before leaving himself. The camera would follow Flair as he walked post numerous RAW stars, eventually coming to a man who ironically wasn't on the roster. The crowd mildly popped as Tommy Dreamer came into view.

"Hey Tommy! Are you ready for your match tonight?"

Dreamer would turn, delighted to see Flair. The ECW icon would extend his hand to Flair, to which he accepted.

"Oh absolutely Mr. Flair! Thank you so much for this opportunity, it means a lot to me and my family."

"I'm sorry you weren't drafted, that's just how the chips fell. But if you win tonight, you're on the roster full time pal."

"I'm ready Mr. Flair. I was...

Dreamer's speech comes to a dead stop. Looking as if he'd seen a ghost, his stare gazed beyond Flair. Interested, and a confused, Ric would turn to see none other, than The Undertaker. Wrapped in his large leather trench coat, The Deadman seemed agitated. Even behind the sunglasses, it was obivous his glare was locked on Flair.

"Taker, just the man I..."

"Let me get this straight! After the ass kicking I gave you at WrestleMania, you still make a trade to bring me to RAW. And just when you have the opportunity to get on my good side, you give Stone Cold a title match, over me?"

"That's right."

"Mmm. Well then I can only assume you enjoyed your last beating so much.. that you want another."

The Undertaker would step closer, peering down at Flair. Tommy Dreamer would step between them however, much to the surprise of The Deadman. Removing his sunglasses, Dreamer now had The Undertaker's attention.

Heh, can I help you boy?

"Let me make something crystal clear. I didn't trade for you so I could "get on your good side". No, I traded for you, so I could make your life a living hell, just like you've done to me over the last 3 months. So now that you mention it, actually Taker you can help Tommy and myself. You see I'm giving Tommy the opportunity to earn a contract tonight. All he needs is an opponent, and it looks like he may have found one."

"You serious?"

"Very serious. So serious infact, that to make Tommy feel more at home out there, I'm making the match a Hardcore Match!"

The fans loved it. Tommy Dreamer loved it. The Undertaker, did not. His head would shoot back to Flair, then back to Tommy. Looking as if he was going to lose it.. Taker would actually compose himself.

"Instead of fighting the WWF Champion.. you want me to beat a jobless scrub with weapons.."

Undertaker would roll his shoulders, then slide his sunglasses back on.

"..fine. But his blood, is on your hands."

The Deadman would turn and leave, the camera now focusing fully on Dreamer and Flair who was patting Dreamer on the shoulder.

King: "Wow, I would not want to be Tommy Dreamer tonight. He's a dead man walking JR!"

JR: "That's certainly one way of looking at it King, but Tommy Dremer's opportunity is later tonight. Coming up, two teams have the opportunity to move one step closer to a WWF Tag Team Title shot!"


JR: "Over the next 3 weeks, we'll determine a number 1 contender to challenge Billy and Chuck for the Tag Team Championships at Backlash."

&#9834; You Look So Good To Me &#9835;

JR: "Speaking of the Tag Team Titles, here come the champions Billy and Chuck"

King: "They're joining us on commentary JR."

Always eccentric and oddly affectionate, the WWF Tag Team Champions made their way to ringside, title belts in hand, and joined JR and King at commentary.

&#9834; Turn The Tables &#9835;

Pyro fell from the roof of the arena, crashing into the stage initiating a stage wide fireworks erruption. Out came the Dudley Boyz, Bubba Ray and D-Von. Accompanied by Stacy Keibler, they wasted no time in getting to the ring, always ready to get the fight started. Both Dudleyz would remove their glasses, handing them off to Stacy as they awaited their opponents. Bubba would take his place in the teams corner as D-Von paced back and forth.

&#9834; Protection &#9835;

No pyrotechnics or pretty women accompanied the APA. Faarooq and Bradshaw marched straight down to the ring, eyes dead locked on the Dudley Boyz. The referee could this was about to break down, and stood in the middle of the ring, one hand pointed at the Dudleyz to try and keep the back, another pointed out at the APA who were approaching the ring.

Number 1 Contender Tag Tournament - Round One
Dudley Boyz vs APA
The APA would both slide into the ring as they come up to their feet, both Dudleyz had made it past the referee and met them with flying fists. As the two teams brawled, the referee tried frantically to establish order to which he was unsuccessful. Eventually Bradshaw tackled D-Von through the ropes and out of the ring, leaving Faarooq and Bubba Ray trading blows in the ring. Once there was separation between Bradshaw and D-Von, Stacy would get between them much like she had backstage and push D-Von away from the situation. Cooler heads prevailed, and both Bradshaw and D-Von went to their corners. Once they were there, the ref went ahead and signaled for the bell, bringing an official start to this match. Bubba was already well underway though, working on Faarooq in a corner, going back on forth with punches and kicks. The referee would step in front of Bubba and push him away rather than give any kind of 5 count. With Bubba backed away, it seemed we could get a proper start with both men in their corner, but Faarooq had other plans. He bull rushed pass the referee and dove at his opponent, taking him down with a big shoulder tackle. Bubba wouldn't down long as Faarooq helpedh him up. Once up though, Faarooq would throw more punches, connecting shot after shot up into Bubba's stomach until he had control of the man. When he was able to, Faarooq would guide Bubba over to his own corner, and reach out for a tag. With Bradshaw meeting the tag, he'd come in to the ring to find Faarooq behind Bubba holding his arms back. With his mid-section wide open, Bradshaw would take advantage and connect with one big knee. Bubba would stumble away, arms wrapped around his abdomen. As Faarooq left the ring, Bradshaw looked to stay on the offensive and chased after Bubba, hooking his head and turning as he fell, bringing Bubba Ray down with a swinging neckbreaker. Bradshaw would be getting up, likely to continue the attack before Stacy Keibler hopped up on the apron. She was motioning at Bradshaw, trying to get the big Texan's attention. Once he had actually turned towards her, the Dutchess of Dudleyville turned on the charm and attempted to distract him with seduction. The referee was not amused, and began shouting at her to get down. Stacy took that offensively and only argued with the official. With Bradshaw too busy watching this all go down, he hadn't noticed D-Von come into the ring. The other Dudley would would lunge forward, connecting a big forearm strike to the back of Bradshaw's head, dropping him to the mat. Angered, Faarooq began to enter the ring hoping to even the odds. Stacy however pointed this out to the referee, screaming over and over that Faarooq was interfering. She would hop down from the mat, and the ref would turn to notice Faarooq's attempted entrance, quickly stepping in and demanding that he exit the ring and take his spot back in his corner. While Faarooq disputed the ref's demand, D-Von helped Bubba back over to their corner before exiting through the ropes. Faarooq would eventually comply with the referee's demand and exit the ring just in time for the official to turn and notice a tag between the Dudley Boyz. D-Von would re-enter the ring and pounce on Bradshaw who had gotten up to a knee. Now mounted on his opponent, D-Von would begin raining down rights hands, one after another. Staying on top of the illegal shots, the referee would give D-Von the count of 5 to stop. At 4 D-Von would raise his arms, and look at the ref. With a grin he played innocent, eventually getting up and bringing his opponent up with him. D-Von would shoot Bradshaw across the ring and follow close behind. Bradshaw's back would meet the turnbuckles, and D-Von would leap up, colliding into Bradshaw with a big splash. The impact would cause Bradshaw to stumble out of the corner, and D-Von would take off towards the ropes. Coming back D-Von would dive towards his opponent and spin, driving his elbow into Bradshaw's face. The momentum and impact dropped Bradshaw instantly, and D-Von quickly went for the pin attempt.


But Bradshaw is tougher than that. D-Von came up to his knees and looked at the ref. Instead of debating with the ref though, he would grin then look at Bubba. D-Von got up to his feet again, and again brought Bradshaw up with him. Looking at Bubba again, he give him a nod, and a big evil smile would appear on Bubba Ray's face. Bubba would hop down down to the floor and kneel down by the ring. The fans knew exactly what he was looking for, and began a "WE WANT TABLES!" chant. As Bubba threw up the apron cover to search under the ring, Bradshaw took advantage of D- Von's lack of offense quickly scooped him up. Holding his opponent horizontally, Bradshaw would fall back and throw his opponent over his head for a big fall away slam. The crowd popped big for Bradshaw's comeback, and popped even bigger once he rolled over to his corner and tagged in Faarooq. The former Florida State Seminole football star came in like a ball of fire. He'd charge across the ring and slide down beneath the ropes, kicking the table back into Bubba's face as he approached the ring with it. Bubba Ray hit the crowd and Stacy rushed over to check on him. Faarooq then turned his attentions to D-Von was getting to his feet. He'd charge forward and drop him with a clothesline. D-Von would get up again, and this time be dropped by a big boot to the jaw. A little slower this time, D-Von would get up again, this time charging at Faarooq as well. Faarooq would sling his arm forward for another clothesline, but miss as D-Von ducked under and hit the ropes. Coming back he hoped to turn the tables on Faarooq, but was surprised as Faarooq ducked down and catapulted D-Von over his head with a big back body drop. The crowd was roaring in support of the APA, and Faarooq took a moment to acknowledge the crowd. He'd then look down at D-Von, and start screaming for him to get up, motioning up with his arms. D-Von rose, and just when it looked like Faarooq might finish him off, Bubba Ray re-entered the ring and chopped Faarooq down with a shot to the back of the knee. Bubba Ray would roll on top of Faarooq and start punching away, D-Von soon joining in with some stomps. The referee would start shouting and pushing the two away. D-Von would bark at the ref who backed away as Bubba got to his feet. Both men rose their hands in the air, 3 fingers up each, signaling for the 3D. D-Von posted up near Faarooq, just waiting for him to get up as Bubba waited a few feet behind. The ref began a count, demanding that Bubba exit the ring. Just as Faarooq came up to his feet though, Bradshaw re- entered the ring and floored Bubba Ray with an unexpected Clothesline From Hell! The crowd lost it, but D-Von didn't pay attention to any of them as he lifted Faarooq ain the air and stumbled back, waiting for Bubba to take the head and drop him down. Instead Bradshaw pushed Faarooq back and he fell to his feet in front of D-Von, quickly kicking up into his stomach and doubling him over. Faarooq would wrap his arms around D-Von's abdomen and hoist up onto his shoudlers, before slamming him into the mat with the Dominator! Bubba had since rolled out of the ring, and Faarooq went for the cover.


Faarooq came to his feet as Bradshaw threw up the long horns in celebration. The ref would take both their arms and hold them up in victory as the Dudley Boyz regrouped on the outside with Stacy Keibler who looked very upset.

Winners: APA

JR: "With that win, Faarooq and Bradshaw move on to the the second round of this tournament."


JR: "In two weeks they will face off with the winners of next weeks match between the Hardy Boyz, and the nWo's Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Whoever wins it all gets Billy and Chuck at Backlash!"

Billy: "It doesn't matter who wins JR, because we'll be ready."

Chuck: "We'll take any and all of them!"

King: "Yeah.. I bet you will."

Billy and Chuck leave commentary, catching the attention of Bradshaw and Faarooq. The duo signal that they'll be tag team champions soon, but Billy and Chuck disagree. The two teams shout back and forth while the champs head up the ramp.

JR: "Well the race for those Tag Team Titles sure is heating up. But coming up next, Hulk Hogan will be out here, and he'll address the WWF fans regarding his future here in the World Wrestling Federation."


King: "I wonder what he's got to say?"


Before officially coming back, we're shown the WWF Rewind. It's the finish to The Rock vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan match at WrestleMania X8 and the aftermath of nWo turning on Hogan, and The Rock making the save.

&#9834; Voodoo Child &#9835;

JR: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to WWF RAW! Here he is, the immortal Hollywood Hulk Hogan, coming out to address the WWF fans about his future here in the company."

Hogan would stop on the stage, decked in red and yellow, large feather boa's rested on his shoulders. Making his way to the ring, the crowd was very vocal in showing their appreciation for Hogan. Once in the ring Hogan would remove his boa's and rest them on the top rope in a corner. Receiving a microphone from one of the crew members, Hogan would wait for both his music, and the crowd ovation to die down.

"Wow. You guys are incredible. You know maniacs, when I returned to the World Wrestling Federation with the nWo.. I was still very bitter. Bitter about how I left WWF in 1993, bitter about everything that happened in WCW, and bitter that Vince only brought me back to try and help kill the WWF. I kept waiting and waiting to hear from WWF, and I won't lie you guys, I didn't feel that wanted. Then when I finally see McMahon's name on my Caller ID, my hopes are crushed when he says he's enlisting the nWo's services to kill this company to spite Ric Flair. Well that really put me over the edge, I was all in. I was going to come here, kill this company, and kill the business that I helped create. If they didn't want me, then I didn't want a THEY to exist anymore. If that makes any sense. Then comes WrestleMania in Toronto. I'm facing WWF's modern day hero The Rock... and you guys... you maniacs... well I'll say it, you all showed me the love. I've never heard an arena so loud, or felt the ring shake beneath my feet like I did that night against The Rock. I thought Hulkamania was dead, but all you maniacs brought it back and now it's alive and runnin and better than ever!"

A very loud "HOGAN" chant rung throughout the arena, and Hogan was forced to pause and enjoy the moment.

"This right here, this is what I'm talking about. You guys are insane! So let me tell you something, Vince McMahon may not want me, but I don't work for him anymore. I'm on RAW. The nWo may not want me anymore, but I don't work for them. I work for all you maniacs here tonight, and all the maniacs around the world! So what I'm here to say tonight, is that Hulkamania will live forever, and as long as you guys will have me, I'm here.. to stay!"

&#9834; Rockhouse &#9835;

The crowd was so loud, it took a moment for Hogan to realize the nWo coming out onto the stage. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and the newest member X-Pac all made their way down the ramp, turning the crowd's postive vibe into a hateful boo that was echoed all around the buildling. As the three entered the ring, Hogan put down his mic and appeared ready to fight. The nWo though would appear peaceful, holding up their arms as their music eventually cut out.

Nash: "Hogan, Hogan.. chill my brother. We're not here to beat you up. We just want to join you on this special night to make a little announcement of our own."

Hall: "Exactly, what big Kev said. Now see, you may be happy to be here on RAW, workin for Flair. But we ain't. But it didn't turn out all bad for the nWo because in a perfect world sure, we would have ended up on SmackDown workin for Vince. But we all agreed, that ending up here on RAW with you, is just as good. Now we get the chance to do, what we were brought here to do, and that's kill the WWF. And I don't know about you, but we can't think of a name more associated with the letters WWF, than Hulk Hogan. Hell, WWF was built on the back of Hulkamania and all the maniacs! Hulkamania coming back to life is the best possible news in the world for us, because our announcement, is we are going to kill Hulkamania... for good!

The nWo would drop their mic's and begin to spread out, setting up what looked like an inevitable attack. Until they were stopped dead in their tracks by..

If Ya Smellllllll!
The arena came unglued as The Rock came bolting from behind the curtain. The nWo used what little time they had, jumping on Hogan and pinning him into a corner with a 3 on 1 attack. As Rocky hit the ring, Kevin Nash would be quick to exit. Hall would turn and catch a right hand from The Great One, dropping him to the mat. Rather than getting up for more, he too would exit the ring, rolling under the ropes. X-Pac was still going to town on Hogan, before The Hulkster began to fight back. Using the energy of the crowd, Hogan fought out of the corner with right hands to X-Pac. The lone nWo member would eventually turn to escape, only to meet his fate at the end of a huge Rock Bottom! The crowd loved every minute as Hall and Nash only watched on. With X-Pac flat in the ring, Rocky would grab one of the stray microphones.

"nWo I'll make this short sweet and to the point. You're in the business of killing huh? Hitmen for hire. Killing companies and careers whenever you see fit. Well that little gang warefare may have worked down in Atlanta, but this ain't Dubya See Dubya, this is RAW! We are an army of MILLLLIONS! "AND MILLIONS!" of Hulkamaniacs just dyin to know whatcha gonna do! When the Brahma Bull and Hollywood Hulk Hogan run wild on you IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! What The Rock! Is! Cookin!"

Rocky would toss the mic back and keep his stare locked on Hall and Nash as X-Pac was painfully making his way up the ramp to join his comrades. Hogan and The Rock would slap hands, talking back and forth between each other before The Rock would grab Hogan's wrist and both would raise their arms in the air, the music now swithing from The Rock's to Hogan's. We're then shown a replay of the confrontation between Tommy Dreamer, The Undertaker, and Ric Flair earlier tonight, setting up our next match.

&#9834; Bad Dream &#9835;

Tommy Dreamer comes out onto the stage with Kendo Stick in hand. Rather than wearing his typical 'EC F'N W' shirt, Dreamer doned a brand new RAW shirt, sporting the new RAW logo. As he entered the ring, Dreamer received a solid "ECDub" chant from the audience.

JR: "A lot of contracted WWF Superstars were passed over in the draft, which resulted in the loss of their jobs. But RAW Owner Ric Flair informed me earlier today that he would be giving opportunities to young men who he may have underestimated. Each week a released superstar will compete for a job here on RAW. If they're victorious, they'll be rewarded with a brand new contract!"

&#9834; Rollin' &#9835;

The chants turned into boos, but the sounds of an engine revving dominated for a moment as The Undertaker rolled onto the stage atop one of his custom motorcycles. Giving the arena one disgusted look over, he'd lift his feet up and the ride the bike the ramp, carefully circling the ring before he came to stop at the bottom of the ramp. Turning off the engine, he'd remove his shades and leave them on the seat before turning and hoping up to a knee on the apron. Standing up he'd enter the ring and stand near the ropes, facing the hard camera, just staring at the fans. Dreamer was in a corner close to The Deadman, and the ref stood between them, talking to Dreamer. He was probably asking him to wait for an official start to the match. The Undertaker had other plans. He would shove the referee to the mat and begin unloading punches into hte head of his opponent.

