Super Cena Strikes Again

Maybe I'm crazy ...

The last I saw Wyatt hit his finish on Cena, then paraded out of the ring and sauntered down the stairs. My friends, that is going over. Hit your finish and win.

For those saying Wyatt looked weaker than Cena ... of course he did!

Cena is the top baby. He's the guy. No one is stronger than 'the guy'. Only one person matched Hogan's strength and that was 'the next guy' (Warrior). Even Undertaker had to cheat to beat Hogan.

I can count on one hand the number of times Austin (when top face) lost clean. Same with Bret. Same with Rock. Same with Sting. Same with Goldberg. Same with Savage. Cena, as top face, has done more jobs than that entire group, combined.

When you are on top as a face you are booked to look stronger. For a community filled with so much knowledge, you'd think this point would be glaring.

Just because you don't like a guy, doesn't mean you have the authority to rewrite history or change facts. Baseless assumptions centered around your personal opinion (and desire to fit in with the rest of the IWC) are silly.
I don't think the question is should Bray Wyatt have cheated to win its a question of much cheating it took to do so. Considering I was in the impression that they were building up Wyatt to be a top legit heel (he did beat Bryan clean after all) it doesn't do a whole lot for Bray to win in what was basically a 3 on 1 handicap match, and even those three couldn't do and needed some kid to distract Cena.

So yeah I see the OP's point and I had the exact same sentiments. Cena doesn't have to lose clean but the way he was protected was overkill.
Daniel Bryan is not 'the guy.' He isn't going to be as protected. Putting up a brilliant effort but losing is part of the DB lore (kind of like late-career HBK.)

It took a tombstone on a chair Undertaker to beat Hogan. It took a scepter to the skull for Slaughter to beat Warrior. It took salt to the eyes to for Yokozuna to beat Bret Hart. It took fire in the face for Yokozuna to beat Hogan. It took a camera to the skull for Sid to beat HBK. It took a cracking chair shot to the head for Sid to beat Bret Hart. It took Kane's mask hiding his blood for Kane to beat Austin. It took five run-ins, two special (heel) referees and a fast count for Undertaker to beat Austin. It took a double chokeslam and double pin in essentially a handicap match for Undertaker and Kane to beat Austin.

All those examples are legit, top, giant heels who had to pull out every dirty trick in the book to beat smaller, top faces. This is how the game is played.

I get it. The IWC loves Bray Wyatt and anything other than Sister Abigail and a clean pin is Wyatt being buried and Cena being protected. Despite the fact that opinion is absolutely asinine, it just isn't the way the wrestling business has ever worked or will ever work.
Never said heels couldn't use dirty tricks. But those samples you mentioned (well a number of them) did involve some foreign objects of some kind and bit of interference at some point. Problem with The Bray/Cena match was that the whole match was one interference.

All those samples you mentioned with various matches had two guys one-on-one for most of the match. Were there interferences or foreign objects? Sure but it was near the conclusion of the match. Triple H beat Austin but it took The Rock accidently hitting a Sledge hammer on Austin, Hogan was one on one with Taker but Hogan had a hard time figuring out Taker and even after Taker beat Hogan, Hogan would play dirty in the rematch as well.
I remember watching live when Vader beat Sting. It was a surreal moment because Sting was 'the guy'. Vader then became a force and was a monstrous, dominant heel and the clear and dominant monster for the good guys to chase. The clean win cemented Vader in his spot.

The same cannot be said for Bray Wyatt. You want someone to place blame on, don't look at Cena. He played his role as 'the guy'. Point your fingers (and anger) at HHH, Orton and Batista (and part time Lesnar).

Wyatt is the #4 heel. It makes zero sense for the #4 heel to beat the #1 baby clean. It didn't make sense in 1904, 1964, 1984 and still doesn't in 2014.

That top heel spot will be Bray's. It will be Bray's sooner than you think. But it is not right now. And that means it simply doesn't make any long term sense for him to cleanly beat Cena.

When Bray Wyatt beat DB clean, that was a big deal and a spot-affirming win. He's a semi-main event heel with a great spot and bright future ahead of him. But that future isn't now. It certainly isn't at a B-level PPV like Extreme Rules.

I think most posters here are smart enough to put 2+2+2 together and realize the situation and timing for a big Wyatt moment is on the horizon. Extreme Rules isn't the time or place.

Until then, until the time is right, Cena will and should be protected. He's the man.

Then, when someone does cleanly beat him, it is a big deal. Like Punk in Chicago or Bryan at SS.

If Cena is going to be beaten cleanly, it is going to be in the world series, game 7 in the bottom of the tenth, not one week after the all-star break.

Most importantly, remember -- this is a long form narrative, not a campus poetry slam. WWE is finally building an old-school, personal, character driven program. Let's not piss on them for finally doing something right.

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