That Wyatt segment


Championship Contender
There was talk on here last week about how the Wyatt family is "boring".

If there is anyone who watched that segment last night and wants to say that it was boring, I will be convinced that some just go out of their way to play devil's advocate, taking it upon themselves to make sure that there can never be a unanimous sentiment about anything going on in the WWE.

My only gripe w/ that segment is that it went first instead of last. RAW should have gone off the air w/ that visual of an ex Cena kiddie wearing a lamb mask, sitting on Wyatt's lap while he laughs maniacally. Awesome stuff.
I totally agree. I don't see how Bray Wyatt could be labeled boring at all. This is actually my favorite program going right now, and Wyatt looks to be getting into Cena's head bigtime. They are finally making it look like Cena has been disillusioned by the fans. Seeing all those kids with the lamb masks on was great, and I agree Raw should have ended with the kid in Wyatt's lap. Imo the Wyatts have been far from boring, and yeah I don't think we will ever see a unanimous decision on anything the WWE does no matter how good or bad it is.
Honestly, I believe it's just someone troll. Why? Because every time things get good in the WWE there's someone who likes to be the "oddball" and get a response from everyone. Ignore what other people think and just enjoy your damn wrestling.
I agree. Some peole just aren't happy unless there's something to complain about. That was the segment of the decade we witnessed last night, and frankly I hope this silences the nutballs who say Wyatt is boring. He's gone through many levels of creepy,and I am absolutely sold.
That segment was awesome. The Wyatt family has been one of the best things going on in the WWE at this time. I cannot see how anyone can be 'bored' by this Wyatt-Cena program. But then not everything is everyone's cup of tea.

I say enjoy no matter what anyone has to say about anything.
I watched the segment after reading it on the main page was not as good as I was expecting (was still good).

Personally I would have had the children in a spotlight on the stage instead of in the dark and they would've all been mic'd not just one
that segment of raw creeped me out although @ times i couldn't help but laugh @ Cena i think @ ER we will see the implosion of Cena's psyche i mean now Wyatt has nearly the entire wwe universe "in his hands" and @ ER i personally see Cena snapping yes he won @ wrestlemania 30 but imo wwe won't have Cena win the war
I personally disliked the segment.

I'm taking it the Wyatt's are some sort of tweeter faction, because they certainly aren't heels anymore
The Wyatt segment was very good. Probably one of the best Raw segments in a long time. Very creative. I'm really invested in this feud and it's the match I am looking forward to at Extreme Rules.
i like bray but my god that segment sucked. cena was good but i absolutely hate that song. i hated it when the crowd sang it at mania and hate it even more when the kids came out singing it. not a fan of kids singing period. there is nothing creepy or intimidating about a bunch of choir kids singing a dumb song, it makes bray seem lame, doesnt mesh well with any of his earlier promos, or the pre debut promos of bray.

im not saying this to "get a reaction" or "go against the grain", i like what i like and dislike what i dislike, and man, i hate that song
Wyatt is boring. As a character he is a joke. How charismatic can he be when the only guy to join his group since it debut left within 2 weeks? And they haven't gone after him since. The hype and the actions don't match up. As for that segment, oh he got little kids to sing with him. Wow, scary! So he can get kids to follow him, what exactly does that have to do with wrestling. If anything, it makes him a creepy pedaphile. So all kids are supposed to cheer Cena?

If they ever actually allowed a decent feud, Wyatt might not be such a joke but they protect him. They either let him beat someone up like they did with Kane but have no reprocusion so it is one sided or if he does lose, they just ignore it and act like he won. He lost to Cena at Mania - if this was anyone else, Cena would be done with them but here we are seeing the feud continue with everyone talking about Wyatt. The days of the Undertaker running wild like this over talent are long over and Wyatt ain't Taker.
Any wrestling segment with kids in them other than 'I'm happy to see my favourite Superstars!' makes me uncomfortable watching. I'm guessing that is the same for many others too. So bravo for WWE for attempting it.
Wyatt has the potential to be a really good upper mid card heel without challenging for the title for the next half a year or so. This is valuable to allow the main event faces not involved in the title race with something to do.
I wouldn't call it boring, but I hated it. It's the type of thing that makes me embarrassed to be watching wrestling even in a room by myself. It makes me regret any time I ever defended pro wrestling to someone telling me it was stupid.

When I think "what would make wrestling/RAW better these days" the last thing that comes to mind is a childrens choir. Is that supposed to be believable? Interesting? Entertaining? That the opening segment of Raw was like attending a recital at an elementary school? No thanks.

They could have done something similar and less cheesy by just having Cena say that he knows his young fans will never stop believing in him, and have some pre-planted young audience members who are instead shown to be wearing sheep masks and have Cena react the same way he did, realizing that he is losing them to Bray's influence. Maybe even that sounds lame, but I'm working with what was a lame idea in the first place that I never would have done.