Hardcore Match
Tommy Dreamer vs The Undertaker
The Undertaker was going to town on Dreamer, without much of a fight back. The referee was powerless to stop it as the time keeper rang the bell without any signal, it's anything goes. After 14 or 15 shots, The Undertaker would stop and actually step away, taking a moment to remove his large trench coat, folding it over once before dropping it over the ropes. Turning back to continue the assault on his opponent, Taker would be struck in the leg by the kendo stick. Dreamer was fighting out of the corner, and connected with three more stinging shots, each one sending The Undertaker futher away. Swinging another shot seemed like a good idea, but Dreamer aimed high. A shot to Taker's back, still connected, but Taker would quick to throw his arm down to catch the stick. Gritting through the pain, Taker would pull the stick back with his left arm, and lunge forward with his right fist, catching Dreamer with a shot to the temple that dropped the hardcore superstar. With the Kendo Stick in one hand, The Undertaker would rub his recently struck leg with the other hand as he watched Dreamer begin to roll up. With his opponent on all four's, The Deadman saw the perfect time to swing that Kendo Stick, cracking it against Tommy Dreamer's back. Dreamer would arch his back and scream in pain as he fell flat once more. The Undertaker was relentless though, and continued striking Dreamer with the stick. Five, six, seven shots all of the back and abdomen as Dreamer attempted to roll away, yelling out after each shot. Stopping to look at the almost broken weapon, Taker would take the Kendo Stick in both hands and break it in half. He would toss one half out of the ring, then drop down to his knee's near Dreamer and press the other half of the stick into his opponent's throat. The ref yelled at Taker, but could only watch as the evil superstar choked his opponent without remorse. Kicking his legs about, Tommy would reach up to Taker's face, trying to push him away and get free. Desperate for air, Tommy began to claw. Digging his fingers into The Deadman's eyes, his opponent would let out a yell in pain himself, eventually releasing the choke and standing up to his feet, one hand over his eyes. Coughing, Tommy would take hold of the nearest rope and begin to pull himself up. Taker wasn't blinded for long though, and quickly targeted his opponent once again. Not yet up to his feet, and noticing the Deadman approaching, Dreamer would lunge out with a low drop kick aimed at his opponent's knee's. The kick connected and The Undertaker fell foward, catching himself on the middle rope. Dreamer was up quick though, and draped one leg over Taker's head and pressed all his weight down, returning the favor and choking his opponent against the middle rope. The crowd enjoyed the payback, but Dreamer had other plans. Releasing his opponent, Tommy would exit the ring as The Undertaker still rested on the middle rope. Quickly looking under the ring, Dreamer would come back up with the lid of a trash can. Showing the fans for approval, he'd receive a positive reaction, and didn't hesistate to swing the lid and slam it right into The Undertaker's head as he hung on the rope. The Deadman would grasp at his head as he fell back to the mat. Dreamer would leave the lid on the apron, then go back under the ring. Now he'd pull out the entire trash can, which was visibly full of other weapons and objects. The fans would cheer even louder as Tommy tossed the trash can over the top rope and into the ring. A few items would fall out, most noticeably a street sign and what looked like a cookie sheet. Tommy would roll back into the ring and look at the weapons at his disposal, eventually choosing the street sign which was again approved by the live crowd. Dreamer would stand and turn, planning to use it against The Undertaker. He wouldn't get the opportunity however as The Deadman would kick a big boot into the sign, driving it into Dreamer's face and sending him to the mat. Taker still had a hand on the side of his face, which was a bit reddened due to the trash can lid. Taker would step over to the weapons introduced by Dreamer and pick up the cookie sheet. As Tommy got up to his feet, Taker would swing for the fences and wrap the cookie sheet over the top of Tommy's head. Dreamer would fall again, a gasp escaping the crowd at both the sound of the shot, and the sigh of the now dented cookie sheet Taker held in his hands. Chuckling, Taker would toss the now useless weapon out of the ring then kneel down by Dreamer's motionless body, placing a forearm across his face for a disrespectful pin attempt.


What? The Undertaker would lift Dreamer up by the head, bringing his shoulder off the mat. The crowd would groan in displeasure of The Undertaker's cockiness, but The Deadman must have found it entertaining as he chuckled again. He'd let go of Dreamer's hair and allow his head to fall to the mat once more. The shot from the cookie sheet had opened up Dreamer, and blood had started trickling from his forehead. The Undertaker would press his forearm into Dreamer's head and rake it back and forth. The painful screams coming from Dreamer were the first signs of life he had shown since being struck by the cookie sheet. Taker's forearm helped open the wound, and as he lifted his arm up, the bottom and side of it were tinted with a light red. Taker would not stand, bringing Dreamer up with him. It seemed that Taker would holding Tommy up more than his own legs were, but that didn't stop the Deadman from shooting his opponent across the ring with full force. Tommy was sent to the nearest corner, and the impact of his back meeting the turnbuckles immediately sent him down to the mat. The Undertaker would exit the ring and head towards the commentary area, more specifically towards ring announcer Lillian Garcia. She would quickly abandon her chair in fear, leaving it free for Big Evil. Folding up the chair, Taker would re-enter the ring. He looked at Dreamer who was struggling to stand, debating if he should hit him with it or not before unfolding the chair and setting it up in the middle of the ring. Taker would then approach Dreamer and help him up to his feet, his face against the mat left a small blood stain. Taker had Dreamer up, and seemingly in his control before the Innovator of Violence threw a kick up into the gut of his opponent. The surprise attack caught The Undertaker off guard, and Dreamer kept it up. A second and third kick connected before Dreamer was able to take control of his opponent and turn, pushing him into the corner. Dreamer unleashed a fury of wild left and right hands, beating them into The Undertaker's head. The Deadman would eventually try to cover up, but he was slowly slumping down into the corner. Tommy would leave the corner though, choosing instead to retrieve the trash can he introduced earlier. Lifting the can and allowing any remaining items to fall out, he would hold the weapon above his head and let out of war cry which brought the first positive reaction out of the crowd for a while now. Dreamer would scoop up the street sign and approach his opponent who had pushed out of the corner. Dreamer would momentarily drop the sign and lift the trash can up, turning and putting it over The Undertaker's head. The trash can went down to his elbows, and trapped The Undertaker's arms against his body. Dreamer would pick the street sign and begin slamming it against the trash can lid. The Deadman would begin stumbling away, trying to escape the attack. He'd walk the length of the ropes and end up at the next corner. Letting out one more war cry, Dreamer would strike the trash can with the sign again before dropping it and pulling the trash can off of The Undertaker who appeared very groggy as he shook his head left and right. Wrapping his arm around The Undertaker's head, he would bring him down in a front face lock and would walk backwards to the center of the ring. Dreamer would look over his shoulder down at the erect chair Taker had set up earlier in the match. The crowd popped big as Dreamer looked to finish his opponent with a nasty DDT. The Undertaker though would have none of it, and dropped down to his knees before thrusting his forearm up between Tommy Dreamer's legs for a low blow so impactful, it actually brought Tommy up off his feet for a moment before he fell over Taker's arm and down to the mat. With his opponent down holding his jewels with both hands, Taker would look around agitated before grabbing a hundful of Tommy's hair and bringing him up to his feet with him. Taker would then slap his right hand around Tommy's throat, just holding up by his neck for a moment as he looked down at the chair which still stood. Taker would then grip his opponent's pants with his other hand before hoisting him into the air by his throat and not hesitating to throw him down into the chair. The crowd responded with a loud "OHHHHHHH!" as Tommy arched his back and let out yet another painful scream. The Undertaker stood over his prey, for a moment, soaking in the pleasure that inflicing pain brought him. Taker could have ended the match right there, but that just wasn't good enough. As Tommy rolled off of what was left of the chair, Taker would kick the remains out of the ring and go for the trash can. Laying the weapon down in the middle of the ring, he would then bring his opponent up once more. Dreamer was dead weight at this point, only grasping at Taker's pants as he tried to stand. Taker didn't need to get him all the way up, and forcefully placed his opponent's head down between his legs. He'd give the crowd one more look before slowly raising his right up. They'd boo the overkill, and The Deadman for taking his sweet time. But the misery was almost over. He'd lift Dreamer up to his shoulders and hold him there for only a second before pushing him up further by his pants. A surprised expression appeared on Tommy's face, as if he didn't know how he had gotten so high up, but it didn't last long as he was soon thrown down. Crashing into the trash can, Taker had delivered Dreamer his Last Ride! As Tommy laid in the flattened trash can, Taker would drop down and place his forearm into Dreamer's face again, allowing the official to fully count this time.


Winner: The Undertaker

The Undertaker kept his arm in Dreamer's face as the bell rang and his music began to play again. The Deadman just stared out into the crowd, looking around before his eyes met one of the roaming ringside camera's. He'd chuckle before finally standing up. The referre would grab Taker's wrist to raise his arm, but Taker' would pull away and buck at the ref, causing him to stumble away and eixt the ring in fear. He'd flick his thumb across his nose before exiting the ring. He'd approach his bike and take his shades, hooking them onto his singlet. Taker would take seat on his bike, like a king on his throne. Turning the engine on he'd rev it a few times before riding it up the ramp. He'd stop at the stop of the stage, and a camera at the top of the ramp would be able to catch the expession on his face. Though he still looked agitated, the corner of his mouth turned a small grin before he lifted his feet and slowly rode away through the curtain as we go to commercial break.
JR: "Welcome back to RAW folks. If you missed it, Tommy Dreamer was unsuccessful in his attempt to gain a WWF RAW contract, losing a vicious Hardcore war with The Undertaker. But we did receive word during the commercial break about next week's Contract Opportunity."


JR: "Former Intercontinental and European Champion D-Lo Brown will come to RAW in hopes of regaining his job as a WWF Superstar. If he's victorious in 1 on 1 competition next week, he'll be signed to a RAW contract that night."

King: "I hope for D-Lo's sake that he's luckier than Tommy Dreamer. That was brutal!"

We then go backstage and get a glimpse of Triple H preparing for his upcoming match. As The Game tapes his wrists, the new WWF Championship belt hangs in the background. JR and King hype the title match as the competitors for our next match make their way to the ring.

&#9834; Loaded &#9835;

All three members of Team Xtreme come out onto the stage. Jeff Hardy is accompanying Matt Hardy and Lita for their Intergender Tag Team match against Booker T and the WWF Women's Champion Jazz, who entered the arena during the commericial break and are already in the ring.

Matt Hardy & Lita vs Booker T & Jazz
The men start off the match as Matt and Booker meet center ring in a colar elbow tie up. Hardy is quick to take control, forcing Booker down into a side headlock. Booker, unable to free his head, turns his body and drives Matt back into the ropes before turning and using the momentum to throw his opponent forward. As Hardy shoots across the ring, Booker meets him center ring, only to be taken down by stiff shoulder tackle. Matt Hardy hits the ropes again, this time by his choice, and leaps at the last moment when he comes off the ropes after Booker rolls his body over to try and trip his opponent up. Making another trip across the ring, Hardy now returns to the center, but before he can attack Booker leap ups just making it over his opponent. Free to continue to run, Matt meets the ropes more time. This time Booker his ready and meets his opponent with a hooked up, using the momentum to flip him over his body with hip toss. Not giving Hardy anytime to get up, Booker would straighten his body before falling down, driving his knee into is opponent's head. As Matt Hardy grabbed his head, Booker would go for a quick cover.


But Hardy is quick to get the shoulder up. Booker T takes control of Matt's head and helps him up, guiding him over to his corner where he tags in the Women's Champion Jazz. She enters the ring, not one bit worried about squaring off with the male superstar. With Matt in her corner, she deliver's a chop to his chest. As Matt grips his chest, he shoves Jazz aside and begins walking to his corner, knowing it'd probably be best that he let Lita handle Jazz. The champ will have none of it though and intercepts, bull rushing Matt into another corner. She chops him again, then whips him across the ring to another corner. She charges across the ring and leaps up, grabbing a hold of him and it looks like she planned on taking Matt down with a Monkey Flip. Matt would catch Jazz though and hold his ground. Slowly turning he would drop her to her feet and force her into the corner, putting both her arms over the top rope. Matt held up his hand, as if seeking the crowd's approval to chop Jazz back, to which they agreed and Matt would pop her one right on the chest. Hardy would then rush to his corner and tag in Lita, who would immediately take to the top rope. Jazz had traveled to center ring while holding her chest, and only looked up for a moment before she was floored by a missle drop kick. Jazz and Lita would both make it to their feet, but Lita would be first to attack, diving out and taking her opponent down with a clothesline. Two more times this happens before Lita heads up to the top rope again. She waits for Jazz to rise, but Booker T enters the ring hoping to stop the air strike. As he approaches Lita, she jumps off the top rope and wraps her legs around his head before swinging down and sending him Booker to the mat with a big hurricanrana. Booker rolls out of the ring to his feet, shaking his head, but doesn't get much time to re-group as Matt Hardy dives off the apron and takes the 5 time WCW Champion down to the floor with a clothesline. As Lita watched the collision on the outside, Jazz came behind her and took hold of both her arms. Lita was surprised as Jazz lifted her up in the air, attempting to lock in the Bitch Clamp. Lita was quick to reverse, rolling down and tucking her head. Her momentum would roll Jazz down as well who ended up on her back, with Lita sitting on top hooking both of her legs for an unexpected pin attempt.


Lita pins the Women's Champion! As her own theme "lovefurypassionenergy" begins to play, Lita quickly rolls out of the ring and meets Matt and Jeff Hardy who join her in celebration. Jazz looks shocked in the ring, and Booker now getting to his feet has no idea what just happened. The ref catches up with Team Xtreme, and they all raise their arms in celebration.

Winners: Lita & Matt Hardy

JR and King put over how big it is that Lita just pinned the Women's Champion, both agreeing that puts her in line for a future title shot. As they finish talking we go backstage again and see Stone Cold Steve Austin leaving his personal locker room. While he makes he way through the backstage area, we then see a replay for the beginning of the show. Vince McMahon demanding the WWF Title, Triple H refusing, then Stone Cold joining the mix and ultimately stunning the SmackDown Owner.

JR: "That ladies and gentlemen brings us to our main event!"


JR: "Coming up next, "The Game" Triple H defends the World Wrestling Federation Championship against perhaps the toughest S.O.B. the WWF has ever seen, Stone Cold Steve Austin! Don't go anywhere, our main event is on the other side of this commercial break!"


JR: "Folks our main event is moment's away, but just take a look at what we have in store next week, when RAW rolls into Phoenix!"


King: "It's the second match in the first round of the tag team tournament to determine a new number 1 contender for WWF Tag Team Championships! Those Hardy Boyz go up against the nWo's Kevin Nash and Scott Hall and I gotta say JR, my money is on the nWo!"

JR: "Well King I'm not much of a gambling man, but it could be a career night for the New World Order because all three members will be in action."


JR: "He hit Rock Bottom tonight.."

King: "Funny JR."

JR: "But X-Pac will have the chance to get even next week when he goes one on one with The Great One, The Rock!"

King: "I can't wait for next week's RAW JR!"

JR: "Things are definitely going to get heated in the desert, but we're a long way from being done here tonight King!"

&#9834; I Won't Do What You Tell Me &#9835;

The sound of glass shattering sent the crowd into a frenzy. Trading his jean shorts for black trunks, Austin marched to the ring, a man on a mission, draped in his leather vest. He would enter the ring and climb all 4 corners, giving the entire arena a good chance to see him before removing the vest and awaiting the champion.

&#9834; The Game &#9835;

The intro to The Game played out before Triple H appeared on the stage. With the WWF Championship strapped around his waist, he poured water over his head before taking a sip. Waiting for the music to reach a high note, he'd then explode from the stage. Water flying off his hair as he also spit water into the air, the crowd came alive as Triple H continued down the ramp. Arriving at ringside, he'd hop up to the apron facing the hard camera, and again wait for the cue in his theme before flipping his head up and releasing more water into the air. Always intense, the Game would enter the ring and stroll right past Austin, removing his championship before climbing the far corner of the ring and posing for the crowd. Triple H would surrender his crown to the referee, allowing him to show the title to Austin before holding it high in the air for the world to see.

WWF Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Triple H (C)
The two gladiators would slowly approach each other as the bell rings. Standing toe to toe in the center of the ring, both me are speaking, nothing loud enough for the camera to pick up unfortunately. The crowd is a buzz, and there's a big fight feel with the title on the line. The fans are split with back and forth chants of "Let's go Austin!".."Tri-ple-H!".."Let's go Austin!".."Tri-ple-H!" bouncing around the arena. Both men nod, seemingly coming to an understanding.. before they both start throwing punches. Back and forth they go, both standing their ground in the ring as neither gives up an inch. Austin though is the first connect with consecutive punches and keeps it going, taking the upper hand and forcing Triple H backwards into the ropes. Stone Cold bring an end to the slug fest by taking Triple H by the arm and sending him across the ring. The Game returns to Austin moments later who turns to drive his elbow into his opponent's jaw, dropping him to the mat. The Austin supporters pop big as Stone Cold is in control. He shouts for Triple H to get up, but he's already half way there and charges forward, colliding into Stone Cold's mid-section. He forces the challenger back into a corner and begins to lunge back and forth, driving his shoulder into Stone Cold's mid-section. After five shoulder strikes Triple H stands and take's hold of Austin's head with his left hand, simultaneously hitting it with his right fist. The Game connects with a couple of shots before Stone Cold throws his left arm away, and wraps both his hands around Triple H's head, quickly turning and forcing the champion into the corner. Austin would catch him with two punches before bringing the boot up. Stomp after stomp into the mid-section as Triple H slowly slumped down further into the corner. With his opponent finally down in a seated position, Steve would pause for a moment to shout some unflattering remarks down to The Game before giving him the two bird salute and dropping one more stomp down into his gut. By this point the ref was pleading with Steve to get ouf the corner and Austin would obey, turning and shouting out some curse words that got a pop from the fans close enough to hear him. With Triple H now pulling himself up Austin would approach again and grab his arm, looking to send him across the ring to another corner. Triple H would reverse though and use the momentum created by Austin to send him into the corner instead. Austin's back would just meet the turnbuckles before he would explode from the corner and drop Triple H with a clothesline. With The Game down for the moment, Austin would take hold of Triple H's legs before falling back, catapulting his opponent over. Triple H would fly towards the corner, over shooting as his face collided into the ring post behind the turnbuckles. Stumbling away from ther corner covering his head, he'd turn only to be scooped up by Austin who would drop him right back down for with a Spine Buster. Austin would drop down with The Game and hook his leg for the first pin attempt of the match.


