Survivor Series: Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels


SmackDown! is MY Show

WWE Championship Match
(c) Randy Orton vs Shawn Michaels
Didn't they just have this match last night? And didn't they give us a bogus finish? No thanks I wont bother watching this again. They had decent matches 4 years ago. I'll go and watch them. You know, the ones before HBK got incredibly stale, and Orton was intresting.
They will probably make it a Fatal Four Way with Umaga and HHH. If not, I think they will make it a stipulation match, maybe a 3 Stages of Hell match since they haven't had one of those in a while. I don't think HBK is ever going to have another title reign before he retires and I am certain most of the smarks think so too. Shawn is one of the best at putting the younger generation over, so I cannot see him winning this match and taking Orton's title away from him this soon. Hopefully, this will be their last match because they had multiple feuds in the past and I am grown tired of this one already.
judging by the way things went down tonight, does anyone else think that vince mcmahon is gunna screw hbk on the 10th anniversary of the montreal screwjob??? i could see it happening. a good way to let orton keep the belt without beating hbk clean. vince also didnt seem too upset that dx was back. maybe after all their fueding, hhh and vince work with orton to screw hbk???
Vince said that the pay-per veiw was apptly named.....i think it will be a elimination camber.....that way hbk gets his rematch and the can put others in the title pic but still give hbk main event time..i think the chamber will be orton, hbk, jeff hardy, mr. kennedy, hhh, umaga or insert y2j in here
Somewhere a month or so back, I read a note that had Shawn Michaels & Triple H. v. Randy Orton & Umaga - at Survivor Series. Since that match is now happening on Raw, I could see one (H.B.K./H.H.H.) turning on the other, setting up a match between those two & taking Orton completely out of the picture.. which would in turn allow Jericho's return to come into play versus Randy Orton. BUT.. I doubt W.W.E. is that "smart" into playing matches correctly, & (off topic) Jericho's return is taking forever, so I doubt he'll even be back for a match at Survivor Series. (At this rate, it looks more like the Rumble.

My opinion on H.B.K. v. Randy Orton at Survivor Series would be.. Ladder match. I've been pushing hard for this with M.V.P. & Matt Hardy, but it doesn't seem likely for a while.. & we haven't had a decent ladder match in recent memory.

If Mr. McMahon's "aptly named" hint comes into play.. I can somehow see it being turned into an Elimination Chamber match, or some type of elimination set-up.

Finally, yes, its 10 years to the p.p.v. that the famous Screw job happened, therefore I can see something coming out of it. Perhaps H.B.K. locking in the Sharpshooter on Randy Orton, & H.B.K. doing a heel turn??? I'm almost sure everyone assumes Shawn Michaels would be on the receiving end of a screw job.. so it seems MORE LIKELY that H.B.K. would be setting out to swerve & give another one.

And if you truly think about it.. McMahon/H.B.K. tonight, Michaels DIDN'T take McMahon out.. he showed that he could. Also, McMahon got H.B.K. to admit to wanting revenge.. which shows McMahon is "making" H.B.K. own up. I can clearly see an H.B.K. heel turn. The only unknown is Randy Orton, because clearly he couldn't turn face. So that is kinda unknown to me.
I certainly hope that there is no HHH vs HBK turn. The best friends turning on each other thing has been done, especially with these two specifically, and I wouldn't watch it again. Okay... I would watch it but in a disgruntled manner the whole time. Alright I would enjoy the matches because H and HBK are amazing in the ring together whether it is tagging or competeing but I just don't want another best friends forever fued, that's all I'm saying.

Someone once told me that HBK was promised a title reign, if even a short one, to get him to come back and be a team player. Who knows...
This should be a good match. A lot of hype and the story that Orton almost put Michaels out, the match would be filled with a lot of drama. Im seeing Orton coming out of the match with a clean RKO. I dont feel that Michaels should get another go at the title, nor should Triple H its time for the younger generation to step up and win titles. By that I mean guys that should be main eventing like Jeff Hardy, of course Randy Orton, Kennedy, Lashley when he gets healthy, Edge, Matt Hardy, MVP. I think its time for guys like HHH, HBK, to start putting some of those guys over.
I'm pleased to read that not everyone shares the opinion that HBK has gone 'stale'. I personally am at a loss as how this opinion could be generated, but to each his own I suppose. Just because HBK has seen it all and done more, doesn't mean that he has gone stale. Regardless of his current in ring ability, which is far superior to anyone else coming back sooner than originally expected for his surgery, he is still looking good. Calling one of the greatest charismatic superstars of all time 'stale' is a true insult, especially when he is still doing things most men his age wouldn't think of doing.