Can't believe all the people I see ranting and raving about that opening segment for being so great. It was the type of thing that makes me want to change the channel.

Ironically I probably missed most of what Bray may have said so I don't know if the actual promo was good or not, because I was too busy thinking how stupid it all was.
I wouldn't call it boring, but I hated it. It's the type of thing that makes me embarrassed to be watching wrestling even in a room by myself. It makes me regret any time I ever defended pro wrestling to someone telling me it was stupid.

When I think "what would make wrestling/RAW better these days" the last thing that comes to mind is a childrens choir. Is that supposed to be believable? Interesting? Entertaining? That the opening segment of Raw was like attending a recital at an elementary school? No thanks.

They could have done something similar and less cheesy by just having Cena say that he knows his young fans will never stop believing in him, and have some pre-planted young audience members who are instead shown to be wearing sheep masks and have Cena react the same way he did, realizing that he is losing them to Bray's influence. Maybe even that sounds lame, but I'm working with what was a lame idea in the first place that I never would have done.

Can't believe all the people I see ranting and raving about that opening segment for being so great. It was the type of thing that makes me want to change the channel.

Ironically I probably missed most of what Bray may have said so I don't know if the actual promo was good or not, because I was too busy thinking how stupid it all was.

I agree, I didn't really care for it either. Didn't help that they had to plug it 4 times after it happened throughout Raw. Shit was ridiculous.
That segment was fresh and interesting but DRAWN OUT WAY TOO LONG!

Serieously. Some stuff could have been cut to half the time or less.
Wyatt is boring. As a character he is a joke. How charismatic can he be when the only guy to join his group since it debut left within 2 weeks? And they haven't gone after him since. The hype and the actions don't match up.

Huh? Are you talking about Daniel Bryan? Did you not watch the Royal Rumble? Bray beat Bryan clean in a one on one match. And considering the segment we're talking about was how the whole world in his hands, I'm not sure how that doesn't match the hype.

As for that segment, oh he got little kids to sing with him. Wow, scary! So he can get kids to follow him, what exactly does that have to do with wrestling. If anything, it makes him a creepy pedaphile. So all kids are supposed to cheer Cena?

Uh, yeah. That's kind of Cena's deal. Kids like him. It's not supposed to be "scary," it's supposed to show that Cena's fans Bray's hands. It's supposed to get in Cena's head, which it sure seemed to do. And what the hell kind of sick freak do you have to be to think of pedophilia during a segment like that? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?

If they ever actually allowed a decent feud, Wyatt might not be such a joke but they protect him. They either let him beat someone up like they did with Kane but have no reprocusion so it is one sided or if he does lose, they just ignore it and act like he won. He lost to Cena at Mania - if this was anyone else, Cena would be done with them but here we are seeing the feud continue with everyone talking about Wyatt. The days of the Undertaker running wild like this over talent are long over and Wyatt ain't Taker.

Hmm. Well, I took the liberty of going back through Cena's WrestleMania matches. Discounting the two matches with Rock, since Rock left after both, he's had seven WrestleMania matches. Would you care to venture a guess as to how many of those seven saw Cena in a rematch at the next PPV? According to what you wrote here, it should be zero...but, in fact, it's all seven. That's right, Cena has never once been done with someone after beating them at WrestleMania. Weird.

I'm also curious about what constitutes a decent feud. Because, apparently, Bray besting Kane isn't a decent feud...but Cena should be done with Bray since he beat him, so that's not a decent feud. In other words, when Bray wins it's not a decent feud and when Bray loses it's not a decent feud, right? Oh, and not to mention beating somebody clean in a one on one match at a major PPV doesn't count as going after them. Right.

Anyway, it was a fine segment. It advanced the feud between Cena and Wyatt nicely. Sure, I had to mute the TV to stop the godawful singing, but the segment still got the point across. I just wish they would've avoided showing that all the kids were carrying masks behind their backs, that kind of spoiled that reveal a little bit. Other than that, like the OP said, that segment could have and probably should have ended the show.
Bray is just fine. The feud is just fine. People need to stop hating. Should the feud have ended after WM(someone tell me if this is correct grammatically)? What's the point of all that build-up. Not to mention they are in the process of building up new stars. And having 1 month feuds isn't a good way to do it imo.

Besides the good segment we got on Raw, I would even point out to his amazing promo on Smackdown.

Some of the hate here just shows that unless you have no mic skills, been on the indies 10 years, 5-6 years in RoH, u will be hated despite your obvious talent.

I'm glad they did not end the feud at Mania because there was much more to be done with the feud after that. Much more to explore.

The fact that pedophilia is even mentioned in this thread is crazy lol.
First of all, I don't get RAW live here in my country. I followed it on Wrestlezone.
So when I saw people saying how CREEPY and AMAZING the segment was, I went to Youtube and I saw the segment.