But Triple H shoots his arm up well before the 3. Austin would move over into a mounted positin and begin dropping punches down on his opponent. Triple H wouldn't stay down for long though, quickly rotating over and taking the dominant position, now laying into Stone Cold's head with his own shots. The Game would break at the ref's 4 count, standing off of Stone Cold and letting the official know he he would stop. Triple H would assist Austin as he rose to his feet, catching him with more shots that drove him into the corner. Once there The Game would shoot him across the ring again, and again he'd follow close behind. This time Austin hit the corner and stayed there, and Triple H would collide into him with a big clothesline shot of his own that caused Austin's feet to pop up off the ground on impact, only to again catch his balance before falling down the corner. Triple H would wrap his arm around Steve's head and bring him out of the corner before hooking his trunks. Triple H would lift Austin into the air and hold him there for only a moment before dropping back into the middle of the ring with a suplex. After impact The Game would roll over and hook up one of Austin's legs for a pin attempt of his own.


But just like Triple H, Stone Cold kicked out right after two. The Game would look up at the ref then down at Austin, nodding in acceptance that it would take much more to beat his challenger. After the kick out JR announces that we have to take our last commercial break.

We come back from break, and all hell has broken loose. Triple H is on the outside of the ring, leaning on the steel steps as Austin is in the ring arguing with the official before rolling back out and continuing his attack on Triple H. While they trade blows, a larger replay screen comes up and shows the big spot missed during the break. Triple H remaind in control from a time before charging at Austin while he was against the ropes. It appeared The Game was going to clothesline him out of the ring, but instead Austin ducked low and caught Triple H, using his momentum to send him flying over the top rope with a back body drop. We now resume the action, and Austin leaving the ring forced the offiical to restart his count. Austin leading Triple H by the head, throws him into the corner of the barricade and assaults him again with more Stone Cold punches. Triple H though use a pause between punches to lower his stance and rush forward, driving Stone Cold backwards, crashing him back first into the ring post. As Austin's back arched around the pole, his face showed an expression of pain. Triple H would rise and connect one punch to Austin's jaw, causing him to stumble away from the post. Triple H would stay close by, eventually taking hold of Austin and rolling him back into the ring as the ref reached the count of 7. Triple H would slide into the ring after Austin and push him further into the ring. As Austin rolled to center ring, Triple H came up to his feet near the ropes and briskly walked towards Austin's downed body before leaping into the air and coming down with the point of his knee colliding into Austin's head. As The Game rolled out of the attack, Austin begain rolling around, gripping his head as his feet kicked off the mat. Triple H would quickly catch up to Austin and hold him down, going for another pin attempt.


But again Austin kicks out! Triple H stands, waiting for Austin to get up on his own he slings his arms up into the, taking a moment to do his traditional post signaling he's going for The Pedigree. The fans pop big as the end may be near. Triple H positions Autin's head between his legs, and hook up both arms. Before he can leap up though Austin pulls both his arms down and exlodes up, sending Triple H up and over for another back body drop. Wanting to stay on the offensive, Triple H is up to his feet in a heartbeat and goes after Austin. Noticing this, Stone Cold waits for The Game to get near before leaping into the air and colliding into Triple H. The Thesz Press takes Triple H to the mat, and Austin rains down the punches. It seemed Austin was ignoring the ref's 5 count, but the ref realzing this was a title match stopped after 4 and began to try and pull Stone Cold off of Triple H. Austin would eventually rise on his own, yelling in the referee's face causing him to stumble all the way back to the corner in fear. Austin flipped the official off, which the crowd enjoyed, before turning to find Triple H. As The Game rose, flipped him off as well before kicking him and grabbing his head for the Stunner! Triple H would start to run though, and soon pushed Austin off of him, causing Steve to fall through the top and middle rope. Steve held on though and only fell to the apron outside the ring. Triple H hanging on the ropes, took a moment to shake the cobwebs after taking so many punches. As Austin rose on the apron though, he'd catch a punch from Triple H before The Game took Austin by the head and led him along the ropes to the nearest corner. Once there, Triple H would pull Austin's head back before throwing it down towards the ring post. Austin would catch the turnbuckle through and pull his head away, sending a punch over the top rope he'd catch Triple H square in the jaw. The Game stayed close though, and took 4 more punches before Austin reached over the rope and took hold of The Game's head. With Triple H against the ropes, Austin would begin to lift, attempting to suplex Triple H over the ropes down to the floor. The crowd would pop mometarily before Triple H would kick his feet back down, not allowing Austin to lift him very high. Triple H would drop down to knee, freeing himself from Austin's grip before lunging through the top and middle rop with his shoulder, colliding it into Austin's gut. Stone Cold held on to that top rope though, and did not fall to the floor. Triple H would take hold of Austin's head again, and himself would begin to climb the ropes in the corner, slolwy bringing Austin up with him. Triple H was posted on the middle rope as Austin ended up seated on the top turnbuckle. Before Triple H could form an attack though, Austin would start throwing some comeback punches into The Game's abdomen. Triple H lost control with each punch and eventually Austin reaches up with left hand and takes Triple H by the head before sending a right hand up that catches Triple H right in the face and causes him to fall down to the mat below. Austin remains seated on the top turnbuckle, taking a moment to regroup, but perhapse a moment too long as Triple H rises again and meets Austin in the corner. Steve sends a foot out, attempting to kick The Game away, but the champion catches the foot and throws it down before throwing a right hand into Austin's face. Triple H climbs the ropes again, every so often laying a punch into Austin. This time Triple H stands on the top rope and brings Stone Cold up with him. With an arm wrapped around Steve's head, and one of Steve's arms over Triple H's head, The Game hooks Austin by the trunks and falls back, taking Austin down with a Superplex! Both men hit the mat hard and the crowd pops big. Each of the competitors are down for a good period of time, trying to fight through the pain and catch their breath. Triple H is the first to move, crawling over to Austin and hooking a leg.


Stone Cold just gets the shoulder up. Both men are slowing down, but again Triple H is the first to his feet. Bringing Austin up, Triple H turns and puts Austin right back into the corner. Triple H connects a few punches, but the always resilient Austin fights back. A kick to the stomach, a punch to the face, another kick, another punch, then another punch, another punch, another punch. Austin hits one more kick, the again goes for the Stunner! Again though Triple H pushes away, this time sending Austin's chest into the top turnbuckle. As Austin stumbles back Triple H takes hold of his opponent's head and drops him down with a neckbreaker. After impact Austin rolls to his stomach and wraps both hands around his neck. Triple H wants to go for a pin, but knows they're way to close to the ropes. The Game brings Steve back and whips him across the ring. As Austin hits the the ropes, Triple H leaps into the air, hoping to drive his knee into Steve's head. Stone Cold though holds onto the ropes, avoiding the attack, Stone Cold explodes off the ropes with a fury of punches. Steve punches the champion all the way back across the ring to the ropes before whipping him across the ring himself. Triple H comes back, but ducks a clothesline thrown by Stone Cold. The Game comes back and catches Stone Cold with a clothesline of his own. Austin rises, and gets dropped with another clothesline. The challenger rises one more time, but this time ducks the clothesline. Triple H's momentum carries him to the ropes, and Austin ducks, hoping to take The Game over with a third back body drop. The Cerebral Assassin is aware of this however, and when he approaches Steve he grabs hold of him and leaps into air. Triple H comes down to a knee, bringing Stone Cold down face first into the posted knee. Austin flys up and stumbles back, a hand covering his face. Triple H follows Austin and takes hold of his arm, sending him across the ring The Game takes stand in the middle of the ring. Steve comes back and is lifted into the air by Triple H who appears is attempted a Spine Buster. Austin blocks through, preventing The Game from turning Austin kicks is wait down and falls to his feet in front of his opponent. Austin sends a kick up to Triple H's gut, but The Game catches. He shouts at Austin before throwing his foot down and sending up a kick of his own that meets Austin's gut. Stone Cold doubles over as Triple H forces his opponent's head between his legs and hooks up both his arms. The Pedigree is coming, but Austin backs out. Allowing one of his arms to remain hooked, Austin spins up and appears in front of Triple H again, quickly sending up another kick that connects this time around, before grabbing him by the head and finally dropping him with a Stone Cold Stunner! The crowd loses it's collective mind as Triple H hit's the mat motionless. Stone Cold moves over to hook a leg, and an excited crowd yells along with the ref's count.

1! (ONE!)
2! (TWO!)
... (THREE! Awwww)

The air is let out of the arena as The Undertaker yanks the referee out of the ring and throws him to the floor. Austin looks around for moment, wondering where in the hell the 3 count he expected was. He looks over his shoulder to find The Deadman standing outside the ring. Austin rises approaches Taker, stepping through the middle rope. It's a crucial mistake for Steve though as Taker throws a chair up that catches Stone Cold right in the skull. Austin falls back into the ring as The Undertaker slides in, chair in hand. As The Undertaker comes to his feet, the referee signals for the bell, ending the match due to outside interference.

Winner: No Contest

The crowd is hating The Undertaker, but he just takes a moment to enjoy the boo's. Their disappointment is his pleasure. He turns to find Stone Cold is pulling himself up to his feet, blood now trickling from his head. Taker drops the chair and waits for Austin to turn before grabbing him by the throat and lifting him into the air, dropping him down with a big Chokeslam! The Undertaker turns in time to find Triple H also getting up to his feet. The Undertaker stalks behind him, waiting for him to turn just like Austin. When he does, he's surprised to be grabbed by The Deadman. The Undertake lifts, but Triple H falls behind. As Taker turns to find his prey he is kicked in the stomach and forced down between Triple H's legs. The crowd comes alive, but The Undertaker avoids the Pedigree by pushing The Game away. Triple H turns but stops himself on the ropes. Turning back he wants to find The Undertaker, but instead finds a steel chair that The Deadman picked back up after pushing the champion away. The crowd is booing again as The Undertaker stands proud surrounded by his destruction. The ref is on the outside of the ring, yelling at Taker to stop, causing him to throw the chair down to the mat in the ref's direction, shutting him up. The Undertaker's theme "Rollin" begins to play as he exits the ring. Both Austin and Triple H begin to stir, looking up to find The Deadman at the top of the ramp. He turns on the stage to face the fallen superstars, pointing at them, "That's what happens. You ain't gonna disrespect me in my yard!" The Undertaker's smirk is the last thing we see as RAW goes off the air.
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Quick Feedback

Hey StraightxEdgexSwagger! This is just some Quick Feedback. I'm writing my ECW show so I decided to look at yours for some match writing ideas....

All seems good to me except 1 thing. The layout. I just cant get in to it also the writing is a little to small. I'm not saying it has to be massive... just bigger then it is now.

Matches all seemed good and I think they displayed the charectors involved very well. The only thing I will say is Rikishi vs. Jericho should have been a bit more longer. Maybe a little bit more back and forth...

All in all, good show. Just don't like the layout. Cant wait to see Cult's smackdown....

* If you get chance will you maybe review my latest show? Thanks.
Hollywood Quality Feedback:

Hey Swagger, Got a bit of freetime here so I thought i'd drop you some quick feedback.

All the matches were well written, As was said making them normal size is a good idea instead of smaller because it makes them harder to read.

I like your tag team tournament idea and I hope the winners end up taking the belts, Gotta say i'm rooting for The Hardy Boyz to win it all just because they have to be one of my all-time favorite teams but I wouldn't mind APA winning the whole thing.

I loved your opening segment! I thought that was written perfectly and it ending with Austin hitting the Stunner was great.

Poor Tommy Dreamer got murdered! Undertaker is pissed and I like it! Looks like we may be heading towards a 3 way feud here with Austin, Taker and Triple H. Should lead to a couple good matches between those 3.

All in all a good opening show and i'll be looking forward to future shows from you. Sorry I kinda jumped around here a bit, Hope this helps though. Looking forward to Smackdown man.

P.S. I really hate to do this but if you happen to get a chance could you please drop me some feedback on my Sacrifice PPV? If not it's no problem i'll still be reading and dropping feedback to you.
Appreciate it guys. I really wanted some reviews so I could better my thread. Two reviews and two complaints about the small text is enough for me, so I'll scratch that.

And since you both asked, I'll drop you some reviews. Could take me a little longer on yours Hollywood as I'll most likely read everything leading up to Sacrifice as well.

Thanks again fellas.
Peep's Review

* Decided to hand out my first review in a few months, as this really caught my attention. So, here we go. I won't go in depth on the story lines but I'll give you my main points.

* First and foremost - the layout. Usually, if I took a glance at the way you set everything out, I wouldn't even start reading it. All the colours, the spaces and the little music notes kind of put you off. Have a look around at other lay-outs, ones that aren't boring but are easy on the eye and make the show look a little more professional, I guess. One thing I didn't like was that the spoken text didn't have the speaker's name attributed to it - when there are several promo in one promo, it can get a tiny bit confusing near the conclusion.

* Your opening promo was very well done, just the right length and each man sounded perfectly like they should. Only problem, I feel Triple H should have spoken about his previous feud (was it Jericho at Mania?) and about himself a little bit. Honestly, I don't tend to read TV matches, especially in the lay-out you've set them up in and this can be a problem, as I could be missing out on smaller plot points that these matches serve. I think your strongest point is your promo writing, each character feels exactly like their real life counterparts, but the promos are a little short. They need to be fleshed out to be more effective.

* I'm digging the whole Flair/McMahon, Hogan/Rock vs. nWo (this has a lot of potential as they never got to do much in the real WWE) and the WWE Title situation. The tag division is heating up which I like. However, (and this might just be because it is the first show), everything else felt like filler without much purpose, without story lines - kind of like generic WWE crap we see from time to time. Overall, really good start - you have a lot of potential and hope to see more soon.
Just letting you all know, I'll be taking over SmackDown since The Cult doesn't want to do the project/doesn't have the time, I don't know. The first SmackDown of this thread will be up tomorrow. Thank you.


As soon as SmackDown starts, we&#8217;re greeted by the music of SmackDown&#8217;s general manager, Vince McMahon. McMahon walks onto the stage looking angry before strutting down to the ring in Vince McMahon-style. It can also be noticed that he&#8217;s walking down to the ring with the World Championship over his shoulder. McMahon walks into the ring and snatches the mic off one of the ringside workers, and begins to speak.

Vince McMahon: The hell with the music! CUT IT!


*The music stops as McMahon continues to speak.*

Vince McMahon: What happened on RAW was unacceptable to say the least, Stone Cold Steve Austin, how dare you lay your hands on me, HOW DARE YOU STONE COLD STUNNER ME! Just because you&#8217;re not on my show anymore doesn&#8217;t mean you can lay your hands on authority. But you know what? I&#8217;m going to get onto that later. Because I&#8217;ve got much more business to handle. That being said..

*Vince McMahon pulls the title from his shoulder and begins to look at it.*

Vince McMahon: I need to find someone whose got all the right tools, and ability to hold this prestigious Championship; So I&#8217;m going to make it short and sweet, that&#8217;s why tonight, I&#8217;m going to hold two special singles matches, the two winners will go on to face each other at&#8230;BACKLASH! So you idiots shouldn&#8217;t be getting too happy, you really think I&#8217;d crown a World Champion in a state such as this? Darn, Massachusetts sucks.

*The fans roar in disapproval at McMahon&#8217;s comment as he just shakes his head.*

Vince McMahon: Please shut up, I&#8217;m still talking. The two matches to determine the contenders at Backlash are: Edge verses&#8230;KURT ANGLE! And..Big Show verses Latino Heat&#8230;EDDIE GUERRERO!

*For the first time today, the fans actually cheer at what Vince McMahon said. &#8216;No Chance&#8217; plays as Vince McMahon starts to leave the ring, but before he does, his theme stops and something appears on the titantron as the arena goes dark.*

&#8220;Vengeance, vengeance is what I seek; vengeance is what I will get.&#8221;

*A loud noise is heard with someone uttering the words, &#8220;Backlash.&#8221; The lights turn back on as Vince looks confused, and we head to commercial.*

The camera then focuses on Michael Cole and Tazz, who are sat at the commentary booth.

Michael Cole: Hello and welcome to WWF Thursday Night SmackDown, Michael Cole here, joined by my broadcast partner, Tazz! And what the hell did we just see Tazz?

Tazz: I'm honestly not to sure, Vince came out, he gave his speech but was cut off my some subliminal message, I honestly don't know what it was trying to promote! It could be anything, Michael.

Michael Cole: Well, it was for one spooky, but we'll have to move on from that as coming up next our Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam will be taking on the vicious Hardcore Holly!

Tazz: That's one you can not miss, ladies and gentlemen.

We return from commercial as we see the Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam warming up backstage. Another camera then focuses on his opponent for tonight, Hardcore Holly whose walking backstage.


Hardcore Holly&#8217;s theme hits as he comes out to a mixed reaction from the fans. He walks down the aisle looking focused and ready, he enters the ring but doesn&#8217;t do anything. He just turns his attention towards the entrance-way.


Rob Van Dam&#8217;s theme hits as he comes out to a big ovation from the crowd. Van Dam poses at the top of the ramp before heading down to the ring slapping hands with some of the people in the audience. He enters the ring and poses with the Intercontinental Championship, before turning his attention towards Hardcore Holly.

Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly.

The bell rings as Van Dam and Holly both circle the ring. They meet in the center of the ring and Van Dam extends his hand, only for Holly to slap it away. Holly then gives Van Dam a slap, which leads to Van Dam taking Holly down with a Lou Thesz Press. Van Dam with quick fire punches to the head of Holly before rolling off him and taking him down with a running clothesline. Van Dam lifts Holly up before taking him down with a dropkick. He takes a quick couple of seconds posing to the crowd before going back to work on Holly. He lifts Holly up, only to be met by a big kick to the gut, Holly takes Van Dam down with a minor suplex, before pinning him, only managing to get a one count. Holly picks Van Dam up by the hair and yells in his face. Van Dam with chops to Holly sending him back; Van Dam them connects with a big roundhouse kick sending Holly down.

