Team HBK vs Team JBL Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match


Dark Match Winner
As first reported on, Shawn Michaels will captain the team of Rey Mysterio, The Great Khali and Cryme Tyme in facing captain JBL’s team of Kane, MVP, The Miz & John Morrison in a Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series Elimination Match.

JBL's team has already lost because of MVP, lol. Seriously though, JBL, Kane, MVP, all right now big losers right now, couldn't buy a win. Miz and Morrison are the only ones winning but there's no way they'll be able to take on Micheals, Khali and Rey.

As much as I would love to see the heels finally win, I'm sure Micheals, Rey, and Khali will be the last ones standing in this match.
This match just screams medicore to me. I don't see it being anthing overly great or bad, just right down the middle. I just don't see this match being anything to remember over the next 10 years. I see the faces winning with HBK & Khali being the last one's standing. I just don't find anything involving Khali or the Kane & Mysterio feud to be interesting. Throw in JBL and you got one big borefest. I actually think MIz/Morrison will be the bright spot of this match but I doubt they are winning. I just am not too excited to see this people all in one match. I guess it could be worse since they all could be seperate singles matches.
As M_F said.. This match will not be anything more than mediocre. This is really just a very lame attempt at getting everyone on the card. Come on.. Shawn with Cryme Tyme, Rey, and Khali? What in the bluest of blue hells is that?! Ugh. This could be one of the worst matches of the night. Faces win.
Possibly two of the worst Survivor Series teams I've ever seen. It looks like it's up to a bored HBK and broken down Rey Mysterio to carry the match. The rest of the face team are hopeless, and MVP is the only one worth watching on the heel side. But with him currently on a losing streak, I wouldn't be surprised if he's eliminated from the matches early.
Meh. That's all I think about this match. HBK's team will win, they've wrestling three washed up wrestlers and I can't say Miz and Morrison are on that much of a hot streak either. They're probably going to push Khali as a monster again, so he won't be eliminated. HBK won't be eliminated because, well, he's HBK. I think it'll be those two left in the end, and they will end up winning it for their team. But I agree with Jake, these are two of the worst Survivor Series teams i've ever seen.
Seriously, is there any hype to this match?

When Priceless together with Orton attacked CM Punk at Unforgiven, I felt that the whole thing will be build up from there to Survivor Series. I thought there might be Team Orton vs Team CM Punk or something for Survivor Series.
Boring match. Face team will win this one easily and there is really only two people who actually interest me which is Shawn and Rey. Really this will be one of the worst SS team matches i've ever seen, and I sincerely hope they have another SS match, and if not i will spend 50$ or w/e on this ppv to see Cena return.
So in order to want HBk to win I also have to want Khali to win? Eugh this is an awful thought. And this is an awful match. HBK is by far the biggest and best in the match, and he'll be the one carrying it. This is just so random, so stupid. I don't know what WWE are doing.

I see that they want a traditional survivor series match, I want to see one too. But this one is just weird. For a start, the people in it. I don't see much point to them. Then the impending HBK Vs JBL feud which is coming from this. Um, why? I don't think either men will get much from this. WWE must lke connfusing us, because I have no idea what's happening with this right now.
Possibly two of the worst Survivor Series teams I've ever seen.

That sums everything up in an instant. When I seen the Team's, I first laughed because they were so horrible. Then I wanted to cry a little on the inside, because I don't want this being the ONLY Survivor Series match we get. I'd rather see Shawn Michaels against J.B.L. in a single's match, then see this cluster of randomly slapped together crap.

So in order to want HBk to win I also have to want Khali to win? Eugh this is an awful thought. And this is an awful match. HBK is by far the biggest and best in the match, and he'll be the one carrying it. This is just so random, so stupid. I don't know what WWE are doing.

:lmao: I think that just made my entire day. I honestly "marked out" when Khali saved Rey Mysterio on Raw a week ago.. then he doesn't even do ANYTHING with Rey on this week's show. (unless somehow something happens on Smackdown) Now, Mysterio, Khali & Shawn Michaels all on the same team.. with Cryme Tyme.

It's like they randomly drew names from a hat. And speaking of that theory, how the shit did M.V.P. get thrown into this mess? He has ZERO connection to any of these individuals as far as I know. (I don't get Smackdown anymore) I think I read something about Khali and M.V.P. having a match last week, but that hardly means it's become a sudden feud.