It was literally one of the worst segments Wyatt was involved in since he debuted.. There was absolutely NOTHING creepy about some kids repeating a line for 5 minutes. There was nothing Intense about it.
We've all seen Bray do some amazing stuff.! His promos are literally up there with the best. Monday's segment just didn't impress me at all.

That being said, I still think, Wyatt is one of the best talkers in the WWE right now. He reminds me of someone like a Raven or a Cactus Jack.

Monday's bad segment wasn't his fault. The concept was just BAD.
While i hate the whole PG era of wrestling and despise Cena i had a big problem with that Wyatt segment using kids. To me that was just a little too much over the top. It made me cringe at the though of having to explain it to my little nephews. I think they might now be afraid to watch thinking that the Wyatts might brainwash them and turn them into zombies through the tv like they did all those kids.

I think wrestling should be aimed at young adults and teens and not at small children. This is why we have the whole problem of wwe trying to be PG while at the same time doing too many things that small kids shouldn't be watching. You can't be aiming your product at small children and them traumatizing them at the same time wtf?

I think i'm probably the only person who thinks this.
If some feel that Bray Wyatt is boring, well more power to 'em. For all the various claims about wanting something fresh and different, I don't really see how any act could be more fresh or different in wrestling right now. Bray Wyatt ultimately did what he's done best since he arrived: using his character to help tell a fun, interesting story. The little rendition of "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" has sort of taken on a life of its own and when you consider the simple lyrics of the song itself, which includes a verse that says "He's got the little bitty babies in His hands", then bringing out all those kids dressed in black while wearing sheep masks plays along perfectly with the aspect of Wyatt being this demented cult leader that's "brainwashing" people. Cena's reaction, in my opinion, played along perfectly with the theme when you consider how important kids are and have been to his persona.

Was it a little on the creepy side? Sure it was, but it's supposed to be. Being creepy is one of the stereotypical calling cards of any cult leader. When's the last time you read or heard about a cult leader who didn't come off as deranged?
Honestly, I believe it's just someone troll. Why? Because every time things get good in the WWE there's someone who likes to be the "oddball" and get a response from everyone. Ignore what other people think and just enjoy your damn wrestling.

It wasn't. Virtually every person in the thread was agreeing with them about how Bray has the whole world going to sleep and eating out of the OP's hands. And how Bray can't keep this gimmick going. And how Bray can't do this and that and the other thing.

I wasn't a huge fan of the Wyatt's when they debuted because I didn't like them going after Kane. I don't think Kane had enough love from the normal everyday crowd to get them over as massive heels off the bat. So I thought it was too easy of a target to see how the crowd reacted. Because it could have really gone either way at that point. But when the Wyatt's went after Bryan and Punk, it was gold at that point and everything Bray has done since then has been gold.

Bray Wyatt is gold. Take it to the bank people. Quit trying to poo-poo him just because he's the best "heel" the WWE has right now. It's pathetic. You're allowed to like the best big guy on the roster. It's ok. Nobody will think you're following the crowd. Sometimes it's okay to be part of the majority. Everybody constantly wants to try to be part of the trendy minority and it's old as dirt. I can't wait until the Daniel Bryan hate threads start. Oh wait...
I wouldn't call it boring, but I hated it. It's the type of thing that makes me embarrassed to be watching wrestling even in a room by myself. It makes me regret any time I ever defended pro wrestling to someone telling me it was stupid.

Right. Torito vs. Hornswoggle, anything involving Santino and Emma, Damien Sandow in a Magneto costume while Ziggler and Jackman have a bro-mance, THOSE things don't make you embarrassed to watch wrestling.
While i hate the whole PG era of wrestling and despise Cena i had a big problem with that Wyatt segment using kids. To me that was just a little too much over the top. It made me cringe at the though of having to explain it to my little nephews. I think they might now be afraid to watch thinking that the Wyatts might brainwash them and turn them into zombies through the tv like they did all those kids.

I think wrestling should be aimed at young adults and teens and not at small children. This is why we have the whole problem of wwe trying to be PG while at the same time doing too many things that small kids shouldn't be watching. You can't be aiming your product at small children and them traumatizing them at the same time wtf?

I think i'm probably the only person who thinks this.

It really depends on what you consider "small children." PG is Parental Guidance, which still has some suggestive stuff in it. Nothing about that was beyond PG. Parents should really tell these kids it's not real and make the responsibilities on them, not the people who make the stuff on television. If a parent felt that skit wasn't appropriate, then they should have changed the channel.

Don't blame the WWE. They aren't targeting kids under a certain age. It's not a G rated program.
I enjoyed the segment but my one problem with it was that when the kids where singing they all had smiles on there faces they all should looked more sad

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