Van Dam taunts Holly and goes to the second rope. He comes flying down, aiming for a crossbody but Hardcore Holly catches him in mid-air and hits a backbreaker, and then bodyslams him. Holly with stoms to the body of Van Dam, Holly suplexes Van Dam, before doing the 'RVD' taunt, much to the crowds dismay. Holly climbs to the top but Van Dam cuts him off. Van Dam climbs up and they trade shots on the top. Holly shoves Van Dam to the mat. Van Dam runs right back up and slams Holly face first onto the mat. Van Dam regroups before pinning Holly, only getting a two count. They both get to their feet and Holly blocks a Van Daminator but can't hit the Piledriver. Van Dam keeps climbing out and in the end, connects with an hurricanrana sending Holly flying to the outside of the ring. Van Dam wastes no time though and takes a huge risk by flying to the outside of the ring and hitting a huge crossbody on Hardcore Holly sending both men down.

The fans are roaring their approval as Van Dam begins to make it to his feet whilst the count is on four. He's holding his stomach though, and seems to have injured it during that daredevil stunt, although he does manage to pick the deadweight of Hardcore Holly up and roll it into the ring, Van Dam quickly enters the ring, but instead of pinning Holly, which would be the smarter move, he intends to finish Holly off with the Five Star Frogsplash, which would be a stupid move considering he's already injured his stomach. Van Dam heads up top...AND THE FROGSPLASH CONNECTS! BUT NO, HARDCORE HOLLY ROLLS AWAY JUST A MILLISECOND BEFORE IT CONNECTED. That was a vital move by Holly, this will now give him a huge advantage. Van Dam is rolling around in pain as Holly uses the ropes for leverage as he begins to get back to his feet.

Hardcore Holly is now up as Van Dam is slowly regrouping and getting back to his feet, he won't want to turn around though as Hardcore Holly is preparing for a massive clothesline! Van Dam's up...AND IT CONNECTS! NO VAN DAM MANAGES TO DUCK, ROUNDHOUSE KICK, NO HOLLY DUCKS AND HE HITS A LOW BLOW! The referee rings the bell as Hardcore Holly just stares him down. He orders the referee to leave the ring as Van Dam is in aching pain, screaming for help. Hardcore Holly leaves the ring, with no remorse, and grabs a Steel Chair from the outside. Holly enters the ring and stomps on Van Dam, he screams at him to get to his feet, and after a while of waiting he does, Van Dam turns around..And he's smacked in the face by the Steel Chair! Holly just smirks as the crowd jeer. He continues his beat down with smack-after-smack with the Steel Chair before throwing it on the ground. Holly leaves the ring, looking as if he's walking out of the arena, but instead, he grabs the Intercontinental Championship, and runs back into the ring! Holly lifts Van Dam up.

He screams right in Van Dam's face before taking him down with a brutal shot to the face with the Intercontinental Championship. Hardcore Holly then poses, holding the Championship above his head over the lifeless Rob Van Dam, whose being attended to by EMT's. Holly drops the Championship over Van Dam's chest before leaving to big boo's from the audience.

Winner via DQ: Rob Van Dam.

Michael Cole: What the hell has gotten into Hardcore Holly?! I mean we were witnessing a great match between two great wrestlers and Hardcore Holly has to go ruin it for himself by making a stupid move like that! Just as I was getting into the match, he has to go and ruin it.

Tazz: Just shut up, Michael, I'm not a massive fan of Hardcore Holly but I understand exactly what he was trying to do there. He was making a point, something each Wrestler should try to do and that's exactly what he did. I like RVD, but as Champion, he's got to expect things like this to happen, I did, Michael.

Michael Cole: I understand that Tazz, but surely he could've made an even bigger point by pinning the Champion. Now he's going to have to deal with an angry RVD, and trust me Tazz, he's not one to be messed with.

*We head to commercial.*

We return from commercial and see highlights of Hardcore Holly's brutal attack on Rob Van Dam. We go backstage where we see officials attending to the Intercontinental Champion, whose visibally hurt.

Michael Cole: Disturbing scenes before the break between Rob Van Dam and Hardcore Holly before the break. We will keep you updated on the Intercontinental Champion's condition on!

*We now cut to a camera, which zooms in on a locker-room which has the name, "RAW General Manager" attached onto it. We go inside and see Vince McMahon talking to someone, but we can't see who.*

Vince McMahon: Well, after seeing that, I've got quite an easy decision to make; at Backlash, in a rematch, Rob Van Dam is going to defend his Intercontinental Championship in a No Disqualifications match against...YOU!

The camera then zooms out and we see Hardcore Holly stood smiling.

Hardcore Holly: That's exactly what I wanted to hear Vince! Thank you.

Hardcore Holly then leaves the scene and the camera focuses on Vince McMahon who gets out his phone.

Tazz: That's exactly what I meant, Michael, now look, what Holly did has earned him an Intercontinental Championship shot! Good for him, given the chance, I'd have done the exact same thing!

Michael Cole: Well we all have different opinions, Tazz..However, up next we will determine one of the World Heavyweight Championship contenders at Backlash as Latino Heat, Eddie Guerrero takes on the Worlds Largest Athlete, The Big Show!

Tazz: As much as I respect and adore Eddie, I can't see him walking out with a victory tonight, to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't walk out at all.

*We now head back to the ring.*


The theme of The Big Show hits as the fans begin to boo. Big Show comes out looking focused, knowing a win here will take him straight to Backlash for a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship.


Eddie Guerrero's theme hits to a big reaction from the audience. Guerrero comes out in familiar fashion, he drives his car out to the ring, creating a big buzz within the crowd. Guerrero jumps out of his car, doing his signature pose at the top of the ramp before walking down to the ring. Guerrero enters the ring and stares down Big Show, looking a little intimidated as the match beguns.

Winner heads to Backlash to fight for the World Title:
Eddie Guerrero vs. The Big Show

Guerrero offers his hand but Show does not look like he is going to shake hands. Show does eventually show some honor and he shakes Guerrero's hand but he does not let go and he presses Guerrero over his head. Show drops Guerrero behind him and then he chops Guerrero in the chest. Show with a punch and chop as they go into another corner for more of the same. Show with a elbow and then he head butts Guerrero. Show with a chop across the chest. Show with another head butt to Guerrero. Show with an Irish whip but Guerrero gets his boots up on two occasions. Guerrero comes off the turnbuckles but Show with a spear. Guerrero's body is under the ropes and the referee does not make the count. The referee checks on Guerrero as we go to commercial. We are back and Show puts Guerrero on the announce table and Show chops Guerrero's chest. Show then begins to stomp on Guerrero a few times. Guerrero though, shows some fight and begins to fight back but Show finds a way to take the momentum away from Guerrero and Guerrero retreats into the ring. Guerrero begs for mercy as Show just laughs. Guerrero with a drop kick when Show tries to get back into the ring. Guerrero begins to beat down on Show.

Guerrero with kicks to Show when he returns to the ring. Show grabs Guerrero's leg and he chops him. Guerrero with a drop kick to the knee and he kicks Show in the head. Guerrero gets a near fall but Show kicks out emphatically. Guerrero hits Show in the chest with his foot and then Guerrero with a DDT. Guerrero gets a near fall but Show still throws Guerrero off like a rag doll. Show blocks a kick and he chops Guerrero. Show with clotheslines followed by an Irish whip, splash, and running shoulder tackle. Show grabs Guerrero by the throat but Guerrero escapes the hold and Guerrero clips Show. Guerrero picks up momentum again and begins to punch and kick Show, but it seems to have no effect. Guerrero goes to the floor and Show follows after him. Show with a forearm to the back and then Show rearranges the announce table. Show wants to choke slam Guerrero through the table but Guerrero avoids it. Guerrero runs back into the ring and Show follows, when Show tries to re-enter the ring, he's met by an Enziguri from Guerrero taking Show down.

Guerrero with a kick to the leg as he tries to avoid Show&#8217;s reach advantage. Show with a head butt and then he connects with a forearm to the back. Show with a chop across the chest. Guerrero with more kicks but Show with a forearm. Show misses the chop and Guerrero with kicks and punches but Show with a knee to the midsection. Show slams Guerrero and then connects with a head butt. Show with another head butt. Show is able to give the chop and Guerrero goes to the mat. Guerrero with chops that have no effect so Guerrero decides to kicks Show. Show punches Guerrero and sends him into the turnbuckles. Show with a running splash into the corner but Guerrero with a drop kick to the knees and Show goes to the floor. Guerrero with a pescado onto Show and Show tries to catch him but Guerrero avoids Show. Guerrero with kicks and then he sends Show into the ring post. Guerrero goes off the apron and he leaps into a chop. We are back and Show with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Show with an elbow to the arm and then he puts his entire body weight on Guerrero&#8217;s arm. Show with another elbow to the arm. Guerrero punches Show but they have no effect. Show stands on Guerrero&#8217;s arm and the referee warns Show. Show wraps the arm in the rope. Guerrero with kicks to Show but Show with a forearm that sends Guerrero back to the mat. Show with a head butt and then he sends Guerrero to the mat with an arm wringer. Show kicks Guerrero and then he sends Guerrero into the corner. Show runs into boots from Guerrero followed by a knee to the head from the turnbuckles. Guerrero with two drop kicks into the corner and Guerrero chops and elbows. Guerrero sets for the roundhouse kick but Show blocks it and he goes for the choke slam but Guerrero counters with a DDT and gets a near fall.

Guerrero looks like he's thinking of something, and looks exhausted. Suddenly, a little smirk crosses the face of Guerrero as the commentators wonder what Guerrero's up to. Show is getting back to his feet as Guerrero is setting up for another enziguri, Show's up but he ducks the Enziguri and Guerrero falls into the referee! Guerrero turns around and Big Show picks Guerrero up for the Chokeslam but Guerrero fights out and hits a kick to the mid-section taking Show down. Guerrero crawls to the outside of the ring and grabs a Steel Chair. He throws it into the ring as the referee and the Big Show begin to get to their feet, Big Show turns around only to see Eddie Guerrero smack the Steel Chair on the mat, Big Show laughs at Guerrero only for Guerrero to throw the chair at Big Show, Guerrero then falls down onto the mat as the referee turns around to see Big Show with a Steel Chair in hand and Eddie Guerrero knocked unconcious on the mat! The ref steals the chair off Big Show and walks to the other side of the ring to throw it out, whilst Big Show pleads with him; Eddie Guerrero then sneaks up behind Big Show and hits him with the low blow whilst the ref has his back turned! Show falls down flat on his back as Guerrero pulls himself towards the turnbuckles..Guerrero climbs up; FROGSPLASH! EDDIE GUERRERO CONNECTS WITH THE FROGSPLASH, GUERRERO WITH THE COVER, 1.......2.....3! GUERRERO WINS!

Winner: Eddie Guerrero.

'Viva La Raza' hits as the commentators applaud Guerrero for his genius tactics. The camera zooms in on some of the fans whom are in hysterics after what Guerrero did. Eddie points to his brain before celebrating on the turnbuckles. Guerrero makes the Championship taunt, as he will be heading to Backlash taking part in the World Heavyweight Championship match!

Tazz: Hahahaha, that right there deserves an emmy! That was GENIUS by Eddie Guerrero. Absolute genius.

Michael Cole: I have to agree with you there, Tazz, but you know what he says, he lies, HE CHEATS, and he steals! You can't help but love Eddie Guerrero.

*We head to commercial.*

We return from commercial and see Chris Benoit backstage, he doesn't look very happy either.

Chris Benoit: It's an ourage how I wasn't chosen to take part in the four man tournament to determine the Backlash contenders. I mean, Vince chooses someone like The Big Show INSTEAD OF ME?! Give me a break, you actually think these people want Big Show on their television screens..let alone having to pay to watch him main event a show? No, it shouldn't be like that. I'm going to prove tonight why I should have been chosen, and maybe show why I shouldn't be overlooked. Because that's exactly what it's like at the moment!

We see Kurt Angle warming up backstage, he'll be taking part in tonight's main event against Edge to see who faces Eddie Guerrero for the World Title at Backlash.

We now see a video from what happened last week when Kane attacked and bloodied Mr. Perfect.

*We head back to the ring*


The arena turns red as a huge noise is heard at the top of the ramp as fire appears, we are then greeted by the Big Red Monster who walks down to the ring, with his mask covering his face, you can barely see his emotion. Kane enters the ring and walks into the center. He lifts his arms up, only to throw them back up as fire emerges from the turnbuckles. The lights dim back to normal as Kane just stands there.


'Perfect' hits as Mr. Perfect emerges from the top of the ramp to a good reaction from the fans. Perfect walks down the ramp, giving hi-five's to members of the audience. Perfect enters the ring and poses as the match begins.

No Disqualification: Kane vs. Mr. Perfect

Perfect strikes first with a kick and goes to work. Kane drops him with an elbow and turns things around. Kane backs Perfect into the corner and drops him with punches. Dueling chants start from the crowd as they take the fight outside of the ring with Kane in control. Perfect makes it back in the ring and in limps Kane. Perfect goes for a DDT but Kane blocks it and drops him on his head. Kane continues the assault on Perfect and kicks him in the head for a 2 count. Perfect fights out of a headlock and trades shots with Kane in the middle of the ring. Kane keeps control and suplexes Perfect for another pin attempt. Kane goes back to keeping Perfect on the mat. Perfect fights out again and they trade right hands before Kane drops Perfect with a big uppercut. Kane splashes Perfect in the corner and down he goes. Kane charges but Perfect hits a drop toe hold and Kane lands on the turnbuckle. Perfect goes for a bulldog but Kane shoves him off and Perfect lands on the apron. Perfect drops Kane over the top rope but comes in the ring to a big clothesline. Kane waits for Perfect to get up and goes for the mandible but Perfect blocks it. Kane tries to get it applied but Perfect holds him. Kane takes Perfect down and goes to the top. Kane comes down for a big shot on Perfect and calls for the chokeslam. Perfect ducks it and hits a drop kick. Another takes Kane off his feet. Perfect with a back drop and then he goes for the leg-drop.Perfect runs to the ropes, but when returning Kane grabs him and lays him out. Kane covers for 2. Kane takes Perfect to the top for a superplex but Perfect fights him off. Kane falls to the mat and there's a lot of cheers for Perfect as he stands on the top and raises his arms. Perfect does his taunt and hits a leg-drop from the top. Perfect goes for the Perfect-Plex but Kane blocks it. Perfect takes out Kane's leg. Perfect grabs the leg but Kane kicks him out of the ring. Kane follows to the floor and rams Perfect into the apron. Perfect manages to fight back beats on Kane, using some of the set pieces to hold up Kane while he pounds away at him. Perfect and Kane continue their fight only for Kane to clothesline Perfect to the outside of the ring, and both continue their brawl on the outside.

Perfect continues to pound away on Kane on the entrance ramp, hitting him with right hands repeatedly. Perfect chokes away at Kane, but Kane rakes the eyes. Kane hits Perfect with a boot to the face to send him down the ramp and toward the ring. Kane tries to slam Perfect into the barricade, but Perfect blocks it and sends Kane into the barricade instead. Perfect hits Kane with a big right and a head butt, before burying a couple of knees in Kane&#8217;s midsection. Perfect tries to whip Kane into the ring steps, but it&#8217;s reversed and Perfect goes in shoulder first. Kane slams Perfect&#8217;s head into the ring steps before stomping down on Perfect&#8217;s head, still placed on the steps. Kane slams Perfect head first into the ring post before going to the timekeeper&#8217;s table and grabbing a steel chair. Kane readies himself, and buries the chair in Perfect&#8217;s midsection, before following it up with a boot to the same area. Kane tosses Perfect into the ring. Kane goes to the top rope and dives off with a big clothesline. Kane chokes away at Perfect in the ropes, and since this is no holds barred there&#8217;s no count. Perfect tries to fight back with a quick right hand, but Kane is having none of it, responding with a series of right hands of his own before hitting a trio of big splashes in the corner that&#8217;s good for a near fall. Kane charges into Perfect, hitting a running low kick. Kane pulls Perfect to the apron, hitting him with a couple of right hands to the side of the head before catching Perfect with an elbow to the throat. Kane tosses Perfect across the announce table, before picking up a piece of it and tossing it at Perfect&#8217;s face. Kane picks Perfect up and tries to send him into the ring steps, but Perfect is able to counter it and Kane goes into the steps shoulder first. Perfect crawls over to Kane and starts to hit him with a series of right hands. Perfect rolls Kane back into the ring, leaving him neck out on the apron exposed. Perfect hits Kane with a boot to the side of the head before following up with a clothesline, but Kane gets right back to his feet. Perfect responds with a clothesline that sends Kane over the barricade into the timekeeper&#8217;s area.

Perfect hits a sick leaping dive right over the barricade and into Kane, and both men go crashing to the floor. Kane comes back with a chair to the midsection, and he trips right over another ringside chair. Kane hits Perfect with a right hand and things spill out into the crowd. Perfect hits Kane with a broom stick. Kane blocks a right from Mr. Perfect and responds with one of his own. Kane drives his knee into Perfect&#8217;s head while he&#8217;s sitting up against a barricade. Perfect and Kane fight back to the ringside area, with Kane sending Perfect over the barricade with a big right. Kane climbs on top of the barricade, and jumps off with a leaping lariat. Kane rolls Perfect back into the ring, and Perfect yells at Kane. Perfect starts to climb to his feet and Kane wears away Perfect with a series of rights and lefts, and stomps to the midsection. Kane chokes Perfect with his boot before mocking him with a combination of left and right jabs to Perfect. Perfect makes his way out of one corner and into another, only to be met with even more strikes from Kane. Perfect takes a load of punishment before finally dropping to the mat. The ref talks to Perfect, but Perfect waves him away and tells Kane to bring some more. Kane works Perfect over with even more right hands, and Perfect responds with one of his own. Perfect and Kane trade rights in the middle of the ring and Perfect is able to get the upper hand, but Kane responds with a knee to the gut. Perfect comes right back with a huge jumping clothesline. Kane beats Perfect to his feet but it doesn&#8217;t matter as Perfect steamrolls Kane in the corner before hitting a DDT on Kane which sends both men down, Perfect manages to pin Kane, but only for a two count. Perfect signals for the Perfect-Plex. He brings Kane up, AND HE CONNECTS WITH THE PERFECT PLEX! Perfect, though, doesn't intend to pin Kane. He signals for another Perfect-Plex. Perfect goes for it, but Kane is able to reverse it into a huge Chokeslam from Hell! Kane with the cover, and he gets the three!

