Survivor Series 2011 : Team Rock vs. Team Cena


Pre-Show Stalwart
OK the title pretty much says it itself but what do u thnk??

i know tht the chances of this happening or remotely slim but still its fun to know

rock and cena as respective managers and 5 or 6 ppl of their choosing to represent them

who do u thnk will do it for both teams ???
This would be great. It would be a way to keep interest in Rock/Cena alive at a critical point prior to WrestleMania season and would be cool to watch- make it an Attitude vs PG match to sample the clash of the titans of those eras. A clash of generations at Survivor Series.

Team Rock

Big Show

Team Cena

John Morrison
Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio
Sin Cara

I'd say CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio but they'll probably still be heels and wouldn't team with the face Cena. Do this WWE. Guaranteed buys. An epic main event.
This would be great. It would be a way to keep interest in Rock/Cena alive at a critical point prior to WrestleMania season and would be cool to watch- make it an Attitude vs PG match to sample the clash of the titans of those eras. A clash of generations at Survivor Series.

Team Rock

Big Show

Team Cena

John Morrison
Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio
Sin Cara

I'd say CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio but they'll probably still be heels and wouldn't team with the face Cena. Do this WWE. Guaranteed buys. An epic main event.

I agree this would be an awesome match, but with your teams the rest of the card would be pretty much devoid of faces. I would say that both men would need to have heels on their team, not by rules, just by logic. It could add to the storyline that both guys picked people that they didn't like, but they knew were the best and the point is to find the best team possible. Kind of like Cena's WWE team at SummerSlam last year.

I also agree that this would be a great idea. The only hole I could see would be that this would mean Cena doesn't wrestle in 2 Survivor Series in a row. I think they could make that part of the plot as well, with Cena saying if he's making the best team possible, he would obviously be on it. It would give more heat to Cena's words about Rock not wrestling and as far as the war of words go Cena needs all the help he can get.

Here's what I would have:

The Miz (using the fact that Miz "owes" the Rock for Wrestlemania)
CM Punk (Edit: He needs to be here)

John Cena
Daniel Bryan
Sin Cara
Dolph Ziggler
Zack Ryder (Call me crazy, but I think his push is coming. Now that I've said that he'll be future endeavored tomorrow)

As a side note, I believe ADR and Cena will be champions during this time which is why I didn't include ADR. With Cena being in this match, he'll have to have a title match on the card.

I'm loving this idea, but I better get it out of my head quickly. I don't think Rock will be around again til RR.
I assume this is going to be just RAW guys and with a possible WWE Draft coming up, I'll keep that in mind.

Team Rock:
The Miz (Like someone said about him "owing" it to The Rock for WM)
CM Punk
Triple H
Sheamus (although I think he'll head to SD!)

Team Cena:
Daniel Bryan
Sin Cara (which he'll be IC/US title holder by then)
Randy Orton

I could still see Cena and Miz feuding till then, Punk and Orton feuding still or Punk/Bryan starting their feud. I could see Randy Orton and Hunter starting a new feud, and Morrison/Christian with Christian as a heel, and then Sin Cara and Sheamus fighting for the title over the next couple months.
I love the idea but the teams people are putting forward make no sense at all. I am fully aware that there is a good 7 months till Survivor Series and things can change but as things stand they are completely stupid.

I also gotta draw issue as to why Cena and Rock would be managers? Surely both could be participants in this match? Ok, it 'might' just take away the magnitude of Wrestlemania 28 being their first 'active' meeting in the ring but Survivor Series is one of the 'big 4' events each year and would only increase buys! It wouldnt do The Rock any halm for a 'tune up' match. Hell, they could even bring this forward to Summerslam? Last year we had Team WWE vs Nexus! Anyway........whenever it is held, my teams would be:

Team Rock
The Rock
Chris Jericho
The Big Show
Mark Henry

The Rocks 4 guys are all from the Attitude era. Jericho will probably return as a face, Show and Kane are faces and all 3 have history with The Rock. History but respect. Mark Henry is an old friend as he was in the NOD.

Team Cena
John Cena
Randy Orton
The Miz
Evan Bourne

I am not saying this will be the team but again all 4 make sense. Randy Orton and Cena have joined forces recently a few times. Both are the top faces in the business. Prton has publicy stuck up for Cena. R-Truth is an onscreen friend as we have seen in the past. Evan Bourne has also teamed with Cena. As for The Miz? Well he is the black sheep. He offers to help Cena out and put everything behind them. Miz also has a beef with The Rock after the way he humiliated him at WM27. Cena stupidly accepts his help after weeks of will he wont he.