Maybe it is just me, but I can't wait for this match, regardless of what or who else is added to it.
HBK has not gone "stale" at all. His match at Cyber Sunday was his first in a few months so I expected him to be a bit "rusty". However, the WWE is giving this match another go round at Survivor Series. So hopefully they will be given more time to prove what they can do and maybe, just maybe, Shawn walks away with the title this time. It would pay homage to him winning the World Championship exactly five years ago in the HIAC match.

I personally wouldn't mind if this feud gets dragged out for a few months. I would mark out like a mad dog if they worked this feud similar to the way they worked Rock and Mankind in 1998/99, having the title go back and forth a few times (maybe if get a switch or two on free TV) until the heel ultimately prevails and takes the strap to Mania to face the top babyface in the company.
with lawler admitting what the DH stands for isn't it obvious that the screwjob is going to happen and they are giving him a quick push to allow for some sort of hart connection
The way I see it going down:

HBK is about to win and somehow McMahon plays homage to the screwjob and costs him the title. Pissed about it, they continue the feud until the Royal Rumble, where HBK takes the title. He retains it so that they can keep him as the front-liner of Wrestlemania, since they know very well that he could main event their two biggest pay-per-views as well as how this may be his last shot at holding the top title. Kennedy wins the Royal Rumble and loses to Shawn at 'Mania, only to defeat him afterwards and finally get through that push that he's been scheduled for since God knows when...assuming nothing weird happens again like his Money in the Bank situation or the Wellness scandal.

I don't think it'll involve D.H. Smith, as I don't think they'd turn him heel just this quickly, nor do I think he'd want to be involved in something that his family is assuredly upset over.
Hmm the same main event two PPV's in a row... I'll have to see what else is on the card, but this certainly does not warrent my 30 or 40$. anyway... This match... No this feud really has let me down. I remember when HBK and Orton put on good matches... What happened? The best part of HBK vs RKO is how well RKO sells sweet chin music. I really hope this match gets some gimmick added to it...
I'm not liking this feud or Orton's title reign at all. I mean, we all wanted to see Cena lose and Orton win the title and that's basically what we have, but WWE hasen't promoted Orton as champion that much so no body really cares about it. At least with Cena you got some pretty decent feuds over the belt, but now Orton and HBK is just plain boring.
I'm not liking this feud or Orton's title reign at all. I mean, we all wanted to see Cena lose and Orton win the title and that's basically what we have, but WWE hasen't promoted Orton as champion that much so no body really cares about it. At least with Cena you got some pretty decent feuds over the belt, but now Orton and HBK is just plain boring.

I completely agree on what you say! And basically its because they made Orton look weak every damn week! when he punted HBK about what 4-5 months ago, he was the toughest and the baddest sob until he won the title! im getting really bored with this feud and having hbk sweet chin music orton 4 times is just annoying! when are they going to make him look good? cause he's well deserve of this reign so i hope he beats the holly crap out of michaels (or that hbk gets screwed), look like a real fighting champion and move on in new feuds! no HHH, or hbk! NEW feuds!
There's been basically no interest in this feud for me so far and I'm both a Randy Orton and HBK fan. I mean Randy was portrayed as a dominating badass who didn't give a crap and did what he wanted a few months HBK's back he's a sniveling coward who hasn't been able to do ANY damage worth mentioning to Shawn Michaels. I mean I understand they have to rebuild Shawn after his absence, show how badly he still wants revenge/ the WWE title. But really, Randy is losing months worth of momentum in what four weeks? What was the point of HBK superkicking Randy not once, not twice but FOUR times in a row? It started getting annoying after the second time. When is Randy going to get a change to prove how deserving he is of the title and how much harm he is "supposed" to be capable of dishing out as a legend killer? Where is the Randy Orton who was attacking John Cena, RKO-ing him on chairs...punting John's father..the Randy with DRIVE and HUNGER...don't tell me he lost all that when he finally became champ or is it because he's up against "The Show Stoppa" .This feud with Shawn has just been completely one sided with Shawn gaining...and Randy losing major major steam.
I really wish I knew why the Hell WWE did what they did to Orton's character. When he was feuding with Cena they made him seem border line insane. Now he's almost like a coward. WWE is making Orton look very week and I can't understand why. Everything in my head tells me that HBK should win this match, but I'm expecting something happening in the match and Orton to retain. However whoever he were to face next would just have a mental advantage right from the get go. WWE is making Orton look weak and it's going to hurt the Raw having a champion that gets beak up/dq'ed all the time...
WWE knows what they are doing with Orton. At least I hope they do. As much as I would like to see HBK win the title, they going to keep it around Orton which they should if they want to develop him. They need Orton to be scared of Michaels and keep getting superkicked each night. That way when HBK finally hits him with it during the match Orton can kick out and get maybe a clean victory over Michaels or him going out of his way to hold that title. I see Orton holding it till at least Mania where he might lose it to....I can't even tell you. Truthfully, I would love Benjamin to change his gimmick and win it. Orton needs to hold the title for awhile to build credibility.
no offence but to all the people that said there was going to be an elimnation chamber is wrong( i assumed it so) because there is a hell in the cell and i dont think that they could have to structers above the ring. what i think will happen is that hbk is about to sweet chin music orton but then bret hart will come in and stop it, then orton hits the rko.