Winner: Kane.

Kane gets to his feet, but you can tell he is hurt. He looks down on the fallen Mr. Perfect before doing his usual taunt and walking to the back. After a couple of moments, Perfect manages to get to his feet and is greeted by a thunderous applause by the fans in attendance. Perfect walks to the back limping as we head to commercial.

Tazz: Massive respect for Mr. Perfect for even fighting in those conditions tonight, let alone survive. Kane's an absolute beast, a monster and the fight Perfect gave was second-to-none, he should be proud of himself. I, for one, wouldn't be ashamed.

Michael Cole: And we'll be right back after the commercial break!


*We come back from commercial and see highlights of RAW, mainly focusing on the opening segment where Vince McMahon got Stone Cold Stunnered. We then cut to a backstage scene where we see Vince looking angry glaring into his TV*

Vince McMahon: That right there makes my blood boi--

*Vince is cut off by a knock at the door*

Vince: Urgh...come in.

You can hear the door open, as Vince's frustration turns into a smile, as we see a new, never-before-seen superstar enter the frame.

Vince McMahon (smiling): And this must be...JOHNN CENAAA!

John Cena: Yes, Vince, I go by the name of John Cena.

Vince McMahon: You impressed me the other week, John, you see, I've been looking for the next generation, I've been looking for a future star, and I think you fit that criteria.

John Cena: That's good to hear, Vince.

Vince McMahon: I've been looking for someone like you for a decent amount of time now, John. And if you do one big favor for me, I'll change your career forever, it'll make you a main event star in an instant!

John Cena (smirking): can I refuse that?

Vince: Good, good, I just want you to do something for me.

Vince whispers something in Cena's ear.

John Cena: Well...if that's going to make me a big star, then how can I refuse, sir?

Vince: We've got more business to handle though, John, alright? Meet me here after the show, we'll talk about it.

John Cena: Brilliant.

John Cena leaves the room as Vince faces directly into the camera with a big smirk on his face.

Tazz: John...what is it? Cena? I don't know who the kid is, but he's bound to be someone pretty special if Vince is putting that much faith in him.

Michael Cole: Well, it looks as if Vince wants Cena to do something for him, and it must be something pretty big if he had to whisper it to him..Any idea on what it could be, Tazz?

Tazz: No idea at all, Mike.

Michael Cole: Well up next, an angry and frustrated Chris Benoit, takes on Spike Dudley! And what...


Michael Cole: What the hell is Kurt Angle doing here? His match isn't scheduled until later tonight?!

Tazz: Just shut up, Michael, he might have something to say!

Kurt Angle walks to the ring looking upset. Angle enters the ring and snatches a mic from one of the men at ringside. Angle wastes no time in speaking.

Kurt Angle: Shall I tell you something that frustrates me? Well..alot of things frustrate me, you people definitely, most of the boys in the back, but Eddie Guerrero frustrates me the most. You know his motto? "I lie, I cheat, I steal" it proves what a thief Eddie is! Yet you mindless little sheep continue to cheer his name just because at times, he makes you laugh. I'm sick of it, I'm sick of Eddie Guerrero being the focus of this show, I'm sick of you people assuming that Eddie Guerrero is the face of SmackDown, because he isn't! I AM! I'M THE FACE OF SMACKDOWN! Answer this..has Eddie Guerrero ever won an Olympic Gold Medal? NO HE HASN'T. Has Eddie even bothered to try represent the United States of America at the Olympics? NO HE HASN'T! Yet I, the American Hero, Kurt Angle, the man is a Gold Medalist, continues to get booed and jeered. It doesn't make sense, I'm sick and tired of it. Is it because I don't make you laugh? Is it because I take this place to seriously? Well news flash, this is a damn wrestling company! I don't come here to make you laugh and tell jokes, I come here to fight, to kick ass, to hurt other men...I come here to earn money and win Championships. Now don't take this the wrong way, because I honestly don't care what you people think. Heck, you can chant Eddie Guerrero's name right now for all I care!

The fans chant 'Eddie' as Kurt just looks on disgusted.

Kurt Angle: Yes, continue to cheer a man whose openly admitted to using drugs, yet continue to cheer a cheater, yes, continue to boo a man whose represented your country, continue to boo a man whose one of the only real men left in this country! My point is..I AM THE FACE OF SMACKDOWN, NOT EDDIE GUERRERO. NOT ANYBODY, I'M THE MAN YOU BUY TICKETS TO SEE, I'M THE MAN WHO FILLS ARENA'S!

The fans continue to boo Kurt Angle.


The fans boo's suddenly turn to cheers as Eddie Guerrero walks out laughing with a mic in hand. Eddie, walking down the ramp, just points and laughs at Kurt Angle who just stares at him angrily. Eddie enters the ring laughing.

Kurt Angle: I never called you out here, Eddie. LEAVE!

Eddie Guerrero: Cálmate amigo. Why you so angry esse?

Kurt Angle: Why am I so angry? Oh, Eddie, it's not like I haven't just come out and explained why I'm angry. Why don't you actually listen for once?

Eddie Guerrero: Oh, I'm sorry esse, I was busy doing things backstage

Eddie pulls a weird looking face, and looks like he's up to no good.

Kurt Angle: Oh no, I know that face, Eddie. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, TELL ME?!

Eddie Guerrero: Nothing amigo, calm down, it's not like I've trashed your locker-room or anything..

Kurt Angle: Oh my god you little bastard, who the hell do you think you are?!

Eddie Guerrero: Oh come on Kurt, we're in Massachusetts, stop being so moody and have some fun esse!


Eddie Guerrero is then cut off by the music of Edge, whom Kurt Angle will be facing in tonight's main event to determine who will face Eddie for the world title at Backlash. Edge gets a good reaction as he walks out to the ring looking confused.

Edge: And whilst you two are bickering amongst yourselves; I think you are forgetting about someone..

Eddie Guerrero: Ohhhh...I didn't forget about you Edge, fact, I WAS JUST ABOUT TO INVITE YOU OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!

Edge: Yeah, yeah Eddie, what I came out here for, was to answer Kurt's questions. The thing is Kurt, the people don't think Eddie is the face of SmackDown, they think I am..

A mixed reaction sparks upon the arena after what Edge said.

Eddie Guerrero: Esse, esse, esse, you're wrong there Edge, you honestly think you're better than me?

Edge: Yes, I honestly do think I'm better than you.

Eddie Guerrero: Well you're deluded, Edge. You want to know why?

Edge: Why, Eddie?


Kurt Angle: No, Eddie, YOU are the one that's deluded, because I AM THE NEXT WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!

Edge: But Kurt, that would mean having to beat me, and that's not going to happen. Shall I tell you why?

Kurt Angle: Why?!


Suddenly, Edge runs at Kurt Angle and hits him with a thunderous spear.

Eddie Guerrero: Good luck, Edge.

Eddie Guerrero walks off smirking as Edge stares down at Kurt Angle and we go to commercial.


We return from commercial and head to the announce table, to our commentators Michael Cole and Tazz.

Michael Cole: Well, what we saw before the break was erm..interesting?

Tazz: It was interesting, all three men claiming to be the face of SmackDown, and all three men claiming that they will be the next World Heavyweight Champion. I'm looking forward to tonight's main event, and I'm sure as hell looking forward to Backlash in three weeks time!

Michael Cole: So am I, Tazz, and we've already got a match booked for the event, Rob Van Dam will be defending his Intercontinental Championship against Hardcore Holly in a No Disqualifications match. That one's sure to entertain, and lets just take you back to what happened earlier in the night to see how this match was made.

We see highlights of Hardcore Holly's brutal assult on Rob Van Dam, aswell as Vince announcing the match to Holly in a backstage segment. The camera then goes back to focusing on the announcers.

Michael Cole: And from what I've been hearing, and from what I've seen on, thankfully Rob Van Dam suffered no major injuries, just a couple of bruises, but he is in a lot of pain, it's also telling me that we shouldn't expect to see RVD fighting before Backlash in three weeks.

Tazz: Well I'm glad our Champions okay, and I'm glad the match at Backlash has officially been made, and after Holly's brutal assult, it's added some spice into the match aswell.

Michael Cole: And to add to that, tonight we will find out our World Championship match for Backlash, on Monday's RAW, SmackDown was given the World Heavyweight Championship, and currently it is vacant, but earlier on in the night, Eddie Guerrero defeated The Big Show, and in tonight's main event, Edge will take on Kurt Angle. So as it stands, Eddie Guerrero will face either Edge or Kurt Angle for the vacant World Championship in three weeks time only on Pay-Per-View at BACKLASH!!

Tazz: My god, these threee weeks can't come fast enough.


'Whatever' hits as Chris Benoit comes out to a good reaction. Like earlier, he doesn't seem to be in a good mood and just walks to the ring lacking any emotion. Benoit enters and just stares at the ramp waiting for his opponent to come to the ring.


Billy Kidman's theme hits and he walks out with a grin on his face, he gets a decent reaction from the fans, but not as big as the reaction Benoit got. Billy high-fives with some of the fans on his way down to the ring as Benoit just stares him down. Kidman enters the ring and poses on a turnbuckle before the match gets underway.

Chris Benoit vs. Billy Kidman

Benoit with a kick to the midsection and then to the head followed by punches. Kidman with a head scissors take down and then he tries for the handspring back elbow but Benoit catches Kidman and hits a German suplex and kick to the back. Benoit gets a near fall. Benoit with a reverse chin lock and then he sends Kidman to the mat. Benoit with another kick and he gets a near fall. Benoit with a knee to the back and he gets another near fall. Benoit with a reverse chin lock and locks it in tight, Kidman is coughing as Benoit has the hold in tight but he manages to fight out of it. Benoit with a head butt but he runs into knees from Kidman. Kidman with a head scissors from the top and then Kidman kicks Benoit, Benoit fights back and Benoit sends Kidman into the corner but he runs into an elbow. Kidman with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Kidman pulls Benoit towards the turnbuckles and goes up top. Kidman is looking for the Shooting Star Press, he goes for it but Benoit moves! Benoit gets to his feet and quickly applies the Crippler Crossface to Billy Kidman. Kidman stays resiliant for a few seconds before deciding to tap out. Benoit keeps the hold locked in for a couple more seconds before finally letting go.

Winner: Chris Benoit.

Benoit gets to his feet and looks down at Kidman. Benoit still looks angry and just shakes his head before leaving the ring and walking to the back.

Michael Cole: What a dominant display from Chris Benoit, he does really seem upset about not being chosen to take part in the tournament, does he have a reason to, Tazz?

Tazz: Are you actually asking me that question, Michael? OF COURSE HE HAS A REASON TO BE ANGRY! Every superstars goal is to fight for the World Heavyweight Championship, and Benoit obviously felt he did enough to earn that chance, as do I, I rate Benoit highly and don't understand why Vince didn't choose Benoit to take part in the tournament. But Benoit's on a rampage and rightfully so, and I honestly don't think he'll stop until he's given a World Championship opportunity.

*We see a video package promoting WWF Backlash*
Michael Cole: And in a couple of moments, we will be determing who will be facing Eddie Guerrero at Backlash for the vacant World Title! Any predictions, Tazz, Angle or Edge?

Tazz: Well, Angle may still be hurting from that Spear earlier on in the night but I know Kurt, and he's a warrior at heart, he never gives up, and I can say the same for Edge. This one will be a close match, and I don't know who to pick, Michael. It could go to anyone. What about you?

Michael Cole: Same as you, Tazz, I'm not exactly sure either. If I had to pick, I'd say Edge after what happened earlier. I don't think Kurt will be at 100% but I may be wrong.

Tazz: You will be wrong, Michael, you always are!

Both announcers share a laugh as we head backstage.

We see Edge and Kurt Angle walking backstage in a split camera. Edge seems focused, whilst Kurt Angle seems more angry than anything.


Edge comes out to a good reaction from the fans, and he's looking focused. He walks down to the ring and enters looking very calm, he poses on a couple of turnbuckles. Edge then turned his attentions towards the ramp-way, waiting for Kurt Angle.


Kurt Angle's theme hits to a mixed reaction. The fans do the usual, and chant 'You Suck' during Angle's entrance. Kurt just stares down Edge the whole way and once he enters the ring, tells the ref to ring the bell and get the match underway.

Winner advances to Backlash to fight for the vacant World Title:
Edge vs. Kurt Angle.

They lock up and it's back and forth to start. Angle with a headlock and shoulder block. They run the ropes and Edge hip tosses Angle. They trade more shots and Edge beats Angle to the mat. Edge ties Angle up in the corner and kicks away at his leg, sending him to the mat. Edge takes Angle back to the mat with a headlock as the crowd chants for both men. Edge continues working on Angle's leg. Angle fights back and takes Edge to the corner with a series of kicks. Edge goes for a quick Edgecution but Angle slides out. Edge kicks his leg out and stops the momentum for a 2 count. Edge goes back to working on Angle's leg and ties him up. Angle fights out and fires back with forearm shots to the face. Angle with kicks and uppercuts now. Angle misses a dropkick and lands on his back. Edge goes back to the leg and covers him for a 2 count. Edge dumps Angle out to the floor and runs the ropes, sliding out to the floor. Angle catches him and rams him back into the barrier. Angle suplexes Edge on top of the barrier and kicks him over it. They come back in and Angle hits a big missile dropkick from the top for a 2 count. Angle with right hands while Edge's on his knees. Angle takes Edge back to the mat and ties him up in an arm-wrench. Angle with another pin attempt, Edge reverses into a pin of his own but Angle kicks out. Angle runs the ropes and hits a big knee to the gut before kicking Edge in the back. Angle with another 2 count. Angle with a modified surfboard submission before pulling it back and lifting Edge in the air. The referee checks on Edge as Angle pulls his neck back and screams for him to tap out. Edge breaks the hold with elbows and beats Angle with rights and elbows, Edge with a pin attempt but a kick out by Angle. Angle runs and drops two knees to Edge's back. Angle goes for another but Edge moves. Edge with a fisherman suplex for a 2 count. They both get to their feet and trade shots as the crowd chants for both men. Angle takes Bryan down and climbs to the top. Angle jumps and hits an elbow drop and covers for a 2 count. Angle with another neck hold. Edge fights out and they collide in mid-air with crossbody shots. The referee begins to count as both are down.

They get up and trade more shots. Edge fires away with forearms and goes on but runs into a boot. Edge with a power slam for a 2 count. They end up on the apron. Angle goes out and Edge dives through the ropes, sending them both into the barrier. They come back in the ring and Angle catches Edge in mid-air with a dropkick for another 2 count. Angle with right hand shots while Edge's on his knees again. Edge manages to block it and they lock up in a figure four on the mat. They trade shots while in the hold and go at it. Edge finally has to break the hold but continues working on Angle's leg. Angle counters and rolls Edge up for 2. Angle with another near fall. Angle with knees to the gut in the corner. Angle takes Edge up top but they tangle and fall off. Edge springboards in and clotheslines Angle off the top rope. Edge with another 2 count. More back and forth and punches being traded. Punk goes for a Spear but Angle slides down and rolls him up. Edge rolls Angle up but he kicks out. Angle tries for the Ankle Lock but Edge catapults him over the top rope. Angle hangs on and pulls himself back in the ring. Edge drops him with a roundhouse kick and covers but Angle gets his foot on the bottom rope. Edge scoop slams Angle and goes back up top. Edge nails the big elbow drop and it connects. Edge with the cover on Angle but Angle with a kickout at two. Both men get to their feet and Angle with more knee shots to the ribs now. Angle unloads with shots to Edge's ribs until the referee backs him off. Angle smirks but misses the dropkick in the corner. Both men fall to the outside and continue their fight there. They trade shots before Angle throws Edge back into the ring.

Angle goes to work on Edge but stops to taunt the crowd. Edge takes advantage and dropkicks him. Edge comes out on the floor and knocks Angle over the barrier, right in front of the fans who are going crazy for the match. Edge suplexes Angle over from the barrier onto the mat and they land hard. Edge brings the fight back into the ring and goes for the Edgecution but Angle slides out and kicks him in the head. Angle takes Edge to the mat with another submission. Edge fights out with Angle on his back. Angle drops down and takes Edge back to his knees with elbows to the head. Angle taunts Edge and jabs him. Angle goes back to the top and comes down with a shot to the face. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Edge slides out. Edge comes back with two clotheslines. Angle blocks the bodyslam with a neckbreaker. Edge comes back again with a clothesline and a 2 count. Edge calls for the Edgecution but Angle puts his boot up and manages to get Edge right in the mid-section. Angle with a kick and another neckbreaker for a 2 count. Angle springboards in but Edge catches him. Edge stands up and goes for a bodyslam but Angle grabs the top rope. Angle drops to the floor in front of the announcers. Edge runs the ropes and dives through the middle rope, taking Angle out on the floor. The fans look shocked. Edge brings it back in the ring with a back drop. Angle blocks the Edgecution again. Punk goes for the Ankle Lock and gets it locked in. Edge breaks free and applies an headlock. Angle breaks that and applies a crossface submission on Edge. Edge counters with a back drop and both go down again. Edge strikes first as they get up. They trade shots in the middle of the ring now. They start brawling but Angle drops Edge with a kick to the jaw. Angle with a big clothesline taking Edge down. Angle goes to the top and nails a big moonsault for a 2 count. Punk calls for Angle Slam as the crowd boos. Edge gets to his feet and Angle lifts Edge up for the Angle Slam, but Edge fights out and reverses it into the Edgecution! Edge now sets up in the corner and is looking for the Spear, Angle gets to his feet and he turns around..SPEAR!! But Angle moves, Edge runs back at Angle but Angle locks in an Armbar on Edge. Edge is writhing in pain and screaming as Angle tightens the hold. Suddenly, Edge manages to turn the Armbar into a pin, but the Armbar's still locked in and Edge taps, whilst the referee counts to three! The ref counts to three but witnesses the tap-out. The bell rings as the referee goes to talk to the ring announcer. Both Edge and Angle are arguing in the center of the ring over who won whilst the ring announcer begins to speak.