Miz costs Cena's team the match. The Rocks team reigns supreme. Cena goes over at WM28 making it 1-1 in the fued.

As for the rest of the card...Undertaker, Triple H, CM Punk, Mysterio, Del Rio, Morrison, Christian, Sheamus, Barrett, Ziggler should be enough to make it look strong.
First, I'd keep Cena off the team, just to reflect The Rock as a manager. That is unless of course, they want to play it up that Cena fights week after week.

I think if they go in this direction, they should draft people that dislike or have had engaging feuds with the opposite captain.

Team Cena
Booker T: If Jerry Lawler can do it... Booker was The Rock's main rival during the Invasion angle.
Triple H: One of The Rock's greatest rivals.
Big Show: Of course, the man who feuded with both Rock and Triple H leading into Wrestlemania 2000 due to the controversial Royal Rumble finish.
Mark Henry: Back when Rock was ejected from the Nation, because fans all remember that! Besides, someone needs to job quick.
Shane Helms: I know he's currently not in the WWE, but who could forget The Hurricane/Rock feud. Sign him on for a month. Besides, someone else needs to job quick

Team Rock
Chris Jericho: Please, oh please, if not just for Rock/Jericho mic time. Jericho could have gone either way, but I think he'd belong on this side of the fence.
Wade Barrett:Nexus, duh.
CM Punk: New Nexus, duh.
Sheamus: The man who won his first WWE title from John Cena, Rock would consider him an asset.
R-Truth: Let's see how Extreme Rules goes. This team needs a babyface.
Problems with both team suggestions. Miz for instance wouldn't make sense on either team. We've already seen in Survivor Series once that Miz wants to run the show. Otherwise he won't do it. I don't see that changing with his current heel persona. Miz would need to defend the title at Survivor Series. Any PPV, the main titles should be defended. I'm going to make this interesting in terms of teams. A little combination of both previous suggestions and a little twist of my own but keeping in terms of Old Guard vs Today / Future Guard.

Stone Cold Steve Austin
Chris Jericho
Big Show

John Cena:
Wade Barrett
Randy Orton
Jack Swagger
John Morrison

OK, I know what you are thinking with the mix of faces / heels. But this is where WWE can get it right when they blew the Team Cena vs Nexxus Series. Old Guard is united in defending their generation. New Guard is hell bent on showing they are ready to take the torch. All differences are truly put aside and we have an awesome main event!! To make it better, this Survivor Series match is done War Games style.
Hmmm, this has some although probably minute possibility as SS is scheduled to be at MSG. This is a great way to keep the match at WM on people's minds at about the half way point to the match.

As far as the teams go, I'd go in a little different direction.
Team Cena

HHH on team Cena, due to HHH saying that while Rocky left to become Mr Hollywood, HHH stayed and became Mr WWE.

Bryan on team Cena cause Bryan can say he go into the business to be a "superstar" not a celebrity.

Team Rock
Big Show
WWE Champion: Miz

'Taker on team Rock to counter HHH

Miz on team Rock, cause even though Miz will say he hates them both, Miz is proof you can be a WWE Superstar and a Celebrity.

I'd have Rock and Cena in the corners of their teams.
Bryan on team Cena cause Bryan can say he go into the business to be a "superstar" not a celebrity.

Miz on team Rock, cause even though Miz will say he hates them both, Miz is proof you can be a WWE Superstar and a Celebrity.

On these two comments. Being a Superstar and a Celebrity are one and the same. You can be a Celebrity and not a WWE Superstar (name a million of 'em but I'll just name Steven Tyler of Aerosmith for one). But you can't be a WWE Superstar and not a Celebrity. Once you are a Superstar, you ARE a celebrity.

Miz won't work on either team. It would just be a bad rehash of the whole Nexxus vs Team Cena debacle. Miz SHOULDN'T be on either team either. He should be defending his title.
This is a great idea. To get people on Rock's Team, I would have him say Via satellite that he is going to be sending invitations to the best of the best, the ones that bring it, yada yada yada, then the next few weeks, have invitations arrive in the dressing rooms for people. Have it be a big deal if you get one.