the only reason i think that is because i heard some one say that the hardt foundation were going to return but the teddy hart got fired and another reason is that hart just sold a new book so he might be there for book signings. i mean there is clues leading up to this.
I am look forward to this match more then any match they have ever had before due to the fact this match is at Survivor Series and due to the fact it is a championship match 10 years on following the screwjob. I would like to see a clean fihish with HBK walking out champion. Overall is should be a classic match.
those of you that voted for michaels at cyber sunday have no right to complain about this one. Its obvious this was the planned main event before cyber sunday, and you idiots voted michaels in anyway. now we have to sit through ANOTHER month of a micheals vs. champion rivalry. now wouldnt of it been nice if we would've seen Hardy or Kennedy vs. Orton at Cyber Sunday? that way maybe this main event wouldnt seem so repetetive. but alas, i have no control over the ignorant, cena loving, tna hating, eaters of whatever wwe shoves down their throat people that plauge the wwe fanbase.
those of you that voted for michaels at cyber sunday have no right to complain about this one. Its obvious this was the planned main event before cyber sunday, and you idiots voted michaels in anyway.

I, as a wrestling fan, have the ability to complain until my hearts content. And I am not complaining about the repeat/rematch between these two, as its (in my opinion) the best option they have.. when comparing the other to Kennedy or Hardy in the mix.

If I were to ever complain, it'd only be because I'm tired of the same ol' "screw job" ending to a Championship match. If the heel wins, fine.. let him win in a heel-ish way, by cheating, or using illegal tactics. Don't have him win via the match being thrown out, or by someone else interfering. It downgrades Randy Orton as a Champion to say he couldn't even cheat by himself to win. (Edge has cheated by himself multiple times to retain/win Championships - Orton could easily be similar)

now we have to sit through ANOTHER month of a micheals vs. champion rivalry. now wouldnt of it been nice if we would've seen Hardy or Kennedy vs. Orton at Cyber Sunday? that way maybe this main event wouldnt seem so repetetive.

NO, it most certainly would NOT have been better to sit through another Jeff Hardy v. Randy Orton match. I've seen enough of them on Raw weekly.. & Kennedy may of been a slight step up from Hardy, but heel v. heel on a p.p.v. wouldn't sell worth a crap & you'd see a huge line of "smarks" making a b-line to the consession stands, as noone who loves cheering for the good & booing the bad, would care about bad v. bad.

And the Main Event will ALWAYS be repetetive, its wrestling.. regardless of the "actors" playing their "roles" its the exact same thing in EVERY match. Just with different colors, names, moves, etc.

but alas, i have no control over the ignorant, cena loving, tna hating, eaters of whatever wwe shoves down their throat people that plauge the wwe fanbase.

Last time I checked, you could've voted multiple times over for who you wanted to win the polls. My guess is you DID have control over it, but opted not to waste time trying to make it worth anything. Therefore, you shouldn't complain when you could've did something.