Howard Finkel: The referee, Charles Robinson, has decided that this match...IS A DRAW!!


Vince McMahon comes out to boo's from the SmackDown fans. McMahon stands at the top of the ramp with a mic in hand.

Vince McMahon: Well due to this match ending in a draw, at Backlash, it's going to be..Eddie Guerrero verses Kurt Angle verses Edge in a Triple Threat match for the Vacant World Heavyweight Championship!

Michael Cole: Oh my god, what an announcement by Mr. McMahon!

Tazz: This is perfect, I simply CANNOT WAIT for Backlash!

SmackDown ends with Mr. McMahon stood at the top of the ramp with Kurt Angle and Edge arguing in the middle of the ring.
Hey Man! Bocaj here! I’m going to review your Smackdown show. I’ve took a brief look at your roster and it looks very good. Should be able to give some good storylines there. Ok. Lets get into this.

Starting off with Vince? Why not. This is good. Your reviewing the last time that the McMahon-Austin thing happened. I totally agree with this in case this is the first time someone has watched (Well, Read.) your show.

Good heel promo from Vince. I just never got why would Vince be insulting the fans in the arena that he booked. Ok then… 2 Good Matches hyped up now Edge v. Angle and Show v. Guerrero. That should be fine.

Good match between Van Dam and Holy. Had some good spots in it and in my eyes, it was an ok length. I like the detail you added such as What are the fans doing and the taunts. 3/5. Wasn’t very happy with the DQ finish but maybe you had a good reason for that?

What’s going on with Holly? A heel turn. Well first Backlash PPV match made. Just a question, how many matches will be on Backlash? 4 of yours and 4 from RAW with StraightxEdgexSwagger? Well, should be a good match never the less. No DQ? This has the making to be a very good mid card match for the Intercontinental Championship.

Guerrero vs. Show was a little early down the card in my opinion but that’s ok… I thought the match should have been a tad bit longer with a little more back and forth action. Backlash seems like it’s getting good. Hopefully we will get a Guerrero vs. Edge match.

I’m not a fan of Benoit for what he did. The promo was just him bitching and moaning. It was also quite short for my liking but that’s ok.

Kane vs. Perfect? Maybe next week we can have Mr Perfects funeral. Perfect actually impressed me more then I thought he would but Kane needed this win. Nice feel good moment at the end.

John Cena? Seems like this should be some good promos if he is on Team Vince. Cant wait to see what you do with him. What did Vince say? Good promo.

Ok promo with Eddie, Edge and Kurt however one thing that bugged me about this is the colors. Maybe for Kurt you could make it Blue, for Edge make it Purple and for Eddie Green? It’s just that would make it more clear to me and more eye catching then just blue and black.

That truly was what you say was a Dominant display from Benoit . I thought he was going up against Spike Dudley? Ok.. Maybe I missed something.

Great match between Kurt and Edge. Main event worthy indeed. Really impressed with that match. I’m glad it was a draw. This sounds like a good Triple Threat Match. Gonna be good!

*If you get a chance, would you be able to review my ECW Show?
Good heel promo from Vince. I just never got why would Vince be insulting the fans in the arena that he booked.

Is this a serious inquiry!? :lol:
It's called getting heat my dear boy. Nothing makes a crowd hate you more than telling them they're not worthy, or they stink, or they're fat, or whatever.

Here's something that I never get though. Why is this at the end of every one of your posts?

*If you get a chance, would you be able to review my ECW Show?

Are you leaving reviews and comments.. or advertisements?
The first week of the Brand Extension is in the books. Both and RAW and SmackDown had stacked shows from top to bottom and both seemed determined to out perform the other. As announced on RAW by SmackDown Owner Mr. McMahon, the WWF Board of Directors agreed to split the WWF and World Heavyweight Championships, giving each show a champion. Reigning Undisputed Champion Triple H decided to hold on to the new WWF Championship title, making the World Heavyweight Championship exclusive to SmackDown. Mr. McMahon has set out out to not only crown a new champion, but to make the World Heavyweight Championship the premier prize in the entire World Wrestling Federation. Mr. McMahon's mini-tournament on Smackdown was supposed to determine which two competitors would square off for the World Title at Backlash, but a draw in the show's main event led to a stunning announcement by Mr. McMahon that we can confirm has been made official!


At Backlash, it will be a Triple Threat contest to determine the first ever World Heavyweight Champion! Eddie Guerrero returned to WWF action after almost a year absence as a member of the SmackDown roster, and upset The Big Show to qualify for the bout. As mentioned before, there was no clear cut winner between Kurt Angle and Edge, and now all three will meet in Kansas City on April 21st to fight for the right to call themselves World Heavyweight Champion! That's not the only announced match for Backlash however. Earlier on SmackDown, Mr. McMahon granted Hardcore Holly a shot at Rob Van Dam's Intercontinental Championship.


In a non-title 1-on-1 bout, Holly took it upon himself to assault RVD with not only a chair, but his own championship belt as well. We can only assume Mr. McMahon was impressed by Holly's aggression, and the championship match at Backlash has been made a No Disqualification Match. After what he did on SmackDown, that may favor Hardcore Holly. But let's not forget, Rob Van Dam made his name in the land of extreme. The ECW alum will not only be looking to keep his Intercontinental Title, but you have to believe he'll be looking for pay back as well!


We can also confirm that as a result of pinning Jazz this past Monday on RAW, Lita has earned a shot at the Women's Championship! RAW Owner himself Ric Flair informed us that when RAW is live in Phoenix this week, Lita will meet Jazz 1-on-1 with the title on the line, adding on to an already stellar line up. So everybody stay tuned to both RAW and SmackDown as we are only TWO short weeks away from Backlash, and anything that can happen, most likley will as the stars of both brands continue their fight for supremacy here in the World Wrestling Federation!

Monday Night RAW
April 8th, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona

The sold out crowd is loud and excited as the show gets underway. JR and King take a moment to thank everyone for tuning into WWF RAW and go over what has already been announced for the night. They promise that tonight is going to be a very exciting show.

&#9834; The Game &#9835;

Most of the crowd are already on their feet, and remain so as the Triple H comes out to the ring. In jeans and his current T-Shirt, The Game has the WWF Championship over his shoulder and looks none to happy. As he enters the ring he quickly motions for a microphone. The crowd to continue to cheer for him but begin to shush and sit as the champ begins to talk.

Triple H: "You know, I have a lot of nicknames. I am "The Game", I am "That Damn Good", I am "The Cerebral Assassin". You know what else I am? I am the World Wrestling Federation Champion! I've been WWF Champion before, but this time is different. To become WWF Champion this time, I had to come back from an injury that everyone told me couldn't be done. It was supposed to end my career. But after 8 long months of the hardest and most intense physical therapy and training I've ever endured.. I returned. I returned, and then I beat 29 other men to win the Royal Rumble! My title shot was then taken away from me when my bitch of ex-wife decided she wanted to get even with me for leaving her.. but then I won it back. Then come WrestleMania. There were some nights during my rehab if I didn't know if I'd ever make it back there, but I did. I made it back in the main event, and become the Undisputed WWF Champion! I didn't need anybody's help. I didn't have to cheat or trick my opponent, no one stacked the deck in my favor. My hard work, my dedication, and my passion got me back there, and back here as champion. That night in Toronto when I finally had a private moment after becoming champion, I promised myself I would be a fighting champion. That I was going to take on all comers, and conquer them because I am the best at what I do, and this right here, this proves it!"

Triple H would hold the WWF Title in the air and the crowd would cheer for The Game, admiring his hard work and accomplishments.

Triple H: "That's the reason I couldn't give this title away last week. Like I said then, I would have loved to have carried on the tradition of that World Title built by greats like Ric Flair.. Harley Race.. Dusty Rhodes. But as far as I am concerned, this right here is NOT Vince McMahon's legacy. This is now my legacy, and I will be here, every single Monday night to defend it when I'm called to... like I was last week against Stone Cold Steve Austin."

Again the fans pop.

Triple H: "I have literally been to hell and back with Steve Austin. We've gone to war in every match imaginable. We've fought over championships, over power, most the times just because we hated each other. Steve showed me respect, in his own weird little way, when he handed me that beer last week. I know he respects everything I had to go through to become champion again, and I couldn't wait to defend the title against him. And when I did, we did what we've done hundreds of times.. and that's beat the living hell out of each other. Not only was it an honor to defend the title that night against Steve, but it was an honor to main event the first RAW of the Ric Flair era, and that he had chosen me to do so. All of that.. brings me to you Undertaker."

The fans have been positive thus far, but boo in unison at the mention of The Undertaker.

Triple H: "The Undertaker took it upon himself to come down here in the middle of a World Wrestling Federation Championship match and attack both me and Steve. I've been where you are Taker. I know how you're feeling. Pissed at the world because you don't feel that you're getting what you deserve. You don't think you're in the spot you belong? I get it. Believe me I know. But let me tell you what I've learned over the last year Deadman. You can't get what you want by crying like a little girl, or by assaulting whoever you want. You have to earn it! There's no substitute for hard work Taker. I would expect you out of everyone to know that after the last decade. Instead you run around here picking on Ric Flair and other unexpected WWF Superstars and bark that everyone is disrespecting you in your yard. YOUR YARD? I got 10 pounds of leather and championship gold here that says this yard is mine! So Taker, if you have a problem with who the champion is, or who gets the title shot, why don't you come down here.. and do something about it?"

There is a pause as both Triple H and the fans wait to see if The Undertaker will meet the call. The anticipation is broken as "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit suddenly plays and Taker slowly walks onto stage. Covered in his large trench coat, the Deadman stops at the top the stage and just stares down at The Game. His expression is partly hidden by his sunglasses, but his body language gives away how annoyed he is. The Undertaker begins down the ramp, walking casually with both hands in the outter pockets of his coat, The Undertaker isn't intimidated by Triple H. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp though, the crowd erupts as Stone Cold Steve Austin comes running down the ramp. The Undertaker stops at ringside, just looking at the fans confused before the Texas Rattlesnake clobbers him from behind. The music stomps as Undertaker hits the ground. Triple H watches from ringside as Austin wildy punches The Undertaker into the barricade. The Undertaker has since lost his shades, and now has his arms up trying to block the assault. Stone Cold kicks Taker in his gut then takes him by the head, guiding him along the ring before tossing him head first into a ring post. The two are now by the announcers table as Austin begins to stomp away at The Undertaker. Austin rips the top of the announcers table off and pauses to look at the crowd who is going nuts. Stone Cold helps Taker up to his feet before tossing him into the table. It's at this time that a group of referee's, backstage officials, and even arena security come down ot ringside and get between Austin and Undertaker. Austin is still hot, and tries to find his way through everyone, but is unsuccessful as The Undertaker has now rolled off of the table and stepped over the barricade into the audience. It's at that time that RAW Owner Ric Flair came out onto the stage.

Ric Flair: "Whoa whoa calm down Steve, calm down. Look I know The Undertaker screwed you last week. If it wasn't for him, you might be the WWF Champion right now instead of Triple H, who knows? But that's why I'm out here Rattlensake, I got some big announcements for ya!"

Austin would eventually stop pacing around the security and officials and would turn his attention towars Flair up on the stage. Triple H too looked on, and The Undertaker was still standing in the front row catching his breath and trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

Ric Flair: "First of all Austin, you will get another shot at Triple H's WWF Championship, when the two of you meet in two weeks at Backlash! And secondly, you will get another shot at kicking The Undertaker's ass when you two meet 1-on-1 tonight!"

The Undertaker was freaking out at both announcements. He wants no part of Austin, and can't believe he's being passed over for another title opportunity. Stone seems pleased, but is never fully pleased and looks back at Taker, trying one more time to get through the crowd of officials to no avail. Taker makes his way through the crowd and out of the arena, and Steve eventually turns and meets Triple H, who is now staring him down from the ring. Steve circles the ring back around to the entrance ramp as his own music begins to play. Triple H holds up the WWF Championship as Austin turns and walks up the ramp, soon exiting through the curtain. Triple H is the last thing we see before we go backstage and see Ric Flair walking back to his office before being confronted by Chris Jericho.

Chris Jericho: "Now just what the hell was that!?"

Ric Flair: "What, was what Jericho?"

Chris Jericho: "That announcement, for Backlash! Triple H vs Stone Cold again? You've got to be kidding me Flair. I should be next in line, I was the first Undisputed Champion and I still haven't gotten my rematch against Triple H since he stole my title!"

Ric Flair: "Yes you did. He had to defend the title against both you and Stephanie remember? You guys lost, and she got fired." reminding Jericho of a match that took place a week prior to the brand extension.

Chris Jericho: "Oh that was crap Flair and you know it! Triple H pins Stephanie, and I lose the match? Because she lost, I lose my rematch? That isn't fair Flair that isn't fair at all! Why are you screwing me Flair!? Do you not want me to be your champion? Huh, is that it? You don't want Y2J to represent RAW because then everyone would see just how much better than you I am? How much better than Triple H and Stone Cold I am? I don't care about your poster boys Flair, I'm the best in the WWF today and as soon as you give me the chance I deserve, I'll prove it!"

Taking in everything Jericho just spewed out, Flair then had an idea.

Ric Flair: "I tell ya what Jericho, you want an opportunity, then you got it! Tonight, Chris Jericho vs Triple H, 1-on - 1!"

Chris Jericho: "Oh finally, yes! For the WWF Title?"

Ric Flair: "No, not for the WWF Title. But good luck in your match tonight."

Flair pats Jericho on the shoulder and walks away. Y2J looks both stunned and enraged as he pulls at his own hair and yells in anger. We got back to JR and King.

Jerry Lawler: "That's not fair! Ric Flair should stop toying with Chris Jericho, he's the biggest superstar he's got!"

Jim Ross: "Hey Jericho asked for an opportunity, now he's got one. But his match is later. Right now folks we wanna go back to last weeks RAW and show you what Hulk Hogan had to say."

We're shown a short replay of Hulk Hogan's announcement last week that Hulkamania is alive and better than ever before being interrupted and assaulted by the nWo. We then see The Rock making the save and laying out X-Pac, then cutting his promo on the nWo.

Jim Ross: "That's how we ended up with this match here tonight.


Jim Ross: "The Rock and nWo's X-Pac will meet 1-on-1 in the ring here tonight. But right now, I here we're kicking off tonight's action with the Immortal one himself, Hulk Hogan!"

&#9834; Voodoo Child &#9835;

Hulk Hogan makes his way out onto the stage to a standing ovation. Cloaked in his large red and yellow boas, Hulk seems pumped as he approaches the ring, yelling at all the maniacs. After entering the ring, Hogan rips his Hulkamania shirt off and tosses it into the crowd. JR and King hype that Hogan's match is next and we go to commercial break.

We come back from commercial break and a match is already in process, still in the early stages.

Hulk Hogan vs Booker T

We join the match while Booker has Hogan in a side headlock. Hogan uses his strength to push Booker off and he hits the ropes. Coming back he meets a stiff shoulder from Hogan, knocking him to the mat. Booker quickly stands up, only to get clotheslined back down. Booker rises again, then again gets hit by a Hogan clothesline. Booker stands again, and Hogan begins to punch him. Hulk's punches eventually back Hogan into a corner, and he takes cover. The ref pushes his arms between the two and insists Hogan let Booker out of the corner. Hogan pauses for a moment, looking at the ref before raising his arms and taking a step back. Booker takes advantage of the moment to lunge forward and drive a knee into Hogan's gut. Booker takes Hulk by the head and turns, tossing him into the corner. Booker T unleashes loads of punches and back hand chops, refusing to step out of the corner at the referee's request as easily as Hogan did. It wasn't until the referee reached a count of 4 that Booker backed away. The ref scolds Booker before he lunges forward, again crashing a knee into Hogan's abdomen. Booker grabs Hogan's hair and throws him out of the corner, allowing him to roll down to the mat. Booker exits the rings and climbs to the top rope of the corner. As Hogan stands, Booker leaps out feet a first and takes Hogan back down with a Missle Dropkick. With his opponent down, Booker goes for the pin.


But Hogan quickly kicks out. Booker stands up and looks a little peeved. He starts stomping Hogan, but the Hulkster continues to stand through the attack. Once Hogan is to his feet, Booker takes him by the arm and throws him across the ring. As Hulk comes back, Booker leaps into the air and catches Hogan in the face with a Leg Lariat. Hogan hits the mat, but again rises, almost as quickly as Booker as he holds his jaw and lightly shakes his head. Booker approaches Hogan and takes him by the arm again, attempting to throw him across the ring again only this time his opponent doesn't move. Booker hops up and again tries to whip Hogan towards the ropes, but he fails. Hogan throws some punches, breaking Booker grip. The punches get the the two back to the middle of the ring, and that's when Hogan scoops down and lifts Booker up before dropping him with a body slam. The crowd pops as Hogan is back in control and the Hulkster soaks it up. He helps Booker up and attemps to whip him across the ring. Booker however twists under Hogans up and stops in front of him before quickly kicking him in the stomach. Hogan doubles over and loses him grip, but Booker quickly graps hold of his opponent. With all his strength, Booker lifts Hogan into the air before slamming him down to the mat with a Book End! Booker lands with Hogan, and quickly hooks a leg.