Cryme Tyme, Morrison & Miz are getting old, stale and need to move on. Kane and Mysterio were suppose to have ended on Raw.. so Khali/Kane and Mysterio/M.V.P. is what I'm coming to the conclusion of. Either way.. these team's are so horrible.. it makes the Diva's Survivor Series match from 1999 look like the Wild Card match from 1995.
This reminds me of when in gym class all the cool kids were playing basket ball but they wouldnt let you play so you dicided to make your own teams and play but when you go to pick teams you realize you have a bunch of loseres and the retarted kid. Unfortuantely HBK didnt pick the retarted kid, cause I would have loved to have seen Kalhi and Festus work together. These teams are thrown together and really there wasnt a lot of thought put into the match that makes Suvivor Series, Suvivor Series, but why should we expect WWE creative to think anything through now a days.
I know where there coming from with JBL and HBK team leaders they started this with JBL sticking his face into his business with no reason to why. I would rather have them set up team hbk vs team priceless consitsing of priceless and miz and morison. I got no clue why Kahli is on team HBK, put a raw guy in his place like jamie noble or charlie hass. With MVP, come on he just dosn't fit into this match at all have a seprate smackdown match for those two.
They chose this grouping????? Really????????????????? Wtf are they smoking.

I can understand HBK/JBL...I can understand Mysterio/Kane.....but see, this proves that the WWE has too many eggs in the heel basket and not enough in the face basket. Morrison and Miz should have legitimate opponents, not just CT because you can't think of anybody else. Why is MVP feuding with Khali instead of Helms yet? Where's Kendrick? As much as I HATE R-Truth, why don't they have Truth/Benjamin involved?

This probably means we'll get the incredibly standard "Hardy vs Chavo" for the ECW title as well, or just the 50th "Hardy vs Henry" match.

Hopefully this isn't the only Survivor Series Elimination match. They need to do one with Priceless, definitely. And hopefully in this match, Kane, Mysterio, Cryme Tyme, Khali, and JBL are eliminated quickly. I'd love to see Morrison or Miz come out on top of all this. HBK may be my favorite, but he doesn't need to win this. They could give the rub to Morrison, Miz, or MVP (who desperately needs to win something big in order to maintain his status of being a potential champion).
The great Kahli?? really?? how laborious. Such a mis mash of shit, and people who dont go together. I dont quite understand all this, but whatever. A team of HBK/Batista Vs JBL, Orton, and the boys wouldve been much much better. and as has been said before, what on earth does MVP have to do with anyone in this?? Just nothing at all intriguing about this, and I guess its meant to spawn some new feuds, such as HBK-JBL, who besides random run ins, have had nothing to do with each other, and finish up the CT-M&M thing, and the Mastrio-Kane program. bout damn time
This is the most random pairing for any Survivor Series match I've ever seen. When I read this I had a huge "WTF" look on my face. It seems like they just threw together wrestlers who had nothing to do and decided it would make a good elimination match. Not a good idea. Team Orton vs. Team CM Punk would of been much better and made way more sense. Team HBK will win and MVP will be the first one eliminated to further push him down. The bright side of this match, hopefully the Kane and Rey feud will end.
Everyone wondering where MVP comes from in this grouping should watch Smackdown more carefully. Not that I'm suggesting that feud is any good, but it is still there. The grouping really is horrible. I'm hoping for a heels win with MVP, Miz, and Morrison left standing as that will atleast help their credibility along. Of course that is probably not going to happen at all.
Hhmm..... Looks like i'll be leaving for a ciggie twice then. During this match AND the Divas match.

Kahli and MVP do have a 'fued' of sorts going on at the moment. You won't know 'til you watch SD for the next two weeks, but if you've read the spoilers you will know that there is interaction between them leading up to SSeries.

I think Kahli vs 5 jobbers would be better than this match. The outcome will be exactly the same as well. How is Kahli going to get eliminated exactly? Well, the thing is, is everyone asks that about Big Show whenever he's in a SSeries match and he ALWAYS gets eliminated so it's not guaranteed that Kahli will remain. I see it coming down to JBL/Kane and HBK/Rey, with HBK/Rey getting the due.

