Superstars That Should Be On TV

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
So for the people who actually keep up with Superstars (and to an extent, NXT) there's always those few superstars on the Superstars show that always seem to be too big for said show and it seems like they just need to be on one of the main rosters. Who are the people that you think should be on Raw or Smackdown?

For me, there's four people that I see constantly on Superstars, but just don't seem to fit there because they seem too "over" for the show. For me, those people are Trent Barreta, Tyson Kidd, Curt Hawkins, and Chris Masters. I was going to put Swagger and Bourne, but they've been on TV a lot recently.

For Trent and Tyson, I can't count how many times these two came out on Superstars and got some of the best reactions that I've ever heard. Just last week, Trent had probably the biggest pop pre-Triple H. His match with Heath Slater was not only entertaining, but innovative for WWE's stuff. If he could display that kind of work on TV in the mid-card division, he would be even higher than he is with the fans.

Kidd has this natural ring presence about him that speaks for itself. Give the guy Mason Ryan as a body guard and let them be the new Owen & Neidhart of sorts. Hell, even alone, Kidd has a lot inside of him that can propel him to a great IC champion like Owen once was.

Curt Hawkins, I've been a fan of since he was a Major Brother on ECW. I've always found him to be entertaining with Ryder, with Archer, and now when he's a singles star. His matches with Barreta on Superstars proves why he's really amazing.

Masters, it's simple. The guy has the physique that WWE needs to display. His in-ring is a bit left for wonders but it's WWE... this is the same promotion that got a near balding snowy white haired man over by doing a simple body slam and leg drop.

Another honorable mention would be JTG. But this only comes from recent terms, moreso last night. The guy is really great on the mic as a heel and he'd fit right in as a lacky for R-Truth right now. Hell, he'll even fit with CM Punk or Christian... just give him something to do on the tv screens.

-Anyway, who are some of the people you would like to see on the main rosters from Superstars (and somewhat NXT).
Trent Barreta is the first name that comes to mind. You made a good point about the crowd reaction he receives. He constantly gets good reaction, and he's a good wrestler with a unique style. I think it's only a matter of time before we see Barreta called up to Raw or Smackdown.

I also would like to see Chris Masters back on Raw or Smackdown. He may not be the best wrestler, but he has always entertained me. He has good physique, and his pec dance humors me. At times, he still gets good crowd reaction. I think if he was better on the stick, we would see him as a mainstay in the midcard scene.
I agree with the above poster on Chris Masters. Back when he debuted, he was a pretty good heel, good with the mic and was pretty good in the ring from what I remember (Unforgiven 2005 with Shawn Michaels was a good match) and he still has a good look now, is relatively young and I reckon he could go for a good heel run again. WWE should use him whilst they can.
I don't post on here MUCH, but when I do, about half the time it's to write about Trent Barreta. I think he's got a lot of potential, both in the ring (obviously) but also on the mic--when he was a Dudebuster with Caylon Croft, they'd get some mic time on ECW, and Trent could usually make me laugh. Which is kind of saying a lot, because WWE humor is usually pretty low-brow. During his little mini-feud with McIntyre a few months ago, he played the underdog really well, and I think the crowd responded to that. Give him a chance and I think he could get real over!

Stitch, I really like your idea of teaming Kidd with Ryan, too. If nothing else, they could at least get cheap heat for not being from the States. Kidd reminds me of some lame videogame villain, and with Ryan on his side, that would only be more pronounced. I think it could work!

Hawkins and Masters I don't see as much in, to be honest, but I don't have a strong opinion either way, really.

Maybe another name I'd throw in there is Tatsu... good in-ring skills, and, I don't know, I'm interested in wrestlers that aren't from the States. Having guys around like Gabriel, Barrett, Sheamus, etc., makes the WWE seem a bit more legit to me, like it's a globally-followed sport rather than some entertainment company that dudes in the burbs like to watch.
I think that Trent Barreta and Curt Hawkins have a ton of potential. I've never heard Barreta on the mic but he does seem to have some natural charisma and personality. He's also a lot of fun to watch inside the ring. Same goes for Hawkins and he's fully able to deliver solid promos if given mic time.

Both these guys are extremely young, in their mid 20s I believe, and they're paying their dues in WWE. I think the WWE is getting away from pushing guys heavily that are that young. Take Cena and Orton for instance. Before both of them were 30 years old, they were multi-time World Champions, had main evented huge ppvs and were just flat out on top of the wrestling world. Orton is only in his very early 30s and, frankly, there's really nothing left for him to accomplish in WWE. Cena's a little older, but still a young man and in the same position as Orton.
I usually think that the guys that work Superstars and dark matches are in that spot for a reason; they aren't ready to move up yet. I know a lot of people really want to see some of their favorite guys move up and there's nothing wrong with that at all. But just purely being subjective, none of these guys really bring anything unique to the table. The mid card is already full of good workers with minimal charisma and personally, I can do without adding a few more.

If I had to pick one person I want to see more of though, it'd be Tyler Reks. I don't know how good he is in the ring and I have no clue if the dude has any hidden charisma, but he has a very interesting look and a fucking devastating finisher. Sure, Trent, Hawkins, and Masters could all be decent guys to fill the under card and work solid matches, but Reks has the look of someone who could be the next monster heel that can actually work well. Kind of like Sheamus.
As everyone else have said Baretta is definitely one of the regulars on Superstars that I would like to see on Raw or SD. He's very exciting to watch, he's still very young (24) and from what I've seen he's very over with the crowd.

Curt Hawkins is another guy that deserves to be on Raw or SD every week. He's can deliver pretty good promos, he's solid in the ring and he also gets a good reaction from the crowd.
I agree with Barretta and Hawkins. I remember watching Superstars back when it was still on WGN, and they were involved in a small fued and Matt Striker gave the backstory of the history the two had. I thought the matches I seen between the two were better than almost anything on Raw or SD. I do see both of them as tag team guys though, I thought Hawkins and Vance Archer was a very interesting pairing and would have liked to seen them pushed, but that never happened.

Tyler Reks needs to be on TV too. There is so much potential being wasted here if you ask me. The guy has a good skill set, he has a hell of a look, yet he hasn't did hardly anything since being moved to Raw on a heel loaded roster. I hope he survives the house cleaning and can get a small push if nothing else.
JTG needs to be on TV more often. They should learn from what he did this last Friday and start pushing him

Drew McIntyre needs to get back on TV too. What was the point in moving him to Raw, the main show, if he's just getting jobbed out on Superstars?

Tatsu needs a gimmick change before TV. There's been too many "happy little Asian boy" gimmicks in WWE (Hell, even Tajiri had to start off with it. The only East Asian superstar without it was Kenzo Suzuki, and that fell to pieces)

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