Again though Hogan kicks out before the three. Booker looks at the ref, very frustrated, then again down at Hogan. His opponent has rolled to his stomach and began pushing up to his feet. Booker slowly brings up his 5 fingers, staring at them as if in a trance. He does the spinaroonie and pops up to his feet, his usual prelude to the Scissors Kick. As Hogan reaches his feet, Booker kicks him in the stomach.. but it seems to have no effect. Confused, Booker gets Hogan again, but again there was no reaction. Now getting pretty mad Booker begins to punch Hogan right in the head, but Hogan feels none of it. He begins shaking, and the crowd comes alive as Hogan starts Hulking up! Booker lands another punch before Hogan's eyes shoot up to meet Booker's and he dramatically points at Booker while yelling YOU!, which the crowd also shouts. Booker shakes his head no, but Hogan starts punching. One punch, then another, then another, then a fourth. Hogan then takes Booker by the arm and whips him across the ring. Booker comes back and gets floored by a Big Boot to the face. Hogan looks around the arena, he brings his hand up to his ear as the crowd is relly behind him. Hogan turns and hit's the rope to go for a the Leg Drop. Hogan comes off the ropes, but is tripped up. The crowd errupts in boo's and Hogan turns to find that X-Pac reached in a grabbed his foot. Hogan stares a hole through X-Pac as the nWo member holds his arms up, smack talking Hogan. Hulk reaches down at X-Pac, but Booker comes from behind and hooks his arm around Hogan's leg, pulling him down and rolling him into a school boy pin. With his free hand Booker grabs and hand full of Hulk's tights as the ref counts the pin.


Winner: Booker T

Booker releases Hogan and rolls out of the ring as his music begins to play and he's announced the winner. The ref exits the ring with Booker to raise his arm in victory and Hogan comes up to a knee, shocked that he just lost. Hogan is motioning with his hand that Booker had the tights as X-Pac enters the ring and attacks Hogan. X-Pac clubs away and has Hogan back on the ground. Hogan starts to fight up as Kevin Nash and Scott Hall come down the ramp and eventually enter the ring. Just as Hogan drops X-Pac with a punch, he's mauled by the rest of the nWo. They beat him back down to the ground with punches, stomps and kicks. JR mentions on commentary that The Rock hasn't yet arrived to the arena tonight, and that's the only reason the nWo is getting away with this assault. The mugging of Hogan only stops when Nash reaches down and helps Hogan up. Nash smiles at him before thrusting his head down between his legs. He doesn't waist much time in hositing Hogan up, before dropping him down to the mat with a big Jackknife Powerbomb! The crowd boo's away as the ref continues to signal for the bell, but that won't stop the nWo. X-Pac and Hall roll Hogan over and Hall pulls a can of spray paint out of the back of his pants. He shakes the can before popping the top off. He leans down and then spray paints "nWo" across Hogan's back. The fans are now chanting "Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!", but they have no idea The Rock isn't here. The nWo stand proud over Hogan who hasn't moved since being powerbombed. A medic soon enters the ring with a referee, very timidly to check on Hogan. The nWo snicker, and allow them to check on Hogan as they exit the ring. JR condemns the nWo for their attack as we go backstage. We see Jericho marching back and forth in front of Ric Flair's office door. With a megaphone in hand he insults Flair and protests his authority on RAW.

Chris Jericho: "I guess the name Chris Jericho doesn't mean anything around here anymore. Not when Stone Cold, and The Rock, and Triple H are around. All Stone Cold and The Rock did at WrestleMania this year was beat a couple of WCW has-beens. Oh big whoop, I could take Hulk Hogan. Hell, I beat both Rock and Austin in one night. ONE NIGHT! And Triple H practically stole my title. I bet him divorcing Stephanie and her managing me was part of his master plan. They got me caught up and distracted in their "failing marriage" when I should have been focused on kicking his ass and keeping my Undisputed Championship! Then in my so called "rematch", he pins Stephanie to keep the title! It's a damn conspiracy to try and stop RAW from being JERICHO! But you can't do it Flair, no one can do it! I'll prove it out there tonight, and by the time I'm done kicking the crap out of your beloved champion, you'll want to GIVE me that WWF Championship!"

Jericho continues to ramble on as he fade out and we go to JR and King.

Jerry Lawler: "Wow Jericho is pretty mad JR, and he has every reason to be!"

Jim Ross: "In case you missed the beginning of our show here tonight, this is what Chris Jericho is referring to."


Jim Ross: "At the top our show, Ric Flair announced RAW's Backlash main event! A rematch from last weeks interrupted title match between Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Y2J then demanded more opportunities from our owner Ric Flair, and this is what he gave him.


Jim Ross: "A non-title match against our champion Triple H later on tonight."

Jerry Lawler: "When Chris Jericho beats Triple H tonight, that Flair will have no choice but to give Y2J another title match."

Jim Ross: "Hard to argue there King. But that's not all we have in store tonight.


Jim Ross: "The reason Triple H and Stone Cold are having another match at Backlash, is because The Undertaker interfered in their title match last week on RAW and assaulted both men. Stone Cold got a taste of revenge tonight when he jumped Undertaker who was coming out here to confront Triple H, but you know he has plenty more cans of whoop ass for that big evil Deadman."

Jerry Lawler: "You think Stone Cold is mad? The Undertaker looked beat red he was so angry after Stone Cold jumped him from behind. I bet he puts a beating on ol' Stone Cold tonight and prevents him from even making it to Backlash!"

Jim Ross: "Yeah well I know both men pretty well, and regardless, this one is going to be the definition of a slobberknocker!"

&#9834; At Last &#9835;

Christian struts out onto the stage always cocky, and poses as pyro rains from above him. When the fireworks stop Christian's smirk grows and he starts his way down the ramp, entering the ring he removes his fish net shirt and tosses it over towards the ring crew by commentary and turns in his corner, waiting for his opponent.

&#9834; The Real Deal &#9835;

The crowd lightly pops when D-Lo Brown comes through the curtain. Just like Tommy Dreamer last week, D-Lo has the opportunity this week to earn a RAW contract if he can win his match. JR and King hype D-Lo, mentioning affilition with the Nation of Domination and past championships. D-Lo enters the ring and climbs steps up to the middle rope of the nearest corner, extending out his arms and shaking his head about. Hopping down he'd smile and nod at the ref when asked if he was ready.

Christian vs D-Lo Brown
The match starts even, but everytime Christian tries to take the upperhand, D-Lo is one step ahead. Christian slowly grows frustrated, and D-Lo doesn't help matters by taunting his opponent with his little head wiggle. When they go in for another tie up, Christian instead pokes D-Lo in the eye and takes the upper hand. For the next couple of minutes Christian works heat on Brown and it looks like another superstar may fail at gaining a contract. Christian is behind D-Lo and hooks his arms, setting up for the Unprettier. Christian rotates, but before he can drop D-Lo down to his face, Brown pushes Christian away towars the ropes. Christian comes back with a little momentum, and D-Lo uses that to lift Christian high into the air, spin, and drop him with the Sky High spinebuster! Christian is down for the count.

Winner: D-Lo Brown

The crowd actually pops pretty big at D-Lo's surprising victory. Christian rolls from the ring, haunched over and holding his abodmen as the ref raises D-Lo's hand in victory. A replay is shown of the end of the match, and when the camera is back on D-Lo he's grinning from ear to ear. JR congratulates D-Lo and mentions that Ric Flair has a contract waiting for him in his office as we go to commercial break.

We come back from break and Chris Jericho is still backstage, protesting in front of Ric Flair's office and screaming at anyone who will listen through his megaphone. As he continues to slander Flair and question his authority, D-Lo Brown walks by.

Chris Jericho: "What the hell do you want, junior?!"

D-Lo Brown: "I'm here to see Mr. Flair, to sign my contract."

Chris Jericho: "Contract? Why in the hell do you deserve a job here?"

D-Lo Brown: "Did you not just see me beat Christian out there? I won my job back."

Chris Jericho: "That's all!? Because you beat Christian you get a job? I beat The Rock AND Stone Cold in one night, and I can't even get a title match! This is absolute injustice. I can't believe..."

Shaking his head, D-Lo slips past Jericho and knocks twice on Ric Flair's door before entering.

Chris Jericho: ".. hey wait! Flair you need to hear.. damn it!"

Just then Test and European Champion William Regal walk up to Jericho. Y2J's attention turns to them, but they immediately let him know they're here to join his protest.

Test: "Hey I'm with you Chris. This is the second week in a row that I haven't even been used on TV. Flair DRAFTED me, but he's busy giving guys like D- Lo and Tommy Dreamer matches, and they're not even signed."

William Regal: "Flair has the European Champion on his brand, and doesn't even give him a match tonight. I used to be WWF Commissioner, I know how important it is to keep your champions happy. I also know a real champion when I see one. And you Jericho, should be champion. This would never happen on Smackdown with Mr. McMahon."

Chris Jericho: "Your damn right Regal! I would give anything to work for Mr. McMahon again. Ric Flair is too lost in his own ego to recognize the talent of those MORE talented than himself. I swear..."

Again we fade away from Jericho mid-ramble and return to the ring.

&#9834; Jazz Stinger &#9835;

Women's Champion Jazz makes her way out onto the stage. As announced on, she has to defend her title against Lita as result of being pinned by her last week in their mixed tag team match. Jazz enters the ring, as always with a very disgruntled look on her face. She removes the championship belt from around her waist and holds it high, yelling at near by fans heckling her.

&#9834; lovefurypassionenergy &#9835;

The crowd cheers loud as the Lita makes her way through the curtain. The popular diva makes her way down the ramp, hopping along with her music before sliding into the ring. Coming up to her knees she looks around and throws both arms into the air, making the Hardy hand gun sign with her hands. Coming up to her feet, Lita locks eyes with her opponent, waiting for the match to get underway. The ref shows her the women's championship before holding it high for the crowd to see.

WWF Women's Championship
Jazz (C) vs Lita
Jazz wastes no time in getting the match started, quickly taking the fight to Lita. A quick knee into the stomach, then some clubbing blows to her opponents back puts the Women's Champion immediately in firm control of this match. Lita keeps trying to fight back, but time and time again Jazz cuts her off. Using her power advantage, Jazz is literally throwing Lita around the ring, bouncing her from pillar to post. Jazz signals that she's going for the Bitch Clamp, and once Lita stands she is then lifted into the submission. Lita refuses to quit though and begins kicking about. She breaks free from Jazz's grip and rolls forward, ending up in the same pinning scenario she defeated Jazz with last week. Jazz kicks out though, and when she stands to go back on the offensive she's caught with a quick kick and dropped with an impactful DDT from Lita. Lita goes for the pin, but again the champion kicks out. Lita takes to the top rope and it looks like she's going for the Moonsault. Jazz rolls up though and charges the challenger. Lita notices this and still leaps from the top rope, back flipping over Jazz to her feet. Jazz turns and is caught with another kick, then dropped with a Twist of Fate. Lita hooks a leg and the ref counts 3.

Winner and NEW WWF Women's Champion: Lita

The crowd pops hard as Lita is announced as new Women's Champion! Jeff and Matt Hardy come down to the ring to celebrate. As the referee hands her the title, Matt gives her a hug and a kiss, then Jeff hugs her. The three talk for a moment before Matt and Jeff hoist Lita up on their shoulders. Jazz exits the ring and leaves very upset. Team Xtreme enjoy their kodak moment, until Brock Lesnar comes through the crowd and slides into the ring. The audience lets out a gasp and the three are frozen. Brock has a sadistic smile on his face as he rolls his shoulders, just itching to attack the Hardyz. Matt and Jeff slowly lower Lita, letting her off their shoulders and she quickly exit the ring. The two brothers then look at each other and nod before charging forward, taking the fight to Lesnar. Brock explodes forward with two clotheslines, dropping both down to the mat. Jeff is the first back up and catches a hard kick to his stomach that drops him to all fours. Brock quickly turns and fights Matt, wrapping his arms around him and falling back, throwing Matt over his head with a belly to belly suplex. Lesnar go for Jeff again, forcing his head between his legs and hoisting him up. Turning, Brock then powerbombs Jeff down onto his brother Matt! Brock stops for a moment and look around, Paul Heyman as always is outside the ring, grinning in approval. Brock lets out a battle cry before lifting Jeff Hardy and whipping him across the ring as hard as he can. The impact of Jeff's back meeting the corner floors him to the mat. As Matt stumbles up to his feet, Brock hoists him up to his shoulders, spinning around a moment for the entire crowd to see him, before tossing him down with a F-5! Brock then stops, looking at all the chaos he created as Lita stands on the outside, screaming for him to stop, almost crying. Brock glances at Paul who nods. Lesnar exits the ring, and the two exit through the crowd as Lita slides back into the ring to check on the Hardyz. We then take a look backstage and see Kevin Nash and Scott Hall making their way down a hall way.


Jim Ross: "I can't believe it folks, but the second match of our Tag Team Tournament between the Hardy Boyz and the nWo is actually coming up after the break, this just isn't right!
We come back from break and see that The Rock has now arrived at the arena. He's looking around, almost frantically as people point him towards a direction. The Rock then enters the trainers room where Hulk Hogan is still being tended to. The trainer hands Hogan a new ice pack that he places around his neck and shoulders.

Hulk Hogan: "Oh Rocky.."

The Rock: "What in the hell happened?"

Hulk Hogan: "The nWo brother. X-Pac cost me the match, then all three of them beat me down and branded me."

Turning, Hogan shows The Rock the spray painted 'nWo' letters on his back.

Hulk Hogan: "Now I know you got X-Pac tonight, but don't go out there and.."

The Rock: "Ah ah ah, save it Hulkster. X-Pac's ass is already whipped, but what do you think about this?"

The two move in and talk quietly. We then go back to Jericho who has been joined by Test, William Regal, and now Christian. All four are in front of Ric Flair's office protesting loudly, Jericho still with the Megaphone.

Chris Jericho: "..a janky promoter! Ric Flair is a flesh peddling joke of a promoter and I'd rather work for the day time weekend assistant manager of Buger King, than the Nature Boy WOOOO Ric Flair! Look at the talent out here he continues to waste and ignore. Test is one of the biggest brightest stars in the WWF today! William Regal is a rugged veteran in his PRIME! Guys like Christian and myself haven't even HIT our primes yet, but instead of being positioned on top of the ladder to carry the RAW banner, we're being used to help OTHER guys get jobs, and to help OTHER superstars prepare for their Pay-Per-View matches! This must stop. As the first ever Undisputed Champion in the HISTORY of this business, I can no longer stand by and.."

At that moment D-Lo Brown exits Flair's office with a grin on his face, and a contract in his hand. The four men mean mug him, and D-Lo is smart to quickly get away. Fed up, Jericho begins to bang on Flair's door, screaming into the megaphone repeatedly, "Knock Knock!", until Flair finally swings the door open, intense and visibly agigtated.

Ric Flair: "Damn it Jericho! Just how old are you? You're out here stomping and crying like a spoiled brat who didn't get enough toys at Christmas! You are facing the WWF Champion, tonight. What more could you possibly want? That's the opportunity of a life time."

Chris Jericho: "I want. The WWF Championship. I want, a WWF Championship match. I'm already facing the WWF Champion, why not make it a title match? He said himself tonight he is a 'fighting champion!', so make him live up to it."

Flair would pause, just staring at Jericho before looking around at the rest of the superstars who had joined him, then back to Jericho.

Ric Flair: "Fine, I have a different idea Jericho."

Chris Jericho: "What, you want me to fight Funaki for a RAW contract?"

Ric Flair: "I wouldn't be a wise ass right now, because I'm about to give you what you want. Tonight, if you beat Triple H 1-on-1.. YOU will challenge him for the WWF Championship at Backlash."

Chris Jericho: "Yes! Finally!"

Ric Flair: "In a Triple Threat match, along with Stone Cold Steve Austin."

Chris Jericho: "Triple wha? I should have a 1-on-1 title match, not share it with Stone.."

Ric Flair: "Take it or leave it Jericho! Beat Triple H, and you're added to the championship match at Backlash."

Jericho takes a second. At first he seems a little frustrated before slowly nodding and looking back to Flair.

Chris Jericho: "Fine. I beat Triple H tonight, then I take his championship at Backlash."

With that Jericho would turn and walk away. Flair would look at Test, Regal and Christian before slamming his door. We go back to the ring, and The Hardyz are standing in a corner of the ring. Jeff haunched over holding his abdomen, Matt rests on the ropes.

Jim Ross: "Well that's a huge announcement from Flair, Jericho finally has a shot to earn another title shot."

Jerry Lawler: "He should just have it JR, but he'll beat Triple H tonight, you just watch!"

Jim Ross: "Well up next is the second match of a Tag Team tournament to determine new number one contenders."


Jim Ross: "Last week the APA defeated the Dudley Boyz. Tonight the Hardyz Boyz have the face the nWo, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. The winners face APA next week here on RAW with a Backlash title match against Billy and Chuck on the line."

Jerry Lawler: "Hmm, I wonder who the winners of this match are going to be?"

&#9834; Rockhouse &#9835;

The screen goes gray as Kevin Nash and Scott Hall saunter out onto the stage. The duo look more cocky than usual as they make their way down the ramp. Entering the ring, they begin to taunt their opponents who are still visibly hurting from the attack by Lesnar just minutes ago. Nash slaps Hall on the back, letting him know he'll start the match as the ref asks the Hardyz again if they're sure they're ready to start the match. They both nod and Jeff exits through the ropes, allowing Matt to start.

Number 1 Contender Tag Tournament - Round One
Hardy Boyz vs nWo
The bell rings and Nash takes a deep breath. He exhales then shakes head. He nods and can be heard saying "I can do this, I can do this", as if convincing himself he can take Matt Hardy. Kevin then meets Matt center of the ring in a tie up, it looks as if they're struggling, and Nash drops to a knee. But Matt Hardy isn't overpowering his opponent. Nash is just being a jackass. Kevin steps back up to both feet before throwing Matt across the ring. Nash looks shocked as he looks back over to Hall who applauds him on his herculean effort. Matt starts pulling himself up in the corner and Nash chargers, eventually crashing into Matt with his full body weight. Stepping back, Nash allows Matt to fall forward into him. Taking him by the hair, Nash drags Matt back to the middle of the ring before dropping him with a big right hand. With Matt down, Nash chuckles and places a foot on his his opponents chest for a pin attempt.


