Rumor: Ascending To The Family?


As we've all seen through the vignettes over the past few weeks, Bray Wyatt has set Luke Harper and Erick Rowan "free." Exactly what this means right now is all up the air as far as Harper & Rowan are concerned, apart from no longer being with the Wyatt Family. According to Dave Meltzer at, there's a rumor going about that The Ascension might be brought up from NXT and be put with Bray Wyatt.

It seems like a fit that's simultaneously odd and sensible. Both acts go for the creepy, other worldly sort of aspect though The Ascension seems a bit more along the lines of The Undertaker whereas Wyatt is more of a backwoods cult leader. Still, it's an interesting rumor that has some possibilities.
One thing I hope is that Bray Wyatt becomes more of a Semi-Active/Manager type, and I think given the potential of the Ascension(whilst this is just a rumour and could be empty), it could be a new and interesting direction for Bray going forward as long as he isn't just treated like any other midcard heel on the roster(with Random meaningless matches, etc).

As Harper and Rowan...I see Harper being a solid midcarder, but Rowan will find it more difficult, unless they both stick together as a Tag Team, where the latter might survive based on that.

Anyways, seems an interesting idea on how to have the Ascension debut. Maybe with the Ascension probably losing their feud with Hideo Itami and Finn Balor on NXT, maybe Bray can make an appearance there and 'recruit' them on NXT itself.
It's too soon to break up The Wyatt Family. There's too much potential for them as a babyface unit first.

But yeah, bring up the Ascention, have them feud with Rowan & Harper before eventually replacing them and aligning with Bray.
WWE seems intent on breaking up the old Wyatt Family, so if he did recruit the Ascension to join up with him and created the new Wyatt Family, i wouldn't hate it. i think Bray Wyatt should continue to be a cult leader type of character and add new recruits and build them up and WWE needs more tag teams...i'm hoping they keep Rowan and Harper together as a team, but they likely won't. Rowan needs to go back to NXT if he is to be used as a singles star, Harper however should immediately be thrown in the IC title mix as he can go in the ring, but anyways, i hope Wyatt does recruit a new tag team to the mix. if it's not the Ascension, then maybe recruit some other NXT guys or add his real life brother and another young guy to the team.
While I think the Ascension call up is a bit overdue, breaking up the Wyatts right now isn't the right call in my opinion. I think a lot of the break up is speculation at best, but regardless, after the vignettes the last two weeks we finally are getting into some of the back story of Harper and Rowen. Rowen as this man child is fascinating to me, and it could lead to some sympathy for the Wyatts if we are to believe their face turn on the horizon.

Give them some time. They have been off TV for a few weeks, and it appears they are bringing them back with some more detailed stories on the characters. Hopefully this means they also have a solid feud in the works as well.
Rowen as this man child is fascinating to me

Agreed. Such a simple little thing has suddenly given him a character. They should play this up. Have him staring off into neverneverland like he was when sitting with that wagon. Could be kind of like a Festus like thing, where instead of him going off when he hears the ring bell (as that was rather stupid), have him act harmless most of the time but go ape shit whenever somebody lays a hand on him. And ffs don't break these 2 up as a tag team. They work together.
Meh. They kinda dropped the ball with the Wyatt family anyway. Speaks to how clueless they. Triple H said he was very proud, like a dad, when Wyatt was an instant succes. And then they go and book him like they have been for the past few months and also lets not forget Cena's stomach is still digesting Wyatt that's why he's off TV, he can't physically be there. His stomach must be big as hell if they can make those "You're set free" videos there.

Breaking up the Wyatts is way too soon. As people have stated, there is money in them as a face group. Also they should have won the tag titles a while ago. The Ascension imho are pretty bad wrestlers. I have watched a lot of their matches and they are VERY mediocre ( Also Connor looks weird imo ). They have a good sounding theme and a decent gimmick but they arent at the level of Rowan and Harper imo. Also they dont really fit the cult leader type followers.

The Ascension should be brought in and have them destroy the present champions and just get them in the tag team division and let the family ALONE. If they want to break up the family just let Wyatt fly solo so he can be the star he is ment to be on his own, I mean the star that the WWE dictates if he's gonna be or not.
And yes I'm very bitter.
I was hoping personally that the Wyatts would turn face vs the Authority, resulting in Kane arranging for the Ascension to make their way up to Raw as additional muscle. And hopefully stop him from wrestling so damn much in his current get up.
As the girl says in the taco commercial "Why not both?" I would absolutely love the idea of a super faction. When was the last time we saw one where it was 2 teams molding together into 1? They could just cause destruction week in and out. Like someone else said, Bray recruits Ascension on NXT, next week on Raw he comes out with the new Wyatt Family. They both can remain individual tag teams, but they both do Bray's bidding.

Say they build up Harper and Rowan as tag contenders, then Bray can use Ascension to help him in his feuds. In my world, we'd have them unite for about 2-3 months and have the original family win the tag belts. Then give them a couple months but gradually build to the fact the Ascension are jealous. Have this last 3-4 months, so to around May and have the Ascension turn on the Wyatt Family. Not because they're the "good guys" because I want them heels. I want it to be a split where the fans are booing Ascension and cheering the Wyatts. Of course, Wyatt's need to lose tag gold to Ascension. Give them a couple months as the Wyatt Family again till maybe next August and have Harper and Rowan turn on Bray, thus he is still a face.

If they did this we'd have:
Super Wyatt faction(The domination people wanna see out of them)
Face Wyatt's eventually(the IWC and casual fans want this)
Bray going solo down the line(he needs to if he wants to become a legend imo)
Ascension get brought up
This is just crazy, but then it's wrestling. The Wyatt's first of all have been booked horribly. You have the leader, sort of a crazy cult person, who can't get anyone to join his cult, and loses almost every high profile match he's in.

Out of the two members he does have, one Rowan, is forgettable, and Harper is a better wrestler than their leader. I just hope that Harper's career takes off, I think he's fantastic, and he plays the part of a crazy lunatic foot soldier to a T.
Rowan, well not so much.

But the Ascension, seriously, really. They have ruled NXT for the better part of a year, and destroyed everyone they came up against. They never needed a leader or someone to show them how to do it, they did it on their own.

I have a feeling that booking doesn't know what to do with the Wyatt's and obviously Bray. So it's let lump him in with another established tag team. I don't see this ending pretty for all involved, and wish that creative, and I use that term loosely, would get their heads out of their asses, and start doing their jobs.
Eh, I don't know, they should be very "restyled". The best thing about Harper and Rowan is that they truly look the part.

Also let's not forget that even if they are "free" I doubt they'll drop the gimmick so... I dunno, I'm not sure that those (awesome btw) promos necessarely mean that they'll separate from Bray.
the only thing that would make sense for bray to do is to take 'lost wrestlers' and have them find their way. ryder, slater, fandango(change his name back to johnny curtis) to name a few easiest thing ever let this dude talk for them and how the man tried to break these guys and hold them down blah blah its almost so easy it'll kind of establish new characters, they don't need to be title guys but guys who can work a good match and what not

make him a real like cult leader david koresh type

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