And finally.. I don't like Cena, but I respect his ability. I love T.N.A., but they're quickly becoming nothing more than a second rate W.W.E. produced show. And I don't choke down what W.W.E. force feeds me, but I do accept it, because I'm NOT the f'n booker! If you don't like what you see.. change the channel. C.S.I. & Law & Order are on practically every other channel these days.. I'm sure that may entertain you more.


In my personal opinion.. I still hope this match will end with the role-reversal of the Montreal Screw Job, only this time having H.B.K. look to get screwed, only for Mr. McMahon to turn on Randy Orton & have H.B.K. turn heel, winning the Championship & aligning himself with McMahon. (It would set up the newly optionable H.B.K. v. H.H.H. - WrestleMania, Raw Main Event)
In my personal opinion.. I still hope this match will end with the role-reversal of the Montreal Screw Job, only this time having H.B.K. look to get screwed, only for Mr. McMahon to turn on Randy Orton & have H.B.K. turn heel, winning the Championship & aligning himself with McMahon. (It would set up the newly optionable H.B.K. v. H.H.H. - WrestleMania, Raw Main Event)

I'm not sure where I stand on the screwjob angle. I know for sure I don't want to see Michaels get screwed (in storyline of course, not like the real screwjob) but I also think if Orton got screwed turning Michaels heel that Orton would rank up there with the worst three title runs of all time.

As far as HHH vs HBK goes, don't you think the WWE is getting enough heat for not pushing any young talent? Can you imagine how pissed people will be if they use there grandest stage to showcase two past their prime already dominant megastars? Sure, they are two of the biggest names right now but I think its about time WWE starts planning for the future, HBK has had his time and HHH's is coming up too. Lets make a new star at wrestlemania, I'm tired of these two.
I'm not sure where I stand on the screwjob angle. I know for sure I don't want to see Michaels get screwed (in storyline of course, not like the real screwjob) but I also think if Orton got screwed turning Michaels heel that Orton would rank up there with the worst three title runs of all time.

I completely agree that having H.B.K. turn heel & align himself with Mr. McMahon wouldn't JUST destroy Randy Orton's credibility as Champion, but it'd also destroy his heel side as well. Orton, plain & simple, will never be a "face." Fans dislike the guy too much, personally, to cheer him.

Regarding the top 3 worst Championship runs.. I assume you mean..
1. Edge's outrageously stupid 3 week reign
2. Orton's 1 month reign, before dropping it to H.H.H.
3. R.V.D.'s 3 week reign before dropping it to Edge
3A. Triple H. winning & losing the Championship at No Mercy

The only funny part about that is, Orton is already on that list, for 1 month run. Putting him back on the list for another short lived run is stupid.. but not impossible. Randy Orton (in my opinion) was who they needed to beat John Cena, at the time.. but not who they need to carry the heel Main Event. I select Mr. Kennedy for that role.

As far as HHH vs HBK goes, don't you think the WWE is getting enough heat for not pushing any young talent? Can you imagine how pissed people will be if they use there grandest stage to showcase two past their prime already dominant megastars? Sure, they are two of the biggest names right now but I think its about time WWE starts planning for the future, HBK has had his time and HHH's is coming up too. Lets make a new star at wrestlemania, I'm tired of these two.

I fully agree with this too. I won't agree that I'm tired of H.B.K. v. H.H.H., as I enjoy their matches & they put on great shows. But, with the understanding that both men in other matches, could build two great matches instead of one redone one.. than yeah, build a younger star like Kennedy.

But overall, Mr. Kennedy (in my opinion) is the closest thing they have to a younger type talent, that they could push on the Raw side of things. If I'm missing anyone, please let me know. (Jeff Hardy is NOT considered younger talent, much less WM Main Event quality, not to me, anyways)
Regarding the top 3 worst Championship runs.. I assume you mean..
1. Edge's outrageously stupid 3 week reign
2. Orton's 1 month reign, before dropping it to H.H.H.
3. R.V.D.'s 3 week reign before dropping it to Edge
3A. Triple H. winning & losing the Championship at No Mercy

No, what I meant was that Orton could be considered for all three spots.

1. The 15 minute No Mercy reign after being awarded the title than losing it to HHH.
2. The one month crap reign ended by HHH.
3. His current reign if he loses to Michaels.

Those could be argued as the worst reigns in WWE history. I already consider his original one in the top three, so he already has that.

I was trying to say that I don't think he deserves to have three title reigns that all rank up there with the worst ever.

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