But Matt kicks out. Nash looks peeved and yanks Matt right up back to his feet before kneeing him in the stomach. Hardy doubles over and Nash forces him between his legs. Kevin holds his arm in the air, signaling for the Jackknife. He hoists Matt up into the air, but Hardy hops out of Nash's grip and lands behind him. Quickly turning, Matt chops at the back of Kevin Nash's knee, dropping the big man back to the mat. The fans comes alive as the Hardyz have life. Matt quickly scurries over to the corner and tags in his brother Jeff who goes straight to the top rope. Not wasting any time, he leaps forward for the Swanton Bomb!.. but Nash rolls out of the way, allowing Jeff to crash and burn. Getting up to his feet he tags in Hall who charges into the ring and tackles Jeff as he's getting up. Laying into the young superstar with punch after punch, it's not until the ref threatens to disqualify him at the count of 4 that Hall stops. He stands and brings Jeff up to his feet with him by his hair. Scott kicks his opponent in the stomach before placing his head between his legs. Hall lifts Jeff up over his shoulder and now holds his high by his arms. Jeff's legs are kicking about, and just as it looks like he might get down, Hall falls forward and throws Jeff out, connecting with the Razor's Edge as Jeff collides into the mat, neck and shoulders first. At this point Nash has entered the ring and jogs across to the Hardyz corner, bringing up his boot and colliding it into Matt's face which sends him down to the floor. Scott is sure to drag Jeff to the center of the ring before kneeling down and placing a knee in his chest.


Winners: nWo

The nWo are announced as the winners, and Scott Hall pushes the referee to the mat when he tires to raise their arms. Hall then reaches out to the ring steps and grabs a can a spray paint he brought down the ring. The same can he used earlier to paint Hulk Hogan. By this time, Nash has gotten Matt Hardy from the outside and both are back in the ring. After failing to do so earlier, Nash now successfully drives Matt Hardy down with the Jackknife Powerbomb before rolling him over next to his brother. As both lay motionless on the mat, Scott shakes the spray paint can.

&#9834; Protection &#9835;

The fans erupt as the APA's music begins to play. Lita is seen first coming through the curtain, pointing down at the ring and screaming. Right behind her come Bradshaw and Faarooq. Both men are running down to the ring, and both have steel chairs in hand. Nash and Hall exit the ring as the APA both slide in, saving the Hardy'z from the spray paint humiliation. Lita leaves through the curtain as the nWo make their way back up the ramp. Bradshaw grabs a mic and their music cuts out.

Bradshaw: "Hey, nWo! I want you to listen. Lita may have paid us for our protection here tonight.. but make no mistake about it. Next week.. we're kickin your asses, free of charge!"

Bradshaw throws the mic down as the APA's music begins to play again. Hall and Nash both shake their heads in disagreement as Hall shouts that "They're taking over". Bradshaw and Faarooq step aside and allow a group of referee's into the ring to assist the Hardyz.

Jim Ross: "I'm so happy the APA came out and put an end that assault, the Hardyz have been through enough tonight."

Jerry Lawler: "Boohoo for the Hardyz JR, but what about that tag team match next week?"

Jim Ross: "Oh it's gonna be a big one!


Jim Ross: "The APA and nWo both won their respective tournament matches and next week the two teams will meet in what I expect will be a brutal fight."


Jerry Lawler: "Only one team can be the number one contenders JR, and it's gonna be the nWo. They're unstoppable!

We then go backstage and see Chris Jericho exiting the lockeroom. He points back into the room and says something, but the camera doesn't pick it up. He then turns and begins his walk down the hallway.

Jim Ross: "Oh you wanna talk about unstoppable? How about Chris Jericho's demand for another title match?

Jerry Lawler: "How many times do I have to tell you he deserves it JR?"

Jim Ross: "Yeah well he has the chance to prove it here in a few minutes."


Jim Ross: "Coming up next, Chris Jericho battles the WWF Champion, Triple H. If Jericho is victorious here tonight, he will be added to the WWF Championship match at Backlash with Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Don't go anywhere folks."


&#9834; Break the Walls Down &#9835;

The countdown reaches zero and pryo explodes from the up from the stage and down from above the titantron. The camera spots Jericho, slowly walking through the curtain before turning his back and extending his arms out. He then spins and faces forward. The crowd begins to boo as Jericho makes his way towards the ring. Taking a moment and he stops and flexes for a young fan, allowing the kid a moment to admire his bicep before continuing forward. Jericho stomps up the stairs full of confidence and walks the apron before spinning and hanging on to the top rope. He nods his head and talks some smack before entering the ring. His ring jacket matches his tights, and he begins to remove it as the lights go dim.

&#9834; The Game &#9835;

The fans roar as Triple H comes into view. With the WWF Championship strapped around his waist, The Game waits for his song to reach a high note before exploding forward and spewing water into the air. Full of intensity the Game being a slow march towards the ring. As he approaches he walks to the far stairs and makes his way up to the apron. Pausing half way down, he faces the fans before lowering his head. Once his theme again hits the high note, he flips his head up and spits water into the air, and hundreds of camera flashes around the arena catch the moment. The Game enters the ring and by this point Jericho as exited. Triple H does his pose on the far turnbuckle before stepping down and removing his championship. Looking at the belt as Jericho re-enters the ring, Triple H hands his title off to the ref before backing into his corner.

Chris Jericho vs Triple H
The WrestleMania X8 rematch is an even back and forth from the opening bell. For the majority of the match Jericho plays fair, wanting to prove he cant beat Triple H. That is until he finds himself in position to take the Pedigree. Quick on his feet, Jericho pulls his head up and pushes Triple H back. The Game collides into the ref, not too hard, but enough to knock him down for a moment. Y2J takes this opportunity to kick Triple H is the groin before hooking his head and rolling him down into a small package pin. It takes the ref a moment, but he soon slides over and counts, but Triple H is able to kick out. Jericho protests the ref's count before rising and springboarding off the ropes, hitting The Game with the Lionsault! Again Jericho goes for the pin, but again Triple H kicks out. Jericho is getting pretty pissed, and figures the only way he can win is with the Walls. He rises and takes both of the champions legs in his arms. Jericho begins turning Triple H over to his stomach, but The Game is resisting. Jericho almost has him before Triple H throws all his weight to the side to lay on his back. He then brings his legs to him and kicks forward, sending Jericho into the corner. The crowd is then surprised as Christian comes from the crowd and takes a ringside chair. He slides into the ring and brings the chair above his head, but the referee almost tackles Christian, pushing into the far corner. He struggles to get the chair from Christian, and Triple H stands up. At that moment, Test slides into the ring. Triple H notices the the reaction from the crowd and turns, catching a Big Boot to the jaw. With The Game down, Test fleas the scene and Christian finally exits the ring. Jericho is all smiles before springboarding off the ropes, landing a second Lionsault. Y2J hooks up both legs as the ref counts the one, two, three.

Winner: Chris Jericho

The fans all groan as the bell rings. Jericho stands with the largest grin on his face as the referee raises his arm. Soon pulling his arm down, Jericho points out towards the crowd and yells at them. He makes the championship motion across his waist with his hands, hinting he'll be the next champion.

Jim Ross: "Well now what the hell was all that?"

Jerry Lawler: "That was Chris Jericho, pinning the WWF Champion JR! Someone should give him the title, he's practically champion."

Jim Ross: "Christian and Test had no right to get involved in that match. Jericho must have really rallied the troops with his protest back there."


Jim Ross: "Well I don't know what the hell is going on between Y2J, Test, and Christian.. but that victory drastically changes things going forward. Our Backlash main event is now a Triple Threat match for the WWF Championship!"

Jerry Lawler: "It doesn't matter if it's 3 men or 30 men JR, Chris Jericho is the King of the World.. and he'll be WWF Champion again, you just watch."

The crowd cheers as we see The Rock making his way through the backstage area. He's dressed to compete and JR announces that his match is after the break.

We come back from commercial and X-Pac is already in the ring. His music fades out, and the anticipation amoung the crowd builds.

&#9834; If Ya Smell.. &#9835;

The crowd roars as The Rock's music rips through the arena speakers. The Rock comes out onto the stage, and has a plastic bag in hand. Not a wasting a moment, The Rock makes his way down the ramp. Rocky drops the bag on the floor before entering the ring.

The Rock vs X-Pac
X-Pac is pretty cocky, and lets The Rock know it. Rocky though is no playing mood and begins laying the punches into his opponent. The Rock remains in control in the early going, but once the match spills to the outside, X-Pac is able to take advantage. He sends Rock chest first into the announcers table with a drop toe hold, and then quickly tosses The Rock into anything he can. The ring, the barricade, the stairs. X-Pac re-enters the ring, hoping to win by countout, but fails as Rocky makes it back in at 8. Pac starts to play with Rock a little. Hitting him with few kicks, bouncing around like he's really enjoying himself. He then floors The Rock center ring with a big spinning heel kick, and now begins to taunt his opponent. X-Pac stands above The Rock's head. He tells the crowd to suck it before waiving his arms back and forth, just as The Rock does before he hits the People's Elbow. X-Pac takes off across the ring, hitting the ropes. He leaps over The Rock and hits the ropes again. The Rock kips up, and when X-Pac comes back, he is quickly hosited into the air and dropped by a big spinebuster. The crowd comes alive as The Rock goes for the People's Elbow himself. Rock connects with the elbow and easily gets the 3.

Winner: The Rock

The Rock celebrates his win, then exits the ring. He picks up the plastic bag he brought with him and reaches in. The Rock pulls out a can of spray paint and the fans pop. Rocky re-enters the ring and X-Pac getting to his feet. Rock drops the can and approaches X-Pac. The Rock spins him around before hooking him and dropping him with the Rock Bottom. Rock rolls X-Pac over to his stomach, then again grabs the spray paint. Before he can do anything, we hear the sound of banging and people yelling. On the titantron we now see that Hulk Hogan has backed a fork lift against the nWo's lockeroom. Nash and Hall are on the other side of the door trying to get out so they can help X-Pac. Hogan is just chilling on the fork lift before looking to the camera, "He's all yours Rocky". The Rock smiles and begins to shake the can. He pops off the lid, leans down, and starts to spray. Once he's done, The Rock backs away and the camera gets a good shot of the word "bitch" in red letters across X-Pac's back. The Rock smiles ands throws the can down at X -Pac as his music begins to play again. We see Hogan again who's chuckling away as The Rock does his pose once more in the corner before exiting the ring. JR lets us know the main event is up next.

We come back and a replay is shown of the brawl between The Undertaker and Stone Cold at the top of the show. JR and King then explain the title situation between Stone Cold, Triple H, and now Chris Jericho. We then see Ric Flair in his office talking on the phone. There's a loud bang on his door and he rolls his eyes. Ending the call he approaches the door.

Ric Flair: "Jericho, if you don't leave me the hell alone I swear I'll.."

Just then the door swings open, and it's The Undertaker. Flair is taken back as the Deadman enters the room and slams the door shut behind him.

Ric Flair: "Taker your match is next, you need to.."

The Undertaker: "Shut up! The only thing I want to hear out of your mouth.. is that I'm added to the championship match at Backlash."

Ric Flair: "Look Taker.. you have to understand.."

The Undertaker: "No, you look! I don't have to understand a damn thing! You put that punk Jericho in the match when you know damn well that title shot belongs to me. How ugly am I gonna have to get Ric? Who do I have to put in the hospital? Who's career am I gonna have to end to get what I deserve around here? Huh!?"

Ric seems a little intimidated by The Undertaker's rage, but doesn't back down.

Ric Flair: "Taker.. just hear me out."

Flair looks down and sighs, taking a moment, before looking back up at the Deadman.

Ric Flair: "Fair is fair. If you beat Stone Cold.. if you beat Stone Cold you're in the title match at Backlash too."

The Undertaker just stares at Flair. There's an uncomfortable silence before The Undertaker's music begins to play. The two continue to stare at each other for a moment.

Ric Flair: "You're up."

The Deadman snarls then turns and leaves. We go back out to ringside where JR and King hype up the added implications of tonights main event. The Undertaker's music continues to play as Ross breaks down the Backlash main event possibilities. Finally, Taker rolls out onto the stage. He revs his motorcycle up a bit before heading down the ramp. Taker circles the ring and comes back to the ramp. He parks the bike and sits there for a moment. He stands and removes his trench coat, laying it down on the bike. He then reaches down beside the bike and pulls up a lead pipe. Taker begins walking back up the ramp as his music stops. Undertaker hides over on the side of the stage and the crowd begins to re-act, they know he's planning a sneak attack.

&#9834; I Won't Do What You Tell Me &#9835;

The audience pops as Austin's music begin to play, but they don't get too excited. Austin makes his way through the curtain and heads straight down the ramp. Once Austin has passed, Taker jogs down the ramp behind him before clubbing him in the back of the head with the pipe. Austin hits the ground hard and rolls down the remainder of the ramp to the ringside area. Taker follows close behind and swings down, hitting Austin in the ribs with pipe not once, but twice. The ref exits the ring and starts screaming at the Deadman, but the match hasn't started, and there isn't much he can do. Undertaker drops the pipe and lifts Austin up before rolling him into the ring. Taker then walks up the ring steps and enters through the ropes. He demand the ref start the match, who reluctantly does so.

The Undertaker vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
The match has officially started, but Stone Cold is almost motionless. He hasn't even been able to take off his vest. The Undertaker is in full control as the match gets going. Besides landing a punch here and there, Austin is competely defenseless and is beaten in and out of the ring by an angry Undertaker. Stone Cold didn't get the reputation for being the toughest SOB for nothing though, and after about 10 minutes of getting absolutely worked, he starts fighting back. Austin's building momentum and tries to drop Undertaker with a clothesline, but the Deadman ducks, and Austin ends up taking out the referee. Austin quickly turns, but his hit with a big boot. With both the ref and Stone Cold down, The Undertaker see's his opening and exits the ring, retrieving the lead pipe. As The Undertaker re-enters the ring, Chris Jericho comes running down the ramp. The Undertaker is waiting for Stone Cold to rise, and has the pipe cocked above his head. Y2J slides into the ring and stands behind Undertaker, reaching up and yanking the pipe away. Taker turns as Jericho swings low, hitting the Deadman in his stomach with the pipe. Taker falls to his knees, then down to his side. Jericho stalks above Taker though, waiting for him to stand so he can clock him again. It's obvious Jericho doesn't want the Undertaker added to the title match at Backlash. Taker starts pushing up, but before Jericho can do anything Austin steps in and kicks Jericho right in the gut, causing him to drop the pipe. Austin yanks Jericho by the head, and the crowd pops, but Jericho pushes away and rolls out of the ring before Austin can hit the Stunner. Jericho points at The Undertaker and yells at Austin, "Finish him damn it!". Suddenly Triple H emerges from the curtain, unknown to Y2J. The Game runs down and grabs hold of Jericho, forcing him forward and rolling him back into the ring. Jericho stands only to be kicked again, and dropped with the Stone Cold Stunner. Triple H heads back up the ramp as Austin begins kicking Jericho out of the ring. Jericho finally rolls out, and when Austin turns, he's smacked right in the head with the lead pipe by The Undertaker. The Deadman looks to the ref who is coming to, and tosses the pipe out of the ring. Austin is busted open from the pipe shot, and The Undertaker drops down for a pin attempt. It takes the ref a moment to get there, but he slowly counts the 1... the 2... and the 3.

Winner: The Undertaker

The Undertaker is announced the winner as his music begins to play. Triple H watches from the stage as The Undertaker's arm is raised in victory.

Jim Ross: "I can't believe folks. Whether is by hook or by crook, both Chris Jericho and The Undertaker found a way to get what they wanted, and that is a shot at the WWF Title."


Jim Ross: "The Backlash main event that Ric Flair announced at the beginning of the night here has drastically changed. It will now be a Fatal Four Way, and now more than ever, Triple H finds his title reign in dangerous jeopardy."

We see Jericho now sitting on the ramp, and he looks visibly upset. Stone Cold is barely moving as the ref check on him. The Undertaker points up to Triple H, and motions that he'll be the next WWF Champion as RAW goes off the air.
Hollywood Quality Feedback:

Before I get going I just wanna point out a couple quick things.
1. The music notes still bug me, A lot. But I said that last time so this is the last i'll say of it.
2. I don't think "That Damn Good" is really a nickname of Triple H lol.

now onto the important stuff that really matters...

As per your question the show flowed just fine with the recapped matches so no problem there and if anything it kept my focus better. Which of course is funny considering i'm all about writing full matches. :shrug:

With recapped matches though I don't have much to say about them, Besides the fact that you have a title match on the show which isn't bad but hopefully we get the rematch at Backlash not next week on RAW.

I thought you were heading towards a triple threat main event of your own at Backlash but glad you made it a 4 way, It keeps your show different from george's which is ALWAYS good.

I'm looking forward to the tag team #1 contenders match next week, Rooting for the NWO but I have no idea who will win. One compliant I have is your tag champs have yet to be featured on any show, I get that you have a tournament going but don't wanna leave the champs off the show all together!

When can I expect to see Brock Lesnar in an actual match? Just curious.

Anyway sorry if this wasn't all that good, I tried and just wanted to make sure I dropped you feedback before I forgot about it any longer haha. Looking forward to Smackdown and the next RAW!
1. The music notes still bug me, A lot. But I said that last time so this is the last i'll say of it.

Darn it, I don't get why everybody hates the music notes. I thought it was a clever way to imply entrance music instead of just puttin the title. Maybe I should use **'s?

One compliant I have is your tag champs have yet to be featured on any show, I get that you have a tournament going but don't wanna leave the champs off the show all together!

When can I expect to see Brock Lesnar in an actual match? Just curious.

I has plans.

Thanks for the feedback pal.

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