Hopefully, we'll get a second SSeries match most likely Orton/Priceless/Henry v Matt/Finlay/Punk/Kofi and someone else. I'd say Bourne but he's hurt so....

Altough maybe the ECW title will be defended so replace Matt and Henry with R-Truth and Shelton. Or maybe Regal and someone, but i'd expect him to defend the IC belt against Santino personally.
This has to be one of the worst bookings ever, what the hell is WWE trying to do? Every PPV apart from WrestleMania and SummerSlam have been total rubbish. What the **** are Cryme Tyme doing in a Survivor Series team along with Khali? It just does'nt make sense.

This match will be an opportunity for a long toilet break, i can see thsimatch being very boring and uneventful. If anything decent happens in this match i'll be surprised.

It just seems this match is made up of odd parts from here and there, honestly WWE. what is happening? Also why have they made HBK vs JBL in a PPV match straight away? The feud has barely begun and yet we see them performing along with aload of crap.
I'm not going to lie, out of all the Survivor Series that I've seen/heard of. These two teams have to be by far the worst teams I've ever heard of. I mean come on we're going to see Kane and Rey in the same ring again, we're going to see Cryme Tyme vs Miz and Morrison again, and we're going to see JBL vs HBK... Throw Khali and MVP into the mix and you have one giant of a mediocre match. Like Will said, Miz/Morrison vs Cryme Tyme is getting old. I mean how many times does the Dirt Sheet have to win? Rey vs Kane is really just old now and has finished off Kane. JBL vs HBK just spells disaster. Basically this match holds all of the non title feuds going on Raw right now. One big problem. Just about all of them are terrible... With that being said... Where did Khali and MVP come from in this match anyway? Are we just going to see 1 elimination tag team match this year? I hope not cause if it is... Then I'm sorry, but it looks pathetic
I feel so sorry for HBK. He has to work with Khali,JBL,a jobber MVP and Cryme Time who is so lost... Miz and Morrison are good but HBK will prolly go over them at the end. Although I'd mark out if Morrison pinned HBK and won. Khali will squash MVP to start. Then Miz will pin JTG seeing as how Shad looks like he's more inclined to get a singles push from Raw 2 weeks ago. Kane will pin Shad. Then Khali and Rey will double team Kane and eliminate him. HBK will eliminate Miz,JBL and Morrison in that order and HBk,Rey Mysterio and Khali will be left standing and I'll see none of it for I'll be in the bathroom taking a Kurt and wiping my angle.
I believe NoFate is correct in saying that Shawn Michaels needs to put over one of the heels in this match, but I just can't see it happening here. MVP does have a chance of being the sole survivor because I believe the WWE is making him lose for a good purpose, and maybe it's so he can surprise us all by not being eliminated in this match. Hurricane Helms should return here if possible too. But I doubt that scenario would happen as I can see HBK and Khali as the only survivors. Hopefully with this win, Khali will stop doing that damn kiss cam. I don't think I can take much more of those segments. Seriously.

Well the teams aren't the greatest, but people shouldn't be bitching as much as they have been. At least we are getting a traditional Survivor Series match here. The Team Orton vs Team Batista match looks more interesting and has more talent involved, but from past recent memory, the elimination matches that aren't expected to be any good usually tend to succeed and surprise us all. I just hope JBL, Morrison, MVP and Mysterio aren't eliminated early. They all need to gain some credibility in this match. A shock HBK elimination would be good, but I doubt it will happen.

Let's be honest here, the match basically has one purpose and that is to start getting people interested in a Shawn Michaels/JBL feud. I think it could be a good feud, but I'm not expecting anything special. These 5 on 5 matches are usually entertaining and eventful with multiple eliminations in quick succession. But I see Team HBK winning with only Khali and Michaels surviving in what should be an average 12 minute old school bout.
Horrible teams here. The only redeeming quality is the fact that Shawn Michaels is on one team. The bad side of this is that Michaels has been rapidly declining in working quality. So I don't know if even he can save this match. This is one that leaves me scratching my head. Did the WWE really try on this one. Or did they just pick up a bunch of names and throw them at a glue covered wall, then whoevers name stuck to said wall they put on a team? Maybe I will be surprised by this match.

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