Here are my teams-


Evan Bourne- Quick loss
Jack Swagger- I feel a face turn happening
Rey Mysterio
The Big Show
Randy Orton

Perhaps this would be a better match for Bragging Rights?

The Rock-

Kofi Kingston
Triple H
Chris Jericho
The Miz... reluctantly decides to join. Cuts a promo saying that he is gonna win the match and show the world that it should be Miz vs The Rock at WM28
Cody Rhodes/Drew Mcityre (sp?) One or the other would fit fine here.

I give the win to Cena's team so that he has some momentum going into WM.
I like the idea of The Rock's era vs. Cena's era. Personally, If this was to happen, I can't see Undertaker competing as I think that Wrestlemania 28 would be his last Wrestlemania and they would want him to be 100% for it. I think the teams should be this;

Team Bring It.
Triple H
Big Show
Chris Jericho (I can see him making his return to be apart of this storyline. Mystery man or something, I don't know.)

Team CeNation.
John Morrison
Jack Swagger
CM Punk
Wade Barrett

I believe that The Miz and Alberto Del Rio will be Heavyweight and WWE champions going into Survivor Series and this way you could have them defend their titles. However, we would probably see another Miz/Orton match and another Del Rio/Mysterio match. It would make sense for Del Rio vs Mysterio for the title as it rekindle's their feud but this time it adds something more to fight for. I wouldn't like to see it but this would be playing it safe and this way, it enables guys like Sheamus, Barrett and Punk who have previously had feuds with Cena to compete for him which would add good build up for the match.
This would be great. It would be a way to keep interest in Rock/Cena alive at a critical point prior to WrestleMania season and would be cool to watch- make it an Attitude vs PG match to sample the clash of the titans of those eras. A clash of generations at Survivor Series.

Team Rock

Big Show

Team Cena

John Morrison
Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio
Sin Cara

I'd say CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio but they'll probably still be heels and wouldn't team with the face Cena. Do this WWE. Guaranteed buys. An epic main event.

'Taker, HHH, Kane, and Big Show (with Christian)
Orton, Kingston, and a coupla of Luchadores? (with JoMo)?


Cara can BARELY work a 6-minute match with Jobber Primo Colon. No way in hell he'd look credible in a match with BIG guys like 'Show, Taker, and Kane. And why are HHH and Taker suddenly teammates after just spending 30 mins. beating the hell out of each other?

FWIW, I like your idea...just not the makeup of the teams, sorry.
I'll go with Miz defending the title thats fine, just a matter of who?

Agreed. Who. But since the Survivor Series match of Team Cena vs Team Rock would be Main Event maybe a surprise match. Maybe Daniel Bryan. Let the focus remain on the SS match but let Bryan take Miz to the time limit. No decision. Open up some big debate and talk. Give Bryan a real push.
To be hon3st it does sound like a huge match, but i Can't see WWE Creative ruining the Rock and Cena match 3 months before there face off. It wouldnt leave for a big stand off because we would all be sayin, "We seen this at Survivor Series" but my team would be...

Team Cena
John Cena
Big Show
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Jack Swagger - Face turn happening soon!

Team Rock
The Rock
Chris Jericho
The Great Khali
Cody Rhodes
Team Rock
The Rock
Chris Jericho
The Great Khali
Cody Rhodes

Khali? Really? I definitely wouldn't put Khali in this match. This is an opportunity for the younger guys to impress Vince and truly show what they are capable of, I just can't see Khali fitting in this match and as for what you said earlier, you just make Rock and Cena manager's of their teams and you could end the show with a standoff between the two.
My teams would look like this.

Team Cena:

John Cena
John Morrison
Daniel Bryan
Evan Bourne

Team Rock:
The Rock
Dolph Ziggler
Mark Henry
Big Show

Then Rock's music hits and he appears via satellite, and says he won't get in the ring until Mania, but someone owes him a favor. This leads to Miz bringing out Riley to take Rock's place.

I don't see it happening, but it would be great. A
What have Farooq, D-Lo Brown and Kama/Godfather all got in common? They are all very much on good terms with WWE, could all carry each other through a 10 man tag match and were all in the Nation Of Domination.

Mark Henry to make them a 5 man team. Imagine the Nations music playing and the 5 stood in the ring salluting just once more time? :)

If Rock was a heel then this would make complete sense. Sadly he isnt though.

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